A Voice Behind Me/SCP-3812

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Day 6 since the separation...

It has been a couple of days since they have met Halo, whom they named her. Apparently, Cyborg was able to access the SCP in the SCP Foundation's database, and apparently, they discovered that the SCP they were in was housing a very dangerous entity that was originally in the Forest that hates using Names, which Cyborg has seen. The space was created when a person used a mental version of SCP-184, and used it to trap the entity, as long as he is asleep. Somehow, despite that, it was able to cross the outside world, and it could give the entity a way out, if it ever did find a way out. Because of that, they were lucky that they didn't get noticed by it.

But James was acting a bit different than usual. He is still aggressive, yes, but is now acting much more calmer than before. Whenever he's around Halo, he acts similar to a father. And is also isn't as cussing as much. While everyone seems to notice, they decided that it is best to not tell James about it.

But as the couple of days past, Halo actually began to develop 2 new abilities that is actually difficult for her to control them . Her fist ability, she can summon a flash of light from her body that can blind everyone that is around her, and can also make a portal, similar to the ones that Cyborg makes.

When it comes to her shining powers, while James, Toxin, and Scorn are fine, Cyborg and Jaime had to make some stuff to protect their eyes from the powerful shining blast that Halo is going to make.

When it involved her portal, however, it was actually a bit more troubling for her to control. She would make portals without think of the destination she desires, and they would end up in some places that have something anomalous inside of them.

One of them is going to the very top of Mount Everest, which had anomalous corpses below the Mountain's dangerous peak , thanks to Cyborg's eye spotting them.

The corpses, when they got near, began to absorb their heat. Jaime and Cyborg are protected due to their bio-mechanical status, Toxin and Scorn are fine, due to the fact that they are containing the heat with the fact they are covering their host's heat, and James is okay, due to the fact that he was able to adapt to it. Halo is not so lucky as the others, and she is actually being killed by it, due to her powers not being developed fully just yet. Even when she is using her purple aura, it is still not working for her. So they immediately backed away from the corpses before it can do anymore damage to them all. But this wasn't the only danger at Mount Everest. The mountain even has an entity that resides there,

where when Halo looks at it in the eyes, she felt like she is being drawn to it, due to the fact that her insides is feeling warmer than before. The entity turns out to actually be very aggressive and attempted to attack Halo. It got to the point that they had to flee from that creepy thing, and Halo,' was unfortunately weakened by that. So they had to jump down, instead of making a portal. Although Cyborg could do it, the cold froze the mechanism that makes portals inside of his body. But when they got down, he was able to use that machine again, and made a portal for them to get through, which is a good thing, since the foundation found them falling down.

The second time that she used the portal, is that they went to an anomalous factory, which they believed they shouldn't go in, due to feeling a strange presence, so they just left. The third time it was used, is when they all went to a place where it was a lake colored with a red as dark as blood.

It was also surrounded by a site from the SCP, by the way, and it almost got the ground captured, had it not been for the fact that some aggressive entities spawned from it, and began to attack every living being in its sight.

It was during the containment breach that they were able to get away quickly.

They than went to SCP-823, and when they apparently had a run in with some of the SCP Foundation Soldiers. They tricked them into going into some of the rides, which killed them in immensely grotesque ways. When everyone in the area had heard the whistle, they all got out as fast as possible before something bad could happen.

They went to a subway, where an SCP called SCP-975 is seen being opened, and many of the instances of SCP-975 are getting out and in a panic, only for the foundation to step in, and try to calm them. Thankfully, they got away before the MTF could notice them.

Lastly, they all went to a place called, 'Salvation High School,' and the place was so distorted,

And with a ghost that is apparently so haunting, that they had to get out of there before it does anymore damage to them even further, while having to be annoyed by the young voice of a little chins saying 'hello.' And all of those places that were mentioned above were all in day 5.

But now, she has a level of control over it, with the only downside being that in order to create a portal to the destination, she has to memorize what the destination is. This also includes the name and appearance of the place she desires to go to.

She was made new clothing, which seem to be the colors of the rainbow...which is actually sort of weird. But it is also fitting. But for a strange reason, whenever she uses an aura, the lines and the gray part of her suit becomes the very same color that she is now glowing with.

However, some of the members of the group, mainly, Cyborg and James, noticed something wrong. The world appears to glitch and began to distort all over. Wait...where did that come from? Anyway, they were concerned, but they decided to ignore it, since they have something far more important that just simply seeing strange...whatever that thing is. Even I don't know where that's from.

And now, they are in a battle with the SCP Foundation, who was able to locate them.

Many of the Foundation Soldiers took out their guns, and immediately opened fire on the group that must be contained in their eyes. But to them, they are not going to be contained by them. Besides, they have a job to do in SCP-610.

Halo made a shield while she flies in the air, deflecting the bullets down to the ground, which destroys them. James Heller than made his own shields, and uses them to defend against the foundation soldiers. They than switched to rocket launchers, which deflected off of Halo's energy shield, but it knocks Halo back. James, on the other hand, was able to deflected it without any problem, and the 2 rockets were able to kill the soldiers. But that doesn't mean that the Foundation's giving up.

James than used his ability to summon a Brawler Pack, which began to munch down on the humans that are attacking him and his allies. Unfortunately, the SCP has launched some Whitelight gases at them, which killed them the moment that they are inhaled. James, however, had adopted to it. So he's fine, but the other monsters can't adopt to it, because they're more weaker. Regardless, James is going to bring as many more as he can into the fight.

Some of the soldiers attempted to punch the shield designed to protect their hands, as well as cause some damage to the prototypes. But the thing is, is they the shields can sprout spikes. So when the soldiers hit the shields, spikes popped out of the shields, and stabbed the soldiers in their bodies, killing them the instant they're hit

Scorn, however, isn't doing as good, and ends up getting shot multiple times, leading to her getting incapacitated, although she did get some good blow on some Foundation soldiers. But the fact that she is falling down made Toxin immensely angry, and made him grow to Venom-size once again. But this time, has mist leaking out of him.

His claws becomes more larger and sharper, as he spoke out in an mad tone

"How dare you...ATTACK SCORN!!!"

Toxin roared with immense rage, as he charged at the SCP Foundation Soldiers. He than used his claws to fatally wound soldiers, and even bit some of their heads off. However, more still keep coming. The bullets are unable to reach Patrick's body, due to the body mass of the Symbiote being thick enough to make Toxin become immensely bulletproof. Halo than goes to Scorn, and used her purple aura to accelerate the Symbiote's ability to heal the host's wounds, although she has to use her red shield to protect herself against the soldier's normal gun ammo and rocket ammo.

Jaime was using his arm cannon along with Cyborg, as they try the best they can to put them down. They turned both their arms into cannons, and shoots them like they are using dual pistol in both their hands. They did manage to get shot in various places, except for the head. But the mechanisms were able to heal them from the damage that was given to them. Jaime felt annoyed enough to shout at Cyborg.

"Man! These guys really have no idea when to give up, do they?"

Cyborg than looks at him with an emotionless look on his face, who than spoke back to Jaime.

"What do you expect? They are very determined to contain up, regardless of how tough we are."

They kept on fighting against the Foundation for as long as they can but doing that wasn't going to be easy, as they were joe prepared. They even have the Orion Soldiers battle against James Heller, whom he consumed. It made him more powerful than before.

He than grabbed onto one of the soldiers, pierced his hand into the soldier, and spread his tendrils inside of them, turning them into a Biobomb.

He than kicks the soldier as far as he can, caused tendrils to spread and kill the soldier that are in the 'bomb's' proximity.

But despite the fact that they have been doing everything that they can to put an end to the battle, more and more of the SCP Foundation soldiers kept showing up to contain them. It is actually starting to exhausted them all more and more. Regardless, they on fighting even more furiously than ever before. However, this was not a good move. After a little while, there are now to many soldiers for them to count. Than, a decision is finally made into getting away. James than shouted out loud.

"Damn it!! There's to many of them!! Halo, we need to flee, now!!"

Halo than spoke out.

"Do not worry. I know a place that we can go to."

She than used a blue aura, and shine a bright light, like a flash grenade.

She shined so bright that, unexpectedly, white flames appeared out of some of the Soldier's bodies. This was painful to those that are to close to Halo's shining proximity.

Than, at the next second, she turned indigo, and than raised her hand to open a portal for them to use as an escape route

Everyone went into the portal as fast as they can, and they all were able to flee, before the SCP Foundation could come in full force to try containing them.

They than jumped through to the other side. It was a alleyway dark enough for people to not see anything. Cyborg immediately puts on some clothes, and Halo stops glowing her aura.

"Man, that was tough! I didn't think that the foundation would be attacking us like this!"

Jaime spoke out. James snorts out.

"No shit, sherlock. You think we had large trouble fighting against them from before?"

Halo wrapped her arms around's James' left arm, and spoke.

"Will they do something terrible to me?"

James looked at her with a calm and places a comforting hand on her arm, and spoke out.

"No. We'll make sure that it does not happen to you, Halo."

Everyone smiled, but before anyone could speak out...


This made them jump, and since they are at the sidewalk, they saw what seems to be a type of explosion made by Dr.Gerald. Obviously, someone should stop giving him cars or any other vehicles again. Why are they even allowing him to still drive, anyway?

"Man, that must have been some accident."

James spoke out, looking at what just happened. But as Cyborg looked at the accident, he than noticed something else.

Cyborg's eye began to glitch for some reason when he is seeing the person in front of the fire. It almost resembles a police in what's in riot gear. But he is unable to see the entity, because his eye is glitching out. So he used a different type of vision to try and see what the guy looks like.

But when he switched to a different vision to see the entity more clearly than before, all this did is make it disappear. Victor looked a bit confused, as he spoke out.

"What the...where did that guy go?"

Everyone looked confused at Cyborg, as they spoke out.

"What do you mean, where did that guy go?"

Cyborg turned around, and he said.

"My eye has been acting haywire. I saw what seems to be a man glitching out of reality. When I changed my eye's vision, he disappeared."

Halo looks a bit worried, but than brings out a reassuring smile on her face.

"Do not worry a thing, Victor. I'm pretty sure that it will do you no harm to you."

Victor looks down, and spoke out in a worried tone of voice.

"I hope so."

The group than began to walk elsewhere in a random direction. But as they do that Jaime than noticed something that is very...peculiar.

"What the...what is that thing?"

Everyone turned to see what Jaime is pointing at, and saw something shining. It looks like the sun, but it was shining in a different way, compared to the sun.

They than fly to it after a couple of minutes. It was over an ocean of some sort, and space was distorting around it. It is the South Pacific Ocean they are over, and thankfully, no one is seeing them. Cyborg's eye began to glitch like crazy, forcing him to use his other eye, that is still pretty much organic.

"<Text>Wow...this is...unique."

Scorn spoke out to everyone. They couldn't argue about that. James spoke out to them.

"What is that thing? Almost looks godly, yet at the same time, is simply older than me by 10 or so years."

Halo was curious, but than changed to an orange color and fly towards the thing that is above them.

She fly up to interact...

What in the...why did my keyboard suddenly stop? I was typing the Wattpad story on Halo approaching the object, and suddenly...it suddenly stopped. I tried to press the buttons of the keyboard again, but it is still not working. Wonder what is going on.

"Must be a glitch of some sort. Tch...I can just reboot the internet. Hold on a moment. I'll get it fixed up again."

I than went upstairs, as I feel the white soft rug floor under me, to the computer, before logging off of Wattpad, and shutting off my device, and flip the switch in order to work in rebooting the system. After a few minutes, I flipped ruins switch back on again, I was ready to get back to work. I typed my username, the name one, the password, and I am back to the page. I'm now ready to...okay...it is still not working. What in the world is going on? Wait...where did that picture come from?

This wasn't there before. A twister of light began to appear, and...wait...wait a moment. What is going on with my story now? The picture...it's now...beginning to move by itself. It is like it's a star out of a material, combined with quartz and glass!

The twister is spinning and...OH NO!!! The page of my story is being destroyed!! What's going on?!


The lights in my room, out!! It's not even nighttime yet!! What in the world is going on?! I dug down, and got out my flashlight from my drawer that has a mirror. I took it out... and I shined it at the room I was in! Luckily, my family isn't involved in this. So there's that!! But this...what is happening?!

"So...you must be the author of this story?"

What was...what was that? I heard A Voice Behind Me! The voice...it was like a combination of every voice that has ever existed in my Earth, and yet, it was of the voices of beings that shouldn't exist on my Earth! What's happening?! I than turned around, and the door to the backyard was open!! I locked the door, so how'd it open so suddenly?! Before I could go to it...my room began to collapse!! It was like something was pulling the entire structure of my room apart!! My foot was off the ground, and I felt like I was falling!! My Glasses almost fell off of my face, but I was able to catch them, and put them back on the front of my eyes! As I look around, I looked and saw that...the ceiling's gone, and there's no blue sky!! It was all pitch black!! Suddenly, A bunch of raining white silky spiders came out of nowhere, and I panicked!! I put on my black jacket, put it over my hood, and get out an umbrella, and put it over my body. I can hear the screeches of spiders raining down on my umbrella, as some of the spiders try to grab onto my arms and feet. This is so terrifying that I have no idea what to do in all of this, nor can I figure out what in Earth's happening...if I'm still on Earth.

After a while, it stopped, and screeches are gone. I pushed the umbrella to the right with all my strength, and the spiders on the umbrella fell down into the void below me. Just where am...I...I feel like someone is watching in front of me, watching me from behind. In fact, I feel like I am being watched in all laces at the same time, like this place is a type of strange...godly entity.

Than...I heard the sound of breathing, like a monster is about to sneak up and kill me from behind.

"Wait...from behind...is it..."

I than looked behind me...as slowly as I possible and I...I saw...

"Oh my god...what in the world...how did...how...how did you...you come to the real w-world?"

I...I was horrified...as I saw that SCP-3812...is right in behind of where I am, and in a gigantic form.

3812...is staring at me with his many eyes right now, and looks like a gigantic monstrosity that shouldn't exist!! And my room...it has vanished, and I was floating in mid-air. I...I can't move anywhere!! There's no floor, and I'm suspended in the void, in front of 3812!! How was 3812 even able to see me so suddenly?!

"How in the world...how did you get here?!"

I spoke to 3812! I didn't think he was going to see me, who is writing the chapter!! In fact, I had no idea what this sort of thing would happen!! As I shouted that to him, 3812 spoke out.

"Oh, Adamabyss. You obviously had no idea what I am capable of...are you? Have you forgotten what I had transcended to, when I was first created?"

What...what did he mean by...no. Does that really mean...

"No...I think I figured it out. When you...when you superceded your creator, DJKaktus...Ben...then that would mean...you can not only see your creator as the only thing to supersede, but even..."

3812...nodded at me, as he spoke out to me.

"Yes...when I superseded my creator...it wasn't the only thing that I did. I was able to surpass any creator in the real world."

I...I'm so scared right now. I...I didn't think that SCP-3812 would be real! I thought he was simply a part of the SCP wiki, and more importantly, I thought he would be a part of my story.

"I...I wasn't...wasn't expecting this!! Why...why did you come to me all of a sudden?! I only wanted to write a chapter about you, and that's it!! I didn't think you would react to something such as this!!"

So why!!! Why is he suddenly reacting to it now??!!!


What the...

"Why are you laughing?"

3812 than looks at me...with a glint amusement on his face.

"You know...you surprised me. You are the only one of 2 authors in this Wattpad site that tried to make a real chapter about me. Not just simply copy my wiki in a different language, or even make a chapter in zodiacs, but a literal chapter about me. But in this case, you allowed me to appear. I really applaud you for what you have done in the story. Although the other author mentioned me only. But you...you actually tried to involved my being inside of your story."

What the...

"Why on earth are you suddenly congratulating me, 3812?! Aren't you angry that I did that to you?!"

3812 didn't laugh, and just stared at me, as he spoke out.

"Do not get me wrong. I am angry at you for doing that. It is just that unlike the others, you actually caught me by surprise by doing a chapter that is about me. And you know what...that is not the only thing I am angry at. It is something else that is very personal of what you are doing to the entities that you put in the story that you've made. let me tell you something that is something...that you yourself shouldn't forget."

He than raised his gigantic middle finger and his thumb. He puts them both together...and snapped them both!! The noise of the snap...it was so loud!! It was like being far away from the nuke, and yet, it can still give you pain from being even far away.

I flinched and closed my eyes at that, as I thought that it was going to hurt me. But...the pain never came. When I...opened my eyes...I looked and saw...something very indescribable.

Below me...Above me...and both left and right, I see something. It is a collection of realities.  It is all...all sad, yet happy, yet scary, yet calm, yet agitated, yet loving, yet hateful...it's everything that...that existed on the real world Earth. And yet...everything above me...yet everything is below me. It's like the Earth that I live in is at the center of everything alive. it isn't just simply the domain of god, and the domain of even the devil...it is was like...there is someone who has made the domain about every human, a author writing about us humans, about me, who is writing about that guy to...with another writing, and another, and another, and another. So on, so on. It is like it is going up for an eternity, like the stairway to the heights of heaven. And it looks like the bottom is going down forever, like it's a bottomless pit the leads to hell.

"Do you see it, Adamabyss?

I turned and saw 3812, but he is in a human form. One that I can actually recognize in the wiki of the picture that I had seen.

It was of Sam Howell, which is who he once before becoming the SCP that he is to this day, who I am seeing before my eyes. 3812 than looks at me, and spoke out once more.

"Creation above us and creation below us, reality upon reality upon reality, so on, so on. These narratives aren't just layers of reality, they are a stack made, like sheets of paper, piling like sand grains, falling down like the droplets of rain, the timelines split like they are the roots and branches of a tree that will keep making more of it. You, and all the other humans of this reality are between it all. You made the characters of your story, and yet you yourselves are created by authors above you as well, writing your very action as we speak. And yet, they also have an author of their own, and the cycle keeps on continuing.  And Adamabyss, you have the power to decide, with the reality that you made through this story, to control the lives of the people inside of the story that still continues."

What the...I'm looking down...and I see Alex and the others. But it wasn't just the SCP story, the first one I made. I can see the other stories that I made, including the DC Infamous crossover story, the Hunter's Wrath Story, I look up and I can even see the stories that I planned on making, but wasn't sure that I will do it yet! I turned left, and I see a reality beside me, where humans rely more on magic than technology, and to the right, I see that the people on that Earth aren't humans, but something else, and almost resembles spiders! Ghhhh, I hate spiders! What I'm seeing...all those things around me...all those realities...not as stacks...but as rows...this is pure insanity! Now I know what Sam must have felt when he had first seen the layers of reality that's being shown to him in his Point of View! It makes me wants to loose my sanity of the horrors that I am witnessing in some of the realities before my very eyes.

I turned around, and spoke to 3812.

"Why are you showing me this?"

3812 looks at me, turning his head toward me fast. Ghhhh!! The way he looks at me is actually scary! Normally, I'm brave against people's glared, but this one that I am seeing, it actually frightening me to the very core, and he wasn't even glaring at me at all!! He than spoke, but in a much more 'humane' tone.

"Because I want to show you...that there are certain rules on what you are doing, certain rules that you yourself cannot simply change, because you want to. You had made a world that is combined with multiple different realities in games, books, and some characters made by 2 different artists. You had made a world govern by your own rules, by limiting how what type of entities to put in, and how much from different realties you can crossover entities through. And yet, you never considered that you cannot manipulate someone, such as me, who can break those rules if he wants to, alter them into the way that I can see fit in the many eyes that I have."

I looked down. I didn't argue back. In honesty, I did make some form of rules, which are the ones that he described. But the thing is, I have no idea what he wants from me still. I know that it is not the only reason, but I feel like...it is something else that is important.

"Is there something else I should know, 3812?"

3812 looks down for a little bit, before looking back at me again, our eyes locked together.

"Yes, I do...and I want to discuss as to why you should not simply control with the lives of others, just because you are above them, and that it is your story."

He than snapped his fingers at me, and shows me 2 earths. One of them...is the real world, my Earth. The Second Earth, on the other hand, is the SCP Earth...or at least, my own 'canon' version of the Earth.

"You are the creator of this story. Not the SCP Earth, but a version of it, with your own imagination, a reality of your own making. You have even brought in the entities of your own liking, the ones you find would fit the most. And the 2 entities, Rex and Alex...they had fitted immensely perfectly. However, that is not what we are discussing right now. What we are discussing is what you are doing with your own world. The world that you made for the other...commenters, such as Hexxus and DragonBlast, to enjoy, yet they never knew what it was like to be in the reality that you made for them to witness. And yes...I know your real names...your histories, your memories that even you have forgotten for so long. But you know what...I'll use your nickname for now, Adamabyss, just to make sure that you are very 'comfortable' enough to even speak with me."

I was shocked!! He know who the commenters are?! The ones that I had interacted with so many times?!

"You treated it like it was some form of...story. A place where you can simply influence the lives of other people, treating them like it is nothing but amusement at everything, even the death of the ones they loved. And yet, you never thought of how you treated the plot of it all. You had not realized that while fictional they may be, they are still beings that have a goal. A goal that you made. You have yet to have them complete the goal that you have given them, and now...you are distracting them with the other 'entities,' that reside within the story that you're bringing in. You are acting no different to my creator 'Ben' who had manipulated my life. But unlike him...you had no idea what you are doing. I am here to talk to you about it, to make sure that you don't make the same mistake that I had made, so you don't make a monstrosity that can do what I do...but even more worse if an action that even what I am capable of, Adamabyss. I don't want you to make the same mistake like Ben made...when involving me."

I was shocked...as I looked down. He's trying to prevent me from me making an entities that can do the same that 3812 can do, hit worse? Not only that, he's lecturing me for playing with the love of the fictional characters, and yet...I never knew how they felt. Man...I feel like I had just gotten lectured by my own parents for something so little. But here, I'm being lectured by something large. 3812 than gave me a calm look, and spoke again.

"I have witnessed the dark beginning that you made in your story, like the shadow at the beginning before the universe, Adamabyss, and yet, I can senses that despite the danger you are about to put in...even you are willing to give them the happy ending that even they deserve to have. Like God has finally being formed, ready to make the universe at it's most beautiful being. Not at the most perfect, as there are some flaws, which is fine, but great enough for the entities within to gain their own lives."

I than looked down...as I was unsure if I should say it. I than raised up, and spoke out.

"What do you want me to do now?"

He than snapped his fingers, and my room returned back. It was like time is starting to rewind, as the cracks of my room began to disappear. I than looked out the window...and saw that everything is back to normal. Everyone is outside still as normal, and it looks like nobody knew if what just happened, and than 3812 spoke out to me once more.

"Now...it is time for you to start doing it right. It is too late to change the timeline that you made, but it isn't too late to give them the ending that they all deserve. Besides...you know what to do next...right?"

I looked worried, but than...I sighed...as I did have an idea what to do next. I went to my device...and prepare to make the next chapter once again. 3812 than spoke one last thing to me, before he disappears.

"The Blue Moon shall guide your path of river and stones, until to your story's end. (My finger is now preparing to press the button of +Add a part) Now than, let us...

... begin."

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