Malfunctioning Destroyer

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The next day, Rex and Cyborg are going back in trying to determine the source of the transmission, so they can get back on track.

Alex has reunited with Rex and Cyborg, and Alex talked about what Yaldabaoth has shown him. While they do not know what the things she talked about are, they do know what it is dangerous and they need to prepare.

Speaking of Alex, he went into the room to where Rex and Cyborg are, and spoke out.

"No luck. We reached all over Earth, and we still haven't spot where the other signal is coming from."

As Rex moaned a little bit, Cyborg's red eye blinked a bit, and spoke out.

"Wait a moment...if it's not on Earth...than maybe it's somewhere outside of Earth."

Alex looked at Cyborg, as he spoke out.

"What do you mean, Victor?"

Cyborg than turned around, as he spoke out.

"The signal might not be on Earth at all? What if it's somewhere outside of it. If I can trace the signal to where it's coming from, we might be able to locate and stop the signal itself."

Alex spoke out.

"You can do that?"

Cyborg nodded, and spoke out.

"I'm positive I can locate it with the remain time I have."

Alex nodded, and spoke to Rex.

"Rex, try and help him out."

Rex nodded, as Alex began to walk away from the computer. He than goes back to his room so he can prepare for tomorrow, and for what might happen.

As Alex began to walk back to his room to get some rest from the entire ordeal, and make a plan, suddenly...


Alex than heard a familiar voice speak. He turns around to see who it is, and as he guessed, it was the Blacklight in his dream, but in spectral form.

He now looks far different than in the dream, and no longer resembles a zombie this time. He looks more like a specter, as his face resembles a skeleton, but in a somewhat slimy way, and now lacks teeth. His eye sockets, his mouth, as well as parts of his body, even the claws, are also glowing blue, as though it is bioluminescent.

The entity continues to speak, as he said this.


Alex looks indifferent at him, as he is unimpressed with his attempt to scar him. After about 10 seconds or so, he spoke out.

"You may have a good point there, Blacklight, but you should realize one thing: you are not me. You are a virus that made me who I am. I'm my own person. I don't care if people from the outside world like me or hate me, or anything else like that, I will live a life that I see would fit. And plus, even if the military finds out about me, they can do nothing but squat. I am tear down their armies with little effort, and not even their strongest weapon, not even their nuke can stop me. Try as they might...I'll kill them in the most painful death that can be very imaginable."

The virus looked surprised, before laughing a little bit, as he spoke out.


As he spoke, he vanished into a liquid, and disappeared like smoke. Alex glared a little bit at where the Blacklight once stood, before walking away.

The next day...

Alright, today's the time to finally determine the source of that strange signal. Everyone began to prepare of taking off.

Rex Salazar is getting his space suit on, as he wants to make sure that it is safe for him to use. Thankfully, the space suit that is made has a miniature door at the sides of his back, which allowed the Boogie Packs to help him out. However, he will also need to use the AMP Pack, in order to increase the speed enough to get to Jupiter, and fast.

Blue beetle is now in a training room of some sort. He makes an arm cannon to blast many of the targets on the walls, as they are blown to bits. His armor is on, and is wearing the same blue material above the mouth. Obviously, Jaime is training of when he needs to go to space? In case some sort of enemies appear while they are on their way to the source of wherever that signal is coming from.

Cyborg is also doing the same thing. He is testing some of the weapons that he has made from when Mekhane upgrades him. He has rockets, a laser beam from his robotic eye, and now has a type of locator on his arm. And when he absorbed the mech, he can configure his form into a gigantic form. Is is somewhere between 7-8 feet tall, with 3 fingers on the right hand, and a arm cannon in the place of the left hand. And now thanks to the new armor, he can take way more punishment, as well as an increase in strength in a way.

Cyborg than makes a helmet, in case he needs to breath. He has never breathed in space without a helmet before. While his lack of most of his organs, possibly even his lungs, means he 'could' live without oxygen, he doesn't want to take the risk of suffocating in space. Thankfully, he was able to make sure that it worked. But he is still a bit worried to go. He hasn't done it in space before, and this is surprising that he'll have to go.


The next day, Rex, Jaime, and Cyborg are now outside, and on top one of the buildings. Alex than spoke out to them, authoritatively.

"Alright, you both. You know exactly what to do. You will go up in space to find out where the source of the signal is coming from. Not any mistakes are to be made. Understood?"

All 3 cybernetic beings nodded, understanding what they must do. Before they can go, someone spoke out.

"I'll comin' to."

Alex turned around, and saw that James has reached them.

"Why are you coming, James? I had never asked you to do something like that."

James, however, glared a little, as he spoke out.

"Does it matter, asshole? I'm gonna come regardless of what you think."

Alex facepalmed, as he spoke out.

"Of course. I should have known. Fine, just don't screw it up, James."

James nodded, but says nothing. He than goes beside Victor. Victor knew what he is doing.

"Must it always be me to carry you, James?"

James looked at him and spoke out.

"You complaining, asshole?"

Cyborg simply rolled his eyes in a very annoyed way.

When Rex and Blue Beetle fly, they made their wings and used their Turbines/Thrusters to move up to space. Cyborg grabbed James by the shoulder, as he also began to fly up to space.

Cyborg made the helmet, as he began to fly fast. He still holds his grip with James, as he looks up to see and spot where the signal originated from.

Rex and Jaime went to space, fast, as Cyborg began to follow them. Cyborg and James looked around. This is the first time they are in space. But for Rex and Jaime, it isn't the first time they have, as they went to space in a number of occasions. James, surprisingly, is still fine. Obviously, the Blacklight Virus doesn't have to breath in space. But while passing, James turned and saw something that really made them confused.

He blinked at what he seen, but it disappeared before he can say anything. He than sighed a little bit, as he continued to look forward at what is happening.

They are also flying very fast, as in about 20 minutes, they went past Mars...or at least, what remained of Mars. Multiple chunks of rocks are still present of where Mars once was, but it was mostly gone. James looked at that, and spoke out.

"Goddamn. What happened to Mars?"

Even though there is no air to make any form of sound, he spoke like he's still normal.

Jaime than looked at James and spoke this out.

"Let's say that a really large incident caused Mars to be destroyed. And believe me, it was not pretty of what we had seen happen."

James grunted, but decided to not continue on.

Blue Beetle, Rex, James and Cyborg are now near Jupiter. Needless to say, after an hour...when they got closer...even they admit that this is the largest thing they have ever seen.

Simply saying it is huge is simply mild. The planet is absolutely large by a really insane degree. James was shocked himself. Even though he has seen and hear about Jupiter, he never thought he would have the chance to actually see it before him.

But simple sight-seeing's over. They need to go to the task at hand. And that is to find out where the signal is originating, and it seems to be coming from somewhere in Jupiter.

Cyborg's eye is now trying to view where exactly this signal is coming from. From what it seemed to be, the signal is coming from the red spot of Jupiter. But due to the storms' speed, it makes it rather difficult to pinpoint the signal. The magnetic field seems to be interfering with the Tracking system on Rex's goggles and Blue Beetle's own eyes.

"Damn. It's difficult to see where we are because of the strong winds on Jupiter."

Victor spoke out very frustratingly. James, however, spoke back to him.

"Less Talking, Tin-head, more finding the shitty signal."

Victor rolled his eyes, not caring about the insult that James has made to him, as he kept going to find where the signal is.

After a little bit, he was able to pinpoint the location of where the signal is.

"Found it. The signal is somewhere at the center of the Red Spot. But we need to be very careful of when we enter. The winds blow by about 620 kph. So we would easily be blown away by the sheer force of the winds themselves."

When Cyborg spoke that out, he turned to the Omega E.V.O, and spoke out

"Rex. Do you think your shields can protect us from the current speeds?

Rex nodded, as he spoke out.

"They can. But at the same time, I won't be able to move. So we'll be carried by the wind speed of this giant ball of gas."

Rex said the last part in unhappiness, as James snorts out.

"Fucking great. Now how can we get to the signal if we can't move?"

After a little bit of thinking, Jaime than spoke out.

"Rex may not move, but can Cyborg and I move in the Forcefield?"

Everyone turned to him, as he spoke out.

"Rex's Block Party is physical to the touch, right? So maybe we can push it while we are inside of the forcefield. Maybe that can work, Rex?"

Rex turned away a little bit, before Cyborg speaks.

"There's only one way to find out. Rex. Get ready to bring out your Block Party."

Rex nodded his head, as they went close to the center of the Red Spot. When they began to fall, Rex activates his Block Part in mid-air, with everyone getting close to him so they could be inside also.

The Forcefield began to move, due to the very fast speed of the winds themselves. But Blue Beetle and Cyborg

than touched the front of the Shield, with James going on the shield also, and began to use their thrusters to move the protective shield.

The winds are very difficult to even go through, due to how fast they are going. But after a little bit, they were able to get the hang of it. However, as they began to keep going through the winds, Cyborg than held his head, as if he is in pain. Rex noticed and spoke out to Cyborg in concern.

"Cyborg, is there something wrong?"

Cyborg than turned and spoke out.

"There's something in my head. There is someone speaking. The have an alien language in my head. It is so painful."

James Heller heard this, and prepared to take out his blade. But Blue Beetle Touched his arms, as he spoke out.

"Don't. You aren't going to kill him."

James glared, but than snorted a little bit, as he lowers his guard. Cyborg than puts one arm before his face, as he activated the locator on his arm.

There are a little close to where the signal is coming from. just about 10 more minutes, and they should be able to locate where it is. But the winds blowing makes it difficult.

'Scarab, scan the signal so we can trace it to where it came from.'

Jaime spoke out to the scarab.

'As you wish, Jaime Reyes.'

Blue Beetle's eyes than began to glow a bright blue color, as he began to scan the signal transmission. After about a minute or so, he than finished, as he spoke out.

'Scanning finished. Location confirmed.'

Jaime nodded, and changed direction. Cyborg went along, as he thinks that Jaime knows where he is doing. After a little while...

"What's that?"

Rex spoke out. They looked and saw a silhouette. There are about a million feet, and they can somehow see it. How is that possible? When they reached towards the silhouette, they passed the clouds, and they were shocked at what they are seeing now.

"Holy shit."

James spoke out.

"Woah, that is freaking huge."

Rex spoke out. He wasn't kidding. The machine that they are seeing is about the size of North America itself, but a little bit smaller. No machine in existence is ever that big. And they are only half a million feet away from the giant machine! Cyborg and James, however, remained impassive about the machine they are seeing, due to cyborg being emotionless this time, and James is too frustrated to even think of the size right now, as well as hating computers. Cyborg, however, noticed that there are foundation satellites present next to the machine. He immediately controlled them and disabled the cameras. How the satellites can survive in jupiter's winds, that's on a need to know basis.

Cyborg than held out his hand, and using the power of the device, the gift from the Mekhanites, was able to open a portal to go inside of the machine.

They tried to access the inside of the machine...but instead of doing that, they only access the outside shell.

"What the...why are we still outside?"

He than tried to do it again, this time by himself. It still didn't work, and only appeared behind his original position.  this is really annoying , as he can't seem to get inside of the machine.

"Come on. Are you serious? I am unable to enter this stupid machine?"

Victor was getting a little bit angry for the first time, and even James began to notice this anger.

Cyborg than began to take a deep breath so he'll think with a clear mind, before speaking out.

"Okay. Let's try this."

He than held his hand out, as cables began to attach to the holes that are on the side of the ship itself. He closed his eyes, as he prepares to try and take something that might be important. But before he could do anything...he was suddenly pulled back. He tries to grab onto something, but only succeeded in grabbing onto the weapon data of the ship. Specifically, the targeting system, drone-making, an energy shield, and giving him miniature antimatter weaponry.

"Victor. Did you get what we need?"

Rex spoke out. Victor shook his head, no, as he spoke.

"The defense systems inside it are to much for even me to access. I did, however, got access to some of the weapons it possess."

Unknown to everyone, Jaime tried doing the same thing, but in order to find any thing to enter the machine. Scarab scanned the machine, and spoke out.

'Jaime, the openings are blocked up, and even I cannot seem to eat through. There may not be a way to open the machine itself.'

Jaime looked down and spoke out.

"Fuck this. How are we supposed to get through?"

James, however, snorted this out.

"And we still haven't found out why it is making that signal, asshole."

Before Victor could speak, Rex than saw something.

"Umm...guys. Company."

Everyone than looked up, and saw that there are drones watching.

And it doesn't look friendly at all.

"That's not good."

Rex spoke out to them. Than, the drones began attacking. Cyborg, however, makes his attack first, as he charged at them, and kicked one of them to pieces. He than made an arm cannon, and this time, the arm cannon improved in appearance and fire power, thanks to the Broken God and the Machine's data.

As blasts one of the drones, who destroyed one of them. One of the drones began to attack Cyborg, but Victor than held his arm and made an energy shield.

It was able to block the drone, as it stopped when it made contact with the shield itself. He than made a grappling hook to go on one of the machine's sides.

Cyborg than blasts one of the Drones with his arm cannon again. He than pulls out a targeting laser, and points it at the drone.

When it finally is touched by the red light, Victor launches missiles at the drone, destroying it.

Cyborg than began to fall down, as the drones followed him. He than activated the thrusters, as he continues to go down fast. As he went down, he feels liquid across his body, and if it was still his human body, he would have been burned easily, as it was several times hotter than magma. The drones are starting to slow down, as the heat is making them rather hot. But regardless, they kept on going.

As he descends, he is glad that he has new armor with enhanced durability, because the pressure is increasing. As he kept ascending, the temperature is hotter than the sun's surface. And Liquid Metallic Hydrogen stopped him, as the liquid became denser. The drones then became so hot, they than overload and than explode. Cyborg sighed in relief, but gets out before his body might start to melt.

Blue Beetle than made his own arm cannon, as he than blasts one of the drones with it as well.

The drones are destroyed in the process, as they are hit by the cannon's blast. Blue Beetle than took out his shield and bashed some of the drones, destroying them. He even made blades on his arms and pierced many of the entities, easily dispatching them.

Some of the drones tried taking the Scarab off, but the Scarab was able to make a cannon on his back, blasting it away.

James is now in the upper part of Jupiter, and has Rex helping out with him. As drones began to close in, James looked to Rex and spoke.

"Hey, Rex. Think you can help make take down those pieces of scrap?"

Rex nodded, and both James and Rex pull out their blades. James spins around, cutting may of the drones to pieces, as well as using tendrils in his left arm to wrap and tear them into scrappy shreds. Rex than went into his buzzsaw mode of his Big Fat Sword, and began to cut many of the drones into tiny bits of metal and wires, with barely anything to help out.

James than formed his Whipfist, as he launches it at Rex, who than takes out his Blast Caster, shocking it to destruction. James, with his blade and Rex, now with the Bad Axes, than spun so fast that they made a red and blue tornado, cutting many of the drones to tiny pieces, with the Red and Blue parts spinning in opposite directions, which should not be possible.

The drones, however, began attacking back, as they began to fire lasers at them, that actually damaged their bodies, and even worse is the fact that there are so many. Some of the Drones manage to even make some big hole in their bodies through anti-matter weaponry, making small explosions inside of their bodies.

When it is obvious that there are way to many to even stop and defeat when up-close, Jaime and Victor than did the next best thing. Both Victor and Jaime than combined their arm cannons and than, they fired at the drones.

The result was a massive blast of energy that completely destroyed the drones. When the light died down, there is only small bits and pieces of machinery that now remained. Some of the debris that the drones were getting are hit by the blast, and is sent deeper into Jupiter's atmosphere.

"Holy shit. That was one hell of a fucking blast."

James spoke out to them. Blue Beetle and Cyborg looked blankly at him, and Rex spoke out.

"Okay, should we block the signal that this machine is transmitting?"

Cyborg nodded, as he spoke out.

"I can block the signal, but it will only be for 2 months. So we should use the time that we have to find what we need."

Everyone nodded. It took about an hour for Cyborg to finish the process, due to the machine's size. But eventually, he was able to finish, and spoke out.

"Okay, we're in the clear. We can go home now."

Everyone nodded, as Cyborg grabs onto James, and than goes away from the machine's location. And the foundation satellite's went back online, still as functional. They just hope that the foundation hasn't found them yet, even when in the planet.

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