Meeting Baby-Doll

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Jaime Reyes is seen with a Doctor, who wants to bring him to a someone named SCP-706, who's face resembles that of a doll. Apparently, the SCP that he is visiting has a very traumatic history that involves her dad doing something really monstrous to the point that the mother had to shoot him to the point of death. Obviously, Jaime felt sorry for her, but decided to not say it all through talk. As he walks with the scientist, Jaime than spoke to the Scarab.

'You don't think that something bad would happen, do you, Scarab?'

'Highly unlikely. Even from here, I do not sense any aggression from this so-called SCP-706.'

Jaime nodded at the answer, before resume to waking forward. Obviosuly, whoever is going to happen, he just hope that he is fine with her.

After a couple more minutes of waking, and accidentally looking at others really scary SCPs, the group than made their way to SCP-706's room. They than knocked on the door, and spoke out.

"706. We brought a visitor for you to be with."

Silence, before a female voice spoke out.

"Come in."

Jaime acted brave, and opened the door to see SCP-706. And what he saw on her caught Jaime by surprise.

The girl in front of her actually does resemble a doll. She has white hair, grayish-blue eyes, and is wearing a black dress, with white stockings and black shoes. She almost resembles a really cute high school girl that Jaime has met back when he didn't have Khaji Da.

"Ummm...hello, I'm Jaime Reyes."

He spoke, as he extended his hand to the girl. The girl, also acting nervous, extended her before grabbing it, than the both shook them.

"Hello, I am called 706."

After about a minute, the both of them let go, before she goes on to check herself in the mirror. After that, Jaime looks around and admired the room's appearance.

"Ummm...that's a nice room that you got right there."

She than spoke very shyly.

"Ummm...thank you for that."

As she looked, he than was intrigued and spoke out.

" do you do here in your time when no one else is here in your room here?"

706 acts rather hesitant at first, but than answers it.

"W-Well...I like to try and make myself beautiful. In fact, I try to make myself beautiful in anyway."

"So playing makeup is a hobby that you do here?"

She than looks nervously at him.

"Well...I guess you can say things like that."

706 said to Jaime

"It's pretty unique I might say."

The doll-faced girl looked a bit surprised at him.

"Really. You think this...'unique'? In what way is it?"

She spoke, hoping that the answer to him is good.

"In a cool way, actually."

The girl was shrouded, but than smiled at the Mexican.

"Well...I am glad that someone like what I can do."

"Yeah. Like...who wouldn't?"

Both Jaime and the girl shared a light to one another, before finally settling down. After a bit, the both of them sat down. Than, Jaime spoke out to her.

"So...ummm...706. I know this may seem like a private matter to you...but I am wondering...why do you look like a doll, if you don't mind telling me."

706 looked rather uneasy, before speaking out the answer.

"My mom had dolls. Lots of dolls, old dolls. I became one, because she loved them. Because mommy loved them, and daddy loved her, and if I could be like a doll then she would love me too..."

"So you wanted to become one so you could become someone special?"

She nodded. Jaime than chuckled, and leans in, while speaking.

"You know....I had a similar thing just like you."

She than looked up and stared at him surprise.


He nodded and spoke up.

"I always wanted to look like a superhero from an action figure that I liked, so that I could feel admired and give bravery to the people that are scared, kinda like you wanted to be special to your parents."

She looked suprise at Jaime.

" don't think that it is a weird thing?"

He smiled and shook his head.

"Nope. I think it is a natural dream than anyone, even you can have."

She looked surprised, but than smiled.

"Thanks for telling me that. It...means a lot."

Jaime smiled and pats her on the shoulder.

"No problem. Just thought I could relate my dreams to your own."

She smiled.

"Hey, 706. Is there anything fun that we can both do together, just with the two of us?"

706 than thought of it, but than smiled at him.

Both of the SCPs than had a fun time together. They played a bit of games and even did 706 favorite game of dress up. Of course, Jaime even shows his Scarab armor, which didn't make 706 all that comfortable. Thankfully, he got rid of it. As time went on, 706 actually began to be a bit more happier than she was in the past. Before...she used to be nervous and filled with negative thoughts, and even threatened her life by plucking the porcelain skin off of her body. But now...thanks to Jaime now with her, she is feeling more happier than she could ever be right now. It is as though that the hole in her own heart has finally been sealed off, and is filled with a new piece, completing it. She finally regained her happiness, the one that her father had made her lose cruelly.

After what seems to be an hour or so, a voice came out of the speaker.

"SCP-5003-1, it is time for you to get out of the cell, and back into your own."

Jaime looked down at that, and so did 706, but than he spoke to her in a very kind voice

"Don't worry, 706. I'll come back and play with you again someday."

706 than smiled and spoke to the Mexican.

"I know you will return."

Jaime nodded and turns back, but before he did, 706 grabs him and puts him into a lip lock. Jaime was surprised, but 706 doesn't care. She lets go, and the door is closed now.

Jaime looked surprised 706, but than he smiled, as he was finally glad that he had helped someone. He than turns away from the door, and goes back to his containment chamber. This has been a really nice day for him to be in today.

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