Infinite IKEA

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Day 7...

James' group is running through the darkness of a hallway. Cyborg's and Jaime's light are shining through the corridor in order to lead them out, as there is an ocean of disgusting material that is flowing behind them. Toxin and Scorn are running at full speed with the others, James is at nearly the same speed, except faster, and Halo is floating next to James. Cyborg turned and saw that there are Foundation Soldiers, that are blocked by something that's chasing the group as well.

There were gunshots of a machine gun, as the MTF's are trying the best that they can to stop the liquid from going any further towards them, but to little effect. The ended up getting swallowed up by whatever stuff is in the liquid, and whatever that liquid present before is. However, the liquid is also still chasing the group. So they increased his speed in order to escape this thing.

"Man. How lucky guys we are at appearing in a place like this?"

Toxin said out loud. James groaned, as he spoke out.

"This ain't the time to joke, Toxin. We need to get out of this place, now!"

Halo than turned and spoke out.

"James is right. We are in a place very dangerous. So we need to be more focused on escaping, Toxin."

James and the others looked towards the enterance, and saw that there is a light at the end. Wasting no time, they than went full speed, which made them able to outrun it. However, they have to be careful not to bump into anything, or they are going to have even more problems to deal with than before.

The light revealed that what they are in is a hallway of pipes and boilers, with some of the pipes moved to an unusual position.

What the group are in is SCP-015, an anomalous collection of pipes that spreads itself to other areas that have pipes that are non-anomalous. They only react to people that have tools, and people that act aggressive. Due to the fact that both groups are acting aggressive, the pipes reacted, and began to flood the corridor of the SCP.

As they kept running towards the exit, the group than hear sounds of banging, screaming, and shouting from within the walls of the SCP, but they decided to not hear it, and just keep running.

When they are out into the open, they looked and saw that he SCP Foundation has their guns up, and are ready to shoot them down painfully. Jaime groans, as he spoke out.

"Damn it! I wish we can just simply end this situation already!!"

Cyborg than turns to him and spoke out.

"You don't say, Jaime."

Cyborg and Jaime pull out their cannon arms, and got ready to blast them down, and Scorn does the same thing. Toxin than readies his Claws, as they became sharp, which his mouth formed, ready to bite the heads of the soldier that are attacking them.

James, as he looks at the amount that are present, than formed his Blade, as he prepares to fight.

But to the shock of everyone that is present, it turns out that they don't need to fight, because Halo has a trick up her sleeve.

"Halo, what happened to you?"

James and the others looked, to see that she is suddenly now glowing a bright yellow glow, like the sun, and her hands are close together, as she made a sphere of energy.

Cyborg than used his eye to scan the orb, and he was shocked at what she's doing.


James than turned to Cyborg, and spoke out.

"What is it, Victor?"

Cyborg looked at James, as he spoke out.

"Halo, she's gathering sunlight that is around us, and is now condensing it into a energy blast, almost similar to a laser!"

Toxin looked, and spoke out.

"Woah! That is probably gonna be painful for those guys."

Halo than launched the blast of sunlight energy at the SCP Foundation, as it made a very large, bright explosion. The explosion was so powerful, that it knocked the Foundation soldiers off balance, giving them enough time to fly and get out of here.

Jaime and Cyborg used their thrusters, and began to fly upwards. Jaime spreads his wings, and grabbed onto both Toxin and Scorn.

Cyborg grabbed onto James, and Halo turned orange, as they both fly upwards, and out of sight. They went into the clouds, and avoided detection for now.

"Phew, that was close. Thought that we were a goner."

Toxin spoke out, as Scorn spoke out.

"<Text>yes. And I really hope that there is a way to end this situation."

As they spoke out, Jaime then made a tendril, and looked at his phone.

"What are you doing, Jaime?"

Halo spoke out. Jaime turned to Halo, and spoke out.

"It's a friend of mine, Alex. He sent me a text."

James than turned to Jaime, and spoke out.

"What did he say?"

Jaime than turns back to phone, to see what he said to him, and saw what the text that has actually caught him by sudden surprise. He's requesting that they meat at an SCP that is near them.

Alex's group...

Alex is holding onto Rex's right hand, with Kaede on her left hand, and Circe on the back. They are flying as fast as they can to get away from the Satellite.

"Looks like the SCP foundation is still not giving up on chasing us."

Rex spoke out to the others, making Circe groan.

"How long until we get them to stop following us?"

Kaede looked at Circe with an 'are you serious' look present on her face.

"You do know that they won't stop until they get us, right?"

Before anyone could answer, they suddenly see a shadow so large, that it completely covered a continent. This caught everyone by surprise, and looked to see what it is. But the clouds are covering them that they can't see where it is, nor what it looks like.

"What the...what is making the shadow?"

Alex spoke out. Rex than thinks, before he spoke out.

"I'm gonna put on my goggles, in order to see what that thing casting the shadow is."

Rex puts on his goggles to see what it is, and Alex using his enhanced vision to see what it is that is casting the shadow. What they saw was an extremely large monster. And it wasn't just one monster, it was a few monsters that's present.

This is SCP-2256, and it seems that Alex and the others are able to see them behind the Antimemetic covering that they recently have. But before anyone gets any wrong ideas, that doesn't mean that they can see SCP-055, and remember its appearance, as well as any strong AntiMemtic effect placed on them.

Their feet are so huge, they are as big as a continent. They are so tall, they almost reach the atmosphere of the planet Earth.

"Woah...those are very huge."

Rex spoke out loud. Alex simply waves at them with his right arm, as Rex and the others continue to fly away fast. But it seems that the 2256 instances didn't notice them, due to how small they are in the instances' eyes.

Alex has been thinking of a place to go to for a while, so they could meet and not be found by the Foundation. Now, he has a idea to where the group could meet.

Alex than grabbed onto a phone, which has Jaime's name on the text. He than typed to Jaime.

'Jaime, are you there. If you are, than I want to say that, I have an idea of where we could meet.'

He doesn't see a text appearing from Jaime's end. So he continued typing further to reveal what he chooses.

'we're going to SCP-3008. Meet us there.'

Jaime than texted back to Alex.

'Which SCP-3008 are you referring to?'

Alex than texted back to Jaime.

'The one in Burbank. Meet us there.'

Jaime than texts back on Alex's phone.

'Sweet. And also, we have someone new in our group. You'll like the friend that we have.'

Alex than turned off his phone, and looks back at the direction that they are going. He than looks up to Rex.

"Hey, Rex. Time to change direction. We're going to Burbank. We'll be meeting at where SCP-3008 is at."

Rex looked down, and spoke out in a shocked tone.

"Are you crazy? You know how dangerous SCP-3008 is!! Why should we go there.

But Alex spoke out.

"It's the only chance that we got. Besides, the Foundation knows that not even they can find us inside of the Infinite IKEA. And another thing, since SCP-3008 connects to any place, including different Earth's, it could lead us to a Russian IKEA that's mundane!"

Rex looked down and huffed a little bit, before they than changed their course, and went to the direction of where Burbank's at, where an SCP-3008 instance resides in.

A little while later...

It was 5:50 P.M, and Alex was able to locate where the 3008 instance is at, due to how big this 3008 instance is.

They were able to enter Burbank undetected, due to them being high in air time. Rex than used his goggles, and than saw that Jaime and the others are waiting for them. They are on the ground, and Jaime noticed them. They than landed next to them, and Rex deactivated the Boogie Packs, with no normal human seeing they're here.

"Thank goodness that you guys are here."

Alex spoke out. James than spoke out.

"Why next to an IKEA store, Mercer?"

Alex than turned to it, and spoke out.

"This isn't just an IKEA store. This is SCP-3008, the Infinite IKEA, which is exactly what it sounds like, James."

Rex than turned to James, and spoke out.

"Although the Infinite IKEA doesn't look like much, it is actually dangerous to go in, due to the fact that there are some, dangerous entities residing there."

This made James have a blood vessel pulse out of his head, and spoke out.

"Than why the fuck are going inside this place, Mercer, if you know that it is dangerous?!"

Alex turned to him calmly, and spoke out.

"Because this place is connected to every place of Earth, which means that it is connected to Russia, where the 610 infection is at. If we can find an exit, or at least bust through the walls of the SCP, than we can get there without the foundation knowing that we are here at Russia. It may be risky, but it is the best chance we got. Besides, I wouldn't be surprised that they had shut down the airports to prevent us from leaving any further."

James grunted, but he knew that he has a point. Cyborg than goes in front of them, and spoke out.

"By the way, we have her to introduce our new friend that we found."

Halo than steps forward, and Alex's group gets to see what she looks like.

"Hello, you must be Alex."

Halo spoke out. Alex goes forward, and nodded his head at her.

"Yeah, and you must be their new friends, right?"

Halo nodded, and spoke out. Alex than raised her head, and spoke out to his friends.

"Who's that?"

Jaime looked up at Alex, and spoke out.

"She doesn't remember her name. So we gave her the name, Halo, for now. And believe me, she is very incredible when she gets into a very tight situation."

Alex looked at him and raised an eyebrow, but doesn't go on any further. They than turned to the IKEA, and spoke out.

"Alright, get ready. And Halo, it may not look like much, but when the lights go out, get ready to fight for your life."

Halo nodded, as she has her Red Aura ready.

They went inside, as they saw that, inside, it does look normal. But when James looked at how far it goes, Alex was right, it does go on forever.

"Fuck. You weren't kiddin' when you said that it would go on forever, Mercer."

Alex shrugged his shoulder, and spoke out.

"I don't joke."

Alex spoke out. They than continued onward, and try to search for an exit that is spelled in Russian language. They looked and looked and looked, but they still didn't find anything. Lucky thing they won't get lost, because Alex has used his tendril arms to know how far they went, and how much their progress is. He learned how to do that, because he has looked at a mythology book involving Theseus and the labyrinth. Since the Infinite IKEA counts as such, his tendrils should be useful in the IKEA.

As they looked at the Infinite IKEA, they saw that it has all the stuff that an IKEA store should always have, even the food that are in the IKEA. So it makes people wonder who would eat in a place like this. after a few minutes of looking around 3008... The lights than suddenly went out, as the entire room blackens. Alex looks up and spoke out.

"Oh shit."

James looks at him, and spoke out.

"What is it, Mercer?"

Alex turned around, and has a chilling look on his face.

"James...when 3008-1's light's go out, this means that the stores closed. But once that happens...things get dangerous. And this is the danger that I am talking about."

James, now very concerned, spoke out.

"What is it? What the fuck will happen?!"

Alex, after a moment of silence, than prepared to speak, but something else spoke out.

"The store is now closed. Please exit the building."

Everyone turned to the direction of the voice, and saw that an SCP-3008-2 instance is walking towards them, and by the looks of things, it's ready to kill.

" what will happen."

Suddenly, the 3008-2 instance attempted to grab Halo. But James than grabbed the entity's hand, and seemed him flying. He turned to Alex with an angry expression now present

"How many are those fucking things inside of the building, Mercer?!"

Alex than spoke out.

"To many to count. Thankfully, they aren't as strong as us, and they go down as easily as any normal human. And they don't jump, for a very, very unknown reason."

James snarled and was about to argue with Alex, when another instance almost attacked him from behind. Thankfully, Cyborg defends him with his White Noise Cannon.

"Watched your back, James."

James than formed his Whipfist on his right arm, and his tendril at the left arm, and everyone prepares to battle against the 3008-2 instances, that are now began to circle the group from every direction, and their hands outstretched, as they're ready to kill.

But Alex knows that the corpses will attract more of them and heighten their ferocity in the attack. So Alex picked up the corpses of the ones they killed, jumped over the 3008-2 instances, before running to the pick-up area, than threw the corpses onto a trolley, and pushed them with the other carts, and came back to fight against the 3008-2 instances. Needless to say, it is a tough fight.

There are so many 3008-2 employees are around them, and not a single one of them are going to stop attacking them. And they even keep on saying 'The store is now closed. Please exit the building.' And it was as scary as hell.

Kaede used her vectors to cut the heads off of the 3008-2 instances. There were easy to deal with, but the problem is that there are so many of them to deal with. But thankfully for her, she is not taking care of the instances alone.

Circe and Scorn than unleashed a sound and energy blast combo at the 3008-2 instances that are coming their way. Jaime and Cyborg are doing the same thing, but in a more powerful fashion.

Jaime than formed his blades, as he began to attack at the head. He stabbed them in the area of where the brain could be...except they don't have a brain, and they are killed instantly. He than form appendages one his back, and began to attack the 3008-2 instances that are too close.

Cyborg formed a shield and bashed them with it. He than enlarged his fist, and struck one so hard, it instantly killed it and launched it towers his buddies, who than gets knocked down.

Toxin took a bit out of a 3008-2 instance head, but one of the instance grabbed his body. The instance than attempted to take his head off, but Toxin got so angry, that he went out of the grip of the 3008-2 instance, and became Venom-sized.

He roared in combat, as he grabbed the 3008-2 instance by the shirt's collar, and threw it at its buddies.

This caused many of the 3008-2 instances to fall down on top of each other in a dog pile, and ripped the head off of the instance that tried to take his head. Blue Beetle than went back to back with him, and began to slice, blast, and pound them down to the ground, alongside Toxin. Scorn also joined in, and blasted many of the 3008-2 instances to nothing more than ash.

Alex grabbed onto the head of one of the 3008-2 instances, and slammed him down to the ground, hard. He than grabbed the shirt of the 3008-2 instance, and threw it at the others, bringing them down like pins at bowling. Strike. James than came out of nowhere, and smashed the 3008 instances with his Hammerfist, before using some groundspikes to pierce them dead.

Alex and James than used their Claws, and began to dice them into pieces, although Alex used a groundspike, and James simply pounces on them. Formed his Whipfist, and James does the same. Alex went in front of a 3008-2 instance, while James wen the hind the same one Alex is targeting. They than pierced the entity, before cutting it apart, instantly killing it. However, it doesn't have any organs. So it didn't make a bloody mess in the IKEA.

As that happens, Kaede than cuts the heads of the 3008-2 instances that were about to attack them from behind their back. Alex and James noticed, and spoke out to her.

"Thanks, Kaede."

Kaede smiled, as she went back into fighting the 3008 instances, and launched more vectors towards the enemy.

With Rex, he is using as many builds as he can in order to put a stop to the 3008-2 instances that are hurting both himself and his friends that he'a protecting.

Rex than made a Slam Cannon, before he launched ammo from the floor. Halo than launched an energy blast at the SCP-3008-2 instances. The floor than reformed itself, which gave Rex an endless supply of rock for him to use against the instances.

But before Rex could react, Toxin was suddenly thrown into the Slam Cannon, which shattered it upon impact. Thankfully, this didn't harm Rex to badly, but it did caught him completely off guard for that. A 3008-2 instance went close to Rex, and prepares to kill him very gruesomely.

Halo than made a shield to protect Rex from a 3008 instance that was about to attack them.

"You will not hurt one of my friends!!"

When she made the shield disappear, Circe than went behind Rex, and unleashed a sonic cry at a instance that was about to attack Rex. Circe kisses Rex in the cheek, before going off to fight another 3008-2 instance, with Halo joining behind her to aid Circe. Rex than took the time to turned to Toxin, and spoke out to the Symbiote, jokingly.

"Geez, Toxin!! You're like a wrecking ball!!"

Toxin grunted, as Scorn jumped in and blasted a 3008-2 instance to ashes. He than spoke out.

"Don't joke, Rex! Just fight them!!"

"<Text>Allow me time help!"

Rex than turned back to the 3008-2 entities, and prepare to use another build, one he has used the most in life.

Rex than activated his Smack Hands and pounded the ground, which broke the floor. And it also broke the 3008-2 instances. He than went in front of one of them, and punched it with the drill function. This instantly killed the 3008-2 entities, and became a confetti made of skin.

But unbeknownst to him, as he wasn't careful, a SCP-3008-2 instance went behind Rex, and tore the Build off of his arms. Even though his regular arms are fine...they still hurt.


Rex nearly tumbled face first to the ground, but he held on, and turned around. He than activated another build to kill the one that gave him that pain.

He than used his Punk Busters, while revealing the spikes on his soles, and kicked the 3008-2 instances back. This killed the 3008-2 instance instantly, and Rex jumped into the air, and squashed them under his feet like they are nothing but bugs.

He than activated the Bug Fat Sword, pulled the lever and activated the Battle Saw, as he gets to great work in dicing down the 3008-2 instances that are getting to close to him and his friends. Needles to say, it work well and cuts them through like butter.

But as the fight kept progressing, more and more kept on showing up, and eventually, even Alex realize that they can't do this forever, so he slammed his knuckles and made a shockwave, sending the 3008-2 instances back.

"Okay, it you people want to flee, now it would be a good time!"

Alex than jumped into the air, as Toxin, Scorn, James, Kaede, and Circe did the same. Rex, Cyborg, and Blue Beetle, however, only flies in the air, before going onto the metal support bar on the ceiling.

They looked down, and saw that the 3008-2 instances are reaching their hands up in order to try and grab them. But unfortunately, they aren't tall enough to even catch them in their grip. Very carefully, and yet, very quickly, they ran through the bars as fast as they can possibly see. They disappeared into the darkness, and it was like they vanished completely.

Far deeper into the Infinite IKEA, they went back down, 100 feet from a sign that says 'EXCHANGE AND RETURNS'. Alex even noticed a wall of furniture. What the...why a wall of furniture.

When they see none of the 3008-2 instances, Alex turned to Rex to make sure that there are no 3008 instances that's around here.

"Rex, can you spot any more of those 3008 instances?"

Alex spoke out. Rex than puts on his goggles, and used his X-Ray mode in order to check it out.

After looking around, he spots that there are none coming. But that was only in this mode. So he decided to use another mode to check it out.

(Pay attention to only the first)

He than used the thermal mode to make sure that it wasn't the case. Problem is, it is unknown if 3008 has any body heat present. After a bit of checking, he puts the goggles back on his forehead again, and spoke out in confirmation.

"No...there aren't any now. But we should move while we have the chance, Alex."

Alex nodded, and before he could speak, a voice was heard behind them.

"Hey, are you all okay?"

Alex and the others turned, and saw a normal human inside 3008...what?

"Wait a moment..."

Alex than points his finger and thumb on his chin, before finally realizing the one thing he forgot, there are humans inside of the Infinite IKEA store.

Upon the realization of that, he slaps his face, as he forgot about it, and realized how idiotic he is. He also remembers why that there is a wall of furniture in the first place.

"What in the...why are there humans inside SCP-3008?"

Cyborg spoke out. Alex turned to them, and spoke out.

"I forgot to mention...there have been humans that unintentionally went inside of this SCP."

'Especially the ones from different Earths.'

He than turned to the man that spoke to them, and spoke to him.

"We're all okay. Is there something wrong?"

The man than grabbed his shoulder, and spoke out.

"You gotta come with us. We'll keep you safe."

Jaime than went forward, and spoke out.

"What's safe?"

The man turns to them, and spoke out.

"You'll see. Now follow me, and be fast."

He spoke, as Alex and the others began to follow the man to wherever he is taking them.

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