Take Care of Yourself./SCP-5699

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"The identities of the First...Third...and the Sixth children...



Alex, Rex, and Wanda...all three of them are very shocked at what they've heard. They are Leviathan Spawns of the Scarlet King himself?! How is that even possible????!!!!!!!!"

"No. That...can't be true!!!"

Rex spoke out loud, unable to comprehend what he had just heard. All 3 of them, Leviathan Spawns of the Scarlet King the entire time...how is that even possible? Alex while still shocked, manage to speak out.

"How's that possible?! Yaldabaoth and Mekhane...they changed us!! They were the ones that had made us different!!! The ones that made us anomalous!!! How is it that we were leviathans this entire time in our lives?!"

Metron shook his head, as he knew that they would react to this, and spoke out.

"At some point in the past...all 3 your human mothers, each of them were infected with a portion of the Scarlet King's essence. When you all were born, you inherited that essence, and became Leviathans yourselves, but your powers could not activate for unknown reasons. But when Yaldabaoth and Mekhane appeared, it allowed you to do some things that you have inherited from the Scarlet King himself. Alex Mercer, you are the 6th Child. Your ability to consume other people, which makes your body stronger, and your ability to pass your abilities to other beings, the Scarlet King possessed those powers. He has consumed his siblings to grow more powerful, and is able to increase the power of an Old God, as well as granting them new abilities. The Blacklight Virus that Yaldabaoth has given you has amplified your power of the Scarlet King. If you were a normal human, you would have lost all your ability to maintain your sentience, and you would have acted on instinct, similar to that of an animal."

Alex's eyes widened in shock, as Metron continued to speak out.

"And Alex...the reason you know the events that are happening on your Earth, is because, that as the Child of both Yaldabaoth and the Scarlet King, who rules the Abyss, you are given a stronger connection to the Abyss itself, giving you a form of omniscience that allow you to know what is happening back on your Earth.

Alex looks down at his feet, as he spoke out...with pure and utter disbelief present within the very voice that exists his tongue.

"No...that...that can't be."

Alex can't believe that this is the case, and what he had heard. What Metron has said to him, this can't be true, is it?

Metron than turns to Rex, as he spoke out to the E.V.O.

"Rex Salazar. You are the 3rd Child. You have shown yourself to utilize massive strength with some of your powers, which can cause so much mass destruction, as well as the power to 'cure' other people that are infected with the malfunctioning Nanites inside of their bodies. In reality, you have inherited a portion of his strength, and his power to strip an individual of their power, but only if it is the same type of being that you are."

Rex was surprised at that information, as he looked down, and spoke out.

"I had that the entire time? How did I not know that?"

Metron than turns to Wanda, who flinches at his gaze, and than, Metron spoke out to her.

"Wanda Maximoff, you are the 1st child, as well as the most powerful of them all, despite being the one of the youngest Leviathan Spawn in the Multiverse. You believed that you can simply use telekinesis and telepathy, but in reality, your powers are way more greater than you could imagined."

Wanda was confused, until Metron spoke out to her of something that she never knew she had.

"Wanda Maximoff, your real power, is the ability to manipulate and warp reality. You have the ability to change anything that you can believe them to change into. The ability to warp reality, is a power that the Scarlet King has given you, and your exposure to the Mind Stone has made your power to warp reality far more stronger than ever before."

Wanda was shocked, before speaking out.

"But, if I can do that, how come I never was able to utilize it in the first place?"

Metron shook his head, as he spoke out to Wanda, calmly. 

"Wanda, you have done examples of it. I remember that when you were exposed to it, you were able to cause a rain storm when you were upset."

Wanda...actually remembered that moment in her life. When she was trapped inside of the cage, a powerful rainstorm appeared, and it was powerful enough for her to get out of the place that she was in.

"You have even been able to transmute matter in order to change it into something that is completely different to the object that's before you."

Making a hologram, she showed her changing the matter of some furniture into something different.

That is something that Wanda did not know, and Metron later spoke out.

"And much more importantly...you have the power to manipulate probability. You can cause an event to happen, making unlikely things occur more often or instantly and preventing liable events from happening. That is a power that you have also inherited from the Scarlet King himself

Wanda was shocked. How come she didn't know that she had such a power by her side in the first place. Metron, however, ignored her face of shock, as he turns to the others, and spoke to them aloud.

"That is what makes you the strongest of the Leviathans. And...it is because your 3 play a very important role when it comes to the Scarlet King himself."

Metron sits more straight in the chair, as he spoke out.

"Unlike most of the other Leviathan Spawns the Scarlet King made in the known Multiverse, who are very loyal/under the Scarlet King's influence, you 3 are against the Scarlet King and his army, as well as due to the fact that, because of other divine powers being converted non to your very existence essence, you are immune to the mental influence of the Scarlet King's dangerous mental powers, which was something that the Scarlet King didn't plan happening. This is what makes you 3 very powerful threat to his plan, as you 3 have the power to go against the Scarlet King, if you continue to grow. And because of your heritage as children of the Scarlet King, as well as being infused with divine powers that has gifted you from the gods, you can not only resist the influence of the Scarlet King, who would otherwise possess your minds, but you all have the power to use the Spears without any deadly side effects, and even use it against the King, in order to finally end him. That is what makes you 3 special, and why you are the greatest threat to his plans of annihilating.

Rex and Wanda were shocked, but understood what Metron meant. They knew that they were special, due to having the power of Mekhane and the Mind Stone at their sides, but they never thought that in a million years, that they are direct grandchildren/children to the Scarlet King. This would make Wanda, Alex, and Rex half siblings. And speaking of Alex, he is not feeling very good from what he had just heard from Metron.

Alex looked down, his eyes shadowed from sight, as the clothing, his biomass that is covering his gear form, began to shift and look a bit more wavy, mostly due to what he had to hear from Metron. For the first time, since the death of his special human, Karen Parker, Alex doesn't know what to feel from this information. Alex...he is not only the Scarlet King's cousin, he is also his son/grandson, a very unholy union between 2 of the most powerful and dangerous gods that existence has even known. Did Yaldabaoth...his mother...know of this? Did she know of this heritage inside of his body, and that is why she infected him with the virus. He doesn't know. In fact, he is not sure if he'll ever know.

And...as if his body is moving on his own, he turns around, and walks away, and right out of the throne room, but was stopped by Orion.

"I can take you to a place you can rest in, Alex Mercer."

Alex turns around, as he sees Orion close behind him. Orion then puts a hand on Alex's shoulder, before teleporting them to wherever they went, as Wanda spoke out.

"Will Alex be okay?"

Rex has no words, as he has no idea what to say about that, but M'gann spoke out.

"I don't think that he will, Wanda. He is very effected by what he had to hear."

Aqualeily than spoke out.

"I hope that he can recover from what he had to hear."

Knockout said nothing, as she turned away, with Rex speaking out.

"Well...I can think of some being that can make him feel better, but I don't know if it will appear on Apokolips."

Zonuz than spoke out.

"What is this being that you are referring to, Rex?"

Rex turned around, as he spoke out.

"This being only appears to those that are depressed, and when it does, it will write a message on a reflective surface, such as a mirror, in order to comfort that person. But if it will appear, I'm very unsure if it will appear here, as I have never seen it appear in different worlds."

Bekka than looks down, before she spoke out to Rex.

"Well...let us pray that this being that you refer to will heal Alex's mind, because we need him for when we need to seperate the Spears to close the portal and stop the invasion."

Everyone nodded, as they prayed for Alex to recover. But deep inside some of their hearts, they are truly unsure if he will be able to recover from the truth that he had to hear. But at the same time...they want to believe that it will appear to Alex, and lighten his spirits up so that they can bring him back, as they need him for his strategy now, along side with Orion's strategy.

Back on Earth...

The war is still raging on Earth. More and more of the Demons are still coming out of the portal, as they are thronging forth an ocean of bloodbath and misery. The Foundation, now becoming more desperate to win the war against the Demons of the Scarlet King, was able to transport SCP-2000, connect it to Site-α, and were able to make more humans, training them to fight against the Scarlet King's Demon Army, and hopes that it will make the job of stopping them better than before, and make it much more easier to stop them then ever before. But this is simply going to prolong the fight even more, as SCP-2000 has a long cool down, before it can make more humans to help fight off against the Scarlet King's army. So until then, they need to stick with everything that they have got.

Grail and Abel have been separated from Grayven, due to the trouble that they had to go through in helping the SCP-3700 entities, and now, they are having more trouble, due to the fact that there are so many demons that are in the area, trying to stop them from reaching Grail's Older Brother, Grayven. So while Grayven is now all alone dealing with the demons that are coming at his direction, the others are going to have a lot of fun killing demons, and create a titanic bloodbath, all just to reach Grayven.

Grail smiled, as she is facing against a very large demon in front of her. He scythe gripped very tightly in her grey hands, as she prepares to chop the head off of the demon that is before her eyes, as the blade of the Scythe's clean metal, yet jagged blade glints under the light of the Scarlet Red Sun, like it is a light that is ready to burn them down to the darkest pit of hell, that not even the Demons themselves could be saved from, even if they got someone to save them. Inside of the New Goddess mind that she alone possesses, Grail has never seen someone fight this brutally and violently for such as long time, besides herself, and seeing that this, Abel that she's with, who is still a human, is so violent and very, very aggressive to his enemies, he made Grail fall head over heels with Abel, although Abel does not seem to notice any of this, as he is way to busy dealing with the demons.

The immensely large demon that she is facing off against looks down at her with pure, diabolical hare, as she charges at the demon, and used her scythe to decapitate its head. And she was not the only one to do so.


The sound of a blade cutting through the flesh of demons was heard, as another head of a demons slid off of the neck, and the throat is shown from the outside. The weapon in question is a pitch black axe, held in the hand of a certain man that slaughters and cannot feel pain.

Abel formed an axe and a sword out of the rift that he is using. While it would be difficult to use a large axe on one hand, due to Abel being superhuman in capabilities, he is shown to use it with little to no difficulty. He even began to spin o to a tornado of death, as body parts began to fly up into the air, before falling as a raining death of  bloody corpses. But when he saw more demons that are about to come his way, he dematerialized the weapons that he had in his possession, and formed some new weapons.

Abel made a weapon that looks like a very long chain, except that these chains become very, very sharp Kunai.

Concentrating, he grabbed into the Kunai, and threw them at the demons, killing them instantly, when they are aimed at the head. But the Kunai did not stop, and it hit the other row of demons, before it hit the wall, which is when it finally stopped.

Taking out twin blades, he went full on berserk on the demons, as he slashed and cut down wildly on the demons. So much that Grail smirked sweetly at how immensely brutal he is to the enemies that he has fighting against. But Grail should have looked, as a demon almost got ready to kill her. Thankfully, Abel saw what was about to happen just in time for him to use his chain, and wrapped it around Grail, before finally reeling it in, pulling Grail out of the way, as the demon missed.

Grail looks down at the chains, before looking at Abel, who is staring back right into her bright-red eyes.

Grail spoke out, as Abel spoke out to her.

"Sorry about that, Grail. I was trying to attack the large demons in the King's Army, but you were almost crushed and killed by a demon that was attacking from behind."

He de-manifested the chain, setting Grail free once more, as they prepare to fight off against more of the demons that are about to come their way.

"So, what shall we do now, sister?"

Well, this made Grail a bit unhappy, as she spoke out.

"Abel. There is something you must know about me."

Abel raised an eyebrow, as he spoke out.

"And that is?"

Grail looks down, with her eyes closed, before snapping them open, and speaks, enraged.


Grail fires her Omega Beams, as she manage to incinerate a whole bunch of demons that are in her path. The beams even moved upwards, and took out so many of the flying demons that are above, ready to wrecked down at them. Some of the demons even tried to avoid the Omega Beams. But if they should realize, the Omega Beams do not stay straight like normal laser beams. They follow the target, not matter what direction that they are going to, until the beams hit them. When the Omega Beams hit the demons, they have turned black to the that, when Grail finished using the Omega Beams, the demons than went down to the ground, and crumbled to ashes. Looks like the Omega Beams aren't just very painful, they are also very hot enough to even kill the demons, which are usually very, very resistant to temperature at an extreme level. She takes after her father, Darkseid, more than her older brothers, and even Kalibak can't match just how violent Grail is.

Grail's red eyes flared with power and the Omega Effect's energy oozes out of her blood-red eyes, which is shining bright, like they are twin stars of pure , unrelenting malignancy, while possessing a very psychotic smirk on her face, and the cruelty that is on her face was beautiful enough to even make Abel smile with the same cruelty present, as he summons a blade from the black rift, almost like he is ready to cut down more demons that are getting in the way of slaughter's undying vengeance.

"Your brutality never ceases to impress me, Goddess of Anti-Life."

Grail smirked, as she spoke back to Abel.

"You are not so bad yourself, Ab-Leshal."

As they smiled at each other, it was as though time slowed down around them, as they looked at each other into their beautiful eyes. But the moment was short-lived, as twin beams fired from a building, and a large roar was heard from a distance.

"That must be Grayven. We need to get there and help him."

Abel nodded, as he spoke out.

"Let us fight the Serpent."

holding out his arm, a crow landed on Abel's arm.

"Shall we go?"

Abel spoke out, as Grail smiled.

"Yes, we shall."

Grail than held out her hand, and opened a boomtube to where Grayven is in order to get there faster.

Abel smiled with pure bloodlust in his very teeth, and prepares to approach the portal, when Grail did something that he was totally unprepared for: Grail grabbed his head, and forcefully made lip-to-lip contact with him, before separating from each other, and Grail spoke out.

"If we get out of this alive, maybe we can have a fun time, the 2 of us."

Abel's eyes widened, before smirking, and nodded.

"Amuse me while you do that, would you?"

Grail smiled, as she raised and lowered her head, thrice.

With both bloodlust soldiers nodding, both Grail and Abel than jumped into the boomtube where Grayven's located in order to help him fight against the Hard-to-Destroy Reptile.

After they both reached to the other side, both Grail and Abel ran forward to the fight of both the sons of powerful, almighty gods, to cause a bloodbath, to satisfy their bloodlust, and to take on SCP-682, in order to stop it..

Once Again...Back in Apokolips...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Alex...doesn't know how to feel about what he had just heard anymore. He...he, while is Yaldabaoth's child, is in fact, also one of the Leviathans of the Scarlet King. A being that is said to despise existence completely. And yet, Alex, is a spawn, originally half human and half leviathan, but Yaldabaoth replaced the human with the virus. This is something he never thought would happen to him, to discover another secret heritage. It made him wander...did his mother knew who she was, if she is a member of the Scarlet King's children, and more importantly, would being a member of the Scarlet King's lineage effect Dana, his younger and sweet sister? Honestly...it is a thought that is terrifying to him, as he has no idea what to think if she starts to manifest her powers.

"I...I can't believe it."

Alex whispered out, as he held his shoulder, and clenched his teeth, while silent tears of shock and sadness pour out of his tear ducts, when he had heard the truth of his heritage, of one that he had never known about in his life.

"How...how could I have been a member of the Scarlet King's Leviathan Spawns all of this time?"

He felt the tears dropped down from his face, as it landed on his clothing, his biomass. His ability to consume other people to grow stronger, his ability to grant other people his powers, even the omniscience he possessed when he was in the Darkness Below, where it was the location that covered the Abyss, where the Old Gods were born from, they were not Yaldabaoth's, they were not his mother's power at all. They were the powers that the Scarlet King possessed, and which Alex inherited.

Alex intertwined his hands, as he closed his eyes, and began to think...of how much has lead him to this point. Yaldabaoth's virus infecting him, him killing his father, him meeting Rex and the others, which had created the Newborns. Him being framed for the infection of Karen Parker, a friend that he had cared very deeply about in a long time. Him going through all the trouble to make a cure and get rid of the 610 infection from her body, only to lose her from his father, who had permanently killed her. And now, here he was, on Apokolips, with the New Gods, with Bekka being the first they had met, and the one they had rescued.

"Has the Scarlet King, been the one...that my human father talked about? What he the one that returned him?"

Alex thought out, as he continued to cry, with the tears flowing down like waterfalls. His hands intertwined against each other, as he spoke out.

"I...don't know what to think anymore. I don't know what to think of myself anymore. Can I...even still be the same person, just as I have been all those years ago in the past? Am I meant to be...am it meant to be to go along with the Scarlet King, and destroy everything?"

Alex continued to look down, as the thoughts of millions full his mind, trying to find a reason for him to think that he can still be the same person as he was before. But in truth, he can't think of anything. He can no longer think of anything anymore. He is far 2 upset to think of anything. But he won't be upset any longer, as someone had decided to appear, in order to help him feel better.

As Alex looked down, suddenly...he felt a mysterious presence in the room that he is inside of right now. It didn't enter through the door. It just simply...appeared, almost similar to teleporting, but it was a bit more sneakier than teleportation. When Alex began slowly looking up...he was shocked to see an entity inside of the room that he is in now.

The entity in question is wearing a black cloak with a hood on the head. Where the face should be in the head, was instead what sense to be a mirror in the place instead.


Alex whispered. He recognized the entity that is appearing inside of the room. He has seen files of the entity, which only appears to the emotionally depressed. How did it get to Apokolips, and why is it here in front of Alex Mercer?

Alex is as frozen as a statue...as he stares the entity inside of the room that he is in for him to rest in. The entity looks at him. Alex does not know why...but he feels so...comforted when around the entity. The entity continues to look for approximately a few minutes, before it vanishes into mist...and clouding the mirror inside of the room. The mirror, than began to form something. Words. Words were beginning to appear from the mirror that is clouded by the mist that the entity has turned into. The message continued to form, until it came to the point where he is able to see the message clearly. It was a message from the children that he saved, when he saved them from the Yule Man on Christmas.

"You rescued us, when we were trapped by that horrible man.
You had broke the chains that had bound us to his horrible reign
You have given us back what it means to be free, and gave us a reason to fight back.
You have even given us cake, when we were finally out of the cave he had trapped us all in for so long.

You are a real hero in our eyes. We won't forget you. We'll forever remember the time you saved us all from that man. We will always look up to how you saved us."

Alex was shocked and speechless, and yet...at the same time...he remembered that moment. But he never knew how the children felt for him when he had rescued them. Alex looked down at his hand, when he had given him the cake, which had made them very, very happy.

"'You are a real hero in our eyes.' Heh...guess I am not much of a bad guy after all, even if I am a Leviathan of the Scarlet King."

Alex spoke out...as he remembered the feeling of their hands, which warmed his palm. And...for some reason...he is feeling a lot better, much more so than before. Maybe because of the children that helped him, or maybe...it was because SCP-5699 helped him from his depression.

"5699...thank you...for helping."

Alex spoke out, in which he knew the entity was grateful to help out, as he sensed the entity vanishing from the room that he is inside of now. Alex, deciding to rest for the day, if it does have a day cycle, rests beneath the covers of the room that he is inside of, and gets ready to come back to Earth, and hopes that he can be the one to remove them, alongside his half-siblings, Rex and Wanda, to save the Multiverse.

But as he began to lie down...the sound of a Boomtube was heard, as Alex looked up to see Knockout coming out of it.

Alex looks, and spoke out.

"Oh Knockout. Wasn't expecting you to come here so suddenly. How did you even found out where I was, anyway?"

Knockout smirked, and leaned against a wall as she spoke out.

"I have my ways of finding out where you can be at, Pup. And also...mind if I do something with you?"

Alex looked confused, but spoke out.


Knockout smirked, before she jumps into Alex, and pushed Alex and herself onto the bed, which he was about to rest on for the day.

This caught Alex completely surprise, as Knockout tightened her grip on his hands. She smirked down, as she takes off her mask, revealing her eyes. There were as green as a bright emerald, as they seem to always be shining, even when her shadow is covering her entire face. She flutters them, as she spoke out to the Blacklight Leviathan she's pinned to the bed.

"Would you mind if we both do something very special together?"

Alex's eyes widened, as he knows exactly what she is referring to. But before he would have a chance to tell her his answer, Aqualeily jumps out of nowhere, with the boomtube closing behind, and spoke out.

"I'm going to do it first!!"

Alex watched, as both Aqualeily struggle to get to Alex first, with Alex himself only had 2 words to say to himself in the situation that he's in now.

"Oh boy."

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