New Genesis

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Alex...has no idea where he is going. The portal, The Boomtube that he is going through he unlike anything he had ever went into. While he Portals he go though instantly send him to one place, the portal that he is in is like a spiraling tunnel that is constantly swirling around. The fact that he is seeing this is making him very, very dizzy.

And he is not the only one that is feeling very dizzy about what he is going through. Wanda is holding her mouth, as if she is about to puke. Firestorm is holding onto his head, as if the entire thing is giving him a headache. Ben forced himself to turn into Alien X to remain in his statue state. Rex and the others...they are simply knocked out. Aqualeily...she's simply as gooey as a jellyfish would be. Guess this must be her kind's own expression of being sick. And Miss Martian's form is kind of more liquified.

Alex tried to to what he can to keep himself conscious. But it was all for not. Before he blacked out...he felt like he landed on something. It was a grass.


Alex moans out, as he began to open his eyes. He than looks around, as he began to get off of was a bed that he was getting off of.

"Ghhhhhhh...what in the world happened?"

As he spoke out, a voice, which is male, than out.

"Good, you're awake."

This made Alex turn to see 2 people.

Alex than began to sit up straight, as he spoke out.

"'re Scot and Big Barda, Right?"

The man with the hood, Scot, nodded his head, as Big Barda spoke out.

"You're correct. Bekka seems to have told you about the both of us, as well as our history, judging from the way you're acting."

Alex nodded, as he spoke out.

"Where...where are the others?"

Scot stood up, as he spoke out.

"They are doing fine. They had just been knocked out. You're friend, Wanda, as Bekka called her...she has threw up in my Miracle Suit, since the experience with the Boomtube became too much for her. And my wife almost knocked Wanda down, but I was able to get her to relax. They are outside now, recovering, if you are wandering. Bekka, though, he is going to be in our hospital, just in case there is any sort of damage. But how did you find Bekka, if you don't mind us asking?"

Alex, although beginning to strain a bit from sitting up, began to explain everything, how they went to the Darkness Below, how they found Bekka, and Bekka telling them about the Scarlet King, who is responsible for all this mess, and where they had also went, while also meeting up with Ben and the others. When Alex finished, Big Barda stood up, and spoke out to her Husband.

"Scot...maybe we should send a message to Orion, your brother. This sounds very serious."

Scot nodded, as he spoke out.

"We will. But first...Alex...if that is your name."

Alex nodded, as he spoke out.

"That is correct, Scot."

Scot spoke out, while clearing his throat.

"(Ahem) Alex, do you want us to escort to where your friends are at right now?"

Alex nodded, as he spoke out.

"Please do."

Alex than began to stand up, although he is still a bit shaky from his experience with the Boomtube, he kept himself together, and stood up perfectly straight. Scot and Barda turn around, and spoke out.

"Follow me and Barda."

Alex than began to walk, almost in a limp-like fashion, as they walked out of the building they are in. But when Alex and the 2 New Gods stepped into the light...Alex was instantly in awe of what he is seeing. The buildings were futuristic and beautiful, almost like the Gods had the architect of divine grace. He has no words on how this is the case.

"This...this is so beautiful."

Alex said, as he looked down at the ground. But it didn't take long for Alex Mercer to realize the place that he is in right now.

"Woah...wait...are we in what I think we are in?"

Scot nodded, as turned to face Alex directly, and spoke out.

"That is right, Alex. This is the city of the New Gods, a city that the realm of New Genesis."

Alex...despite the fact that he is standing on one place, could see the entirety of the city somehow. This is really making him very confused, as he has no idea what is even happening.

"Wow. Must be a haven for anyone to be in."

The 2 New Gods nodded, as they continued onward to fight Alex's friends. Alex, while continuing to walk, could not help by feel in awe by the beauty and design of the place that he is in. All the stuff is futuristic, but in an impossibly beautiful way. He is lucky that he isn't human anymore, or this would've been too much for Alex himself. Wait...Ben's still human, right?

After a little bit of more walking, they finally have arrived at where they needed to be, where Alex's friends are at right now. Most of the group are covered in bandages, due to the battle they went into, and some of them getting physically hurt. The only ones that don't need bandages are M'gann, Knockout, Rex, and Aqualeily, due to their quicker healing kicking in to fix their bodies. But Bekka was not here, meaning that she is still inside of hospital, or, New Genesis' version of a Hospital, until she can be able to get back up again.

Once they saw Alex coming, Aqualeily ran to Alex, and hugged him.

"Careful, Aqualeily. I'm still recovering a little bit."

Aqualeily lets go of Alex, and spoke out.

"Sorry about that. I'm just so happy that you are still alive."

Alex nodded, but he wasn't ready when Knockout went behind of Alex, and hugged him.

"I'm also happy, too!! C'mere!!!"


Alex shouts, as he rose off of the ground, while Aqualeily tries to pray Alex off of Knockouts grip. But the strength of Aqualiley is nothing to a God's.

Scot chuckled, as he spoke out.

"Heh. Just like back when we were younger, huh?"

Barda nodded, as she spoke out.

"Yes, it definitely is like that. But let us not waste anymore time, Scot."

Scot nodded, as they walked to where another New God is at. This one, is called Lightray.

Like Knockout, nobody knows exactly what Lightray's real name is. But they do know what he is like. A charming, happy, and joyous type of fellow, but can still be very difficult to deal with, due to being able to fly faster than most New Gods, and can fire solar-condensed energy blasts from his hands.

Lightray looks at Scot and Barda, and he can guess that they have something important to talk to Orion about, who is ruling Apokolips.

"Is it something that Orion should know, Scot?"

Scot nodded, as he spoke out.

"Good News, the people that had dropped into New Genesis, they also found Bekka, his wife."

Lightray smiled, as he spoke out.

"Good News?! That is incredible news, Scot!!"

Scot smiled, but than frowned a bit again, when Barda spoke out.

"Bad News...well...this is something that I need to talk to Orion about. And believe me, this is very, very important, Lightray."

Lightray could easily tell that Barda really means, and spoke out that the 2 of them.

"I'll make a Boomtube for you both to go through. Hang on."

He than gets out a Motherbox, and presses a button, which made a dinging sound, and opened a Boomtube in the air.

"Ready to go, Barda?"

Barda nodded, and spoke out.

"Anytime with you, my beloved Scot."

Scot smiled, but than closed his eyes, as if he is focusing on something inside of his body. His fists clenched, as he began to close his eyes even more.

Suddenly, Scot began to glow, until he was in what seems to be his usual outfit form when he was much younger.

He is even able to summon some of the Aero Disks out of complete nowhere, somehow.

"Mother! Father!"

The couple turned around to see their daughter, Avia, who is running towards them.

"Where are you both going?"

Scot than spoke out to his daughter.

"We're going to see Orion. It is something very important that we need to message him on."

Big Barda than turns around, and spoke out to the daughter.

"So would you mind keeping your brother, Jacob, out of trouble?"

Avia nodded, and spoke out to them.

"Will do."

Big Barda smiled and nodded, before she than began to levitate from the ground, and when they both began to hold each other's hands, they fly fast, right into the Boomtube, which closes behind them both.

With Alex...

Alex began to walk around of the city. He is surprised to see that all of the New Gods act so much like humans, and mainly for the fact that they has families that they attention to. Than again, they are very different compared to the Old Gods, who rarely express traits such as this. But as he began to walk past the garden, a small and young female voice than spoke out to him from the left.

"Umm...excuse me, mister?"

Alex turns around to the direction of the voice, and saw a young New Goddess Child, at what seems to be a type of beautiful garden.

AnAlex looks at the small New Goddess Child, as he spoke out to her.

"Is there something I can help you with, miss?"

Sera nodded, as she spoke out.

"Do you mind helping me with the plants?"

Alwx nodded, as he went to the girl, and formed gloves out of his biomass, though he made sure the kid doesn't see it. When he reveals his gloves, he goes to work to help the kid with her plants. The girl looks as they both work, and spoke out.

"Are you an Old God? Because your aura, it feels so ancient."

Alwx looks down a bit, as he tries to gather the right choice of words.

"Well, I was a normal normal human, at first. But than, I was remade into a child of an Old God. Although that was not from my decision."

The girl looks at him,  as she spoke with curiosity present.

"What is it like to be one? Is it similar to us New Gods?"

Alex he spoke out.

" Old Gods...we are a very...very frightening species of deities, with rarely any Old Gods that aren't bad people. Did you even have any evil New Gods?"

The female New Goddess child nodded, as Alex spoke out.

"Well...the Old Gods, even compared to the evil New Gods, are simply beyond it. They do things that are too evil for even a New God to understand. And worse is that they truly have no limits to how far their evil extends. But...the Old Gods that help humanity also have no limits to how much they want to help people. In fact, some of the Old Gods want to even help improve a different species immensely. And at times...they simply just don't care. Luckily though, they aren't interfering just yet. And even more luckily, I was able to make some friends that gave me a reason to keep on going on, you know."

The female smiled a bit, as she began t go back to work on the plants, when suddenly, they heard some shouting that is far, and yet, is still loud to hear.

"Jacob?! What are you doing?! Please stop that!!"

The 2 turned to see Avia, who is chasing after her younger and mischievous brother, Jacob Free.

"I can't help it, sis! It is just so fun!!"

"This isn't funny, just stop!!"

Alex simply looked confused at what is going on, but simply shrugged and continue the work for a little bit more.

After they are done with what they are doing, Alex stood up, and brushed some of the dirt off of his pants, as he spoke out.

"Well...I better get going. It was nice working with you, but I need to go back with my friends."

The female smiles at Alex, a she began to walk away, happy that there is someone that's very kind and helpful to the girl.

"Thank you. Do you mind telling me your name?"

Alex looks down for a bit, before speaking out.

"Blacklight. Call me Blacklight."

Sera smiled, as she spoke out.

"It was nice meeting without, Blacklight."

Alex smiled, and spoke out.

"You too."

Alex than stood up, and with one last wave of his hand, he began to walk away from the little girl.

"Huh. Guess it will be far more interesting that even what I can imagine after all."

Alex spoke out, as he began to walk back to his friends, assuming that they haven't left somewhere that is very important.

Back on Earth...

The battle is still happening. The Foundation is still as relentless as ever to make sure humanity could still thrive in the end. Abel, Grayven, and Grail are attacking with all that they can to make sure that they can still exist in the end.

A general of the SCP Foundation later shown up in the Endo-Sym armor, and begun to fire the blasts of energy at the Demons that's attacking.

But these aren't the only things that the Foundation brought into the fight. They also brought in the Sentinels to fight against the Demons.

These ones, however, are building sized, and simply swished on the demons like they are bugs. Some of the demons simply dented the metal, but they are incinerated by the energy body's of the Sentinels themselves. They continued to squish them, but there are giant sized demons that appeared into the fighting, forcing them to team up and take them down. But what the Foundation and everyone not knowing, is that they are being watched.

Back In the throne of Darkness...

The Scarlet King sits on the throne, with the chains of his spawns, whom he had to keep in check, due to their tendency to get a bit ballistic sometimes. He is impressed on how stubborn the Groups of Interests in the SCP Earth and the Plumbers in Ben's Earth are. And the equipment that they have is something that he is also impressed at. But they do not surprise him, as he knows that there are potential for stuff like this to happen. He also watches with his many eyes at the other alternate Earths that are trying to fight back against him, with some worlds not even being invaded, as he observes everything in sight, even Fifth World itself, that the so-called New Gods had named it.

To say that the worlds of Apokolips and New Genesis, as well as the New Gods living there, made him interested, would be an understatement. He is very impressed and intrigued at how the New Gods can think similar to humans, and even more so have feelings compared to regulars humans. He even met and consumed a New God, Yuga Khan, as he is aptly named. This Yuga Khan was a very tough opponent, requiring the Scarlet King to use most of his immense strength. Yuga Khan was impressive, but not even he has the power to take on an Old God, such as the King that Rose from the Bleeding. When he consumed him, he not only added his strength and powers to his own, the Scarlet King has also gained some knowledge of the 'Source' as the New Gods called it, and even knowledge of the New Gods themselves, as Yuga Khan watched what happened when he was trapped inside of the Source Wall. The New Gods, while not as powerful as Yuga Khan himself, they are powerful in their own right, and even possess powers that the Scarlet King was not familiar with.

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The Scarlet King continues to observe, and even he himself has to admit...he has never seen anything like this before. These so called New Gods that they are seen even possessed a true form of their own, and the human-like entities that he is seeing are simply extensions of themselves, avatars, as they are called. He looked at their true forms, and they are a sight of utter agony to him when he looks at the ones from New Genesis, while the true forms of those from Apokolips are so dark, and frightening, so...very beautiful. It is a beauty that only the King can even comprehend.

But as he looks...suddenly, he felt a presence coming. This is very powerful...and it is a presence that he cannot ignore. Standing up, he than looks at the direction of the source of the power that he is feeling, and then, spoke out.

"̶̻͕̳̎̄̏͋͝ͅI̵̛̯͎͕̬̽ ̴͚̄̒͒K̶̡̗̀Ǹ̵̯Ǫ̸͈̽W̸̨̢͒̔͂̊͝ ̵̭̺͆̀̿̿̚Ỷ̵̢̖̻͙̉̀̋͘O̵͍͇̠̬̤̒͌U̵̩͆͝ͅ ̶̻̯̝͇̪̑̓͠Á̵̩̭̤̫R̶͎̦̮̞͗͊͑̀̕Ę̵̞͙͈͉̀̏͒̃ ̵̡̡̳̿C̷͖̗̄̇̌Ọ̶͈̜̹͕̽̔́M̷̢͈̬̈́̚Í̸͖͍Ņ̸̩̩͕́͋̓̈́̕G̷̢̪̙̰̀̀͂̋̽͜.̷̢͎͔̠͓̇̂ ̶̹̙̟̩͎̾̈D̴̢̼̾̾O̵̘̪̟̗͙̓͐̇̚ ̴̣̹̱̬̓̊̈͘N̴̡͓͂̑O̶̢̯̖͉͕͛T̴̡̬̆ ̶̯̙̳̑Ḣ̸̗I̷̯̔̇Ḍ̶͗̒E̶̛̜̪͓̿ ̶͈͙̻̺̹̇̄F̸̧͓͚̖̥́̌͝R̵̠̪̉̔O̸̓͊̀͊̉͜M̸͔͖̆͋̄ ̵̟͈͍̳͗̀̕Ṁ̴̲͖̖̠͍E̸̪͕̻̎͋̇̈́̚ ̴̤͍̤͎͆͋͜A̷͓̮̪͉̗̔̎̌N̸̪̯̳̊͝͠D̵̞̈̐̆͘͝ ̸̺̲̯̳͍̅͐́͝S̸̭̃̄H̴͇̜̱̼̉͜͝Õ̶̝͂W̴̺͆̚͘ ̸̼͓̙͒̀̽̉Y̴̗̖̗̑O̵̳̘̪̥͊͠Ṵ̷̅͛̇R̷̯̻̺̈͑S̷̲̳̠͌̂͝Ȩ̵̹͓̀̌͜Ḻ̷̨̊͋̍F̷̧̡̖̉,̴̧̈́ ̵͈̺̩̐̾͂O̸̢̰͔̗̱̅͗̉Ŕ̶̨̯̳̼̩̇̓͝ ̷̛͔͔͉̣͊͜B̴̮͕̪͉̆Ȇ̶̫͚̗̖͆̊̔ͅ ̸̡̼͍̮̐̊̋̚C̶̻̞̒͆͛͗͒Ǫ̷͕͎̩̰͛Ň̴͓̬͉̗̈́̅ͅS̶͇̊̈͛U̵̧͇̿̐̍͜͝Ṃ̵́̉͛̉ͅE̷̛͎̰̣̩̘͒D̵͓̜̱̤̔̿̒̈́͊ ̵̙̻̤͍̈́̀́B̸̻̟̼̐̀̏Ÿ̴̝̥̱̯̳́̽̃̓́ ̵̧̟̠̭̹̌́͋͛T̸̥̤͕͔͛́́͜H̷͔̾́̐̕Ȅ̶͙̼͙̠̑͜ ̸͓̘̇̃̄͑̚L̸͈͉̮͈̞̍̚Ȍ̷̧͙͍̻̌̄̒̐R̷̳͙̋̐͐Ḍ̸̞̫̗̼̐͗́̐̿ ̵̜̪̞͒̔͜O̷̙̥̒̅F̴̨̨̙̻́̔̎͐̄ ̸̳̳̥̝͖͂̏T̷̨̛̯̻͈̆́̉̄H̷̹̒̌͜͠E̵̩̼̘͔̮̐̓̆ ̸̨̫̥̘͐T̶̬͌H̷̪̼̅̓͊ͅR̸̞̫͓̎͋̚Ò̴̡̭͉̇̅̕Ñ̸̤̰̺̒̀̔̈́Ḛ̸̡̮̱̭̒ ̸̨̻̫̌͘͝ͅO̶̡̥͔̳̅F̶̡͓̘̈́ ̶͉͔͉̣͛͝D̵̬̯̟̠̬̈́̽Ë̸̞͓͙́Ş̵͎̮̇͝P̸̧̐A̶̹͋̆I̷̳̓͋̐͝R̴̢̥̘͛͋̇̆.̵̨̛̙͓͎͖͆͛̍̓"̴͎̇͗͐́

It was silent at first...until purple glowing energy appeared out of nowhere, and began to come towards the Scarlet King. The energy began to pulse and pop, as if it is a living liquid in a cauldron. It than began to go into the shadows of the King's hall...before a shine of light reveals a new shape, which look humanoid in appearance, but with some strange tubes on the arms and chest of the entity. And the tubes themselves are glowing what seem to be a type of orange color. There are even symbols that glow on the fade that the Scarlet King does not recognize. But the Scarlet King was not afraid of the entity's power, as he turns to the direction of the entity, and spoke out in a commanding voice, sounding rather annoyed.

"̵͚͈͇̹͇͛̋Ẇ̸͕͊̅̚͝Ĥ̴͔̣̲̈́̽̋A̴̮͋̾̓̓́T̶̢̛̼͐̃̿͑͜ ̶̣̫̎͌̑͝Ḁ̵̈̀̐͠R̶̛͎͙̙͋̀͘E̴̖̝͘ ̵̬̫̱̲͂͗̾͒͝Ȳ̵̜̲͔O̶̖̿̋̄̋͠Ư̶̫͉͇̹̓͆̕ ̸̦͈̽͋S̷͔͊͐͆̓͂U̴͕̩̐͗͝P̴̨̲͎̱̆͌P̷͙̣̓̕Ơ̷̫͚̖͔̤͋͘S̵̢̹̖͎̈͋̄̿̕ͅẺ̵̟͉͙͎̼́̽̐̚Ḏ̷͔̜̦̉͛̓ͅ ̶̼̘̼̌̍͜T̷̼̗͉̬͋̍̉̈́O̵̼̓̾ ̷̢̫̖̱̠̏B̸̰̱͖̜̐Ẹ̴̍̽,̶̧̡̢͍̻̎̎̽ ̷̳̥̈̋̂̈́͠Y̴̯͉̓͑̍͠Ö̶̡͙̝͍̭́̉Ǘ̷̖̫̝͝ ̸̧̹̲̽́͆̍̽F̴͔͉̘̰̊́̈́̈́Ó̶͔͑͑͝O̴̗̭̬̜͋L̷̩̭̪͈͋ͅ?̴̨͎̙̹̂͝"̸̖̫̀̇͑͠͠

The entity than spoke out, in a dark divine tone of its own.

"Do not worry. I'm not here to fight you."

But the Scarlet King was not convinced, and spoke out to the mysterious being.

"̶͔͎̋̌W̶̞̋͌̿̇H̴̱̜͓̯͒̒̅̂ͅŸ̵̲͈͉́͛͗̉̀͜ ̴̜͋̀̆̒͝Ḋ̶̳̌͝Ö̴̧͚̙̱́̇͌̉̿ ̷̎ͅÝ̴̰͇̺Ơ̸̻̻̙͇̎͠Ů̵̞̤͓͔̓ ̵͖̰̝̯̦̽̏̅̚͠D̶̤̿̏̾A̴̧̫͓͑͐̓͜R̶̢͍̝̼̜͘̕Ḙ̶͖̻̎͋̈́̏ ̸͉̜̐͝ͅI̵̩̘͔̠̎͆͗̃͜N̴̪̠̝̱͗V̸̗̬̝̮͐̅A̸̠̔̂D̶̪͈͕̬̂̑̕E̸̝̼̭̩̞̋́͑̉͘ ̶̫̙̣͖͒̽͠M̷̝͒Y̴̧̢͚̰̓̀̈́̏͑ ̵̙̟̳̿͌̈̏T̷̨̧̲̮̼̈́̒H̶̨̞͈̓̾̿̀̓R̸͓̩̮̝̍̿̽ͅȎ̴̙́N̶̫̮̈̃͘E̶͙͉͓̮͛̈́́͐͘ ̷̦͔͈̮̉̔͆͘A̴͍̝͋̾̅͜N̷̛̞̥̟͂͒Ḓ̶̝̌̂ ̵̒̽͊ͅM̶̖͚̍͒̈́Ẏ̷̙̝ ̷͉̜̼̀͝K̴̨̘̯̠̑̃I̴̛͂͊̏͝ͅŅ̶̗̓͗̆͝G̸̥͕̼͐̃̈̀D̴̥͖͐͝O̸̫̱̳͛̄͝͝ͅM̵̬̠̹̽̉͋̊̍?̷̮͔͚̋̾͗"̸̱͖͂̿̔

The entity looks at the Scarlet King, as he spoke out.

"Because I have a proposal for you, Scarlet Kinng. And it isn't just for me. It is for my mother, who wants to see you."

The Scarlet King, for once, does actually seem interested. So calming down a little bit, he than spoke out to the mysterious entity that had appeared before him.

"̷̩̗̈́̓Y̸̨͎̯̣̊̌͂͗Ǫ̶̙͚̜̐Ủ̷͎̓ ̵̖̣̙͛̂̄H̶̭͍͙̏͊̌͑ͅÀ̴͍̕͝V̵̼̰͒̃̐̓E̶̟̹̮͒͊͠ͅ ̵̞͇̄D̶̛̤̳̖̤̀̚Ë̵̹̻̓̕͜F̴̳̭̈́̈͝I̶̟̽Ń̷͔̣̤̋I̸̧̝͗͊̎͝T̶̛̪̬̙̾̊͊E̵͓̬̒Ļ̶̳̜̆̉̓Ÿ̸̫̩͚́̔ ̷̟̿̏̕C̴̲͒͜Ā̵̮̞́U̴̜̇͒̊ͅG̴̗̫̙͐͌H̵̱̙̖̊̿͜T̴̨̯̫̱̒ ̷̧̲̳̥͛͛͘M̷̹̣͇̾Y̵̺̼̳͑ ̷̩͍̄́̈̕ͅI̶͉̅̿N̷̜͚̟͗̒͘T̵̮̠̃͝E̴̙͙̎̓̒R̷͕̩̺͕̾E̸̠͕̥̍͛́̐ͅS̴̨̛̞̼͉̆͗T̴͈̽.̵̖̖̜̽̿ ̸̤͛̃̇V̵͇͖̖̟͋́͊E̷͔̺̥͛ͅR̶̭̿Ÿ̷̤͇̓ ̷͇̝͖̠̎̄̐W̸̮̲̜͌E̶͍̹͊L̶̢̢̧͍̈́̆̄͆L̸̡̨͐͒.̴͇͓͉̐̕̕ͅ ̸̝̊Ğ̶̣I̴̫͐̃̌V̸̥́́Ë̴̞̭́̓̌͋͜ ̵̨̙͉̻͗͐̊͠M̴̳̫͑̉̾Ẻ̶̙̊͒͠ ̵̹̂A̷̗͂̾L̶͓̠̳̞͌͗̉͝Ļ̴͖̓ ̶͓͙̓̄ͅT̴͍͊̎̈́͝H̷̙̼̔̈Ê̶̜̬̗͎͋ ̶͓̏͝Ì̶̤͇̗͍̐N̷̨͍͌F̶̺̊̍͘O̶̯͖̤̼̍̔̆͝Ř̷̫̩̼̼M̷͈͚̜̖͠Ā̶̫͕T̵̤͂͑Ị̷̢̽O̴̲̟̹̐̐̉͝Ň̸̤͝ ̴̞͙͍́Y̵͖̅̓Ò̴̼̇H̵̼̘̅́͋͌ ̷̗̻̉C̵̨̡̍͌̑A̵̡͒N̴̳̎̏͋̚ ̶̞̘̾͗̊G̸̹͍̔̽I̵̧̬͈̅ͅV̴͚͚̻̎È̴̢͓̽̂ ̷͉̟̎̆M̷̭̅̆E̴̺̜͛̈́̓͠ ̸̭̻̜̙͛̿̂̚Ọ̸̦̪̱̇̇̅͘N̵̡̋̀̚ͅ ̵̡͚͙̺͋͑̓T̶͖͖͕̠͗̈́̍̚H̸̥̒͒̕E̵̥̩͛ ̶̲̠̼̠͐̈S̷̨͂͑O̸̺̎̏-̶̡̈̌C̷̠͎͉̾͛A̴͈̖̽͌L̸͈̩͎̏̌͑͊L̶̞̻̼͉͂E̶͖͚̟̬̐̾̊D̸̤̰͕̙̏̉́͝ ̶̡̬̣̏͂̓'̶͓̱͚̌S̷̰͍̃͊̓Ǫ̷̚Û̴̞̼̾̀͝R̵̛̲͆̑͘C̴̦̎̄E̴̿̃ͅ'̵͇̰̣̤͒̒̓ ̸̹̱͖͚̓͗͒A̸̢̝͂N̶̼̄̔̀D̴͍̪́̈̂̏ ̷͇͇̔͝Ơ̷͕͑F̸̧̩͓͉̏̒̌ ̷̨͎̀̈́T̸̪̂H̷̏͑ͅE̷̘͕̖͆̓̎ ̸̥̮̳͐'̷͈̭̗͌͋̔̌S̸̢̙̰͙͐̇̔͐O̸̞͇͒-̴̤͕̞̮́̂C̸̡͙͕̗̈A̶͉͈͓̜̓͋́͛L̷̮̜͖͊͛͂̃L̴̥̋E̸̞̋̑D̵͔̀̒́̽'̴̻͚̠̎͌̔ ̶̭̌̓N̵̘̈́̌̀E̶͚̾̎̕W̴̧͇͓̦͛ ̸̼̃͗̈́̚G̶͈͉̈́̊̄͑O̷̰̿D̸̯̞̄͂̚͠S̵̮͂̾̽͊.̶͙͒̓

The entity than went forward, though not out of the shadows, and spoke out evenly

"You Old Gods aren't the only one that had existed before the beginning of everything. My kind, my mother's kind, they too had existed, but much separately from the Great Elder Ones. But unlike you...they are rarely evil. Only my mother is the exception to such a thing, and she...she done a similar thing that you have done, Scarlet King, but for a different reason. It is simply to use the Multiverse to sustain herself and prevent herself from becoming a Universe."

The Scarlet King puts his right hand on his chin, before speaking out.

"̶͕̖̾̅̓Ỉ̴͖̖N̸̙̄̎̑͝͠T̷̮̈́͛͝R̸̨̛͔͚̟̲͂͗̂̀Į̷̮͍͐̑̐͂G̷̲͐̒̄̈́̋Ű̷̬̺̓͜Ȋ̴͓̓́N̷̢̥͑͑͘G̵̨̧͉͗̋̀͐.̵̨͕̔̍̓̂͐.̴̝͊͌̓̕̕.̷̪̰̞̮̐̌͒͝͝Ç̴͖̠͔̉̃̄O̶͖͉͈̽́Ṇ̸̫̤́̃̀̉Ṫ̸̙̦̐̍͛́Ī̸̤̖̝͉̫͐Ñ̸̹̹̯͇̬͌̒͘U̶̫̱̝͈͛̆E̴̛̻͐́̋́ ̴̻̂Ò̵̥̙̺̭̏̾Ǹ̷̯͘̕.̶̭̯̜͐̅̒̏̕"̸͚̀̿̍͂

The entity nodded, than spoke out.

"Because of the things that they desire, my Mother had to make me to do a task for her. It is to destroy the entire Multiverse. And at first...I thought that I was the only one that desire to do it. But when I have heard stories about you...I came to a decision. I want you to join my mother's cause, so that she can give you what you deserve. Give you what you want, Scarlet King. She will give you the peace and the annihilating of the Multiverse, of all of creation...that you deserve."

The Scarlet King was first...before he began to snicker. That snicker than became a chuckle. And that chuckle...became a laughter of pure darkness.

"̵͍͎̆͑͊͠H̷̯̰̭̹͂̔͗̽Ä̸̠͕̳̌͋̓H̸̽̉͌͜Ȁ̴̗̯̰̘̓́H̶̱̝͆̓̊A̷̲̳̍Ḥ̶͊̇Ȁ̷͚̼̫̟̎͌̚Ḩ̸̳̼̆̀A̸̛̦̝̺H̸͕̦̜͍̓͋̋Ạ̶̻̮̳̋̊̓̈́H̸̡̖͒̌̈́Á̸͍̀H̴̤͍̩̃̆͗A̶̡̫̘̅̑͂̕Ḫ̶̨͛͌͘͠A̸̛̬͚̯H̶̫̬̍̀͜A̴̛̹͗̐͝H̴͉̭̥̺͊͋A̵͍͆͑́͘͜H̷̼͆̽Ā̵̦͎H̷͖̺͋̆͊̇͜A̷̬̽̀͂H̵̪͆̎A̸̦̰͆̍͜H̴̡̱̏̅̏Á̶̢̯͉͎̈͘.̶͇̿.̵̲̀.̷͖́͒̾̕͜Y̷̺̿̎̊͘Ǫ̸̬̺̬̂̈̀̄U̶̜̗̱̪͝ ̷̪̹̞̭̃̐Ḣ̴̨̧̤̃̋A̷̡͖̍V̶͔͚͇̅̅̈́̀E̶͚̙͑͝ ̸̭͖̹͍̔̓͋D̴̢̛̗͖͙̚Ȩ̴̖͉͓̈́͊F̵̣̃̇͑ͅI̷̬̝̠̽̎͗N̴̡͈͈̬̑̏̀Í̶̦̈́̈Ţ̴͔̼̲̉E̴̡͈͕̗͂̅Ļ̵̫̺̔̂̆Y̷̨͚̾̀͊ ̷̢̖̼̰͌͠C̶̜͉̺̍̀͜Ȃ̸̧̱̘ͅU̴̠͗̅̍͠G̷̜̻͆H̷̟͛Ţ̶̮͈͇͌̾̚ ̴̦̣͈̌M̸͚͈͈͔͑͠Y̶̪͌̀̐ ̶̡̯̭͛̇͜I̷̡̳̓̀̓N̷̼̹̹͆Ṭ̷̢̬̆̍̚͘Ẹ̵̢̠͐R̴̩̃͘͜Ë̴͎̤̱̕S̸̫̈́̎͐͝T̴̩͉̒̊.̷͓̖̍́̇ ̶̫͊V̷̲̱͛͋E̸̖͑͘Ṛ̶̡̬̀̆̊̈́Ȳ̴̩̥͖̔ ̸̨̢̖͐̕W̷̥͖̉͘Ë̸̞̤́̈̆͝Ĺ̵̤L̴̰͓͕̭̀.̸̺̟̬̾̿͋̔.̶̮͚͉̬̔͝.̶̡͌̃̚ͅİ̶̫͙̮͛̈́ ̸̮̌̾Ṣ̷̡͖̈́͛ͅḨ̸̛̪̹́̀ͅA̷̹̾̋͜L̵̛͔̼͉̋̋͌L̸̖͒̄ ̵̰̗̣̈́̈͌M̷̞̹͇̻̏̚E̸̠͖͎͈͒Ë̴̲́͜T̶̝͚̊͐͊ ̸̞͔͌͆̂̆Y̵͓͇̅Ó̷̤͙̱̄͒U̵̧̝̰̜͊R̵͈̺̀̌͘ ̵͎́M̷̧̬̘̈̈́̋O̶͓͙̪͐̾T̴̜̺̒̾͆H̷̩͙̭̒̊͜͠E̵̛͙͆͝Ȓ̶̦̗̼,̵̡̰͂ ̸̩̠͆̚A̶͔͔͙̽̊͜N̵̺̠͑̽̐̕D̶̛͖͂̍ͅ ̸̺͇̪̀S̷̙̿̉̄͘E̴̤͑̓̓E̶̦̟̦̫̊̆͘̚ ̷͍͈͓̻́͆̃W̵̦͓̪̌̔̅͠H̸̨͙̀̒Ã̷̺̀T̶͎̦̤͇̽͐ ̸̨̈́̇̒͑Ş̵̛́H̶̲̒̆̄͝ͅȨ̵̙̣͑̑͗̊͜ ̴̘̓̓͑͝H̴̨̦̰̝̔̆̈́͘Ȧ̷͚͚̈S̴̨͍͎̆̿ ̸͓͋͆T̸̗̞̫̺̃͝Ȍ̸̹̰͑̇̒ ̵̹̈́͌̌̽Ṑ̴̠F̴̞͖̺̣̂F̸̘̞͋E̸̜̠̯̓̚͘͠R̵͕̭̫̓̔͠ ̴̯͊M̸̬̖̩̈́̔E̴̤̒̋̐.̴̟͗̾̿"̸̼͕̈́͗ ̴̈́̀͜

The entire nodded, as he spoke out to the Scarlet King.

"I can lead you to her, if that is what you want me to do, King of the Darkness Below."

The Scarlet King nodded, before he than walks over to the entity, and spoke.

"̷̪̝̱̥̔͒̐B̸̯̗̳̈́̂U̵͖̎͂͌̽T̴̰̮̓ ̸̳̝̌̾F̷̹͠I̶͖̟̺͛͑Ṛ̷̛͔S̴͙̊T̸̠̔̏̀̅.̵͈͕̒.̶̤͔̖̪̐.̶̟̟̼͒͐̄̅͜Ì̷͚͈̤̤̇ ̸̹̖̀͛͋N̷͍͈͈̥̎̏̅È̸̪̳̜̇͆͗Ĕ̸̞̒̒̕D̴̨̧̛̤̒̋ͅ T̴̨̔̉Ò̷̩̂͘ ̴̺͐K̴͖̜͍͋N̸̡̰͈̐̀̏̽Ọ̶̻͕̀̄̎͒W̶̨̖̯͝ ̷̺͂S̵̜̺̭̭̅̽̂O̸̙͌̎͘M̵̮͚̯̯̿E̸͇̓T̵̘̟͝͝lH̵̜̔̊̄̈́I̷̧̹̱͇͒̄͑N̶̓͝ͅǴ̴̮̐͝͝.̶͎͙̙͖̒̊̽ ̸̟̂͛͝Ī̶̘̬̼̐̓ ̵̧̽̓͑͝W̵̢̝͠͝A̸̱̓Ń̵̝̫̳̎̾T̴̳͍̂͐̚ͅ ̷̯͓͐͌̅T̴̨̛͈̼̲̄̎O̸͍̯̽͒̃̈́ͅ ̴̡͚̝̈̿̐̈́Ǩ̶͖̑̈́̓Ń̸̰O̶̢̻͙̱̅Ẅ̴͍̣̺͍́̀̓͝ ̸̭̀̂̀̚͜Ŵ̸̥͇́̇H̶̯͍̝̽Ơ̸̡̖͇̈́͆͗͜ ̶͚̮̜͓͊͌̋Y̵̠̌̓͊Ǒ̵̞̱̯̖̆Ǘ̵̧̨̖͕̉͝ ̴͈̪͕̍͒͝ͅA̸̯͋R̶̢̻͚͍̈́E̵̯̼͈͙͋͋.̷̭͑ ̴̖̚T̴͖̙̲̅͆͘E̷̢̖̠̤̒̋͑L̷͚̪̦̼̀͑L̴̡̥̝̲͂̈́͠ ̷̧͉̅Ḿ̸̫͕̈́ͅE̶͈̍͌ ̶̜̀Y̶͚͘Ŏ̴͖͎̏Ṵ̶͆͗̚R̴̛͈̺̼̉̈͜ ̸̳͓͆̀́N̵̡̯͖̺̑̐Á̶̜͗̅M̴̩̤̻̲̋Ẻ̷̛͈̞̜̤͝͠

The entity was silent at first, until it began to come out of the shadows to introduce itself to the King who rose from the Bleeding.

"Like you...I am a being that destroyed anything in creation that I can find. But unlike is not out of pain. It is what I was made to do. I am a being that will destroy all of the universes hat exist on my reach, just as you also desire it. And with the help of mother, you shall gain what you desire for is her a long time, Scarlet King. My name...


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