Recruit:Iris Thompson/SCP-105

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There is a type of City that has been evacuated, far from the Serpent's Hand, due to an Earthquake that had happened from a certain SCP. The Foundation was able to contain and stop the SCP, but this was only the beginning of another thing. The SCP Foundation had discovered that one of the SCPs that are in one of their facilities had escaped, and went into the same city that the Earthquake had hit. So they immediately instructed an MTF group to being the SCP back to her containment cell.

The SCP is running for her life now, as she is trying the best that she can to get away from the SCP Foundation and their MTF soldiers. It was a certain SCP that had a camera in her hand.

She is named Iris Thompson, also known as SCP-105. Iris Thompson is running away from the SCP Foundation, as she is doing the best that she can to escape. She, unlike most of the other SCPs that's contained, is able to see how far the Foundation is falling from their usual rules, and is doing the best she can to find a Group of Interest that can help her, such as the group called The Serpent's Hand.

As she kept running, she took a picture of a truck, puts her hand into the photo, and throws the truck at the MTF Soldiers. The MTFs tried to defend against the oncoming truck, but unfortunately, it was too late.


The truck unfortunately exploded upon impact with the MTF, which killed many MTF members. Iris used this as a getaway chance, and turned the other direction. She hopes that she had enough energy to outrun them.

As she continued to run, suddenly, she saw a light following her tail. She looks up and saw that it was a helicopter of the SCP Foundation. Sighing in a very irritated way, she turns direction, and hides behind a dumpster can, and the light missed her body. Taking the chance, she than stands back up once more, and begun to run in the opposite direction, before she goes into an abandoned building.

She crouches down, and gets ready her gun. She holds it, preparing to fight for her life.

She takes a picture of another truck, and throws it at the MTF Vehicle, which explodes upon impact with them. But all this did was to make them far more hellbent on trying to get 105, and bring her back in her cell once again.

She went behind the wall once again, puts the photo on her mouth, and began to load her gun.

As soon as the SCP MTF Soldiers appeared, she immediately opened fire on the MTF Soldiers, and was able to get 3 of the soldiers. However, she is forced to go back behind the wall when they opened fire, almost shooting her in the shoulders.

Iris was now reloading, as she held the photo in her teeth, while she prepares to reload her gun again, and get ready to fire at the MTF Soldiers again.

She than look at the one of the buildings that are present, and saw a water tank on one of the rooftops of a nearby building. She takes a picture of it, and this time, she uses it like a portal, sending her next to the water tank quickly.

She than took a picture of the water tank from behind, and than puts her hand into the photo. When she does that, she pushed against the Water Tank with a bit of her might, before she knocks it down to the ground, and doused the entire MTF Soldiers with water. But she is not done with the pushing just yet. She than forced the tank itself to the ground, and smash the entire MTF soldiers under the metal structure, crushing them underneath its weight.

She than finds a latter, and went down to the ground. She looks around, and saw that there are other MTF Soldiers coming. So she immediately runs for her life, and this time, hides much more better than before.

"Huh...huh...this is completely insane. How long must they keep on chasing me?"

As she said that, footsteps were heard from behind, and a voice spoke out.

"They won't stop until they get you back to containment, SCP-105."

She than heard a familiar male voice. She turns around to see who it is that has spoken to her. She could not believe who it was.

" that you?"

She spoke out, as a familiar face was shown.

When Iris first saw Rex, he didn't have that goatee on his face, and the long hair, as well as wearing a different outfit. But by the way he looks, he is now far more awesome.

"Yep. It is me alright."

Rex spoke out with a smile. She could not contain herself, and hugs Rex.

"It's so good to see you! I thought I wouldn't be able to see my best friend again!!"

Rex hugs her back, as he spoke out back to her.

"Yeah, it is nice seeing you too. But let's get out of here before the Foundation finds us, okay?"

Iris looked up at Rex, and spoke out.

"Where are we going to hide in?"

Rex, with a smirk present on his face, looked at Iris, and spoke out.

"Isn't it obvious, Iris. The Serpent's Hand."

Iris' eyes widened, as she heard the name, but than whispered.

"You mean you know where the Serpent's Hand is at?"

Rex nodded, and spoke out.

"Yes, after all, it became a new home for me and the other members of the Newborns to have. And besides...we now have new members with us."

Iris squeals with joy, and hugs Rex as tightly as she can, while she speaks out in purely immense gratitude.

She nodded, and they prepare to leave, but before they found do that...


A gunshot was suddenly heard, with forced Rex to use his Block Party to defend against the sudden shooting. Rex than looks, and saw that they were already caught. An MTF Soldier had somehow seen them, and has a gun in his hand. Thinking quickly, Rex than brought out his Blast Caster, and wrapped it around the MTF Soldier, shocking him badly.

He than picks up Iris and spoke out.

"We gotta leave, now!"

He than formed the Rex Ride, puts Iris in the back, and they immediately drive out of the road as fast as they can. But the thing is, the SCP Foundation actually heard that Rex Ride noise, and immediately, they went into their remaining vehicles to chase after the SCPs. And unfortunately for Rex, the remaining vehicles are the fastest ones that the Foundation have, enough to rival the speed of the Rex Ride itself.

Rex and Iris have been driving for a full hour, before Iris turns and spoke out.

"Rex. We might have a problem."

Rex turns, and saw the Foundation's MTF soldiers chasing after them. Increasing the speed to full power, she than tried the best that he can to make sure that they don't catch up to himself and his friend. He activated the Slam Cannon on his left arm, and grabbed a chunk of concrete, before aiming and launching them at the MTF Vehicles. Normally, this would be a bad idea, but Rex was able to use his goggles to help with his ability to aim at any objects present, and it now helps him when he is moving fast.

He was able to fire the crunched and compressed balls of concrete at the vehicles, making them slow down a little bit for the 2 SCPs to get out of the city.

He than decided to do another thing, but he needs to get as far away from the city as possible. And thankfully, the civilians aren't seeing what's happening, because they are so far away from the roads themselves.

But while this happens, some of the MTF put their bodies of of the vehicle windows, and took their guns out to shoot.

Rex than deactivated the Slam Cannon, and activated the Smack Hand, while using the hands like shields. Iris holds on to Rex, and began to fire her own gun at the Soldiers. She was able to kill one with a bullet between the eyes, and was able to injure one in the shoulder. But the Foundation are very relentless and never give up on the chase, regardless on how tough it is. But when they are far away enough, this is when Rex made his move.

Because they had gained enough distance, Rex than turns around, and activated the Battering Rams in his Vehicle, as he drives straight to the SCP vehicles.

The MTF soldiers realize what Rex is another to do, but unfortunately, it was to late, he went through the vehicles like it is nothing, like hot knives through butter.

The vehicles look fine at first...until they began to slowly separate from the halves, and it had finally exploded. Many of the MTF Soldiers are killed by this act, while some are severely injured.

Rex looks at the destruction that he had caused, before he turned to Iris and spoke out.

"We need to get enough space first. I'm gonna call Cyborg to get us to the base."

Iris looked confused, and spoke out.

"Who's Cyborg?"

Rex turned to her and smiled.

"He's a great friend of mine. He's also a techno genius, if you hear it from me."

He than pressed on an earpiece, and spoke to Cyborg.

"Cyborg, are you there?"

Cyborg than responded back to Rex.

"Yeah, I'm hear. Why do you ask?"

Rex than spoke out.

"I need you to make me a portal, and fast. I have a friend of mine who is chased by the Foundation. Can you help me?"

Silence, before Cyborg speaks out.

"I'll need to triangulate your position first, Rex. If you keep on moving, than I won't be able to locate you."

Rex nodded, and spoke out.

"Than I'll get us a place for us for you to do your thing. I just need to know which place, though."

He than stopped the call, and drives to a location where Cyborg can see him. But the thing is, he needs to do it at a extremely high place for him to be more recognizable. That is when he had an idea that would help him get Cyborg to notice. He heard from Alex that he had gotten SCP-4051 from an abandoned City. So maybe he can use that Abandoned City as a way for him to know that he is here, and perhaps Cyborg could notice his location.

"Yep, it is worth the shot to do this. Iris, I know where we're gonna go to get Cyborg to help us with his part."

Iris looked at him with a confused look.


Rex looks at Iris and smiled.


Rex and Iris than went on top of the tallest Building that they could find in the abandoned city. While it is smaller than the other buildings, it is the only one that Rex could think of that would work. He than puts his earpiece, and spoke to Cyborg.

"Okay, Cyborg. I'm at a location that could work."

Cyborg than spoke out.

"Where are you?"

Rex than responds back to Cyborg.

"I'm at the same abandoned city that Alex was in when he found Rainer. Except that I am at the top of the tallest building I can find. Try to triangulate out position in the building we're in."

Cyborg than spoke out.

"Working on doing this, Rex. Patience."

Cyborg ended the call, and Rex spoke out.

"Guess that means we would have to play the waiting-"


Suddenly, a gunshot came out of complete nowhere, and a bullet nearly hit Rex's foot. Rex jumps up, and spoke out.

"Game. What was that now?"

Suddenly, a group of Soldiers came out of nowhere, and aimed their weapons at the 2 SCPs that are waiting. Rex instantly recognized them.

"The G.O.C. I thought you guys were completely destroyed by 4485."

Rex spoke out, remembering the time when most of the members of the G.O.C had been infected by the book of the group Hansarp.

"We almost did, but some of us managed to survive that entire incident. Now, we decided to grow stronger against the anomalous, and this time, we are far more prepared now."

One of the G.O.C members spoke out to Rex, who than takes out his Block Party, and formed an energy dome to protect himself and Iris from the G.O.C's guns.

The guns than began to fire at the duo, but Rex's Block Party is able to protect them from the shots that they are making. However, it seems that the G.O.V seemed to have learned from last time, because one of them took out a rocket launched and aimed, not at the shield, but at the ground next to the shield, and fired the rocket.

Rex and Iris fell down to the ground, but Rex caught her, bridal style. Rex looks up, and jumped back, and speaks to Cyborg.

"Cyborg, we got a problem. It seems that not all of the G.O.V members are dead, and are now bent on killing us!"

As he said this...


An explosion was heard, and both Rex and Iris covered their eyes, before they hear the sound of the clicking of weapons. Rex than looked back again, to see what he couldn't believe.


Cyborg, who heard that, than spoke out.

"That isn't good. You need to get out of there!!"

Rex than spoke back.

"I need to find an opening for us to get through first."

He than turns back toward the members of SAPPHIRE, and spoke out.

"Don't tell me some of you survived SCP-4485 was well, you idiots."

SAPPHIRE than raised their weapons, and spoke out.

"More like some of us were able to shut off the connections that we have, allowing some of us to survive. But it won't matter, because very soon, you both are dead."

As the member of SAPPHIRE Spoke out, suddenly, the G.O.C Leader than spoke out loud.

"You won't be doing it!!!"

SAPPHIRE and their captain look up to see the G.O.C members coming down from the top, as the G.O.C leader continue to speak out.

"The ones that will kill them will be us, SAPPHIRE!!"

The SAPPHIRE Captain, needlessly angry at this, shouted out.


The G.O.C captain than spoke out back, irritated.


This made the entire SAPPHIRE group angry, as the leader spoke out.


Than, Both the Global Occult Coalition and SAPPHIRE than begun to go into a fight with one another. Soldiers got shot, went into hand-to-hand combat, and many of them drop down to the floor. Using this chance, Rex and Iris went out of the building, and Rex, activating his Boogie Packs, picked up Iris, and begun to fly into the air, and spoke out to Cyborg.

"Hey, Cyborg. Can you see us?! Because if you can, now would be a perfect time to get us out of here!!"

Cyborg, who was able to see Rex, than spoke out.

"Don't worry. I see you. Just keep floating in that perfect position, and I should be able it!!!"

Cyborg than activated the Space Stone, which fired a blue laser into the sky, and than hits a Serpent Hand Satellite, before firing the blue laser down at Rex and Iris, who than got transported by the Space Stone Laser.

Back at Serpent's Hand Base...

Suddenly, a Blue Flash of Light appeared in the G.O.C main room, before out appeared Rex and Iris, who is holding onto Rex's shoulders. When the light died down, Iris let's go of Rex, and looks around the place.

"Is this...the base of the Serpent's Hand?"

Rex nodded at her, before speaking out.

"It is. This is the base that me and my friends escape to. The only home that we could find that would house us very safely. Besides...we are actually starting to get ready on something."

Iris turns around, and spoke out.

"What are you starting?"

Rex lowered his head, and whispered in her ear.

"Us Newborns and the members of the Serpent's Hand are preparing to get ready to attack the Foundation, and start to find the person that is responsible for that incident years ago. And not only that...we are actually going to use a cure for the 610 infection that we spent a long time making. And because of this, we're wandering if you can help us with the task."

SCP-105 looks down for a bit, before speaking out.

"As long as I get to walk out a free lady, yes!"

Rex smiled, and spoke out.

"That is what I want to here. And also, you must be exhausted. Take this map. It'll show you the room you'll be resting in."

Iris takes the map from his hand, and smiled at this. She than looks at Rex, before speaking out.

"Thank you, Rex. It means a lot for me, having you as my greatest friend."

Rex nodded, before Iris hugs him, and she runs off to find her room. Rex smiled at Iris direction, happy to help a friend, before Circe comes and spoke out.

"Glad you get to save an old friend, huh?"

Rex turns, and Circe smiled at him. Rex shrugged his shoulder and spoke out.

"Well...something like that."

Circe smiled even wider, before grabbing Rex by the shoulder, and kissed him on the lips.

They pulled away quickly, as Circe spoke out.

"We never actually got the time to have some alone moments with each other. So...before we go to attack the SCP Foundation, let's have an alone time while it lasts."

Rex nodded, and both Rex and Circe went to their shared room to do something very important for the both of them to do. But very soon...

...there is one last person they shall recruit. One that'll aid their attack.

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