Source of the New Gods

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In the beginning...there was, but the Source of All.

The Source is the "source" of all that exists and acts as the limitless energy from which all life sprang forth in the Universe, along with the entity known the Light beyond it all.

Lying at the edge of the known multiverse is the Source Wall, which protects the Source, and traps all those who attempt to pass beyond it as Promethean Giants.

When the Universe came to existence, the first brings to be born, were the Old Gods. The Old Gods of the First World were an ancient race, whose destruction led the way for the Gods of Earth and other realms.

Around 18 billion years ago, the Old Gods originated from God World. years later, the "First World" slowly segued into the "Second World" as the humanoid lifeforms on God World attained godhood, thus becoming the Old Gods, in which these beings reached a peak of immense power and ushered a golden age of cultural and scientific advancement.

After 10 billion years of this golden age, God World fell into war. At the heart of this conflict was Lokee, god of mischief and bastard son of the chief god Wotan, who became the first god of evil. The conflict between the forces of good and evil escalated until Ragnarok came that saw God World being torn asunder in a great explosion where the gods perished.

The energy unleashed by the explosion of the God World spread across the universe, generating what later became known as the Godwave which seeded worlds with the potential to eventually bring forth gods of their own. Such a world was Earth, which produced its first own such gods 35,000 years ago. This was the beginning of the "Third World".

The remnants of God World would eventually create two separate planets: Apokolips and New Genesis.

New Genesis is a realm of paradise and a utopia for those that are of Heaven's Grace. It is a realm where the New Gods can life freely without any form of discomfort or fear, and a realm where there would be no sort of conflict on the planet themselves.

In fact, only one form of conflict exists, and this is between the tensions of the New Gods and a race of a humanoid insectoid race, simply known as Bugs.

Living in a culture known as the "Insect Empire"; the Bug civilization is made up of several Bug tribes that reside within large underground colonies. The empire is led by a queen "All-Widow" and a male second-in-command known as the "Prime One".

Apokolips is the realm of pure damnation and torment. It is a realm where the New Gods are forever enslaved and tormented, where the New Gods are imprisoned to rot in the realm, for the rest of their lives. The hellflames of Apokolips burned with no source, almost as if it doesn't even need to use a time of fuel source on its own.

When the planets came into existence, so did the leaders of the 2 realms. Each of them are at opposing sides of the other.

Izaya, the first ruler of Heavenly and peaceful world of New Genesis, as well as the inheritor of the Alpha Effect, an energy of beginning and creation.

And Yuga Khan, the first ruler of the Nightmarish Hell, Apokolips, and the strongest of the New Gods, as well as being the cruelest and most terrible leader that Apokolips has ever seen and ever been subjected to.

Yuga Khan was the former patriarch of Apokolips and its first ruler. Although Apokolips was the most powerful empire in the Universe and he himself one of the most powerful beings in existence, one that he still leads, none of this was enough for Yuga Khan. Wanting absolute knowledge and absolute power with it, Yuga Khan, despite the warnings Izaya, attempt to breach the very barrier of the Source Wall but failed as the barriers were too strong even for his power. As a result of his hubris, Yuga Khan became one of the Celestial Giants trapped in the Promethean Galaxy as a helpless captive for countless thousands of years.

Left with no ruler, Heggra,

the mistress and wife of Yuga Khan, took the throne for herself, and ruled Apokolips, with her brother, Steppedwolf, as his Bodyguard.

Heggra's rule was not as cruel as Yuga Khan, but her rule is still as diabolical as such, and even then, it is made stable. She would allow no one to have her throne, not even her 2 sons that are born from her and Yuga Khan. The sons are named Drax and Uxas.

Drax is the eldest child of Heggra. He is a very peaceful brother that never desires to fight against others and even conquer, and instead, he is a person that wants power so that he can use it to make a safe haven for others to live in. The same cannot he said, however, to his younger and power hungry brother, Uxas.

Uxas, in the other hand, is the most ruthless of Heggra's child, and the one that desires the throne for himself. Uxas began laying plans to claim the leadership of Apokolips, and even went as far as to corrupt a young New God named, Desaad, who would later become a torturer that cowered in the fear and power of Uxas' reign . But none of his plans would work...until one day, his desire for power finally came, in a very dangerous task that Mother Heggra assigned his older brother to do

Heggra, mother of her 2 sons, Drax and Uxas, commands Drax to go to the Infinity Pit, and become the inheritor of the power known as the Omega Effect, the destructive and deadly side of Entropy. But Uxas, hungering for power and wanting to become powerful, kills his brother with Drax knowing what is about to happen to him, and stole the Omega Effect for himself. When the Omega Effect finally merged with Uxas, he had then became the ultimate embodiment of Despair, Oppression, Ruthlessness, Conquest, and Tyranny, now reborn...DARKSEID

What remained of Uxas is now completely dead. Darkseid...IS.

Darkseid has now decided to wage war on all of existence in order to conquer it under his rule, and his only. No one gets to have it, except for Darkseid. Non dared to face Darkseid, as he has perfected his power into the most dangerous power, that no immortal can fight against, the Omega Beams.

The Omega Beams have the power to follow the Opponent, in order to make sure that the opponent will not escape his rage, as well as giving Darkseid the power to vaporize and erase anything that is in his line of sight, and lastly, the Omega Effect allows him to send his target, or retrieve an item that he needs in many different places, times, dimensions, and even universes he sees.

As part of his plan to eliminate another rival, Darkseid convinced his uncle, General Steppenwolf, to hunt the New Gods of New Genesis for sport. Darkseid accompanied his uncle on his hunt, where he killed Avia, wife of Izaya, the ruler of New Genesis. Izaya, in turn, killed Steppenwolf, but Darkseid soon resurrected him, and a war between Apokolips and New Genesis began.

Revenge, however, brought no solace to Izaya. The war grew larger and larger in scale and led to destruction of cosmic proportions with entire stars being weaponized and planets devastated.

Sick of all the destruction and carnage, Izaya wandered the ravaged lands of New Genesis, seeking enlightenment. It was at this time that he first encountered the Source, communicating with him through a fiery hand on a wall. Taking the name Highfather, he returned to the gods of Supertown to bring them the Source's wisdom.

But while on the middle of war, Darkseid would soon meet Suli, a beautiful Apokoliptian scientist who had peaceful leanings.

Suli had a unique aura around her essence, where it had began to calm a Darkseid down. He doe not know why...but whenever he is around Suli, he he is at peace. After being around Suli for so long, Darkseid than fell in love with the Apokoliptian Sorceress and the two had a child, Kalibak. Queen Heggra, however, did not approve of this union. She feared Suli's influence over her son, nor did she want Suli to be the mother to any more of her grandchildren. Heggra had Desaad, the royal torturer, kill Suli. She then arranged for her son to marry Tigra,

a woman who he hated, but one who Heggra admired for having a hot-tempered nature.

Eventually, Darkseid learned of Heggra's role in the death of Suli. Now more motivated to see his mother dead than ever before, he had Desaad murder the queen, leaving him as the unopposed ruler of Apokolips, his heart now hardened, and far more cold and cruel than ever before. With the Omega Effect that he has in his possession, he will do anything he can to conquer all of Life, and bring them under his rule, with voice speaking as calm as the cold brim, but filled with many years of Insanity and Rage to those that had taken his beloved Suli from him.

But Suli still has left one thing behind for him to remember her by, and it was Kalibak, the son of Suli, who Darkseid claimed as the only wife that he can truly love forever

Kalibak the Cruel, the firstborn son of Darkseid, was assigned to be a part of his Father's army, as a god made for pure savagery and violence, and is unfailingly Loyal to his Tyrannical father. Kalibak became a legendary warrior, and often serves as Darkseid's second-in-command. He wound be the first to lead the front lines against the realm of New Genesis, to command the army of Parademons to conquer the realm. All the things that he does, will be for the sake to gain the approval of his father, and will do anything to obtain the approval that he believed would be deserved to Darkseid's son.

All of the New Gods of Apokolips are now damned under his rule, and force to do what he says, not matter how painful it is, until their minds are too far gone for them to be reborn into the light, with some of them hidden in the shadows, rebelling against Darkseid, but having their spirits broken again by the servants of Darkseid's absolute rule.

At the same time, the war with New Genesis was going nowhere, when Darkseid encountered the Green Beings that loaves on a red cold planet known as...Mars, and discovered their belief that the "will" represented a "life-equation." Darkseid theorized that there must an "Anti-Life Equation" which negated the will, and sought to buy time to discover it. When he finally found out eveidence that the Anti-Life Equations does indeed exist somewhere, It is when he realize one thing. This is the goal that he desires to obtain, what he would be tasked to do. He would get the Anti-Life Equation in his hands, so that he can finally solidify his rule, and make sure that no one is able to stop him.

But as the war on Apokolips and New Genesis continued, Darkseid had gone to the realization that the war would hinder of his attention on the Anti-Life Equation, and would make tracking the Anti-Life Equation very difficult. So he needs to find a way to end the war temporarily, so that he can finally focus on obtaining the ultimate weapon of Domination. So In order to end the war between the realms, Izaya and Darksied had to make a peace treaty in order to stop the war, and they must trade their sons, and adopt the other to bring peace. There came the Second Son of Darkseid, and spawn of Tigra, Orion, the Dog of War. And the one traded back is Highfather's son, Mister Miracle, the God of Escape, and the new Inheritor of the legendary Alpha Wffect. His real name is Scot.

Raised as the son of Highfather Izaya, he was taught to control his rage and anger, becoming the most powerful warrior either world has ever known. This in itself was not an easy task given that his heritage boiled with the rage of the brutal and merciless Darkseid. Learning how to control his dark nature consumed much of Orion's youth, but as he grew, his friends among the New Gods, particularly Lightray, helped him direct his anger. But even that was not easy, and his anger will resurface out of his body than and later. So to help him with controlling the rage that is within his very soul, he was given a special Mother Box, in order to help regulate his immense rage.

Scot, on Apokolips, does not have as much luck compared to Orion when he's on New Genesis. Scot would suffered countless amounts of torment, damnation, and agony. And yet, with all the fires that burn within his very wounds, with all the electricity that his his very skin, with every whip that has struck his very body, he never fell into the corrupted darkness, and always remained pure, even when in the worst of hells, worse than any mortal it put into. But after a very long time, he began learning the art of escape, to know how to escape from anything that contains him, even when the traps are impossible for everyone else, for every God that is older than even Scot, to break free from in an instant. Eventually, after what had seemed like an eternity of being put through infinite torment and divine damnation for the Son of the Leader of New Genesis, Scot was finally able to escape his Torture, and while getting ready to escape the realm of pure evil, his aura of purity caught the attention of one of Darkseid's greatest and strongest soldiers that has ever existed: Big Barda.

Big Barda is one of Darkseid's most powerful warriors that Darkseid's Lieutenants have ever made. Big Barda is originally loyal to Darksied, as she never knew what it is like to be pure, or even realize the concept of good. But when she sensed the peace that is coming from Scot, she quickly felt touched in her very soul by what she is sensing inside of his very essence. Barda risks her own safety to help Scott escape from Apokolips. Eventually, Barda turns her back on Granny, and comes to New Genesis, as one if it's protectors. But coming back was the worst mistake to be made, because with Scot gone, the war would resume.

Before the war, Tigra was imprisoned cryogenically for years until the adult Orion returned to Apokolips aiming to slay Darkseid. With the help of the scientist Himon, Orion freed Tigra and sheltered her on New Genesis. Tigra plotted to make Orion as the new ruler of Apokolips, in which she convinced her son that Darkseid was not his father to deceive into slaying Darkseid as revenge for her suffering at Darkseid's hands.

But she could not tell the truth, as she hadn't the time to do so. Justseen, who had replaced Desaad, and being a Deity in love with Darkseid, envies Tigra for being Darkseid's husband, and assassinates Tigra, who would later die right into the arms of her own son, Orion.

Orion, feeling very enraged, tracked down and attacked Justeen, beating her down into submission, and hopes to end her on the spot. But...he couldn't. He wanted to prove that he was different, and not the same as his father. So instead, he spares her life, and simply banished her.

After the Death of Tigra, Orion was able to obtain the Anti-Life Equation. He then went to Apokolips and confronted Darkseid about his birth, and ended up fighting for control of Apokolips. He defeated Darkseid and gained control of Apokolips. With the anti-life equation, Orion went to many Realms to begin creating intergalactic peace. He turned every Realm into a utopian like world that began disrupting the balance of the universe. It was revealed that Darkseid, along side Metron, the New God of Knowledge, allowed Orion to defeat him, so he could understand the potential of the anti-life equation. Orion was later forced to give up the power of the anti-life equation and decided it was for the best because his use of its powers violated the principles of free will and was equitable to tyranny.

But Tigra is not the only one that possessed such a plan like this, to have someone kill Darkseid and take his throne to become the New Ruler of Apokolips. There is another...named Grayven

Grayven is the third and youngest illegitimate son of Darkseid, and the most hated son of them all. Born from an unknown New Goddess, and deemed a Bastard, he is the only one that has inherited the legendary power of the Omega Effect, but deeply abhors the knowledge of darkness that resides in Apokolips.

Due to a lack of recognition of his parentage by Darkseid despite sharing a portion of his power and fueled by feelings of abandonment and resentment, Grayven led a campaign of destruction against the cosmos, decimating planets in an attempt to garner enough power to take his birthright by force and conquer Apokolips in order to end Darkseid by himself.

But Darkseid, who was the first avatar of the Omega Effect, is far more stronger than his third youngest, and most despised son, and when the Youngest Son and the Tyrannical Father fought, while Grayven was able to damage Darkseid to an extent, Darkseid was ultimately victorious in his fight against Grayven, and, as punishment for shaming his Father's legacy, and for going against him, Darkseid sentenced him to reside underneath the Earth's deep layers, forever holding heavy machinery, and never waking up from his eternally damned slumber.

But while war continued as always...existence began to shake for an unknown reason, at first. This made both the New Gods of New Genesis and Apokolips of what is happening, and Izaya, who has been communicating with the Source, found out what is happening.

After eons of effort, Yuga Khan, the original ruler of Apokolips, finally broke his bonds, and released himself from the Source Wall's chains. Still weakened by the Source itself, he immediately consumed nearby worlds, in order to restore his power, and to finally take back the throne from his son, Darkseid. His return to living existence constituted a greater threat to life than even his son Darkseid, as well as catch the attention of Highfather.

For the first time in his life, Darkseid knew fear despite his bravado of claiming Khan was the past and he was the future. Khan restrained him and with unrelenting and pure horrific Sadism, asked if he was going to hug his father. Khan reclaimed his rulership over Apokolips, making the lives of those living on Apokolips much more horrific on the populace. Desaad pledged his loyalty to him, telling him his service to Darkseid had been a lie. Khan reminded him that he'd poisoned his beloved wife Heggra and disintegrated him there. Khan cuts off the Source, rendering Boom Tubes and Mother Box inoperative. He would continue his quest to find the nature of the Source, no matter the casualties.

When Yuga Khan left Apokolips to try and go back to the Source, Yuga Khan never thought that in such a long time, that Apokolips and New Genesis would later soon join forces, and fought against the strongest warlord of Apokolips. The battle was long and hard, flames and sparks of the source channeled through the battle, the battle between Yuga Khan and the many New Gods against him, with some of the New Gods from Both New Genesis and Apokolips losing their lives in the process of fighting against Yuga Khan. But when Yuga Khan was finally weakened, Darkseid, Orion, Scot, and Izaya, using the last of their powers, casting the God of Evil down to the Black Beneath Everything, where he is consumed by the darkness that resides in the realm, finally ending his reign of terror.

But the war continued in both of the Realms. And finally...after so long...the battle between Father and Son has finally start to commence.

The fight between the Dog of War and the God of Tyranny is a fight that both new would inevitably come, with Orion having the gifts of both his biological and adoptive fathers. From Highfather's side, he was given the Astro Force, which is energy equal to the Omega Force. And by Darkseid's side, he was given the Source of the Beast, the manifestation of his Rage and inner darkness.

The 2 Gods of pure rage and bloodlust fought against each other, with them becoming everything in existence, and their very battle almost tore the fabrics of reality asunder. Many stars have detonated from their punches. Black Holes have been crushed by their clashes. Worlds are destroyed as their bodies collided with them. The entire multiverse is at stake of being irreparably damaged. The 2 forces of nature battled, as both War and Tyranny are evenly matched.

But in the end of it all, Orion, the all powerful Dog of War, finally prevailed, as he tore the heart of his father out of his chest with his bare hand.

Darkseid died, by Orion's hands, finally fulfilling the Prophecy. When Darkseid was created a shift in the balance, causing the entire realm to plunge into Disorder and Chaos. order to stop this...Orion, by force, became the new leader of Apokolips, and ruled it without evil present inside his heart. And at last...the realm was remade one more, and this Fifth World.

The denizens of the planets would forever mirror that of the Old Gods, but would be split in terms of moral alignment. New Genesis will forever be dedicated to peace and goodness, while Apokolips is always developed into a cruel, warlike culture. The "Fourth World" began when these New Gods attained godhood and now, just like the Okd Gods from the distant past, the New Gods shall repeat the history of the Old Gods again as New Genesis and Apokolips waged war against each other, causing the hostilities to remain to the eternal beyond, never ceasing their endless battles.

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