The Old Man from Nowhere

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Day 4...

Alex and his group are now staying at what seems to be an abandoned cabin of some sort. They were a bit far away from a civilization where there is little advanced technology. Well...there is, but it is not as common as the ones inside of the towns and the cities. But these guys aren't much of a 'technology' type of people...except for the E.V.Os, Circe, Rex, and Breach, whenever she shows up.

Right now, Rex is on his phone, listening to some music. He's also using his touch to constantly keep it from running out of batteries, to the dismay of the others with them.

But Alex simply decided to let Rex have his fun, and just simply mind his own business, and leans more to Nyu, who is now nuzzling against his biomass coat. Circe listens on Rex's phone, and hears the music, which is both her's and Rex's favorite. Although they are not going to tell everyone what the song is that they are listening to right now.

As Rex listened to music, he has a text by someone named 'The Overvoid Lurk'. He's a pretty mysterious guy, but he is very, very chatty, which Rex is also. So he chats with him as often as he can, and even manage to get stuck in a long conversation at him at one point. Although, he does feel a little bit uneasy when he sees his name, as he is unsure what he looks like. Luckily, Rex doesn't show his face in the texts.

As Alex looked out the window, he originally thought back at what has happened to him in the past. But now...he is thinking of what will happen to him when they're in the future. It actually kind of made him worried, as he had no idea what will happen. True, they'd get rid of 610 permanently, but what happens after they are done with the task, he'll not know. What he will know, however, is that the 610 will start to become a tiny problem.

Than Alex began to sigh, as he continued to look outside.


This made both Alex and even Rex jump, which made everyone else get caught by surprise, due to their reaction.

"Rex's what's wrong?"


Both the females spoke out. Before Alex and Rex could comply, the crash was heard again, and this made both Alex and Rex look outside.

One of the cities from far away was shown to be falling down. But no one had attacked the city. So why is it suddenly falling down, when there is nothing  to be seen.

But as that happened, Alex and Rex sensed something coming from the city.

"Alex, do you feel that?"

Rex spoke out to him, as Alex spoke back to him.

"If you mean sensing anomalous energy coming from the city...yes."

Alex, not wanting to think of having their cabin crumbling, while their girlfriends are still hiding in it, stood up and spoke out.

"We'll be right back. You both stay safe, okay?"

Circe nodded, but Nyu looks confused. Alex than turned to Circe, and spoke out.

"Circe, do you mind distracting her while me and Rex are gone to check out what is happening?"

Circe nodded, and spoke out.

"Sure thing, Alex."

Alex and Rex than went out the door, and Rex activated his Punk Busters, while Alex simply runs.

Hours later...

Alex and Rex are able to arrive at the destination of the city, and they are shocked by the sight of the city.

The entire is in ruins. It didn't look like someone attacked it. It looked like an unknown force of some kind has invaded the city, and used his power to demolish it down to the ground. Bodies are everywhere, as some humans still struggle to stay alive for as much as they can.

Rex deactivated the Punk Busters, as Rex look around in utter shock and awe.

"Woah...that is some very big scale destruction."

Alex nodded, as he looked around the city. Even he felt a little bit bad for the city, as he spoke to himself.

"This is so much destruction in just one city. What could have done this amount of destruction all by themselves?"

Alex walks through the ruined city, as he saw so many people dead, and many buildings collapsed. But as they walked in the city...Alex felt a hand on his shoulder. This made Alex flinch, and Rex noticed it.

"Alex, is there something..."

Rex froze, and look what is behind Alex himself. Alex noticed that scared. This is unlike Rex. So Alex looked behind him, to see what is wrong. What he saw actually made Alex very frightened.

Stand behind him, touching his shoulder, is a creature that resembles a human, minus the fingers...there are skeletal and gnarly, like a combination between a corpse and a monster. It wears a black robe of some sort, and a black hood. Alex couldn't see this thing's face...if it has a face, because there are flames covering where the face should be. Behind him is wings made out of smoke of some kind. And on the waist of the entity, are items that resembles what seems to be a deck of cards.

Alex stepped back, and the entity seemed to realize that both Alex and Rex see him...because it suddenly vanished.

As that happens, Alex turns around, and noticed a similar being behind him. But this one was a bit shorter. Unlike the other one Alex and Rex saw, this one has human-like arms, though it does look somewhat pale. It also lacks sleeves, revealing that his arms are between being malnourished and being healthy. In other words, he is between being both skinny and being muscular in between. Though the face isn't seen, Alex could tell that it is present, but it is hidden in the shadows. As Alex squinted, he sees the eyes of the entity. They were cold and dark, like a void of death waiting to take his next victim. And instead of there being 2, there are 4 eyes. There is also long silver hair coming out from beneath the hood, and a crown floating above. On the right hand of the entity, it seems to be a goblet. But the handle is a silver and is bone-shaped, and the base part of it has 4 skulls in each direction, and has a jewel that emits like in the mouth of the skull. When Alex focused his vision, he sees that it is made of what seems to be water of some sort, but it is much more brighter than water. Actually, it is a bit brighter than the sun itself, and yet, never emitted any form of heat. The shine is as though it is a 'cold light.'

The entity, also realized that Alex is looking at the entity. And than, Rex sees the entity. But unlike the previous doesn't disappear. But it does observe them to see what they're doing. Alex and Rex felt a little bit unease, as they look at the entity. It is doing nothing. All it is doing is staring at the legacies of the gods. After a little bit, Alex and Rex were a bit creeped out, and began to walk away from the entity

As Alex and Rex look around, Alex than noticed someone walking away.

"What the...who's that?"

Alex and Rex turned to see someone walking away from the very ruined city. Alex and the others looked at each other, before speaking out.

"Maybe we should go see him. Make sure that he's alright."

Alex nodded, and began to walk up to him. But the second he began doing this...the person waking instantly realized that they are following him, as he spoke out.

"So...someone from beyond this town found me?"

The person than turned around, and they get to see what his face looks like.

Alex is shocked, as he realized who it is that is standing before them all.

"Wait a moment. I recognize you! You're SCP-1440!"

Alex spoke out to him. The old man nodded silently, as he spoke out.

"It seems that you recognize me, young man."

Alex than spoke out.

"The Old Man from Nowhere that causes destruction to human civilization, who doesn't know you?"

Old man nodded, and spoke out.

"And I think you know why I'm not in containment."

Alex nodded, and than Rex spoke out to him.

"You manage to cause a lot of problems to the foundation, 1440. That is quite impressive. Nor even 682 can cause this much problems to the Foundation."

"Indeed. They had tried to contain me 4 times in order to stop me from causing anymore destruction to many of the humans cities, even when I begged for them to let me go so I don't have them be killed by my curse. And yet, the brothers have no regard for their safety."

Alex raised an eyebrow, as he spoke out.

"Brothers, you've mentioned them in an interview log with Doctor [EXPUNGED]. Are you referring to those cloaked entities that we saw in the city?"

1440 nodded, and spoke.

Two, aye. They are the ones that are always with me. The third hasn't appeared to me yet. And yet, all of them are so cruel and vengeful. They have been the cause of the many misforunes of both humans and I. And soon...they will cause yours."

Alex than remembers something from the interview.

"You once said something in an interview during your talk with the doctor. You claimed that the Third is the only one that never shows up, because it'll free you. So where is he?"

1440 look a bit more tired, as he spoke out.

"Even I don't have the answers, my boy. I have been trying to avoid as many civilizations as long as I can, all so I can find the third and the oldest brother, and yet, I have not found out where he is hiding."

Alex looks a bit sad at the Old Man, but before he can speak out, Rex tapped Alex's shoulder, and spoke.

"Alex...we've got a bit of a problem."

As he turned, Alex and Rex saw see that the 2 entities, or...the 2 brothers are approaching them. Alex and Rex began to step back, but 1440 than spoke out.

"There is still time for you to leave, young men. Do not become another one of their victims for them to take."

Alex and Rex turned and nodded, as they ran away. But 1440 than spoke out.

"Before you go...there is something inside of a cave that I hid. I sense that you are powerful enough to use it. is time that it should be passed on to someone else. Please...take what I have on the cave."

Alex turned, and although a bit uneasy, he nodded his head, before turning back, and running.

As Alex ran, he saw the brothers floating towards him. So Alex jumped, and grabbed onto Rex's hands, who activated his Boogie Packs for flight.

As Alex looked back, he saw that the brothers are unable to reach them, due to being tied, in a way, to SCP-1440.

As Alex and Rex flies away...



Alex and Rex suddenly felt a sudden shock in their hearts. Than, Alex and Rex fell, due to the sudden pain their experiencing. This is pain unlike anything that they have ever felt. It was like their hearts are beginning to scream in utter agony. The people Alex consumes is also screaming inside of his mind.

The Web of Intrigue, a mental plane inside of Alex's mind, began to shake and corrupt, as the voices in the memories began to speak in a language that no one knows. It was like it was a combination of different languages, and piecing it together into a single multi-twister of languages, despite the fact that...the language feels somewhat...old.

Rex also began to hold his head with his hands, as he tried to deal with the screaming. His eyes began to turn red, as his Omega-1 Nanite began to corrupt. Rex than lets out a ungodly roar, like something is trying to possess the E.V.O.

But there was one word that both Alex and Rex seem to was a word that had said...'Spear.'

After a little bit in agony...the screaming had stopped, as Alex was able to make a mental shield to protect him from the sudden amount of screaming. Rex also was able to protect himself against the screaming, and was able to purge our what it was that was taking over the E.V.O.

"Woah...what the fuck's that?"

Alex spoke out, as he held his head, unsure what had just happened. This was something that he wasn't expecting. Rex struggles to get up from the sudden backlash that both He and Alex experience.

But as that happened, Alex than...felt something. It was like something was starting to control his body. It wasn't even Yaldabaoth this time when he was involved with the dear god. No...what he is experiencing, is something else.

He felt his body starting to go up on its own, like he's a puppet. He than began to walk down very slowly, as if someone is telling him that there's danger happening in the cave, despite the fact that he doesn't sense that there is a living creature here.

"Alex, What's wrong?"

Rex spoke out. But Alex...while he is listening to Rex...his mouth isn't loving. It was like someone sealed his mouth shut with his own tendrils. Rex has no idea why, but he feels like there is something that is controlling Alex. Like it was some form of an...ancient evil. An evil that no one has even seen in so many millennia. This is actually beginning to frighten Rex somewhat.

Alex kept going down. Despite the fact that, he wanted to leave, his body kept forcing him to keep coming down to the cave's depth. Alex doesn't know why it is happening.

'Come on! Regain control, Alex! Regain control of the body that you have!!'

Alex thought to himself in frustration. As he continued to speak out.

"You can't simply tell your own body to stop, Alex Mercer."

Alex than appeared on his subconsciousness, and saw the Blacklight entity again, and this time, he is in a different form again.

Alex snarled, as he spoke out.

"Blacklight. Are you doing this to me?!"

But the Blacklight entity shook his head, signifying that he is not responsible.

"I haven't done anything yet. And I can't do anything when I try to control it. I think that whoever you're exposed to, it is leading you to the source that had made you like this."

Alex was a bit confused, but after Blacklight said that, he was able to regain control of his body again, and now free from whatever is controlling him.

" appears that you are free...for now, Alex."

Before Alex could speak back...


Alex turned and see Rex coming down. Rex put his hands on his knees, as he takes a deep breath. Even though he is superhuman at energy, even he gets tired at something. Rex than looked up at Alex, and has a frustrated look on his face.

"Jeez, Alex!! You look like you were in a trance of some sort!! What's gotten into you?!"

Alex looked around, and spoke out.

"I don't know. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. But it was also leading me somewhere, to find something. I do not know why."

As Alex and Rex looked around, Alex than turned, and saw a red glow of some sort, coming from under the rocks. Rex noticed that to, and recognized the energy.

"Wait...what was the thing that gave us that pain so sudddnly!!! Where's it coming from?!"

Rex shouted out in utter frustration. Alex than took apart the pile, rock by rock, until...he saw something that was radiating such power.

It appears to be a spear of sorts, but it is shorter than Alex, and is about 5 feet in it's length. It appears or be rusted and is made in a rather crude manner. But both Alex and Rex sensed something odd about the spear. Something...ancient...and something so unimaginably . They even heard voices speaking in a tongue that only the high elder gods know, and is impossible for even a regular human to translate. There is even a language that doesn't exist in the human realm. It seems to exhaust in the realm of where the Gods reside above.

"What the...why is a spear making an energy like that?!"

Rex spoke out, very confused.

Alex...has no idea what it is...but he has a bad feeling on what this thing before him is.

Suddenly, the spear began to move, as space around began to falter in a slight way. It than moved and floated, until it reached into Alex's hand. The Blacklight being flinched, as the voices inside are now heard far more clearer than it was ever before.

Before Alex could get it off, a familiar voice spoke out.

"Do not let go of it."

Alex stopped, and recognized the voice that spoke. It was Yaldabaoth's voice.


He spoke quietly. Yaldabaoth than continued speaking.

"You are going to need it. What lies ahead of you before the mistakes of creations I made will be far worse than you could imagine, my child. It is something you most face against, with his spear."

Alex, confused, spoke out.

"Who's he?"

Before Yaldabaoth could speak, a sudden backlashes occurred, and it came from the spear. Before Yaldabaoth could do anything, her connection was severed, ending the conversation with her child.

Alex than looked at the Spear, and looks very uncertain about it. But as he looked, he sensed people coming.

Alex and Rex than jumped onto the ceiling, and out of sight. They than look down, to see what seems to be people in robes. On the front of the hood, there is a black eyeball, with a red iris, and the eye is in a vertical direction, instead of the usual horizontal line. Robes are also red or purple or black.

They began to look around, as if they are looking for something. As that happened, Alex looked at the spear, and it began to react. It didn't take long for Alex to realize...the spear is important to whatever those people are. Whatever it is...they want it for something that will make it a disaster for everyone.

As they kept on looking, Alex and Rex manage to crawl out into the open, while the others kept looking. As that happened, Alex snuck away with Rex, without even making a sound. They didn't even use their power to nullify any form of sound.





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