Scarab History

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For those that don't know about Jaime, he tends to speak Spanish/Latino, which is something that I can't do. I will be using a translator and set it to Spanish to fit the story.

The Universe. A place in space filled with millions of stars and galaxy. It houses many life-forms and items In everyplace that you can look or find. However, sometimes surprises can be very unsettling and can be very, very dangerous when they are used by people for their own selfish desires. One such item is a blue beetle-shaped machine that is zooming over at the speed of  light. This is called the Scarab.

A creation of a race of aliens called The Reach, the Scarab was made as one of the most dangerous weapons in the universe. Like the Symbiote, it can construct a suit to handle extreme environments, adaptability, and make weapons, though the use of these abilities are more mechanical than living, and are far more effective. The Reach attempt to use the Scarab to take over the Universe itself, but their planet had gotten attacked by servants of Knull. As their planet ended, the Reach decide to launch the Scarab to a random planet, hoping that whoever got its power can conquer the galaxies it finds. But Fate, deciding to twist its own road a bit, instead had it send to Earth to be found by a human host. The scarab has been drifting for millions of years, until it found Earth to stumble on a human body. The human that will take the scarab is named Jaime Reyes.

On Earth, El Paso, Texas. May 20 on Sunday , 2017

As the Scarab finds the Earth, it went down to one of the factories next to it and crashed very hard against the wall, creating a large explosion.


Jaime's House


Jaime, a high schooler, woke up from his sleep when he heard an explosion. He looked out the window and saw smoke coming from a factory no to far from the house.

"Huh, must be an invention they are making. Sin preocupaciones, no te preocupes despues de todo"

He knows the factory well. It is a group of inventors that would often build and try to advance technology. Explosions do happen on rare occasions that are usually able to jump people out of sleep. What Jaime should have realized, that big things come in small, mysterious packages.

May 21st, Monday

Jaime was at school now. There was nothing usual out there, other than the fact that he keeps getting a news on what the explosion from last night was.

Apparently, the thing that caused the explosion from last night was a beetle-shaped object that is mechanical, and it is not the inventors doing. The inventors say that they are doing all that they could to identify this unknown object and try to use it to help humans.

"Help humans? What good is it if they have no idea what it is? I mean, I know it doesn't look powerful and stuff, but do we know what it does?"

One of his friends spoke out to him: "Come on, Jaime. It is just a beetle-shaped object. What could go wrong? .No es como que se autodestruya ni nada./(It isn't like it will self-destruct or anything.)

Jaime than looks down, looking strange at himself. "Yeah, I guess you are right. ¿Qué estaba pensando?/(what was I thinking?)

If Jaime has realized how right he was, he wouldn't have to suffer the same fate that would eventually lead to his life changing course.

In laboratory

The scientists were studying this beetle shaped object. They had been observing it in all places, but couldn't find anything unusual by the mark, other than the fact that it moves around a lot.

"Doctor Kord, we can't keep doing this. What makes you think that there is more to this item?

"We've only seen the outer part or it, No es la parte interior de ella.(Not the inner part of it.)

"Sir, we tried to open it and barley made a dent in it. Even if we did made a dent in it, it had somehow disappeared."

"That must mean that it is repairing itself. Set the machine to maximum"-



The scientists heard strange noises outside. It sounds like gunshots and bombs going off.

Q-Que fue eso?(Wh-What was that?)One of the scientists spoke out.

Another scientist than looks at the cameras and saw something.

Mr. Kord! I appears some guys are coming in and are attacking the lab! ¡Están tratando de robar!/(They are trying to steal!)

The leader cursed out in anger.

"Maldición/(Damnit). Everyone, keep the object in a safe place! Matías, prepare the weapons and give it to us! This is going to be one hell of a fight!"

"¡Sí señor!/(Yes sir!)"

The assistant names Matías than goes to the weapons vault and readies the weapons. This is going be one hell of a fight for them.

Night Time. 8:00 P.M.

Jaime was skateboarding down the road to his house. He had been doing a robot project and is about to be late for home. This is really not unusual, as he had been late, and on rare occasions, spend the entire night at the school, which is why he brings an extra lunch with him, in case if ever happens.

"Mamá, it's okay. This is the usual late time, you know. It is not unusual to be late at times like this. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Tell Milagro I said hello. Adiós."

As Jaime puts down his phone, he heard an explosion coming from the laboratory called Kord Industries he is about to pass. He hears some gunshots and explosions in there.

"Huh? What's going on?"



The top part of the Lab exploded in a burst of flames. Jaime immediately duck for cover as fire and debris began to fall. As Jaime looks back at the lab, he saw the entire thing bursted into flames. He then feels heat on his arm and looks at his back, only to see flames on it. Jaime panicked and took his shirt off, revealing his well-muscular body.

Jaime than looks at the lab in disbelief, before stepping on something metallic. He than look at what he stepped on. To his surprise, it is that beetle shaped object that he has heard about. He than picks it up, observing it for a bit, before the mechanical bug began to move on its own. Jaime freaked out and let's go of it, but the machine than crawled on his arm, than to his shoulder, than on to his back, where it stabbed him the part where his spine was located on.


Than, big mechanical legs wrapped itself on his torso, with the upper legs wrapping instead over his shoulder. It's pinchers grew on length upwards. Armor than began to form on him. The armor is black and blue, with 3 pairs of wings coming off him. The wings are blue and shiny, with circuitry symbols covering his wings. After it covered the arms and legs, the armor than covers the head, as Jaime slips into unconsciousness.

The mask than forms, having a black mask with blue markings on the eyes. The eyes themselves are seen orange. The mouth moves like lips.

The Scarab than takes control of this host and looks around, seeing environment of the world around him.

Strange. This world is not what I was designated to go to. Did I change course from my original location.


The scarab turns his head to Jaime's house, hearing where the scream is coming from. Taking its wings out, he flies and goes fast to the house. It enters the house. Inside, a group of gangs had broken into the house and are stealing stuff, with the entire family unconscious. They are even about to kidnap Milargo, who is knocked unconscious.

'Threats minimal, use blunt force on them.'

The hands than turns to mace and he attacked the gang. The others than turn and are shocked at what they are seeing.

"What is that thing?!"

I don't know and I don't care! Shoot it down."

The aimed their guns and fired. The scarab manifested a shield on the left arm, blocking and deflecting the attack. The Scarab than forms an arm cannon on the right arm.

Tactic changed. Use energy weapons on threats

The scarab fires at them, causing immense damage to them. When the last one stood, the Scarab than made its mace again and knocked the intruder unconscious.

The scarab than look at the family. Looking into the host's memories, he found out that these people are his family.

Suggestion, erase memories of their son, than go to the place that are his friends and erase their memories as well. Destroy all evidence of Jaime Reyes.

The Scarab than releases blue light into his hand, as memories of Jaime Reyes are erased. The. He flies and becomes invisible, while going outside, as police came in and prepare to arrest the criminals. The scarabs continues this for half an hour before finally finishing the job it is doing.

Task finished. All memories are erased. Wait until Jaime Reyes wakes up from pain of  process of bonding.

June 30, the Outskirts of Mexico, around 2:00 P.M in noon.

The Scarab, a day after it had bonded, explained To Jaime What has happened to his family and what he had done to them. Unsurprisingly, he wasn't at all to happy of wha the scarab did, but after explaining him why and what the consequences would be, Jaime had no choice but to accept it and move on, now realizing that it is for the safety of his family not to get involved in the situation that Jaime has put himself in, realizing that his life is never going to be the same as it ever was.


'Yes, Jaime Reyes?'

'There aren't others like you, are there?'

'Confirmed. As I was entering the atmosphere, I had scanned more anomalies, thousands of them that my scanner can see, most of which are trapped in buildings, made by humans.'

'Do you think they are here to help?'

'Unconfirmed. I have no idea if they are in-fact here to help us, or simply use us as tools for their gain. For now, we have to stay away from them by whatever means necessary.'

Jaime was looking down. He is unsure what to feel about the situation at hand. He wonders that if he hadn't found the Scarab in the first place, would he have changed? Would he have lost his family and his younger sister.

'What do you suggest we do now?'

'Suggestion, hide from the eyes of humanity. Practice your abilities, my abilities to use and properly.'

Jaime than looks at his hand. He then clenches his hand into a fist, which had made a blade covering it. It was blue and shine, and is very thin, looking like the pinchers of a beetle, but has more sharper edged on it.

He than looks at it as he observes around the sides and edges of the blade. He than released his mask, looking at the reflection. His face at first shows himself, nervous at what had happened to him. But when he thought about his family, his face changed. His mouth made a frown and his eyes narrowed. The face he has in now filled with determination. It is as if he is willing to finally accept the challenge and begin what he decided to do. It is his words that had made the answer.

"If there are more of us, as you say it, than I make my decision. I will get stronger and stronger to be prepare for what my come. I will do anything I can to make sure that my family is safe from harm, and find people similar to us.

'Affirmative, let us prepare for the futures of a war. We will get stronger and more powerful so that we can take on the beings that dare attack us. We will be strong enough to fight against them to protect everything, as well as ours lives and those that suffered.'

Blue beetle covers his face with a mask, turns himself completely invisible, spreads his wings, and flies out of here with thruster coming out from this back, under his wing, to wherever his heart desires it. This is the beginning...of a new life. And Jaime, will 'Reach' out to the goal he follows.

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