SCP-217, SCP-3199, Meet Alex Mercer and Rex Salazar

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Alex Mercer P.O.V

Okay...The foundation decided to give me and Rex a mission. It is about this virus known as SCP-217, which is said to be a virus that changed any being into a horrible monstrosity made of clockworks, such as tears, pistons, hydraulics, anyone could name it. Rex was given permission to take Cricket, Circe, Tuck, and Skwydd with them, since the Nanites has a shield against anything that is very infectious. Toxin and Jaime are busy in another replace, unfortunately, so that is a bummer. So why a mission to SCP-217, you may ask. Well, apparently, there is apparently another SCP inside there. It is a Keter type, and is resting somewhere around the place. Not even the foundation knows which one it is. Breach, also decide to come with us, as she can make portal from place to place in order for us to cover more ground.

Right now, we are on the truck. Breach is using a portal to watch us and see us in some angle, somewhat. We are getting close to the kingdom, Animalia. It is now nighttime, with everyone, but me with night vision goggles, with Rex already having that modification in his own goggles. Me, I use thermal vision to see in the dark.

Right now, we have dropped off. We went into the place though the door, with the ceil actually covering it. What we saw is nuts.while they said it was monstrous, I never thought it would be this monstrous. So many of the organisms here have become turned into monstrous mechanical entities. I had no idea it would be this bad. It is almost the same Scale as when I infected the Red Zone of NYZ.

Tuck "Woah, this place is very disturbing, imparted to the E.V.Os!"

Skwydd: "We need to get out as soon as possible. There is no telling how dangerous this SCP is."

Cricket: "Yeah, but how do we even find this SCP?"

Alex: "It is said to resemble a hybrid between a man and a animal. So this what we need to find. I just hope it isn't infected by SCP-217."

Rex: "Why do you say that?"

Circe: "Because if it is infected by SCP-217, than we need to destroy it so it does not infect other people outside there."

Rex widened his eyes, but later nodded his hand understandingly. As they continued on, they continued to see all those normal beings infected by 217. It was very sad sight.

This is getting us nowhere. We really need Breach's help. But will she even know where that SCP even is? My thoughts were interrupted, when a shriek is heard somewhere. My thermal vision was able to see the unknown SCP. The SCP resembles a mixture between a man and chicken.

And unfortunately, it is infected with the SCP-217 virus. This is seriously not good. If it is infected, than it could go anywhere and infect this country in minutes.

Tuck: "Are you serious?! This thing is infected with 217?!"

"SCP-3199, 'Human, Refuted'. I should have know it's thing."

Skwydd: "Do you know this thing, Alex?"

I nodded 'yes'

"They are supposed to hunt live pray, and lay a large number of eggs quickly. The foundation had tried to contain all of it, but it is very, very difficult."

Rex: "So, we do have to kill those disgusting things."

Alex: "No, I'll be the one to do it, alone. Besides, it could possibly have a nest, possibly somewhere nearby."

Cricket: "Than what do we do."

The creature than began to run from us here.

"See if you can get Breach to any possible location of any nest. I'll go and get this one's nest."

I spoke, as I ran. I used my hunting pulse to find and track it. When I found it's hiding place, it was very dark. I literally can't see anything down inside this strange cavern. So I turned on a flashlight that is facing it. The thing that I see, it is very disturbing here. There are a number of eggs present inside this cave. I have no idea what to do in Thais situation.

That is when I get an idea. I have kept a belt of grenades and a flamethrower, as well as many mechanical explosives, which are stored inside my biomass. I got them out, and reeked hell on the carver itself. I used any explosive, and flame, and any grenade to go and kill all of the eggs inside the cavern. I will make sure...make absolutely sure, that this SCP-3199 instance does not make any more of its spawns inside of this dark cave. The monster sensed the danger, and is rushing to me. I dropped it, and fight.

Rex P.O.V

I was glad that Alex has that plan, because we were able to get near the sight of where one of the SCP-3199 instance had nested in, thanks to Breach's portals. We have a number of grenades, flamethrowers, and explosives ready. Tuck and Cricket are a bit afraid at what could happen if we go down there, with supposed 3199s waiting. Me, Skwydd, and Circe, we are still calm in this.

"Are you guys ready now?"

The others nodded and say yes. When the light came on, we attacked the nest of 3199 with everything we've got. Skwydd cut threw the eggs. Tuck just threw them right towards any sort of wall, Cricket jump on any egg, and Circe got the most, by screaming till they shatter. Me, I just used any build I have to destroy any egg present in there. Than, I heard a screech. I looked and saw another instance, this is also infect by the SCP-217 infection. The instance charged at me. I than put down the weapons, and attack the 3199 instance.

Both Point Of Views

A: I jumped on the instance and I used Hammerfist to smash the 3199 instance.

I threw the instance and pounded as much as I could. It rushed to me again, and I began to punch it.

R: I kicked the chicken-man hybrid thing, and brought out my Smack Hands to make it smashed.

I than began to punch it, and make it destroy many of its eggs when it is launched far away. The SCP-3199 instance tried to catch me off guard, but I just sucker-punched him to the next weekend. The instance than struggled to get up, which is the right time to use the Big Fat Sword on it.

I cut the stone in half that is blocking me, and when the man-chicken came to me, I activated the Battle Saw, and cut it right in the middle.

The Chicken-Man was dead, and many eggs are destroyed.

A: I used the Knuckle Shockwave to send it back. It landed on some rocks and is on a ledge. I activated many explosives, and had brought out my blade.

I jumped up, and used my blade to split the SCP-3199 in the middle. The explosions were about to detonate. So I got out of the place as fast as I can tiredly run. I jumped out the cave, and the explosives had detonated.

3rd person point of view...

Alex and the others had reunited with one another once again. They all gave out the report on what it was, and they busted right out of there, and hoped that it is the only time that they had to venture in a place such at this one. Man...that is the longest night that they each had for this.

Foundation...2:00 at night

As everyone was asleep and wasn't looking at one of their own screens, one of the computer screens that is in Alex's room started and began to glitch, and than, weird symbols began forming. The lady symbol had the shape of a gear. The gear has a name shown in the middle. It's called 'Cyberverse.'

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