Summoned to Alagadda

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A month after the Fall of Knull, there lies a dimension of very diabolical proportions. Gravity is defied, chaos and havoc reeks as everywhere as the naked eye and track. There lies suffering and grief of those that are present here, such as torture, molester, and all others that desires chaos. All of them have been set in by a ruler that enjoys their suffering. In a dark and mysterious room, there are to figures that are present with them. Their appearances cannot be seen, but the voices are heard. One of them has him bow before the figure in a throne.

"Master. Knull has been defeated. It seems that the Spawns are more powerful than even we could imagine. What should we do now."

There was silence, until the one in the throne spoke out.

"If we cannot get Knull to defeat them and bring the end of creation, as well as get rid of the Spawns of both Mekhane and Yaldabaoth, than we must do this ourselves. You must bring them to Alagadda. Teleport them near the location. Their curiosity will be the death of them. When they go there, you will bait them to where we want them. Do you get it?"

The figures looks up, before he nodded his head understandingly.

"It will be done...master."

The figure than stood up, before waking out of the room, leaving the throne room. The figure looks into his orb and sees the 2 spawns, as well as Venom and the one with the Scarab. As he looked at them, he sensed that both Alex and Rex still have their ability to awaken their full potential are still within them.

"These 4 are very formidable together. I must be careful when this involves all 4 of those pesky flies."

After that, he than began to bring about his plan. He will make sure that those 4 beings will not interfere with creation itself ending.

A month later since the foundation has defeated Knull himself. Things have been around back to what it normal is. Jaime and Toxin have interacted with New SCPs, and Alex decided to meet them himself. For 040, it intrigued him greatly. Showing that she can manipulate biological matter to animals and anything that is biological, though he did get some eyes on his hands later on, 040 got rid of them, while Alex didn't mind the eyes on his hand.

For 706, he is really a bit confused, as he has no idea how she turned into a bring that his similar to a doll, yet is still very alive. Nevertheless, he got over with it later on. He even did the same thing that Jaime had done with her, Playing Dress-Up, though Alex is a bit touchy of what he is wearing here. But he still got over. Rex would have come with him to be with him and meet those 2, but Circe and Cricket, along with Breach, are being very possessive over Rex, loving him a bit to much, speaking of.

'Hell, it must be Rex to deal with the ladies that move him this badly.'

Alex thought in his mind. But as he is waking, Alex senses that someone is with him. He turns to where it is, only to find that it's already gone.


He than sensed it again, and this time it was more clearer. He turns to the same direction of where it has first appeared, but saw that it is not here.

"This is so...malicious. Who is that I am sensing now? Whatever it is...I don't like it any one bit."

Alex wasn't the only one. Rex, Jaime, and Venom also sensed that it is here. They are getting bothered by it, and all 4 of them have the same thing in mind.

"Who is that?"

After that, they immediately met with each other at one of the halls.

"This is insane. We all felt the same thing at whoever was there in the rooms that we're in."

Rex said, unhappily.

"Well...whoever it is definitely not a friend."

Venom spoke out very angrily.

"Yeah. It definitely liked the thought of try killing us."

Jaime spoke out.

' you know how powerful that presence is when we sensed it?'

He communicated with Khaji Da for a desperate answer.

'Unknown. It could be someone that we are not familiar with, as it cannot sense whatever you had just felt.'

Jaime sighed, obviously not happy. Alex than noticed something wrong.

"Hold it. Do you guys feel that?"

Before everyone could speak, Skwydd than came in the room with them both. Breach follows behind him.

"Guys, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

As he spoke, before Rex could speak up, a portal is than seen under them. The 4 SCPs, along with Skwydd and Breach noticed it, and than spoke out in a panic.


Alex spoke out to them. All 4 of them tried to jump out of there, but the portal than began to suck them inside, like it is a Black Hole. Venom, Alex, Rex, and Jaime tried to use their appendages to not get sucked inside of the portal that's summoned. But the pull is now growing more stronger than before. Skwydd and Breach than tried to save both Alex and Rex.

"Alex, grab on!"

Skwydd held out his hand. Alex took it and grabbed on. Skwydd than used his hand and extended it to one of the metal bars that are on the ceiling.

Breach than grabbed Rex's hand. As they tried to grab on and get out of the portal, the portal's pull than suddenly became way to strong.

"That is not good."

Skwydd spoke out. Breach nodded, agreed. Than...they all got sucked in.



All 6 of them got sucked into the portal. After that...they are all out of sight.

Location, Martin Tower of London...

A portal opens near a door made entirely of iron. All 6 of the SCPs fell hard to the ground. All of them than quickly got up in a confusion.

"What in the world?! What had just happen back there?!"

Jaime spoke, obviously unsure about why this things has happened.

"I think we got transported to some other strange place."

Alex spoke out. Venom than spoke out in a frustration.


As venom began to rant, Rex and Skwydd found a strange piece of paper on one of the tables. Skwydd and Rex looked at each other, and Breach is trying to get out of here...but something is wrong here.

"I...I can' a portal for us to escape."

This caught everyone's attention.

"What?! But if you can't open a portal...than how do we escape from this place?"

Alex spoke out. As they all began to wonder, Skwydd than spoke out.

"This place...has an SCP inside it."

Everyone looked at Skwydd in surprise.

"What do you mean?"

Jaime spoke out to him. Skwydd than held a piece of paper, and points to the door.

"This door is called SCP-2264. Apparently, the door houses a pocket dimension of sort."

This caught everyone's attention.

"A pocket dimension? Really?"

Breach spoke in suprise. Skwydd nodded, and Alex took the paper and red it aloud.

we wilt confront the dark night of the soul - the [pineal gland] wilt be freshly extract'd. fire evokes the shadow within.

wash aroint the impurities - rain cleanses all sin and prepares the soul f'r Elysium. divide, not as dictat'd by the rigors of harmony, but rather into two opposing principles to be later coagulat'd to form a unity of opposites.

victory coincides with the yellowing of the lunar consciousness. the white surrenders to dawn; the travelling lamp slays the moon.

red alludes; instead, surrender upon the apparatus a sanguine sacrifice.' This is where this thing ends."

Everyone didn't look very great.

"It sounds like a ritual of some sort of Alchemy. In order to access the dimension, we need to follow each of the steps seen."

As he spoke, Jaime than spoke out to Alex.

"But how do we get the stuff necessary to even do this?"

As Alex looks around, he than spots a cabinet, and looked inside. He than turns and speaks to Jaime.

"Is this your answer, Jaime?"

Jaime just looked down, embarrassed. Alex than goes to the group up and spoke.

"'s what we must do."

The entire ritual took a full hour to preform, mostly due to everyone not listening, and Breach being clumsy with her really large arms. But they were able to get the entire thing done. Alex was a bit frustrated, but he was able to get past it after finishing.

"Alright...everyone. Are you ready?"

Everyone nodded, and Alex preformed the ritual. Alex has to concentrate on this sort of thing.

As Alex had done this, he felt the same presence coming near him again, trying to distract him from the ritual. But Alex ignores that, and continues in with it.

After about an hour or preforming they Ritual, the door than begins to creek open. Alex and the others noticed it.

"Alright...everyone. Let's go. I just hope we're prepared for what is at the other side of the door."

Everyone than got in a straight line, and the group than proceed towards the doorway.

At first, there was a bright light, which caused everyone to cover their eyes. After a minute, however, it stopped. Alex than opens his eyes, and what he seeing right now is very surprising here.

The sky is yellow like it is made of some strange yellow liquid, and the stars above it are black. The cities are shaped in a strange manner and has buildings shaped from seamless materials. The architecture is non-euclidean and the normal laws of gravity do not apply, as some of the people are seen upside down. Speaking of people, it looks like they are wearing stuff from the Masquerade ball of Venice.

As Alex looked down, he than noticed that he is wearing the clothing everyone else wears.

Alex is wearing a Black Cape with golden lines on each of the sides. He is wearing a black shirt, and has mask with white, gold, red, and black, as well as a hat that resembles a pirate. He also has a cane that is attached to his waist, wearing black gloves and pants. As he looked at himself. He than feels the clothing he is wearing.

"The feels organic."

He than realized something else strange, he's now speaking Spanish, which is strange. Well, sort of. He has consumed a Spanish criminal, but only in disguisd. Now, he is not in disguise, yet speaking Spanish

As he examines the clothing, he heard Jaime's voice speaking out to them.


Alex looks and saw that they are wearing the same thing that Alex is wearing, but the style is different.






Everyone looked at what they are wearing in surprise. They also noticed that they cannot take the masks off. Alex than looked at the city. He than spoke out.

"What did we get ourselves into?"

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