Wandering around Alagadda/A New Enemy

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The gang than goes around this strange place called, Alagadda. The place is very confusing to go to. The laws of Gravity are really strange and messy to be in. The buildings here are also strange. One fit enough is upside down, yet the person is as though it is right-side up, even when he is walking out of it! It is though like this dimension is a dream. Everyone looks at us, as if there's something off about us that is really terrifying. Thankfully, they brush it off.

As the group kept looking at them, they noticed that if they focus their vision just very clear enough, they can see other strange features, such as having to many limbs and to few. The same is said for Breach, as when the focus enough, they can now be able to see her arms as she was back outside. Unfortunately, they cannot see her face, as the mask cannot be removed for unknown reasons.

As we continued dealing, Rex whispers in Alex's ear, worried.

"¿Por qué éramos brillantes aquí en primer lugar?/Why were we bright here in the first place?"

Alex than leans in and whispers back.

"Eso es lo que quiero saber también, Rex./That's what I want to know as well, Rex."

As we walk, they than began to walk upwards. The experience is so nerve-racking. It is making the gang feel so dizzy and nauseous. When they looked, Jaime than spoke to Flash whisperingly.

"No tengo idea de cómo estas personas están bien al estar fuera de las leyes de la gravedad./I have no idea how these people are fine being out of the laws of gravity."

Flash than whispers back, sternly.

"Deben haber vivido aquí hasta el punto de que para ellos ... es completamente normal. ¡Y todavía no puedo quitarme la máscara de la cara!/They must have lived here to the point that to them...it is completely normal. And I still can't get the mask off my face!"

Flash than growls, as he tries to get it off.

"Estoy sorprendido y me pregunto cómo comen incluso cuando no se pueden quitar las máscaras./I'm surprised and wonder how they even eat when the masks themselves can't be removed."

Breach spoke to Skwydd, who than whispers back.

"Eso es si necesitan comer. Alex, ¿hay algo que podamos hacer aquí?/That is if they need to eat. Alex, is there anything that we can do here?"

Alex than stops and puts his hand on his chin, thinking. He has no idea what to do in this situation. True, he went to a dimension with Rex, but the law of gravity still remained. Here, the laws of gravity are now really messed up here. Alex than fishes into his pocket, if there is any. As he pulls his hand, he saw that there's nothing. Alex gives up, but he does speak to them.

"Tenemos que mirar por aquí, incluso si tenemos que separarnos. Cualquiera que sea este lugar, alguien quería que fuéramos allí y nos cebáramos. Tenemos que ser muy cautelosos. Nos separaremos. Jaime, vete al sur. Rex, vas al oeste, Flash, al este. Y yo iré al norte. Breach y Skwydd, ve con Rex como respaldo para él./!We have to look around here, even if we have to split up. Whatever place this is, someone wanted us to go there and bait us. We have to be really cautious. We'll split up. Jaime, you go south. Rex, you go west, Flash, the east. And me, I'll go north. Breach and Skwydd, go with Rex as backup for him."

Everyone nodded, and they all split up. Rex  and the others go west. As the walked around, they than spoke to one another to keep themselves interested.

"Me pregunto por qué nos traen a este lugar de Alagadda./I wonder why we are brought to this Alagadda place."

The others shrugged their shoulders. As they moved on, they see that someone is walking to them.

"Ustedes tres son interesantes./You three are interesting."

They than see a strange person coming before them.

It was a strange person that seems to be wearing some kind of bird suit. This made Rex and the others feel a bit weird. The strange bird-many than continued speaking to the group.

"Tus auras, no son como cualquier otra. He conocido algunos que tienen un aura algo pura, pero los tuyos ... son casi como un dios./Your auras, they are not like any other. I have met a few that has somewhat pure aura, but your's...are almost rather god-like."

As the group look a bit weird at him, Rex than speak out to the person.

"Umm...excuse me...but...who are you?"

The person than spoke to the group.

"Soy la varita Kul-Manas. Debes ser nuevo en este lugar, ¿no?/I am the Wandsman of Kul-Manas. You must be new to this place, are you not?"

Rex than spoke an honest answer.

" Bueno ... más bien nos transportaron a la entrada de alguna manera. Es como si alguien quisiera que viniéramos aquí. ¿Puedes contarnos sobre este lugar para que podamos entenderlo todo aquí?/Well...more like we were transported to the entrance somehow. It is like someone wanted us to come here. Can you tell us about this place, so that we can understand it all here?

"De hecho, te contaré sobre esto./Indeed, I will tell you about this."

After everyone is out of Alex's sight, Alex than goes to the stairs to the northern direction. Alex than goes up and looks around. As he looks, he sees that this place resembles a kingdom of sorts. But the gravity here is so weird, it's impossible to know if it is one. Everyone seems to walk upside-down while under a flight is stairs. The gravity for them even changes when they go to something like a wall to walk completely onto. As he looks around, cautiously, he doesn't take notice of a female resident watching him.

"Un hombre tan interesante allí. Me pregunto quién es él./Such an interesting man there. I wonder who he is."

After seeing him, she decided to hide and observe him. But Alex has been known to sense others, alongside the other members of the Newborns. As Alex walks down the road, he than heard the sound of a loud footstep. He turns around, but sees no one they with him. This made Alex very suspicious. He than turns around, but than hears the same noise from before return once more.

'What could be making this?'

As he looks around. He than caught sight of a foot, along with a few pair of limbs when he focused his vision really clearly. There are 6 left arms shown when he has focused.

'Oh no. That's not good.'

Alex than took off. The female realized she had been caught, and chases after him.

"Él me vió. Él sabe que lo he estado siguiendo. Tengo que ponerme al día y no perderlo./He spotted me. He knows that I have been following him. I have to catch up and not lose him."

Alex than goes into a random tower and goes up a wall, by jumping as high as he could jump as hard. When he gets to the top and onto a balcony, he looks down at the ground, and he spots the person following him below.

This female is wearing a white dress, with Red strips at the edges of it. She had blond hair, porcelain-white skin, like a ghost, and has a mask that resembles a face of anger. Despite this, her emotions are one that are of...curiosity.

The female than goes on the wall and walks up to him. Alex than goes back and give her room. When she walks up, Alex gets a view of her.

The female than walks up to him. Alex could see that some of the arms want to touch him possessively. Normally, anyone would be freaked out. But Alex has seen way worse than this before. The female than walks up to him, face to face. The female is slightly taller than even Alex is himself. Even without high-heels, the female is still over 6 feet tall above even Alex Mercer's normal 5'10 inch height.

"Me di cuenta de que me seguiste. ¿Por qué sigues a alguien de quien no tienes idea?/I noticed you follow me. Why do you follow someone that you have no idea of?"

Alex spoke to the female. She looked at him with genuine intrigue, even through the mask itself. As she went a bit closer, Alex than felt strange. He focused his vision, and sees that almost all of the arms that he is seeing are now snaking around him, a deathly calm embrace. The only ones that are not touching him are the ones in the areas of where the arm's usually positioned.

"Me intrigas mucho. Eres diferente a cualquiera visto aquí. Puedo sentirlo, tu aura ... es tan ... contagiosa con el instinto ... pero también ... pura. Eres único entre los otros pretendientes que tuve./You intrigue me greatly. You are unlike anybody seen here. I can sense it, your aura...it is so...infectious with instinct...yet also...pure, and yet, is so old. You are unique among the other suitors that I had."

Alex has no idea what she meant by being unique compared to the other 'suitors.' But he knows that this is another thing that even he believed to be serious.

"¿Qué quieres decir exactamente?/What do you mean...exactly?"

She than snakes her real arms around Alex. Alex was caught off guard by this act. He tried to pull away. Surprisingly, the girl is strong. Not even Alex can escape.

"No lo entiendo. ¿Qué estas haciendo ahora?/I do not get it. What are you doing now?"

The female, while she has a mask on, she is smiling underneath it.

"Tuve muchos pretendientes en el pasado, pero muchos de ellos estaban llenos de codicia y nunca me importó. Pero te importó profundamente y llenaste muchas preguntas. Vas con muchas personas y tratas de ayudarlas. Incluso si eres un tipo de ser malicioso. Y especialmente, cuando eres hijo de Yaldabaoth./I had many suitors in the pasts, but many of them were only filled with Greed and truly never cared. But you, you cared deeply and filled with many questions. You go with many people and try to help them. Even if you are a type of a malicious being. And especially, from when you are a son of Yaldabaoth."

This completely shocked Alex greatly.

"Tú ... ¿Sabes de madre?/You...You know of mother?"

The female smiled underneath the mask.

"La he visto varias veces cuando era una niña, miles y miles de años. Y lo siento, su poder dentro de tu misma sangre. Mi padre, El Señor Blanco, nunca fue un gran hombre. Incluso odié a muchos hombres, gracias a mis pretendientes. Pero tú eres la excepción aquí./I have seen of her a number of times when I was a little girl, thousand upon thousands of years. And I sense it, her power within your very blood. My father, The White Lord, was never a great man. I even hated many men, thanks to my suitors. But you are the exception here. My time of mating is finally here.

Alex has a strong feeling that whatever this White Lord is...he is very bad. As Alex tried to escape from the grip of the female, one of the hands make a flick of the wrist, and caused the both of them to be submerged inside of pure absolute darkness. They are both now in a pocket dimension of sorts. Than, her other arms became fully seen by Alex now. And that is not all. Alex's own tendrils on his back is somehow growing, and he is not controlling it. This is going to take a long time for escaping.

Back outside, Blue Beetle is now invisible. Thankfully, his Scarab has survived the trip to Algadda. Right now, he is in his armor, and is looking at whatever is happening right now. Obviously, something about this dimension is really fishy.

"Scarab, do you sense anything?"

The scarab replied with a:

"No. I do not sense anything. This place is confusing me to a great degree. I need to figure out what we are dealing with."

As Jaime looked around, his Scarab than picked up something.

"Jaime Reyes, an unknown being is coming for us. Suggesting a tactical retreat right now."

Jaime nodded his head, and both he and Scarab than took flight, getting away fast. Whatever it is, it was going to Jaime right there. Thankfully, the Scarab warned Jaime about it. They just hope that it is not bad.

Flash is now in Venom form. Venom has also survived just like Khaji Da itself. Venom is also now invisible. Right now, he is looking at what is happening outside right now. They are people that are just simply walking. But some go into some rather, very private acts together. As they kept looking, venom senses a presence coming near. Not wanting to take the risk, venom immediately controls Flash's body, and flies away, fast.

Back with Rex, he is done talking around with the Wandsman. He now understands everything. Apparently, Alagadda is a place that is ruled by 4 terrible lords. Because of this, he has to avoid any of the lords that are seen by him at anyplace. As they are walking around, one of the females caught sight of him. This one is wearing yellow clothing, and is looking at him, intrigued.

"Siento que la esencia de Mekhane está dentro de este chico. Voy a tener un hijo a través de él y heredaré la esencia./I sense that Mekhane's essence is within this boy. I will have a child through him, and inherit the essence."

Sneaking quietly, she knocked both Breach and Skwydd silently with only her fingers. Rex noticed and touched them.

"¡¡Incumplimiento!! Skwydd !! ¿Qué les pasó a los dos?/Breach!! Skwydd!! What happened to you both?!"

As he looked, he and the others are unknowingly sent to a pocket dimension. Suddenly, he got sent back by a telekinetic force, and was embraced by 10 arms. He than turns to see the lady.

" ¿Quien ... quien eres tu?/Who...who are you?"

She than spoke out to Rex.

"Me intrigas. Un hijo de Mekhane con la hija del Señor Amarillo. No puedo esperar a que el tiempo te lleve dentro de mi cuerpo./You intrigue me. A son of Mekhane with the daughter of the Yellow Lord. I cannot wait to take you inside of my body."

Rex cannot help but swallow in a nervous way when metal tendrils began to emerge from the E.V.O's body, as he realized what is about to happen in here soon.

About 10 minutes later, Alex than jumped out of the portal. The experience here was not great, as he was forcefully with the lady for who knows how long there, and what happened here is not a really good experience. Lots of things that the lady is entertained with and is now finally finished with him. Rex than came out the same, and had taken Breach and Skwydd with him. Both Alex and Rex looked at one another.

"Es usted.../Are you..."

"¿A través de la experiencia?/Gone through the experience?"


As the both of them looked at each other very awkwardly, Skwydd and Breach than woken up and Breach spoke to them.

"Alex ... Rex ... ¿Qué acaba de pasar?/Alex...Rex...What just happened?"

Alex and Rex looked at each other, before speaking out to her.

""No quieres saber ... en serio ... no lo sabes./You don't want to know...seriously...you don't.""

As the both of them looked, Blue Beetle and Venom than came flying towards them.

"Chicos Necesitas venir con nosotros. Acabamos de notar algo que necesitas ver. Como ahora mismo./Guys. You need to come with us. We just noticed something that you need to see. Like, right now."

Everyone looks at one another, before going to where Blue Beetle and Venom are going to.

After 20 minutes, the group are in what seems to be an abandoned part of Alagadda. It has a bunch of abandoned parts of the city here. When the group landed, a figure than began to emerge.

'That does not look good.'

Alex said to the others that are here. When the figure came out of the shadows, it than reveals its own outside appearance.

The presence here is the same malicious one that had been there with them, before they even entered the portal.

"Alex...Rex...I finally got you where you all should be on."

The creature spoke complete English, and not Spanish this time. Alex and Rex then realized one thing.

This is not a good sign. Now...they are in a really bad death sentence here. The creature they are about to face...

It is one of the most powerful foes that they will be fighting.

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