The E.V.O Backstory Part 1

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Geneva, Switzerland, 2012, June 10

Switzerland. It is one of the most developed countries and had the highest nominal wealth of any country within the southern part of Europe. However, even Switzerland can have an accident of their. Within one part of Switzerland, there resides a lab filled with hundreds of people. These are scientists doing this experiment, which is named: "The Nanite Project." The goals of this project is to help humanity with bodily problems, such as create new cells, regenerates bones, as well as cure diseases. Among these 2 scientists are Rafael and Violeta Salazar, mother and father of Caesar and the soon-to-be-first E.V.O, Rex Salazar.

As a young child, Rex spent every summer in a small South American town, where he played with his best friend, Federico. But when his family decide to take Rex to the laboratory, he had no choice but to come along, as there is no one to take care of him while he is gone. That is the day when everything had changed.

Salazar House, 8:30 in the morning.

As the usual routine, 10-year old Rex Rex gets up from bed and made his bed. He then goes to his drawer and gets his clothes out. When he came out the door, he is seen wearing a blue t-shirt green jeans with pockets, and brown socks. He then goes out to the table where his parents are.

"Hello son."

"Hi, Sweetie"

"Hi, Mom. Hello, Dad."

The parents giggled at his response. Rex goes to the fridge and pulls out 2 pieces of bread, a jar of peanut butter, and a jar of jelly. He than goes to the table and had his sandwich. Then, his brother, 17-year old Caesar, came downstairs, and he then saw his brother, Rex.

"Hello, Rex."

"Morning, Caesar."

Both siblings laughed at each other, before Caesar came down on the table with him, reading a newspaper with his dad. After 10 minutes on the kitchen, Caesar spoke out to both his parents.

"So mom, dad, what are we going to do today?"

Violets: "We are going to the lab where we made with the scientists to make the Nanites."

Rex/Caesar: "What?"

Rafael: "That's right. Your mother and I had made discussion and decided to take you both to the laboratory."

Caesar: "Why can't I take care of Rex and stay at the house? Aren't I old enough to do this myself?"

Both parents looked at each other, before the mother turned and spoke to Caesar.

"Well, sweetie, we are rather worried about the condition of the house. We think it would be a bit painful to do in the house itself."

Caesar: "Ummm...Mom, I don't want to be rude or anything, but isn't going to the laboratory just as painful, if not more so? I mean, what if something bad happens? What if an experiment goes wrong and we get hurt, or worse, we might accidentally do something that would get the situation out of control? I don't want our family hurt because of me and my brother for this."

Rafael: "Son, I know that you want to keep the family safe and healthy, and I do to, but unfortunately, the boss wants to do this. He wants us both to come with him and take our children. Everyone else is doing it to. Can you and Rex please come with us and behave while we are here at the laboratory?"

Caesar thought about it. On one side, he wanted to do it for his father and go with him, along side Rex, which would be somewhat scary, yet fun. On the other side, he fears for his brothers safety and doesn't want to go, afraid that he would be hurt, along side his family. After much thinking on the house he should make, he finally came to the decision and decided to play by his father's rules willingly.

"Alright, Dad. I'll do it with my brother. I just hope nothing goes wrong when me and my brother are here at the place me and Rex are going to.

Violets: "Excellent. Okay everyone, pack whatever you need and get ready to go to the lab.

It took a full hour to get ready, with every family member trying to get the stuff they needed for the ride. It took a full hour to get there, due to the amount of traffic that was present on the road entirely there. After a full hour of driving, the family made it.

The building itself was huge. It had a lot of other buildings attached to it. When the people went inside, there are so many scientists working around the clock on whatever they are doing. Each of the scientists are carrying pieces of materials to create the Nanites to use in order the help humanity with their problems.

Then someone came walking towards the family. He has black hair, pale skin, and eyes looking almost red. Beside him is a black-haired woman with purple lipstick. Each of them are wearing a lab coat. The father and mother looked and acted cautiously at the 2 scientists, showing that even though they work with them, they don't trust the both of them easily.

"Rafael and Violeta, I had expected you to come."

The man spoke out in a low voice, setting Caesar and Rex on edge. The family members simply glared at him and his friend.

"The feeling here is mutual, Van Kleiss, Black Knight.

The woman, Black Knight, than noticed Rex behind the mother. Violets put her arm around Rex, as if trying to hide him from Black Knights  sight on him.

"And who is that little boy you are hiding?"

Black knight questioned at Violeta. Violeta's eyes narrowed at her.

"My son, Rex, Black Knight."

The hint of aggression in her voice signifies a type of a sour relationship between both of the groups together.

The family than moved away from the pair, as Van and Black Knight looked at the pair, as if they are waiting to strike them.

Caesar had been working at the lab ever since he was 15, which was 2-years ago, so he had enough knowledge at this place, this scientific place that he and his family worked in. To Rex, however, he though all of this was a simply game and adventure to explore. Thankfully, the parents were able to talk some some sense into him, getting him to stop and cooperate with this thing. However, in a number of things that tend to happen, somethings tend to get out of control, and a problem will be able to rise up to them. And this is the problem that will forever haunt Rex's memory

4 hours later

The lab is in chaos. Some industrial mechanism had caused a gas problem within the facility that will cause the facility to blow up in the moment. Rex had also been injuries by the damage of the mechanism itself. Cameras had revealed that a scientist nearly tried to sabotage the mechanism, but Rex saw it and tried to stop him. The explosion killed the scientist, but it had badly injured Rex to the point that he went unconscious. Rex is also slowly dying from the damage that had badly injured his body and all organs, as well as his motor functions

"Rafael, What do we do?!"

Violeta said, as she is trying to hold to what little life that Rex himself has. Rafael to is panicking, but saw the machine that people use to heal the injured and sick people.

"We could put Rex inside the Pod. He should be able to heal inside of it!"

But than one of the doctors spoke out this to the both of them.

"That won't work. This thing runs on the machine that the ex-scientist had damaged. It will only postpone the death of your child.

Violets than began to sob on Rex's body.

"Than (sob) than what can we do?"

Caesar than found a syringe within the supply cabinet. The syringe was filled with the original Nanites have yet to be tested by anyone. It had been in just days animals and were fine, but these Nanites were never injected into humans before, as it wasn't tested quite yet. Caesar didn't want to do it, but realizing that he has no choice if he wants to save the brother that he loves the most.

"We can use these Nanites."

The family turned around and saw him holding the glowing blue syringe. The family's eyes widened as they took the Nanites from his hands.

"Good thinking Caesar. We should be able to save and strengthen Rex with these Nanites."

One of the doctors spoke to him. Then Rafael and Violeta took the Syringe and injected the Nanites within Rex's body. Inside Rex's bloodstream, the Nanites sense so many damage in the body that it went to overdrive, sealing open wounds and repairing tissue, as well as healing and regenerating bones, as well as sealing the broken bloodstreams up by using parts of themselves to seal it up on the Arms, Legs, and the Back Of Rex's body.

The doctors looked at the computer and saw what was happening. Needless to say, they are shocked at how fast his body had healed and replaced the tissues.

Scientist 1:"What's this?"

Scientist 2:"That's never happened before."

Scientist 3:"Are the Nanites more potent in the body?"

Scientist 4:"Or were the Nanites evolving to the point it can do that?

Caesar:"The Nanites, the original, it's more potent than I thought."

As the scientist were confused on what has happened to the Nanites, Rafael and Violeta hugged their younger son.

"My sweet boy, he lived."

"I know, dear. I know."

Then, the self destruct alarm went off. They were so worked up in the subject of the Nanites that they had forgotten of the damage. It also gets worse as they hear this call out to all of them.

"Warning. Gas levels has spiked. Reactor core failing. Self-destruct sequence automatically initiated."

The scientists than freaked out and went into the cell. Caesar went along with them. Unfortunately, there was not enough time for them to protect themselves from the explosion. There was, however, enough time to protect Rex, their youngest son, from the danger at hand.

Violeta: "We will put him in one of the chambers right there. The chamber itself will protect Rex. It had to."

Rafael: "Okay, But before we do it, can we say goodbye to our son, even though he might not hear us saying it to him?"

Violeta: "Yes, we shall."

Rafael and Violeta than put him into a test tube, ones that is designed to take great amounts of force from anything trying to hit it.

Violeta: "Son, I know you may not hear us and that we don't have enough time to see how much you will grow. But Rex, I want to say how much me and you dad are great fun to have a son such as you. You snd Caesar had been one of the many things that had kept our family together. We love you and Caesar, my son. We always will. Never forget about us, Rex. Never forget about us."

"Self- Destruct sequence in 15 seconds."

"Goodbye, my sweet angel."

Violeta kisses her son in the forehead, while Rafael hugged his son, before they both had closed the chamber. Inside the chamber, Rex's eye had shed a tear from hearing what his mother had said to him, knowing her he won't be able to see them again.

"Violeta: "So, this is it. Rafael."

Rafael: "Yes, it is. You won't be dying alone, Violeta. I will die with you, with our sons living for our legacy."

Rafael and Violeta embraced, as Violeta dropped a photo. The photo was of the entire family, smiling at the camera, together in one another's arms.


A white light was shown, and...


The explosion than came, as those, even Violeta and Rafael got incinerated by the blast. The explosion reach Rex's pod. The pod got hit, full blast by the explosion. The explosion caused cracks as it continued. The blast is more powerful than the tube's durability. One more and...


The tube exploded, and is no longer protecting Rex's body! But before the explosion could reach Rex himself, a blue force field came out of nowhere and protected him. And all of a sudden, time had stopped.

Rex opens his eyes and saw what the explosion looked like. He was frightened at first, but than a voice soothes him.

"Stay calm."

Suddenly, a flash of light came out and Rex was transported into a dimension. The dimension looks like it was made of mechanisms. It is filled with gears, pistons, and hydraulics. In the center of the room is a mechanical entity. The robot appears to have robotic legs with gears at the back of them. The toes have screws in the place of toenails, and has 4 fingers on the right arm that holds a staff that has a gear on top, with a metallic version of the Earth at the center, while the left arm has 3 fingers. The collar has gears on it, with the gear filled with Greek symbols on the right side, Roman numerals at the left, and 2 unknown symbols at the front. The face has a lens at the right eye, as well as a left eyes having a clock-like object, except it had no numbers. Just the arrows.

"Who...who are you?"

The entity points to himself as he introduces his identity.

"I am Mekhane, Rex Salazar, the god of Machinery and Intellect, and the one that gave humanity the ability to think." The being spoke to him is a rusty, but clear tone, with a combination of gears, hydraulics, and piston noises from within this 'Mekhane' character.

Rex was shocked at what he had just heard.

"A...A god. But you weren't mentioned at the stories of every book I had read."

"That is because I had erased every memories of the humans witnessing me."

Rex was than confused at what he had in mind.

"So if you don't want humans to know, why bring me to you."

Mekhane than points at Rex.

"The Nanites you have...are a part of me."

Now Rex was surprised.

"Wh...what do you mean by that?"

Mekhane than though of what to say, before his eyes glowed yellow and explained what he meant.

"When I had shattered myself to defeat my antithesis, Yaldaboth, the god of Flesh and Instinct, many of my body parts had seperated on Earth, many of which created hostile entities, as well as other anomalies that had existed since the beginning of the Earth. But your family, they dug it up...they used used bits to created your so called Nanite... and used my essence as the core to it... to help dyour own kin, something that I had greatly admired. But the had caused the Nanites to loose their original purpose and become more hostile than before. It has now become corrupted . I wanted you...Rex Salazar, to help people. Become my successor...of millennia."

Rex was actually terrified for his life, unsure what to do in this situation.

"Okay 2 questions if you don't mind. One: if you had splitted, how are you here with me? And two, how can I help? I don't have powers. I can't help people. What can I do?"

Mekhane than raise he left arm, and summoned a blue orb. It had antenna in many sides of the orb.

"This is the Omega-1 Nanite. I had created this before my battle with Yaldaboth. I had used it In case someone is worthy of my power. And you, Rex have the power to heal my corrupted power with a single touch, as your Nanites, they are the only ones that is not corrupted by the event that had been transpired. And my Omega1 Nanite will aid you. Please Rex Salazar... I beg of you... save he world what will turn this into an epicenter for evil and corruption and from the coming Wars of Flesh. Please, do it for me. I need you to help me in this. I don't have powers that allow me this conversation...are dwindling, fading away. me."

Rex wasn't sure what to do. He had doubted himself at doing anything good. But he has a purpose to fulfill...maybe...maybe it is his destiny all along...maybe....this is what he had lived for. Taking a deep breath, he looked at Mekhane with eyes of determination.

"...I'll do it."

Mekhane smiles in relief, than the Nanite floated to Rex, directly right into his hand. Rex held it in his hand, took a deep breath, and put it in his chest. The Nanite circuitry than spread all over his body. From his chest, to his legs, to his arms, to his head. Rex feels...great. His body begins to feel like it is healing and increasing, like a weight is coming off of his very own soul. His eyes than snapped open, having a glowing electric blue color, as his hair than began to have fire-like movement.

(Similar, Minus the 0s and 1s, along side the goggles)

He than looks at Mekhane again, who than raised his staff.

"You have been reborn... as my child. You are... the ultimate successor to my legacy. You...are ready."

Mekhane than Summoned a portal. Rex than summons a axe-like arms, with blades as enters instead of the usual cutting metal, takes a stance, and than jumps right into the portal. It is time for Rex. To face the world and its greatest evils.

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