Questions Must be Answered

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The group has been invited into the throne of Apokolips, where Orion himself, the current ruler of the realm, sits on the throne, in his usual unhappy mood, as he is forced to become the ruler of Apokolips and he forever to act like he is his father: a Tyrant. And this is something that he was kit prepared to do, as he looks down, still unable to accept the role that he was given to by the Citizens of Apokolips, which crushed his spirit to fight for them, while also managing to contain and control his emotions, in a similar way to Darkseid, his father. Guess compared to the other children, he has most of his father's mental traits, as well as the only one that closely resembles Darkseid.

The Throne itself looks like a very uneasy palace, with bricks of hellish rock on a wall, and to the group's very immense confusion, there was a window that is showing New Genesis, despite the fact that it's far away. The fires are shown to be belching from the craters of the Mechanical Planet, like it is powerful thrusters of the engine of a jet. At entrance, Kalibak is shown in front of it, his Beta-Club ready, just in case someone is ready badge in and invade the throne. In the center of the throne room, the group is in front of Orion, and unlike before, which had a bridge only during the time Darkseid ruler, there was an entire floor, for everyone so stand right in top of. Knockout is shown hugging Alex's arm, as Alex struggles to get into a position where he can be very comfortable. But even though he is struggling to get in a comfortable position, it doesn't stop him and Bekka from telling them what was now happening, and while the warning is the same as the one from Scot and Big Barda, he also gained additional information on how powerful and dangerous the Old God really is. Orion pinched his nose, as he spoke out.

"I cannot believe this. I had heard that the so-called Old Gods would be very dangerous. But I never thought that one would be dangerous enough to go out to try and destroy all of creation."

Not even Kalibak, who is very cruel himself, could easily believe that. Compared to how evil Darkseid is, and is well aware of how evil and takes great pride in it, not even Darkseid could even compare to how evil and dangerous the Scarlet King is. All that Darkseid wants it to take control of everything. He never planned and wanted, though, to destroy everything. Even Darkseid values existence itself.

"Unfortunately so. As evil as both Darkseid and Yuga Khan are, not even they compare to how evil and horrifying that the Scarlet King is."

Bekka spoke out, as she walks next to her husband, before sitting down to a throne that's next to his, as Orion continues to speak out to the group.

"Your words speak truly, my beloved. Even though they are evil, even they desire to exist in all of creation. I never thought that there would be an Old God like this to actually begin to hate all of Creation."

Kalibak looks he began to think of a collection of so many memories, when it involved Darkseid, Uxas, his father. Ever since he was a child, he had done everything that he can in his power in order to make his Father proud, and get the love and approval that he deserved from his father, no matter how much his father hurts him, he never leaves and sways his loyalty to anyone else. He knew that he could never get it, but he still tried to do so anyway. And during the final battle...he got his wish when his father is laying there, dying by Orion's hands. But as he had died, Darkseid had revealed that, he was aware of the gentle side that he had for a long time, as he sensed it, and admits made him happy that Kalibak was loyal to his father through and through. So in other words, he only gained both of the love and the approval of his father, after the Final Battle, and when he's slowly dying. And that was the only time, when Kalibak released his positive and weak emotion, sadness, to his father, when he had died by Orion in combat. He just wish that he has said that he had loved him...but Darkseid already knew of that, and spoke out, in his final words...that he is about to see Suli very soon, and told Kalibak, that he must be safe and well, for him and for Suli, the wife that Darkseid had grueling loved so dearly much.

Kalibak, for the first time ever, cried for real, but he didn't sob, as his tears leaked slowly down and had dropped quietly onto the face of his tyranny of his father. Kalibak cried very silently, as Darkseid afterwords, died with a peaceful smile present on his rock-like face. As he finally got what he want, even though it was in the way that he didn't want, he acted far more calm and relaxed, and yet, still maintains his enraged and very savage nature. He was even allowed to express his gentle nature, even when it was outside of the palace that he was meant to guard. Thankfully, none of the citizens never noticed, due to their minds still in the mindset of being enslaved. But he had almost been caught on a number of occasions, forcing Kalibak to retake his cruel persona again. He's even done this in front of his brother, Orion, and he doesn't even mine it. However, this is not to say that Kalibak likes Orion a bit more, as he still deeply despises Orion for killing their father, Darkseid. But in a way, they began to act a bit more cordial to each other, with Orion even allowing Kalibak to express his opinions on how to deal with some of the worlds that are trying to attack and take over Apokolips. But just because he is now working together with Orion, that does not mean that he is going to be loyal to Orion. In fact, he has done some stuff that was against the orders of his brother, which caused some spectacular disasters. The disasters themselves are so immensely dangerous that not even Orion expected them from Kalibak.

However, when involving the Scarlet King, Kalibak isn't that surprised that there is a more evil being that is much more powerful than Darkseid, as he has seen what Yuga Khan was like, as he has seen through the Sidelines of how worse his grandfather was compared to his father. But the Scarlet King's goal of destroying reality, is what really unnerves Kalibak very immensely.

Knockout, however, was very surprised and admiringly, a little uneasy of the danger of the Scarlet King, based on what he is described by both Bekka and the Group. Although dangerous and evil that both Darkseid and Yuga Khan are, this Scarlet King seems to be way over the top kind of dangerous. And this is something that she hasn't gotten used to in a very long time, as she has no idea that there are beings that are far worse than even what she could imagine alone. As Knockout slightly tightens her grip on Alex, Orion spoke out.

"This would be very risky, if even some of the most powerful New Gods decide to come and fight the Scarlet King. For all we know, it could be very dangerous for even us to fight against it, and we would all be killed in an instant. And even worse than that, we would be helping the Scarlet King by having him consume us and possibly grow more powerful than ever before. To the point that I have no idea how strong it could get if one of us New Gods are absorbed by the Dark God.

Alex, although grunting a bit, spoke out to Orion.

"But...from what I have New Gods have a true form. The New Gods that I have spoken to on New Genesis have said that you have True Forms that'er so powerful that you could easily destroy a Universe just by being there. Couldn't that help us against the Scarlet King?"

Orion shook his head, as he spoke out to Alex.

"Perhaps it could give me a type of advantage, Alex, but that doesn't mean that I and some of us will be victorious in the fight. In fact, the Scarlet King might have become way to powerful for even some of us to fight against him. And besides...for all we know, he might have grown way to powerful to the point that, not even my true form will be enough to defeat the Scarlet King on my own. And even I am unsure if my brother, Kalibak, is able to even help alongside me in a possible fight against the Dark Old God. For all I know, it might possibly take the combined might of me, Kalibak, Grayven, Grail, Darksied, Highfather, Scot, and even Yuga Khan's true form to even stand a chance against the Scarlet King. And even then, I am very unsure if all of us can get out of the battle without getting consumed into the darkness he has made to swallow us all complete and absorbing us into him."

Even Kalibak, despite hating his brother immensely, agreed to his right his brother is. Because if what they are saying about him is true, it would likely take the combined might of most of the Apokoliptians and  some of the Genesisians from both the Darkseid and Highfather bloodline, to even stand a chance against the Scarlet King. And besides, they have never faced an Old God before in their entire life.

As Alex shook his head, very unhappy of what he has to hear from Orion, the door suddenly opens, and a voice spoke out, with the tone of the person's voice sounding very urgent.

"MOTHER!!!!! FATHER!!!!!"

Orion, Bekka, and the others quickly turned to the door and see who is coming. The person that had came through the door is a young man with orange hair that reaches down to his back, and red eyes that are similar to his father. He is wearing a black and red uniform, with blood red armor on the arms and above the black leggings. The armor itself even has some of the design of the Astro Force on it. He has a build that is similar to Orion in his younger days, and has metal circuitry on his torso and legs that is assembled in a similar way to Bekka's that's on her dress, with the circuitry on both the lower and upper part of the armor that he is wearing on top of his clothing. Although his face has a complete resembles to Orion in the present day, who looks like Darkseid, it is far more beautiful, as they are as soft as Bekka's face, as well as a bit more sharp than Bekka.


Orion spoke out, as the young man entered the throne room.

"My kind, sweet son. Is there Important news you would like to tell us?"

Bekka spoke out. Zonuz is the son and the only child of Bekka and Orion. Having inherit his Father's Astro Force, the Source of the Beast, and his Mother's ability to amplify the feelings of love from people who repress them, Zonuz is both a very powerful warrior and a rather brilliant inventor, as well as having learned to control his grandfather's inherited rage, due to his father's guidance being strict and patient with him, as well as his mother's deep and pure, caring love for her son.

In comparison to Orion's relationship with Kalibak, Zounz is much more stable, due to being loyal to his father, just like Kalibak was to his father, Darkseid. They have even sparred together, which has Zounz mix Kalibak's fighting style with his Father's fighting style, giving him both a fighting style in both brute strength and quick skill. He also has a similar relationship to Grail, who he trained when involving a sword and a scythe at one time, and it seemed a bit more healthier than even Kalibak. But Zonuz has never met his uncle, Grayven, who was still trapped inside of his prison that Darksied had subjected him into for years. He has even gotten help from Scot, who's Alpha Effect sure was powerful enough to make him much more calmer than before, and even required the assistance of Lightray and Highfather, who was possessing Takion. Their calm auras were enough for Zonuz to keep calm. While he originally did have a Motherbox that is similar to Orion in order to keep his rage in check, his possession over it was much shorter, when he started to control the rage inside of him on his own.

Zonuz looks at his mother and father, as he spoke out.

"Yes, there is something important. It is Metron, he has said to me that has new information on the Scarlet King, which involves his Spawns, and the Old Gods that are against the King."

Knockout leans against a wall, as she seemed to be very interested.

"Wander what's the information? Maybe it is something that we can believe could be great for all of us to have?"

Alex turned and shrugged, although, deep down, he has a bad feeling about the information that he's gonna hear.

Orion's eyes didn't move that much, but he is very concerned when it involved the so-called Scarlet King. So to have new information on the Scarlet King seems to be a very important and serious subject to think about.

After a Minute of thinking, he turns to Zonuz and spoke out

"Bring him in."

Zonuz nodded, as he opened the door, and there, Metron has arrived to meet them.

Metron is sitting on top of the Mobius Chair as always, as the tips of his fingers touch each other, with a focused expression on his face. In fact, he always has that expression on his face. Alex and the others are surprised, but they immediately moved away to give Metron room to go to the current ruler of Apokolips.

"Haven't sees Metron for a long time."

Knockout whispered out, with Alex speaking back.

"You know this guy?"

Knockout nodded, as she whispered in Alex's ear.

"I do. He was born from New Genesis, but does not take a side. He spends almost his entire life, seeking knowledge on something that intrigues him very immensely. But I wander why he is here to talk about."

Metron floats in front of the throne after a minute, and Orion spoke out to Metron.

"You have come to see me, Metron? You have been said to have new information on the Scarlet King, his spawns, and some of the Old Gods that are against his goal of annihilation?"

Metron nodded, as he spoke.

"Yes I have. And it was thanks to the scientists from back on Alex's Earth that I was able to find the information that I need."

This caught Alex's eyes.

"Wait. You manage to travel to your Earth?"

Metron turns and nodded his head.

"Of course. I have used the Mobius Chair to make a Boontube to your Earth, and I was able to go to a location where they had the knowledge. What did that call it? Ah yes, they called it SCP-028."

Metron has not forgotten the feeling of having the knowledge that he was given when he entered the warehouse where SCP-028 resides in.

It was an incredible thing, that he was lucky to be a god, or it would have turned out to be a very serious metal issue for Metron. And the Mobius Chair, was able to absorb the information of the Knowledge that SCP-028 has given to the both of them, and stored the knowledge of the New Gods into itself. The knowledge also includes the origins of the Scarlet King, and anything that is connected to the Scarlet King himself. But while amazing it would be, it was also very terrifying, as the Scarlet King is a being that will do anything to destroy all of reality, and will even destroy concepts to ease his pain, even if a little.

Rex than spoke out.

"028? But that can only give you knowledge on only one subject, and this is very random! And once that is used, you can't use it, and only someone else will be able to use it!"

Metron nodded, as he spoke out.

"You speak truly. And SCP-028, as your SCP Scientists called it, was able to provide me the Knowledge for us to deal with the Scarlet King, as well as the identity of the Spawns, and the identities of the Old Gods that are against the Scarlet King's plan."

The others looked at each other, as Kalibak, who doesn't have much patience, spoke out.

"What is it Metron? Which topic should we start with?!"

Metron sighs, as he spoke out.

"First off...we shall start, with the Old Gods that are against the Scarlet King. Through the memories and knowledge of the subject that SCP-028 gave me, I have found out that Old Gods that are against the Scarlet King, are the ones that has been a recurring force for the Earth in so many countless centuries. Namely...

...Yaldabaoth, The Deity of Flesh and Instinct...

...Mekhane, the Deity of Machinery and Intellect...

...Pangloss, The Flame that had existed since the very beginning...

...And Jalakåra, of the Impenetrable. The Deity of Corbenic."

Metron finished, as the image of a Gigantic Spoder Deity with a human face and beard was shown in a hologram that the Mobius Chair as made.

Firestorm looks down, as he spoke out.

"Pangloss...why does that name sound so...familiar?"

Metron turns to Firestorm, as he spoke out.

"Tell me, Firestorm. Do you recognize this?"

Metron made a miniature boomtube, and shows a card that speaks out the words:

'Don't let the fire die.

Firestorm's eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"I...I actually do. there even a connection involving me?"

Metron nodded, as he spoke out.

"Indeed. Apparently...this...Firestorm you actually a force that Pangloss himself has made."


This suprised the group, as Metron continued to speak out.

"The flames that you produce are the ones that Pangloss itself has made. When you and other half, Professor Stein, unlocked the Firestorm Matrix and absorbed it into the both of you, you did more than just gain power of flames and the atoms. You became an Avatar to Pangloss himself. That is why you have the power to transmute inorganic letter into something else. Your powers are the creation that Pangloss has made."

Firestorm was shocked, as he looked down at his flames. True enough, he can actually feel something divine in his very hands.

'Well...we'll be damned. We had something like this in our bodies and we need known it?'

Professor Stein spoke out, as Jason nodded. Metron than continued.

"Pangloss wasn't the only one that has gifted you with fire. Pangloss also gifted it to a Martian God, who would soon become H'ronmeer."

M'gann's eyes widened, as she spoke out.

"H'ronmeer? You mean the Martian God of the Dead?"

Metron nodded, as he spoke out.

"That is correct, M'gann...if that is your name. H'ronmeer was, in fact, one of Pangloss' students when he was a small child. Pangloss has even taught H'ronmeer everything that he knew, before he disappeared. But when the Scarlet King appeared, Pangloss was one of the few that have came to fight against him in order to protect all of creation from Khahrahk."

M'gann was shocked, as she looks down at a tablet that she has, about H'ronmeer. Metron than spoke out.

"Yaldabaoth and Mekhane. 2 entities that were meant to oppose each other. And have created Champions of their own."

Alex and Rex came forward, as Alex spoke out.

"Us...both Me and Rex. We are meant to be their champions."

Metron nodded, and spoke out.

"Yaldabaoth and Mekhane originally fought, due to Yaldabaoth wanting to control all organic life. But Mekhane made a truce that Yaldabaoth thought was acceptable. Yaldabaoth takes one half of the Multiverse, and subjects them to instinct, while Mekhane takes the other half of the Multiverse, and subjects them to intelligence. But most of the Earths are in the middle, where both the Instinct and the Intelligence intertwined. Both Flesh and Machinry joined forces to ensure that the Scarlet King does not dare to try and destroy them, and will do anything to ensure their existence will be safe."

Orion puts his hands on his chin, as he began to think and absorb the information in his head.

After a little bit of thinking, Orion accepted the information that he was given, and spoke out.

"What of the God from, Corbenic, as you have called it?"

Metron looks down for a bit, before he spoke out.

"Jalakåra is a God of silence, labor, modesty, obedience, and bureaucracy. He resides in Corbenic, which is an afterlife to the multiverse as a whole. When a human from the Multiverse dies, they and their counterparts will be transported, and reside in Corbenic, as own single body, and with the memories of their experience if the Infinite Multiverse. When the Scarlet King tried to take the Souls that reside within Corbenic, Jalakåra protected the souls that reside in Corbenic, and joined forces with Mekhane, Yaldabaoth, Pangloss, and the Brothers Death."

Orion looked a bit confused at the last statement.

"The Brothers Death?"

Metron looks down for a hat, preparing to say his words in a way that they can understand, before he spoke to them.

"The Brothers Death, are the 3 embodiments of Death itself, responsible for the end of all things, and for cursing a human that had tried to escape from his death. Their real names are Yulu, Yama, and Kshitigarbha, and all 3 of them do not forgive those that try to escape from their untimely demise. They follow the orders of their sister, known only as Mistress Death,

and all 4 of them are enemies of the Scarlet King, as they are the ones that have faced him from the past, when he tried destroying existence. Their battles are so great and immense, that they do not even compare to the fight that you have with Yuga Khan, and your father Darkseid. Their very battles have put all of creation in jeopardy. Their fights are so chaotic, that creation has become nothing more than ashes."

Knockout whistled quietly, as she puts her fists on her hips, while she spoke out, very impressed.

"Must have been a very epic fight. Wish that I could see that."

Alex glared a bit, for her lack of concern to her own life and the lives of others that have been killed in the fight, but he doesn't say anything.

Orion's eyes did widen a bit, as he spoke out.

"Did they win the fight?"

Metron spoke out.

"Yes, but only because they had to pierce the Scarlet King with special Spears, 7 of them...which are now no longer able to contain him, as all of the Spawns are born from the entities multiverse, and all of the Spears have been gathered, opening ga portal that sets him free. And it is not just in the Earth that Alex is in. It is in every universe that the Scarlet King is present inside of, as in every Earth, whenever Fear and Death is present, the Scarlet King's also present, as a sign of the fact that he is present."

This made Alex look a bit uneasy, as Wanda spoke out.

" said that the Spawns are connected to the Spears, right?"

Metron nodded, as Rex spoke out.

"What are they, anyway?"

Metron looks down at his hands for a minute, at the ground for a minute...before he spoke out

"...With the offspring that come from the Scarlet King...they are known as the Leviathan Spawns. They are the sons/grandsons and daughters/granddaughters of the Scarlet King, when he impregnated the 7 daughters that he had, known only as the Scarlet Brides. 4 of the Leviathans, I was able to find throughout the Multiverse, are the only ones that have not changed, and the only ones that have remained true to themselves for so many years. They are:

...The Second Child: Kifenn (Longing)...

...The Fourth Child: Ba/Atanti-ql-Paneu (Wrath)...

...The Fifth Child: Ner/Quarseta-ql-Paneu (Lack)...

...And the Seventh Child: Xokib (Hope)."

Rex looked confused, and spoke out.

"Wait, hold on a minute. How come SCP-999 is a Leviathan? He doesn't even look that threatening!"

Metron turns to Rex, as he spoke out.

"Unlike the other Leviathans, the Seventh Spawn is said to be against the Scarlet King, and is said to give birth to heroes. But the past, and in many countless timelines, the Seventh Spawn never has succeeded, and is killed, and this is when they are still not at their prime, but enough with the Seventh..."

Metron turns to the others, as he spoke out.

"They are the only ones that are the most consistent throughout the multiverse, and in the infinite Earths. But as for the First, Third, and Sixth Child...they vary across the known universe. And it is very, very frustrating."

Rex raised an eyebrow, as he spoke out.

"What is so frustrating when it involved those 3 spawns?"

Metron simply stared and spoke out.

"It is frustrating, because unlike the other 4, these 3 vary between Earths. For example, one of them, the First Child (Dominion), is a Camera-Faced Man that can control some of the other SCPs, as you scientists call it. Another, the Third Child (Desolation), is a normal-looking human can create destruction without even trying, and only destroys from even the slightest movement. And the 6th Child (Hidden) is a being that can conceal himself and others into a nightmare dimension to hide from other beings. And in another universe, with a First Child of its own, that one has dominion over the instincts of men, in other words, the one that you refer to, as SCP-166, and both the 3rd and 6th children from throughout the multiverse possess powers that are very confusion for even me to deduce all my own. your world...I have finally figured it out. I have found out...who the 3 children are in this world, where the Newborns reside in.l

Alex, Rex, and Wanda looked at each other, feeling very, very uneasy about the answer that they are about to hear from the God of Knowledge. But Alex takes a deep breath, and spoke out.

"Who is it, Metron? Who are the other 3 children that exist in my Earth?"

Metron turns to Alex, and spoke out to him, calmly.

"Is it not obvious, Wanda, Alex, and Rex? Do you have any real idea who the other 3 Leviathan Spawns are, in the world you 3 lived in?"

The 3 shook their head, no, as they have not a single clue on what made it very obvious. So who are the 3 Leviathans Spawns in their world? Than...what Metron had spoke out, they were the words that the 3 were not prepared to hear.

"The identities of the First...Third...and the Sixth children...


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