Infinite IKEA Part 2

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It took them an entire 10 minutes for them to get there, and needless to say, they are impressed and shocked at the wall they are seeing.

The man has lead the Newborns to what seems to be a wall made of furniture. How they are able to support themselves and not fall down, broken, is what Alex would like to know, but it doesn't matter, as they continued on. Alex and the others noticed that there are bodies of SCP-3008-2 all over the place. But some normal humans went outside, and loaded the bodies onto a trolly, and brought them to the 'pickup area.' They cronies on, and went inside of the wall, and see that it is some type of 'town.'

As the group looked around, they saw that the 'town' is filled with a lot of people inside. Some of them were couples, one of them is actually a child, and others are adults that have weapons in their hands. One of the humans inside is also a pregnant female, which isn't really good, since the situation inside is dangerous.

But everyone is impressed that they can make a wall made of furniture. How they are able to do it, well, they don't even know.

"Woah...I don't know if you guys are smart, of if you guys are crazy!"

Rex spoke out. James nodded, as he spoke with him.

"How'd you even make a down made of nothing but furniture?"

The man turned to them and spoke out.

"Well, we had to improvise. We can't just simply stay unprotected at the night. We had to do something. So using the furniture, we are able to use it to protect ourselves against the IKEA staff."

Jaime and Cyborg looked at each other, before turning back to the man they're seeing. As they continued to walk, Halo than spoke out a question.

"How long have you all been staying in this place for?"

The man than looked at her, and spoke out.

"We have been here for a long time. Months, Years...maybe even longer that what even I can know. All I know is, it is a very long time."

Toxin than came forward and spoke out.

"That is one hell of a way to stay inside a store for so long."

The man nodded, and spoke out.

"That reminds me, what are you doing here? Are you like us, finding this place on accident?"

Jaime than went towards him, and spoke out.

"Actually, it's the opposite. It wasn't accidental. It was intentional coming here."

The man blinked, as he spoke out.

"On purpose? Why on purpose?"

Alex than went forward, as he spoke out.

"Because there is a place that we would like to go to in one of the exits. We want to go somewhere that is very, very important. And there are people outside that are preventing us from going any further. So we went to this place in hopes that we can go to an exit that can allow us to go to the place that we're planning on going to."

The man, rather curious, than spoke out.

"Where are you going?"

Scorn than went forward, and Patricia out, now normal.

"We can't tell you. All that we can tell you is that it is very important for us to go to."

The man sighed, as he than looked at Alex, who still has his tendril present, and it appears to still be at where the exit is.

"What the...why do you have organic string?"

Alex turned to it, and spoke out.

"When we went in, I began to worry if the plan failed. So in case it does, I made the string, which is close to where to the door."

The man's eyes than widened, realizing what Alex meant.

" mean that the string is right where the exit is?"

Alex than nodded, and the mean seems excited.

"Sweet!! Than we can get out!"

Before he could speak, Rex than intervened and spoke out to him.

"Well, yeah. But this isn't the right time. And besides, he can't keep the string on him forever."

The man spoke out in a confused tone on his face.

"What do you mean?"

Kaede than jumped in and spoke out.

"It means he has to stick it to something, so it can be firmly in place. He needs to make a tendril for the place we need to be going to. And besides, with the 3008-2 instances still around, you need to be ready for what is about to happen."

The man puts his fingers on his chin, before snapping his fingers.

"I might have an idea on where we could bring your tendril to. There's a pretty heavy furniture on the wall, so we can use that to place the tendril where it can stay firmly in place, without any type of thing getting dragged by your tendril's immense strength."

Alex than went forward, and spoke out.

"Where do I place it?"

The man than began to go somewhere, and Alex follows the man quickly. The group looked at each other, as Jaime spoke out.

"Why do I feel like it would start to make a weird scene?"

Circe shrugged, as she spoke out.

"Maybe until the scene starts to make a sou-"



This caused everyone to flinch, as they hear crashing and shouting and all the stuff that would make anyone jump, and any sound that could make a 3008-2 instance star to appear without warning. Thankfully, it didn't happen. at daytime

It is daytime now. The 3008-2 instances have stopped attacking, and are now turned into their original docile state. They continue to wander the areas of the 3008-2 stores, and have not attacked yet. Alex, however, knows that this isn't going to last, and they need find the exit to Russia, and fast. So as soon as the 3008-2 instances have stopped, Alex made another tendril, stick it to the ground, and got Jaime and Scorn to aid him in this thing.

Alex is still extending his tendrils, along with Scorn's and Jaime's appendages, as they are trying to locate a sign that says exit in Russian language. But due to the SCP being a literal Infinite IKEA, getting to it is extremely difficult, due to the fact that the place is, literally infinite. And sometimes, Scorn has to stop for a few moments, just so she can regenerate her lost mass that she used to make the webbing on Alex's tendrils. Jaime doesn't suffer the same thing, due to the fact that Khaji Da is self-replicating the materials to make the appendages on his back. But the fact that the IKEA has so many doors on some walls, combined with the size inside of this place, this is straight up making their task difficult.  Even worse, due to how much of an infinite space it is, they could be searching for hours upon hours trying to find out where the sign that says exit in Russia is. They wish that they didn't have such a large and Infinite space existing. That would make their job much easier than before.

Jaime even began to complain about the fact of the IKEA being infinite, as he spoke out in utter annoyance.

"Jeez. Kinda wish that the IKEA wasn't Infinite.  Hubiera sido mucho más fácil (It would have been so much easier)."

Scorn looked at Jaime, as she spoke out.

"<Text>we all wish it was, Jaime. We all wish it would be easy. But you can't just simply wish thing you know can't change? Just because you want to do so."

Alex didn't say anything, however, and continued on with trying to find the exit. He did, however, say this inside of his own mind.

'This place reminds of what happens when someone uses SCP-184, but I don't think 184 can make such an infinite space, just as the thing that we are inside of now.'

They, however, still continued for another hour, and even Alex is starting to get irritated by how long they've been gone.

"Ghhhhh...this is so ridiculous, even more so of when I tried to stick my tendril into that so-called heavy furniture, when in reality, it was far too light."

The thought, however, doesn't stop him from getting on the way of the task ahead. But the fact is, they have looked through multiple edits, and none them them seem to be in a different language. In fact, the only different language present was of Japan.

But as Alex looked around, he still didn't spot it. So why was the Japanese language the only thing they saw?

He than puts a finger on his chin, as he began to think. The Japanese exit sign was in the direction of where Japan is. So what if it...

Alex stopped at where he is now, and both Jaime and Scorn noticed.

"Alex? What's wrong?"

Alex than looked at Jaime, and spoke out.

"I think I might have a guess on where the exit to Russia should be at."

Scorn than looked at Alex with a stare, and spoke out.

"What do you mean?"

Alex than turned to her, and spoke out to her

"Watch and follow my lead."

Alex than continued to where the direction of Russia would be, which is the East, had he been still on the U.S.A, and continued in that direction for 2 hours, and nothing seems to least at first. But after a little while of walking...they finally found it.

It was a door of a usual IKEA design. But the sign that says Exit isn't in English. It is written in Russia as выход.

Jaime looked at the door, and spoke out.

"Is this it?"

Alex turned and nodded at Jaime, as he spoke out.

"Yes. It should be a what we need."

Scorn than turned to Alex and spoke out.

"<Text> how are you going to put the tendril on where we need it to be put in? Do you put it on the door, or-"

Before Scoen could finish speaking, Alex simply went forward, and stuck the tendril on the wall that is next to the door. Scorn and Jaime blinked, as Jaime spoke out.

"Or you could do that as well, supongo (I guess)."

Jaime than made contact with Victor, and spoke out.

"Cyborg. How much time to we have left?"

Cyborg than spoke back into Jaime's ear

"Only about 2 more hours until nighttime. So make it fast."

Jaime nodded, and picks up both Alex and Scorn.

"Running is gonna make things difficult, with all the furniture in the way. I'll carry the both of you, so that it makes things much easier to come back to the 'town' our friends are in."


It took a bit more longer to come back than expected. Due to the sheer size of the SCP, they came back in about an hour and a half, and the group is almost ready to fight back now. Halo has been practicing her yellow energy blasts, and is now having a far more better time standing during the recoil of her energy blast.

However, they are still in great danger, as they had no idea just how much of 3008-2 will appear. So Alex and the others have been practicing their powers with the little time that they have left.

When nighttime fell, the light had flickered out. The Newborns are prepared to fight this time around, as they got over the wall of the 'town', and they all went to different sides. Small groups are now around the 'wall' of the town, as they get ready for the 3008-2 attack again.

Each group is of 2 people. The first group is Alex and Rex. The second group is with Toxin and Scorn. The third one's for Jaime and Cyborg. The fourth is for Circe and Kaede. And the last one is for James and Halo.

As Alex looked around, he heard footsteps.

"They're coming. Get ready, all of you."

Alex spoke out to them, as Alex took out his Blade. Everyone immediately does the same, and gets ready. Rex with his Big Fat Sword, Scorn, Jaime, and Cyborg with their arm cannons. Toxin and James Heller with their claws. Kaede with her vectors, Circe with her sonic cry, and Halo glows a sun yellow color.

And they have finally arrived, and boy, there are a large number of them present.

There are so many of them that it is impossible to count just how many are present with them now. But the numbers didn't matter. What matters is helping the survivors that's inside 3008 escape. But they are going to need to fight them first, so the survivors could get out and go to the path of the exit that James's tendril trail has made. The Russian exit is made by Alex's own tendril path. Once they deal with the amount at the spot they are inside of right now, they will go to the exit that they desperately want to go to.

Wasting no time in the fight, Rex immediately pulls the lever, activating the Battle Saw.

He began to cleave through the 3008-2 instances like they are nothing but butter. They instances get chopped in half, as their bodies fell down to the ground, hard.

He than jumped into the air, and sliced the 3008-2 instance in half vertically.

But this made more come to where the town is at. When that happened, Rex realized that he needs a bit more range in his attacks. So he decided to use another build, which Toxin has unintentionally shattered from before.

Rex reactivated his Slam Cannon, grabbed them chunk of the floor to use it as ammo, and aimed his weapon at the 3008-2 instances.

He than took a chunk out of the floor, and began to shoot at the 3008-2 instances that are coming their way. This knocked the instances on their backs, but more kept on coming. And not even Rex could be sure if he can keep this up.

But as that happens, Alex than came out of nowhere, and immediately slammed his Hammerfists to the ground, which made the ground shake. The 3008-2 instances fell down to the ground, while the others, the human and the newborns, did the best they can to stay up and tall. Alex than formed his Blade, and began to spin like a top, cutting the 3008-2 instance horizontally, as their upper torso falls down hard.

He than formed his claws so that he can sank his right claw into the ground, and cause the groundspikes underneath to erupt, piercing a bunch of the 3008-2 instances without them knowing what's happening, that is if they can know what is gonna happen. As Alex stood up, after finishing his attack, Rex came down next to him, with a Smack Hand on one of his hands.

"You like to make an entrance, don't ya?"

Rex spoke out to Alex, who than snarled back with.

"That's your style."

And now with the Symbiotes. Toxin jumped into the air, and made webbing onto the back of a 3008-2 instance, before swinging it around, and sending it flying into its buddies. He than jumps in the air, and used his claws to cut the head off of the instance. Scorn than went back to back with Toxin, and blasted multiple 3008-2 instances approaching both Scorn and her brother. Toxin than jumped in the air, and bit one of the heads of the 3008-2 instances. Scorn than fired as much of her energy as possible, and destroyed many of them, multiple at once.

Scorn than fired her Arm Cannon even more, which eliminates the 3008-2 instances much ore faster than before, before using the saw component to cut down the ones that are getting closer to her. But Scorn than realize that those weapons could accidentally hit the town and caused fatal damage to them. So he switched to a more 'simpler weapon.

She made a gun arm, and shot energized bullets in a fashion similar to a sniper. They hit the head, and attacked the rows behind them. She is now getting more of the 3008-2 instances than she did before.

Even with all the weapons at her disposal, however, they're not enough to keep the wall from being safe. So the next group will have their turn, aiding them.

Now it was Jaime and Cyborg's turn to fight back. At Cyborg's and Jaime's side, Jaime flies into the air, and began to make 2 Cannon arms to battle against the horde of 3008-2.

He than opens fire onto the 3008-2 army, killing many of them at once. But the hordes are still coming, and they're much harder to deal with them before, as they're now more aggressive at seeing their buddies die. This is where Cyborg steps in to even the playing field against the 3008 army.

Cyborg than formed and activated his Nova Blaster, which can cause 2 times the damage as Jaime's double Arm Cannon attack. He fired, and it destroyed both the intended target, and the 3008-2 instances around it. Cyborg than continued to fire at the instances, as he tries the best he can to make sure that none of them get to close. Because if they do, than both Jaime and Cyborg will use their combined cannons again.

One of the 3008-2 instances than went to close. So Jaime goes down, and formed his mace arms to strike it. Cyborg than gets in close, and enlarged his fist. Before the 3008-2 instance realizes what was about to happen, the mace and the fist smashed the head of the instance, with both fists striking against each other. Jaime than spoke out.

"Woah, that was intense. But with Kaede and Circe..."

Cyborg turned to the 2 ladies, and saw that they are handling well against the 3008-2 horde. Kaede simply cuts their heads off at multiple ranges, while Circe simply uses her sonic cry to push them back, for Kaede to kill them more easily than before.

"They are simply way to simple."

Cyborg looks at him, as if to say 'really?'.

And onto the last group, which involves James and Halo. James than went to the nearest ones, as he claws their face, and stabbed them in the head with it. An SCP-3008-2 instance almost tried to attack him from behind, but Halo launches a blast of energy at the instance instantly killing it.

James than turned and spoke out to her.

"Nice one, Halo!"'

He than turned back, and formed his Hammerfists. He than raised both of the Hammerfists in the air, and slammed them down to the ground, making the groundspikes appear.

Like Alex's claw Groundspike, this caused many of them to be killed upon being skewered by the spikes erupting beneath. But a 3008-2 instance somehow didn't get hit by it, and tried to lunge at James. But Halo intervenes by constructing a blast from her hand, launching her back.

The 3008-2 instance was sent back by the blast, and it had knocked down its buddies that's behind him. Halo was able to steady herself, but what they didn't know is that some humans are getting to go in battle themselves.

One of the men stabbed of the 3008-2 instances in the head with a hatchet, made from the blade of a lawnmower. Another stabbed the chest of the instance with a knife, that has a rope wrapped around a stick like a spear. Another than decapitates a 3008-2 instance in the head with a fire axe.

The other humans that didn't fight picked up the bodies and put them on the carts to the 'pickup area', as the dead with attract more and make things difficult. After going to the pickup area, they grab new carts to back more bodies that everyone had recently killed before.

After an hour, there are no signs of SCP-3008-2. Everyone looks around, and Alex shouted out.

"That's it!! If you guys have the time, it's time to get out of this place, FAST!!!"

Everyone than scrambled and went out of the town they made, and go to the tendril that leads them to the exit that they need. Alex and the others...on the other hands, and to the tendril that directs them to the exit to Russia. But the man they had met than turned and spoke out, Just before going to the path of where the exit is at.

"Thanks for what you've done for us!!"

Alex turned and nodded, and both groups ran in opposite directions.

The Newborns ran and ran as fast as they can. Although they want to fly, it will make them lose track of where the tendril is. So they have to go on foot for the time being. It took a total of an hour to get to the exit. But as soon as they saw it, multiple SCP-3008-2 instances appeared behind them.

"What the?! Are you serious?! We have to fight more of them?!"

Rex spoke out. James, however, formed his blade, and spoke out.

"Don't fucking complain!! Shut the fuck Yo and fight them, Rex!!"

Alex snarled, as he formed his Blade and Armor to fight with.

Rex brought out his Big Fat Sword, Kaede brought out her Vectors, and everyone else got ready to fight against the 3008-2 instances that are ready to attack.

But than, something unexpected happened. Halo suddenly turned Green, and before anyone could realize what was about to happen, a few copies of Halo appeared.

"What the...holograms?"

Cyborg spoke out loud to them, with Alex turning to Cyborg and shrugging his shoulders. Even James was not expecting that. Rex, however, whistled, as he spoke out.

"Wow! That's sick!!"

This made the 3008-2 instances confused, and before anyone could speak, they took the time to run, with the holograms going in their own directions. The newborns, with none of them being killed, than took the time to run and go for the exit, which Alex than extended his arm to reabsorb the tendril he made, with Scorn and Jaime doing the same thing to their materials. As he looked at his hand, he than turned to Rex, who is still standing still. His mouth opened agape.

Alex than took the time and spoke out, while smacking him in the head, which made him cry out in a sudden surprise.

"Don't just stand there!! We run NOW!!!"

Rex froze, than spoke back to him.

"Sorry about that, Alex. It's just...I'm an awe of what I am seeing, if Halo doing another new trick to help us out right now!"

Alex than facepalms, before they went to the Exit sign, which is shown as выход.

Alex than looked and peaked through the door, and saw that there is no one inside the IKEA store just yet, except for the Newborns that had ran inside. So Alex and the others went through the door, and shut the exit door behind them. They than busted through the roof...and jumped into the air...hidden within the darkness

...of night.

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