Recruit: Your Friendly Neighborhood Keter/SCP-4051

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The antidote was ready. After using the Whitelight, a piece of Anti-Venom, Pure Nanites, Scarab Antibodies, and SCP-500, they were able to manufacture a cure for the 610 infection that had infected Parker. They were ready to tackle against the Foundation, and prepare for some payback, and find the person responsible, the one truly responsible for the suffering that the Newborns had to go through. But first things first, they will need to grow in numbers to make the entire attack to work.

Alex and the other members of the Serpent's Hand are now in a meeting together in the Wanderer's Library, as they are in discussion at what they need to do.

"I can gather some of the Foundation's enemies, like the Chaos Insurgency and all that, but we would need to make an agreement first."

"I can ask Martial, Carter, and Dark to buy us some anomalous weapons to help us in the fight, but we would need to make a lucky fair deal."

"I manage to find the remnants of Fifthism, maybe we can convince them to help us."

Alex and the others, however, remained silent, as they hear the discussion between the many members of the Serpent's Hand present, and Rex than leaned next to Alex's ear, and spoke.

"Alex, do you have a plan on how we can get stronger?"

Alex leaned next to Rex, and spoke out back to him.

"I do have an idea, but I'm going to need all eyes on the world. And I will also need Cyborg's help."

As he spoke out, a Serpent's Hand member than spoke out to Alex, wanting to know what his plan is.

"Alex, do you have a plan on how we can grow in numbers?"

Alex looks up, and spoke out.

"I do, but it will take a lot of planning and patience."

The others look at him, and the member that spoke to him than responds.

"What is it?"

Alex looks up at the members of the Serpent's Hand, and spoke.

"Find some anomalies that had escaped the Foundation, and are on the run from them, just like us, the Newborns."

This made the Serpent's Hand members lean on each other, and whisper, and another one of the Serpent's Hand member spoke out.

"Alex, do you know how risky it is, with the Foundation getting ready to capture you and all that?"

Alex looks at the one that spoke to him, and responds back.

"Of course I do. Which is why I'm preparing for some of the weakest MTFs, because they won't be expecting me to attack them while they are chasing the SCP that they are trying to re-contain."

After a little bit of silence, Cyborg than looks through one of the Satellites, and spoke out.

"Alex, I think you have a luck on one, because he is already on the run right now,"

Alex than goes to him, and spoke out.

"Which one?"

Back outside...

In the middle of the street of an Abandoned city, there is an SCP that is currently running away from the SCP Foundation. It is young teenage boy that has both brown hair and eyes, and is wearing a black and red jacket.

This is a boy known as Rainer, also known by the foundation as SCP-4051. He is an SCP that is capable of generating wormholes from different locations, and pull out objects that he needs in order to help assist himself in a situation. Right now, he is going to need all the items he can get, because the Foundation had taken more aggressive measures in order to make sure that the SCPs are as contained as they ever are. But Rainer, knowing how far they are about to go, makes a wormhole and escapes through it, and is running as fast as he can to make sure that he looses them, and uses the Wormholes to make himself disappear to a different location entirely.

But right now, he needs to be lucky. He than made another wormhole, and throw what seems to be a explosive at one of the MTF tanks, which exploded on the tank itself. He than pulls out a gun from one of the wormholes, and begun to fire at the MTF Soldiers that are chasing him. The MTF Soldiers fire back, forcing him to use his Wormhole to come out from the other one that he just made, making the bullets shoot at their legs. Another one of the MTF Soldiers than pulls out a Grenade Launcher, and attempts to explode it near SCP-4051 to knock him out cold, but SCP-4051 than pulls out a riot shield from another one of his wormholes, and the Grenade exploded on the shield, keeping Rainer safe.

He than realized that he is getting tired from all the running, and that he cannot avoid the SCP MTF soldiers forever. So he does another thing. He than forms a very large Wormhole from behind him, and all of a sudden, a bunch of black smoke began to appear form the wormhole itself, forcing the MTF Soldiers to stop and grab a gas mask to prevent the smoke from entering their lungs, and went through the smoke to find SCP-4051. They went through the other side of the smoke, and saw that he was not in front of them. He shouldn't be that far ahead. The leader than turns around, and spoke out.

"Alright men, spread out. SCP-4051 should be around here somewhere. Move out!"

The MTF members began to look around the entire city to find out where SCP-4051. But unbeknownst to the MTF Soldiers, Rainer was able to make a wormhole that lead him on top of one of the damaged buildings, which is actually one of the least damaged to be present around the city he is in.

SCP-4051 began to pant and pant, breathing heavily from the fact that he had to move around this much to get away from the SCP Foundation.

"That was close. I have no idea how much I can take to get away from the Foundation."

He than slowly walked to a pole, and sits down, before he leans his back onto the pole itself. He breaths a bit more steady than before, as he looks down at the Foundation that he scouting every place in the city. He than leans back on the pole again, as he whispers out.

"The Foundation is going to do anything they can to prevent my freedom. If I don't lose them, I will be captured by the foundation again...and I...I won't be able to see my mother again."

He spoke out sadly, as he remembered what happened to his mother, the bleach being poured on her, her left eye losing eyesight, and him having to help her feel emotionally better from what is father, his bastard for a father has done to him. He just wants to return to his mother so he can feel like he can make her feel better again, back when he was just a simple little child.

But as he spoke out, another voice spoke out.

"Than I guess you can use a hand. Or even better...we both can use a hand."

Rainer than stood up from the ground, and spoke out.

"Who said that? Who are you?"

As his spoke out, getting ready to fight, a voice than spoke out.

"Do not worry. I am not here to fight you. In fact..."

A person than appeared from behind Rainer, who than turns around and looks to see who it is.

He was shocked at the man before him, as he spoke out.

"Perhaps we can even help each other in the goals we both have."

Rainer, to his shock, actually recognizes who it is that is in front of him. He than spoke out.

"Wait...your SCP-6000, right? The one that has caused that viral breach back years ago?"

Alex rolls his eyes, as he looked at Rainer.

"No, that is what I was framed for. I didn't do that. Someone else released it and did that to pin the blame on me and the people that are friends with me. Right now, me and my friends have made the antidote to the infection that he happened from before, and we are ready to find the person that is truly responsible for what had been the cause of this mess we are in now."

Rainer, still a bit unsure, than spoke out.

"How can I believe that?"

Alex than goes forward even more, and spoke out.

"Because, if it did do something like that, I would have infected you right now, instead of talking."

Rainer was still skeptical, but than, an explosion happened, and Rainer almost toppled down to the edge. But Alex, as quick as he can, than grabs Rainer by the hand, and Rainer is pulled back into position again. Than, another explosion happened, making Alex lose balance a bit, but he steadies himself. Alex and Rainer looked down, only to see the MTF members attacking the building they are in now.

"Shit. This means that the Foundation knows that we are somewhere in this area. We need to move right now."

He than grabs Rainer, and he leaps into the air with Rainer. As they jump, Rainer made a wormhole in front of them, and the both of them went in. They than went to the opposite position of the Building they are on, and are at another building. As that happens, Alex than noticed something on Rainer's neck.

"What in the world? What is that?"

Rainer looks at Alex, and spoke out at him.

"What's what?"

Alex than spoke out to Rainer more, as he brought his hand closer to the object that he is seeing.

"Think there's something on the back of your neck. Let me just take a look and see what it..."

He than was able to grab onto the thing that is on Rainer's neck, and looks to see what it is.

"What the...that's...that's a tracking chip."

Rainer was shocked at what he had just said in his presence.

"That thing is a tracking chip? What that would mean..."

Alex nodded, and spoke out.

"This must be how they must have been finding you. They have placed a tracking chip on you, because they know how dangerous you can be with the powers that you have in your possession."

He than looks down at the ground, and spoke out.

"Don't worry. I'll fix this."

He than drops the chip onto the ground, raise his foot, and stomps on top of the Tracking Chip, hard. This made the chip spark a bit, as the chip shatters under the foot weight. After a few seconds, he than raised his foot off of the chip, which is now tiny black pieces of metal on the ground, with very tiny wires sticking out. He than looks at Rainer, before leaning next to the wall, and look to see if the Foundation is present in the area still. And unfortunately for them both, they are still present. Needless to say, Alex is not to happy about that, and prepares his Blade, before Rainer puts a hand on Alex's shoulder, and spoke out.

"Hold on, Alex. I have a better idea to deal with them."

He than raised his arm above the position of the MTF, and all of a sudden, a wormhole comes out from on top of the MTF, and some explosive barrels come out from above, and fell on top of the gas tanks of the vehicles that are with the MTF.


All of a sudden, an explosion had occurred that forced the MTF to get down, with the force of the explosion knocking them out. But it also made a chain reaction on the weapons that have gun power, causing them to explode as well.

When that happened, Alex and Rainer than went out of their hiding place, and prepare to leave, when all of a sudden, a bullet whizzed past both Alex and Rainer, forcing them to then around at what had caused the bullet to shoot past them, only to see the other half of the MTF Soldiers.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They had their weapons raised and were pointed at the SCPs that are before them. One of them was about to radio command about the situation, but Alex used his Whipfist to decapitate the man, and smashed the radio to bits, preventing them from knowing that Alex is now interfering.

Alex looked a bit mad at that, as he can't believe that the other half of the MTF Soldiers got to them this quickly. He than exhales in annoyance, and he spoke out to Rainer.

"Looks like we're going to have to sign for our lives right now, SCP-4051."

Alex than turned around and faced the foundation. But than turns to SCP-4051 and spoke again.

"Can you fight, Rainer?"

Rainer, as if to prove he can, opens up a wormhole, and a handle of a bat comes out.

He than grabs it, and pulls it out, while speaking out to Alex.

"What do you think?"

Alex was about to speak, but than spoke out.

"Umm...never mind that. Just fight back against them, you Spider-Man wannabe."

Rainer smirks, and both Alex and Rainer charge at the Foundation.

Alex makes his first move, as he slammed both of his Hammerfists into the ground, sending many of the MTF Soldiers into the air, before his forms his Blade and cleaves one of the MTF Soldier's body in clean halves. He than stabbed one of the soldiers in the shoulder, before he swings his Blade, cleaving to soldiers in half from the waste down, which instantly kill both soldiers present. He than turns around and kicks another one of the soldiers, sending him flying into a wall, with the only thing that made him live was the armor that he was wearing.

One of the MTF Soldiers launched a grenade and has actually exploded Alex in the right eye, and was successful. But that was unfortunate, as that pissed off Alex, badly. He turns around, with the wound on his head starting to regenerate from the shot.

Although the eyes in his face may look like it is telling you that he is unimpressed, it is far more than that. It is a look that is telling you that you have just made the biggest mistake in your entire life. Especially when it involves Alex.

" you've done it. Now you just pissed me off."

Even though he spoke like it was no big deal, the soldier in his final moments could tell that he truly is very enraged.

Alex than grabbed the soldier by the neck, and slammed him down to the ground, before beating him down and consuming the very foolish Soldier.

Another solider attempted to shoot Alex while he was distracted, but all of a sudden, he was hit in the head by a bat swung by SCP-4051, who had snuck behind the soldier. He than turns around, and made a wormhole, which shot out a large wave of flames. The flames than hit the Bombs that are present on some of the MTF Soldiers, which caused many of them to blow the MTF Soldiers that are holding the Bombs in the first place. But the ones without the Bombs simply went behind the cars, and instead, they attempt to shoot SCP-4051 on the shoulder. The thing is, however, is that Alex got in the way, and he ends up getting hit in the shoulder instead. Thankfully, he doesn't feel it, and instantly regenerated the damage he had taken from the many bullets themselves.

SCP-4051 than formed a wormhole above the MTF, and all of a sudden, a large net appeared out of the large portal, and the net had fallen right on top of the MTF Soldiers. The MTF Soldiers did everything that they can to escape, but there's little they could do to escape the net that SCP-4051 had summoned. And most unfortunate, one of the MTF Soldiers accidentally had one of the net wiring press the button of the taser, and the metal spark is between the wiring. Uh oh.

The net's metal wiring then began to conduct the electricity, shocking the entire MTF soldiers that are inside of the net, and forcing them to endure the shocking until they are unable to move. The taser than exploded, and the shocking has finally ended.

Rainer whistles a bit from the sight of what he is seeing before him, and spoke out.

"Heh. Guess they really should have picked a better group of soldiers than these 2 groups right there."

Alex, however, than spoke back to him.

"Don't underestimate them. All we did was injure one of their weakest Soldiers. The Foundation will most likely come back with much more stronger MTF Soldiers than before. We need to leave, now, before they send one of those stronger MTFs after us."

Rainer than turns to him, and spoke out.

"Do you have a place where they can't find us?"

Alex turns around, and spoke back to him.

"I destroyed the tracking chip on you, remember? If I destroyed it, than that means that they shouldn't be able to track you down. And besides, I know a place we can go to make you get ready for the foundation."

Rainer lols at him with a confused look, and spoke out.

"What is this place you want to bring me to?"

Alex smirked, before pressing a button on his ear piece, and speaks not to Rainer, but to the person at the other side.

"Cyborg, open up that portal. I've found Rainer."

Cyborg than spoke out.

"Already got a portal coming for ya."

After Cyborg spoke that out, suddenly, a blue portal made out of clouds than appears in front of both SCPs. Alex went next to Rainer, and spoke out.

"You go first, Rainer. After all, it is your one way ticket to escape the Foundation. But if you want to, you can either help us fight against the foundation, or protect the SCPs at our base. It is your choice alone."

Rainer looks at Alex, unsure if he can trust him. But he senses no malicious intent from Alex, and with a slight form of trust, he jumps into the portal, with Alex following from behind.

Back at the Serpent's Hand...

A portal opened inside of the base of the Serpent's Hand, and after a little bit, Rainer jumped from the opening of the base that had appeared on his end. Alex than followed suit and jump behind him. Rainer looks around, and saw the people that are working here, and to his surprise...there are SCPs present roaming around as well.

"Huh? Are these...people that are like me?"

Alex than spoke out.

"You mean if the people are anomalous. Yes, they are like you. Just have entirely different powers compared to you."

Rainer than turns to him and spoke out.

"You said that I get to fight the Foundation, right?"

Alex than walks closer to him and spoke out.

"Only if you want to, that is. Or you can just protect the SCPs that are living with us. In fact, at the Serpent's Hand, we help the SCP become like people, and have control over their powers. Help them master it."

He than looks at Rainer, and spoke out.

"So...Rainer. Do you wish to protect the SCPs, or fight against the SCP Foundation?"

He spoke out, as he extends his hand. Rainer looks at his hand, and spoke out.

"I...I don't know. I...need time to think about this."

Alex nodded his hand in understanding, and spoke out.

"Take your time than. By the way, there's a route to your new room."

He says, pulling out a piece of paper to show him directions to his room. He looks at it, and nodded his head, before turning around to his new room. But before he does...

"Alex...thank you for getting me away from them."

Rainer spoke out, as he turns his head back to Alex. Alex than looks at him, before smiling.

"Your welcome. I'm glad I could help out, Rainer."

Rainer smiled a little bit, before turning back, and goes to his room. Rainer than fished his other hand into his pocket, and pulls out a piece of paper, with the paper being a photograph of himself and his mother, back when they were both happy without their father around.

"Mom...I hope that I will be able to see you soon."

He spoke with a smile of hope on his face, before he puts the photo back in his pocket, and continue to walk to his new room, hoping that he gets to be back with his mother again.

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