Life without Death

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Paradox, Azmuth, and Takion were able to understand the information about the Scarlet King, as they looked up at the 4 Doctors, and more specifically, Dr.Bright.

" are saying that the Scarlet King was, in his own words, cursed by awareness?"

Takion spoke out, as Bright nodded.

"Yes, but only because he was born from the Abyss itself. Creation is light, and the Abyss of darkness. So it is kind of obvious."

Kondraki than spoke out to Takion.

"So what happened to this...Highfather that you had mentioned beforehand, Takion?"

Takion sighed, as he spoke out.

"Well...he had gotten himself into a war 200 years ago, and was able to defeat the enemy, but at the cost of his own life as well. So, to make sure that New Genesis is not completely defenseless, he converted me into Takion, a New God, as well as an Avatar of the Source. It was very difficult...getting used to it."

Bright raised his eyebrow.

"How was it tough?"

Takion looks at them.

"As my mind had suddenly became connected to the source, I was somehow able to know anything. I know every outcome, every failure, every route, every choice, yesterday today, tomorrow today, yesterday tomorrow the same. It became to much for my human mind to comprehend on such a scale. So I had to find a way for me to filter it in a way that didn't cause to much stress for me.

'Must be one heck of a mismatched calendar.'

Clef thought in his mind, as Takion continued to speak.

"But Highfather, or rather, his spirit, was able to guide me, and even helped me with my omniscience. After 100 years, I was finally able to get used to the awareness that I was granted with. So now, I am able to work on my Omniscience without any form of discomfort from the Source itself. And no Clef, it isn't like a type of mismatched calendar."

Clef chocked on a gumball that Paradox gave him, as he spoke out.

"What? How did you know that I thought of that?!"

Takion spoke out.

"I have telepathy, genius. Do you really have to ask me when you yourself could know the answer alone?"

Gears nodded, but than, turns towards the 3 present.

"I'm going to be honest with you, when you spoke about the Source to me, I had began to compare it to the Abyss. From the way it sounds like..."

Gears was silent.

"Go on. What is it?"

Azmuth spoke out. Gears than raised his head.

"It almost sounds like, both the Abyss and the Source...they almost sound like their opposing forces, as they were both made since the beginning, as well as the fact that gods were created from the 2 forces themselves, and it seems like...the Abyss is meant to symbolize nothingness, while the meant to symbolize being. mentioned that Yuga Khan fell into the Black Beneath Everything..."

Takion was able to catch on what he meant, and spoke out.

"Wait...when Yuga Khan was said to have been swallowed by the Black Beneath Everything...that means..."

Gears nodded.

"It must have been the Abyss itself, and the Scarlet King must have consumed Yuga Khan!"


This made the situation a whole lot worse.

"But than that means that the Scarlet King could be aware of us!!"

Takion spoke out, with Paradox nodding.

"Than we shouldn't waste anymore time. After all, we have all the information that we need."

As he spoke out...

"As do I..."

A voice spoke out, as a boom-tube suddenly appeared out of complete nowhere, causing everyone to close their eyes and cover their ears.

"That voice..."

Takion spoke out, as everyone looked to see who it was that has decided to appear.


Takion later speaks out, as a Deity inside of a chair appeared.

"Wait, you are that god of knowledge that Takion has mentioned."

Clef spoke out, as he gets ready to take out his shotgun, and shoots Merton in the face. But the Mobius Chair sensed it happening, and obliterated the Shotgun.

"What is it with people tryin going out to destroy mah shotgun?"

Clef spoke irritatingly. Dr.Kondraki than spoke out to him in his British accent.

"Because you simply don't know when to stop and step the hell down, Clef."

Kondraki steps forward and spoke out to Metron.

"I deeply apologize about Alto Clef's behavior. He is just very eager to kill some anomalies that appear within his line of sight."

Metron simply looks disinterested, as he than spoke back again in his calm, neutral tone.

"Understandable, but this is not what I am here to talk about."

Bright than spoke out to Metron.

"What is it, Metron? Is it something that should concern us all?"

Metron looks at bright and nodded.

"Indeed. While I was around traveling the universe, I sensed another power. It was as powerful as the Scarlet King, along with a few other powers that I had sensed."

This really did concern them, as Azmuth spoke out to Metron.

"What is Do you know what it is?"

Metron shook his head, as he spoke out to the Galvan.

"Unfortunately not, Azmuth. It only appeared for a brief moment, and than it disappeared again. I had observed this world for a long time...and after seeing how varied the powers of these things in this Earth are like, I am hoping that there is something, an anomaly, as you human scientists call it, that can help me discover what it is that had caused that powerful surge of energy."

Dr.Gears put a hand on his chin, as he began to rub it. After a little bit...he than spoke out to Metron.

"You know...there is a anomaly that can grant you knowledge, but only in one subject."

Metron than looked at Dr.Gears, as he spoke out.

"And what is anomaly that can grant me it?"

Dr.Gears looks up at Metron, before he finally speaks it out.

"It is an anomaly that fills a sentient beings mind with whatever Knowledge that an entity desires to know. This anomaly is known as SCP-028."

Back in the Darkness Below...

Alex and the others are in utter shock, about the story involving the New Gods and the Old Gods, and more specifically...

"The Scarlet King? That was who we are about to deal with soon?"

Bekka nodded, as she spoke out.

"He is, and is the reason behind the invasion of your world. He was the one that had made the Spears, and the one that had manipulated the Foundation, the Serpent's Hand, and the rest of you. He has been aware of every single outcome, and more importantly...Alex, Rex, Wanda, and Ben, all of you have a role when you."

This made Alex's eyes widened.

"What? But we never had anything to do with the Scarlet King!!"

But Bekka than spoke out to Alex.

"Alex...think of what Yaldabaoth had said. Who was the nephew that she had referred to you?"

Alex than looks down...remembering what his mother had told him, before he spoke out.

" you mean..."

Bekka nodded, and spoke out.

"That is correct, Alex. The Scarlet King is the Nephew of Yaldabaoth. Which would mean one thing, in a technical are his cousin."


Alex's mouth opened wide in shock, as he looks down at his feet. But Bekka wasn't done.

"But that is not the only thing about you Alex. You, along with Rex and Wanda, will be more involved with the Scarlet King. But...I do not know the reason why. But there is something about you 3 that makes you a threat to his plan for annihilating against all of creation."

Ben than stepped forward, and spoke out.

"And what about me? You said about me having a role to play when against this Scarlet King, that you had talked about."

Kevin than spoke out to Bekka.

"Could it have something to do with Alien X and his kind?"

Bekka, shocking, nodded her head, as she spoke out to them.

"You are correct, Kevin. Alien X's kind had been involved when it involved the Scarlet King."

Gwen than spoke out to Bekka.

"But how?"

Bekka turns to Gwen, and spoke out.

"The Celestialsapiens were the first aliens, as well as the only self-man species to be created without anyone helping them. When they made a duty to protect creation, they rose against the Scarlet King, and sided with the creator, known as, the All-Mighty, and acted as his soldiers. When it was over, they decided to no longer interfere with creation, and resided in the Forge of Creation, where they have to respect the natural laws of reality and order, so they don't end up causing another battle like this. But now...they have heard of the Scarlet King getting ready to return to Creation once more...and since Alien X is one of the Celestialsapiens, the personalities inside of Alien X have remembered the danger, and are now getting ready to fight against the Scarlet King once more."

Ben's eyes widened, as he remembers when he his Omnitrix had self activated Alien X for no apparent reason. But finally made sense to him now. Bellicus and Serena...

They had both recognized the danger of the Scarlet King, and when it involved the Scarlet King, it is the only topic they would not even argue a single thing about. They are here to preserve their existence, just like every other being in every single form of reality. Stopping the Scarlet King, it is the only thing that they will always agree on.

Alex than looks up at Bekka once more, and spoke out to the Love Goddess.

"How were you captured by him, Bekka?"

Bekka looks very uneasy of the question, before she spoke out, shakily.

"He tricked me, when he took on the form of my husband, Orion. And than when he captured me, put me inside of this dungeon, he had...showed me what he really looks and...and he...had impregnated me with a spawn that I soon gave birth to. So...I hid the child to a human family...where she could be raised correctly. I always thought that Darkseid was bad...but the Scarlet worse. In fact, even when he's compared to Yuga Khan, the Scarlet King is far more of a monster than Yuga ever was in his lifetime."

Alex looked at her with a sad expression. It is very obvious that The Scarlet King had somehow become aware of the New Gods, and now, had made a plan for her, since she is one of the New Gods. Well, at least the child is safe...wherever it is.

Max than spoke out to her.

"So...where is he? Is he in the Darkness Below, somewhere?"

Bekka than shook her head, as she spoke out.

"He is not just in there, in this realm. He is in every form of existence at once, an omnipresent Old God, Ben. The multiverses that can still feel fear, this means that he is present in every single universe, as long as fear exists inside of that universe, or if fear is beginning to form inside of that universe also."

Aqualeily than spoke seriously.

"Does he know that we've arrived?"

Bekka nodded.

"Yes, he does know...and he is likely going to send someone after you to stop you from freeing me."

Alex than spoke out.

"Than we'll just get you out of this place, and fast. Bekka, get back."

Bekka nodded, as she took many steps back. Alex than formed his blade, and began to slice threw the bare, with Rex joining him with his Bad Axes.

After a minute, they were able to get the bars to open, and Bekka was able to step out, with the Bars...reforming. They began to wrap around themselves. Tightening and wovening around each other, and after a little while, the cells are made completely again.

"Geez. That was a little nasty."

Kevin spoke out, with Gwen speaking back.


They than moved out of the chamber, and pulled onto a lever, as they than go back up. But Alex simply facepalmed, and spoke out.

"Wait. Why are we even waiting to go up? Gwen?"

Gwen nodded, as he knows what Alex is thinking. She than made a platform underneath the group, turned it into a large bubble, and flies out, with Wanda, Firestorm, Rex, and Alex flying out. Only Ben, Kevin, Max, and Gwen are inside the mana bubble, which floats.

Alex than turns he sensed something wrong.

"What is wrong, Alex?"

Bekka spoke, through the bubble. Alex turns to her with his red eyes glowing.

" said that Grayven would only awaken when someone is in his presence, right?"

Bekka nodded, and Alex than looked unhappy.

" seems that he is awake now, fighting against Abel."


"What?! Who did?!"

Bekka shouted out. Alex spoke out.

"I don't know. But it is very obvious that it wasn't meant to be intentional."

Rex and Wanda looked at each other. They seriously have no absolute idea on how Alex knows what is happening, despite the fact that he is not present on Earth. In fact, Alex could sense that his infected are not at where the fight is happening, and are still back at N.Y.Z's Red Zone, munching and devouring the demons that are coming to the Red Zone. There is clearly something very off about Alex.

When the group finally reached the top, the Mana bubble than dissipates, and the group began to run out.

As they ran, they went through multiple corridors, but thankfully, Alex had a tendril attached to the exit's wall when he went in, so finding the exit wasn't tough. After a little while, they're able too see the exit. They tried to reach it. But than...


A sudden shift in the ground happened, and the group looked down, only to see the ground beginning to collapse into itself. But that wasn't even the worst part yet.


Rex spoke out, as they are suddenly sucked into a hole that was made by the ground, which began to collapse. Alex tried to grab o to the ceiling, before he suddenly began to fall alongside with the others. It is as though they are at one of those black holes that they're nearly sucked into.

Gwen tried to make a mana construct to prevent the rest of them from being sucked down. didn't work. She and the others are than pulled in, and went down to the Darkness.

Wanda and Firestorm tried to fly out of the way...but unfortunately, they were also sucked into the void that had been formed from the crack. And before they all knew what was going to happen, they were sucked in, as if someone has forced their bodies down into the black portal that had formed.

Alex and Aqualeily are holding onto each other, hands intertwined as if they are skydiving. The biomass made out of Alex is leaking off of him, as his clothes are made from his own organic matter. Alex's eyes began to flare even more, as he is very irritated of what they had gotten themselves into this time. Alex can't fly, because the force is pulling him down.

"Well...there goes getting out of the dungeon that we were in."

Alex spoke out, bitterly.

"Never mind that, we need to find a way to slow our fall!!"

Aqualeily shouted out, as she is beginning to be afraid of being killed upon impact with the ground, if there even is any ground beneath the group.

Alex than began to think of a plan...until he spoke out.

"Aqualeily. I'm going to need my hands. It's a trick that I had taught myself to do before."

Aqualeily nodded, and let's go of Alex's hands. Alex than formed his Tendrils, and began to extend it, before he manipulated them to tighten and woven around each other. It is as though his is stitching a hole inside of his clothing.

After he was done, he than spoke out.

"Okay, Aqualeily, grab onto me!!"

Aqualeily than huge behind of Alex's back. Rex, seeing what Alex is doing, than activated his Sky Slyder, as it is the lightest of the Omega Builds. Wanda simply formed a shield around herself, while Firestorm simply ignited himself in flames, as he gets ready to phase into the ground, no get back out of the ground. Max, Ben, and Kevin grouped near Gwen, as he than made another bubble, this one stronger than the one made by her previously.

Alex than closed his eyes, and hopes for the best that it will help them. When light was shown, he unraveled the parachute of flesh, with than made a sudden jerk, slowing down his fall. Rex activated the Sky Slyder's flight abilites, which stopped her fall also. Wanda and Gwen simply bounced on their forcefield, and Firestorm simply went through the front, before going back up again.

Rex deactivated his Sky Slyder, as he spoke out.

"That was close. Thought we were not gonna be able to pull it off."

Alex nodded, before looking around the place they are in.

"Woah...this is just...gross."

Everyone began to look around, and they saw that Alex meant by...gross.

The entire place that they are almost resembles Earth, but with so many terrifying differences, with the most shown difference being that the ground is organic, with circular mouths, similar to meat grinders, being present and scattered all over the place. There are even spheres with eyes present, mouths, and even arms, similar to the ones in the Darkness Below, in the skies above the whole world.

"So...where are we now? In another Earth?"

Rex spoke out. Alex's eyes began to flicker, as he noticed something.

"My's beginning to loose the supercharge that it had back in the Darkness Below. We need to move and find an exit for us all, and fast."

Everyone agreed, as they than went out of the area. But as they did...suddenly, a Boomtube appeared out from behind them, as a figure than stepped out of the portal. The figure wasn't shown much, as it is covered in shadows. But is it obviously a female.


The entire place they are in is nothing more than in utter disaster, as they have no idea where they are going, and due to the numerous traps that are present inside of this dimension. Many of the mouths would try to eat them. The eyes on the spheres would act like missiles and would fire at them. Arms would grow out of the ground, and try to ensnare them in their grasp. The entire place they are in is a nightmare. Even more so, when they saw the people that are present inside this strange Earth. They had become misshaped with their body parts, as arms become enlarged, tentacle-like, and even have mouths in their chests. Their normal mouths now possess very sharp teeth, and some of them have satanic ritual symbols present on the them.

"Come on. Let's me help you up."

Wanda spoke to Bekka, as the group are climbing up a cliff, that has arms that aren't moving. The arms are used in a similar manner to a ladder, as the group climbed onto them.

Wanda held her hand down to Bekka, who took it, as she pulled the New Goddess of Love up from the steep part of the area. Alex, when he looks at Bekka...he doesn't know why...but for some reason, Bekka's face looks similar to Wanda's. They even have the same eyes, which are both brown. The only thing that separates the difference is their hair color. Wanda's are brown, while Bekka's are red. Although given that she is a New Goddess, it is simply that it is just a form that she has chosen to make herself way more fitting of her Goddess of Love status.

As they kept moving in this place. Suddenly...a ground was beginning to shake, as the group tried to balance themselves.

"What in the world? What was that?!"

Alex spoke out, as Max began to stand up from the ground.

"It's coming from underneath the ground!!"

Suddenly...a large green tentacle than bursts out of the ground, as Max shouts out.


Everyone took his of his warning, as they began to run away from the tentacles bursting out of the ground.

"What in the FUCKING HELL!!! What are you??!!!"

Firestorm shouts out, as his flames ignited. He than fired his flames at the entity, but its tendrils simply swatted Firestorm away, like he was simply a fly that is annoying him.

"You fools. You should have known better than to come to my realm uninvited. But since you are new...allow me to answer your question. I am Shuma-Gorath, the Many-Angled God of Chaos, and the Cancerverse."

He spoke out. Alex spoke out.

"Cancerverse? What have you done to this Earth?"

Shuma-Gorath chuckled sinisterly, as he spoke out to Alex.

" is not about what I have done to this Earth, it is about what one of you SCP Scientists have done to this Earth. You see, one of your so called 05's, who called himself 05-4, made a deal with my kind, who are known as the Many-Angled Ones. 05-4 had made a deal with the members of my kind. In exchange for the life of his family, he would kill the concept of Death, known as...Mistress Death, along with her siblings, the Brothers Death. But...oh he should have known better than to destroy a concept such as this. When he did, it had altered the world, and caused everyone to become under the influence of the control of my kind. And poor 05-4 cried out in despair, as he sees his own family turned into such gross, yet beautiful entities. And his screams of anguish, it was delicious. Hahahahahahaha!!!"

Alex snarled, as hearing it from his mouth, even though he doesn't have a mouth, sickened him. He than formed his blade, and spoke out.

"So why are you suddenly here now, Shuma-Gorath? You are gonna kill us?"

Shuma-Gorath's lower eyelid raised a bit, as if being excited about doing something to the group that's before them.

"On the contrary...I'm here to convert you into the cause of my Kind!!!! Yehahahahahaha!!!!"

He than launched a tentacle at the group, which they were able to dodge. Rex than flies in front of Shuma-Gorath, and tried to punch him. But Shuma-Gorath simply swatted him away, or tried to, as Rex activated his Block Party, protecting himself from the strike of the Many-Angled Chaos God.

But Shuma-Gorath had a surprise of his own, and began to fire spiked balls with his eyes on it at Rex, who was about to activate the Slam Cannon, but had to force himself into his Block Party once again. Shuma-Gorath, however, wanted this to happen, as a mouth, similar to a crocodile, began to cover his eye, and charged at Rex, with the mouth open. But Rex activated his Rex Ride, and gets out of the way, as the mouth missed. Shuma than began to spin his tentacles, acting like a buzzsaw to hit Rex. But once again, he had missed, and now, it's Alex's turn.

Alex than went forward, and unleashed a clap, making a shockwave that sends Shuma a little bit far away, and Gwen made some Mana Tendrils to make an attempt to whip Shuma-Gorath to next week.

Bekka immediately becomes invisible, in order for her to remain out of sight for her to do whatever she is going to do against the one-eyed demon with tendrils.

Firestorm than gets back into the fight, and tries to fire his Flames at Shuma-Gorath. But the Chaos God simply blasts the flames with his eye beam, nearly vaporizing Firestorm in the process, who was barely able to get out of the way. Wanda than tried to use telekinesis, but to her shock, Shuma-Gorath simply liquified himself, and tries to reach Wanda. But Wanda flies out of the way, as Ben took a turn.

Changing into her Anodite form, Gwen made a whip of Mana, and wrapped it around Shuma-Gorath, along with Alex and Rex, who activated their Whipfist and Blast Caster. They threw the God with so much strength, they sent him to a mountain. But he quickly recovered, and now, it was Kevin and Max's turn.

Kevin absorbed some of the demonic metal back at the Darkness Below. He than made some mallets, and slammed them against each other.


Shuma-Gorath grunts, as Max began to blast Shuma with his energy guns. Aqualeily also stepped in, and zapped Shuma-Gorath with her trident's electricity.

Took, who everyone forgot that he was here, than used his Proto-Tool and made it into a gun, firing an energy blast at Shuma-Goarth, burning the God's tendrils.

But this seems to only make things worse, as Shuma seemed a bit more annoyed than hurt.

"Well...this is just plain annoying. I should taken you all now!!"

As though the blasts hadn't even touched the god, Shuma-Gorath launched his tentacles, and wrapped it around Max, Kevin, and Gwen, as well as Aqualeily. Took almost got caught, but he was able to get out of the way. Wanda than attempted to use her telekinesis to get the tentacles off of the group. But it wasn't working well.

But than...they heard the sound of a gun clicking, and before anyone knew what was about to happen...


Alex and the others turned to see who it is that had fired a gun. And they were a bit surprised to see who it was that has done so.

Apparently, while the group had been busy with fighting against the god, Bekka was able to find a place to aim her rifle at Shuma-Gorath, and when she had aimed, she fired.


What was the target? Simple. It is the eye of Shuma-Gorath himself. She hopes that he would be hit in the eye by the bullet of her gun. But unfortunately for her...Shuma-Gorath sensed the bullet coming, and raised one of his tendrils, in order to block the bullet, keeping it from reaching his eye. The bullet also had turned into a liquid, and similar to breaking down food, the bullet itself broke down, and eventually, it had became nothing.

Bekka was caught off guard by the failure of trying to shoot the eye, before she was now wrapped in another one of Shuma-Gorath's tendrils, which also made her drop the Sniper Rifle. As that happened...only Alex, Rex, Wanda, and Ben are the only ones that are not caught.

"Damn it. We've got to get them free!!"

Alex spoke out, as he formed his Whipfist. Rex than made his Blast Caster, as Ben turned into Alien X, getting ready to fight against Shuma-Gorath, in order to free their friends from him.

Before Shuma-Gorath could even get one of his tentacles to wrap around the rest of the group group, very suddenly, he is being pulled by someone, who had tugged one of his back tendrils. This sudden pull made him unwrap his tendrils around the others, who had fallen down, with Shuma-Gorath now being slammed to the ground, a bunch of times, before he was suddenly thrown right into a wall, and then, a shadowy figure came out of complete nowhere, and when they reached the eye...


The figure punched the eye, sending Shuma-Gorath very far. The group looked, and saw what just happened.

"Woah, who is that?"

Bekka than turns around, and when she saw the person that struck Shuma-Gorath, she than spoke out only one name, as the figure is shown in a light.


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