The Church of the Broken God

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Rex and Cyborg are going through the portal made by the Mekhanite Priest. Although they want to trust the strange priest for helping them, they can't help but feel suspicious that things might take the turn for the worst suddenly. So they immediately stayed on their guard, with Rex preparing to take out his Big Fat Sword, and Cyborg is showing himself to be prepared.

Rex turned around, and spoke out.

"Really, Victor? Right now? He hasn't even attacks yet. Must you really show right now?"

Victor looked at him and shrugged. While he puts away the helmet, or at least, deconstructs it, he did still keep the arm cannons. He needs to be extra sure that this is not some cheap trick by someone.

After what seems to be about 10 minutes inside of the portal, they than reached the other side of it...and the place they are in is something they were not expecting.

"Woah. What is this place?"

Victor spoke out. Rex turned to him, and spoke out one answer.

"The Church of the Broken God."

The church is unlike anything they have ever seen. They have seen many normal churches, but nothing compared to this. There are gears and mechanisms, as well as some elements with common churches, such as the colored glass, as well as a symbol. But these symbols are different from the regular churches that they have seen before.

The Blue and Red Symbols seem to represent the respective colors of Victor and Rex, as well as a yellow symbol, supposedly one meant for the Broken God, Mekhane himself. And when they looked back down, they get to see the appearance of what the people in the church looks like.

Many of the members seem to have flags with the broken God's symbol on it, and some of the members carry what appears to be hammers and wings, and their bodies is what surprised Rex and Victor the most. Like Victor, their bodies seemed to be part mechanical, with only a bit of organic elements from them. There are even large mechs that's being piloted. However, one thing to be noted is that the technology for their cybernetic replacements don't seems to be as advanced as Victor's. Their replacements are simply made up of bronze and gears, and have little to no wires. Most likely the mechanisms are moving by only magic.

Victor and Rex were shocked at what they are seeing. Rex than looked at Victor, as he spoke out.

"Looks like you aren't the only Cyborg in the world, dude!"

Victor looked in awe, as he spoke out.

"No kidding."

As he spoke out, his arms than deactivated, becoming normal again. Everyone looked at them, and sensed something within them. They even began to whisper to each other about it.

"Is it them?"

"It is. I can sense their power laced with Mekhane's very essence."

"Is this time response to Mekhane, his sign?"

"Let us pray that it is in fact a good sign, everyone."

As Cyborg and Rex continue to walk, a voice spoke out.

"It seems that our successors of machines have arrived."

They than turned around, and look to see what seems to be a cyborg priestess.

The priestess looks at both Victor and Rex, as she walks up to them.

"We have waited for so long for some champions to arrive in the existence we desire. We had been afraid that our very work would be al for nothing. But we see that we have new successors to help the world. Let me check you, to sense you both, in order to make sure you are what we need."

He than went to Rex, as she puts the hammer down, with the pounding part facing towards Rex. A glow is shown at the front part, as Rex looks into the glowing with his very own eyes. After a little bit in checking on him, she than opens her eyes, as they glowed.

"Yes, you are in fact the first successor of Mekhnae. I can sense it, the Omega1 Nanite."

Rex smiled a little bit, as he's grateful that someone actually recognized him for that. The priestess than turns to Victor, as she spoke out.

" are one that I have not seen before. I need to check on you, to see if there is something that gives you a connection to our god."

The priestess goes up to Victor, as she puts her index and middle finger on the 'eye' on his forehead. After a minute, The Priestess than opened her eyes wide, as if she is shocked by what she had seen.

"This cannot it?"

She than does it again, this time, concentrating a bit more harder than every before. After a little bit, she than opened her eyes, as if in utter disbelief, and spoke out.

"You possess a piece of Mekhane's heart."

This caught everyone by surprise. A piece of Mekhane's heart? Does that mean that there is a way to bring their broken god back? They are not entirely sure how that's the case. The Priestess than spoke out.

"How is it that you have obtained his heart? Where did you get this, Victor Stone?"

Vic, catching on after a minute, spoke out.

"My father gave it to me. During an accident, had lost most of my body, except for my torso, the arms, which are halved above he elbows, and most of the right side of my face. I think he used the heart to use machines around the area so he could repair me."

The priestess looked at him, and spoke out.

"Is the heart still here? At where you live?"

Victor nodded, as he than fly away, fast...while also causing rubble from the ceiling to fall down very hard, and Rex had to put up a shield to stop it. After about what seems to be half an hour, he came back, as he landed with something in his hand. It was a formless metallic...thing. Even Rex doesn't know what it is, because even when he tried to put on his goggles to better see what it is, the most he can make out on it are what seems to be metallic waves of liquid wrapped into a sphere, and a shape that he is completely unfamiliar with.

Victor than walked up to the priest, as he gave the Heart of Mekhane to him. The priestess grabbed it with both hands, and spoke out.

"Thank you, legacies of Mekhane."

As he spoke out, Rex's red eye began to glow brighter than before. Rex's body even has circuitry spreading across his body to.

Than...the heart began to float above the hands of the priestess, as everyone began to look at what in the world is happening. Rex than began to feel something from within his body. It was the same feeling he felt as a child when he was saved

"Could it really be him?"

Rex spoke out loud, as he is unsure if what is about to happen. Cyborg, however, continues to look up to see what is happening, with a expression of surprise present on his organic face.

After a little bit, the heart began to glow, as something began grow out of it so it'll take shape. Bluish-white tendrils creeped out like roots from a plant, and it began to spread in different directions, with it's shape similar to a wire. It began to split when it reaches a certain extent where it can't move anymore. The heart of Mekhane than took on the form of a gear, similar to the symbol of the Church's motif.

As everyone began to watch, Rex's appearance than began to change in a sudden instant.

His hair turned blue and moved live smoke or flames. The Orange part of his shirt turned an electronic blue, and his eyes and moth began to glow blue to. Everyone was caught by surprise, and than, the priestess spoke out.

"It is Mekhane, he's about to appear in the physical world. Everyone, bow to our god."

Everyone than began to gravel on the ground, as the wires made a complete form, showing Mekhane, finally.

Mekhnae looks a little bit different compared to when Rex had seen him last time. But other than that, he is still the same Mekhnae that he knew from before.

""Lord Mekhane.""

The Priest and the Priestess spoke out, as they bowed in his presence. The god of machinery than looks down at them, as he spoke out.

"My loyal subjects, I am pleased to see you all again. It has been a long time since I set foot in the mortal plane."

He than walks up to Rex, as he spoke out, this time in a telepathic link to him.

"Rex Salazar, my successor. It has been a couple of years since we have last seen each other. I have seen what happened to you, and how far the foundation has suddenly fallen. I am very sorry, for what happened."

Rex looked up, and spoke out.

'Don't be. You weren't involved in all this. There was nothing you could have done. I'm just glad that we all got away.'

Mekhane smiled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"I'm glad you never have developed an Animosity towards me, Rex. It's also great that you still hold me very highly."

His expression, if he has any, turns serious, as he spoke out.

"There's something you should know, Rex. You think that 610 and Knull is one of the most dangerous things you'll face, right? Well, what will occur during and after you are finished with your quest will show you the full extent of the danger. The child of Yaldabaoth has already been shown visions of this, so he shall tell you what it is that is about to happen. But all I can say is this...what lies before need to be prepared for. It will be much more dangerous and frightening than anything you have ever seen. Your worst nightmares turned into something more twisted than before, your foes trying to hurt and try to kill your mind, and both new and more dangerous worlds shall open up to you, waiting to drown you and your darkest fears. You must be ready to face them when the time comes, and more importantly, you must become stronger, so you can be ready to face against the horrors that lie before your footsteps."

Rex was a bit surprised, but than nodded in agreement, as Mekahen touched Rex's body. Rex glowed blue, before the glow finally went down. Mekhane has increased the power of the Nanites, so that it could make the builds a bit more stronger than before. Now Rex has to train in how it works later.

Mekhane than checked on Cyborg, and began to use his eyes to scan of there is something wrong. When he did discover something, he than spoke out loud.

"It seems you have a bug in your system, Victor Stone. Allow me to remove it from you."

He than blasts a blue beam of energy, as Victor than collapsed a bit in pain. He held onto himself, as the pain began to build. Than, bits and pieces of metal began to multiply from his back, and than, it made what seems to be a hand. It than began to push from Victor, before finally succeeding, as it steps back a bit.


The Mekhanites looked in surprise. It was a being that is purely mechanical. Grid turned to Cyborg, as he spoke out.


Victor than spoke out.

"And apparently from my good looks and charm as well."

The priest looked at him, as he spoke.

"This is who we need to watch over us. One made from another entity, combined with the Heart of our lord. Victor Stone, Cyborg, we thank you for giving him to us. Grid...would you like to stay with us?"

Grid looked around to see them, and seeing that they are machines like him, he nodded yes, and spoke out.


The Mekhanites bowed to him, as Cyborg smiled a little bit. Mekhane than lifts his finger, as he spoke out.

"Allow me to give you a gift, Victor Stone."

Than, a blast of energy erupted from Mekhane's fingertips, as it his Cyborg. New metal pieces than began to float around Victor, as it began to be integrated into his systems. Than, one of the mechs than no one has begun using began to turn into energy, and floated to where Victor is, and began to be integrated inside his mechanical body.

After an entire minute, the shining has disappeared, and Cyborg looks a bit more different.

Cyborg than looked at himself, as he began to contemplate at the new look that he received from a god. He than looks at Mekhane and the others, as he spoke out to them all.

"Thank you all for separating him from me. I never thought that there was someone inside of my body. Unfortunately...there is something important that I need to do."

The prize and the others looked confused at him.

"What is it?"

Before Chborh could speak, Rex than breathed deeply, before speaking.

"My group...we have been trying to find a way to cure a virus made by a certain flesh god, trying to get rid of it. And this is because one of my friends has a friend of his infected by that virus. Unfortunately, the Foundation framed him for it. If I stay here, along with Rex, we'll only put you and the Church in danger. So we need to leave, so we don't get you killed because of us. So we need to leave, in order to make sure we don't put your group in danger. Please understand, this is for the best, everyone."

The Mekhanites looked sad, but they understood that he means well.

"I see. Well...we do have something that could be useful in your cause. Something that could help you with your journey to eliminate the enemy that we have faced from so long.

One of the mekhanites holds a pouch, and fished his hand into it. When he took it out, he gave Victor something.

It resembles a mechanical sphere of some sort, but has a blue glow to it. Inside of the sphere, there seems to be a strange blue sphere inside of it. It looks like energy, but it is physical. Victor grabbed onto it, and than his chest cavity opened, revealing a red core. Wires came out, pierced the holes of the sphere, and put it into itself. Victor's chest than close up. His core began to glow blue for about a full minute, before coming back red again.

"What is that?"

Victor spoke out. He has never seen anything like that in his life. The priest smiled, as he spoke out.

"It is a device we made with Mekhane's power. You can use it to open portals to wherever you need to go."

Victor looks a bit surprised, but than tried something. He turned to the left, where there's an open space. He concentrates, as the 'eye' on his forehead began to glow blue. Suddenly, a portal was made.

This made Victor a little bit surprised, but he smiled, and spoke out.

"Thanks for the gift. It'll be useful in destroying the virus and covering ground."

The priest of Mekhane smiled, as Victor and Rex began to walk to the portal.

"Well...see you next time."

Victor spoke out, as he smiled genuinely. This is the first time in years since he has such a genuine smile. He waved at the Mekhanites, along with Rex, as they both went into the portal. Mekhane than spoke this out, before they truly left completely.

"Good luck on your journey, Rex Salazar and Victor Stone. You will need the time and luck you can get."

The portal closes on them, as one of the members of Broken God Church.

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