The Newest SCP, into the Cyberverse

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Alex Side of the Story...

Alex was just minding his own business. He is on a book, reading some chapters. It has been a week since the SCP-217 mission. It was not a pleasant experience for him to be in such a very, very disturbing situation of that time. After that, he began to think of the terribly things that he had been through, How his father killed his uncle, how he had awakened his powers as an SCP, how his friendship with Aqualeily had been torn to shreds. He had been thinking back in that past from now. He wondered...if he should forgive his Aqualeily, the same way he had forgiven that one from the other timeline.

As he began to think on it, he than suddenly heard an alarm go off. He got his laptop and ran right out of his room, and into the lab.

Inside, the scientists are working around the clock at a virus that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, attacking computers and any digital device near it. In fact, only the military computers and Alex's laptop are immune to this virus. Many of the scientists believed it to be a fatal virus created by the Chaos Insurgency, formerly, the Red Right Hand, of the SCP

Alex went in there as fast as he could actually run. When he entered, he saw that everyone is doing all that they could to contain this virus. But they are only slowing it down. If this keeps on running its course, it will shut down the entire facility, and release any Keter class SCP here.

Alex slowed a bit when he got inside the room. Inside, a number of people are getting worn down through the stress of trying to contain the immensely deadly virus. Alex joined in to try and combat the computer virus.

"Alex! How are you holding?!"

Dr.Robertson spoke in great concern.

"I am doing all that I can do to terminate-"

Suddenly, the screen began to glow blue, as strange symbols began to appear. The scientists stopped working, and looked at Alex's screen. The screen glowed blue, so much that Alex used his claw to bust out and destroy the screen. He thought that he destroyed the screen, until it repaired itself and turned into a portal. All of a sudden, Alex's arm turned to pixels, than half of his body, and than, the rest got sucked into the computer screen.


"Alex?! What on earth did you get yourself into?!"

"What do we do now?!"

"We need to get Rex over there and find Alex! He can communicate with machines?!"

Inside the portal, there exist a supernatural world, though the use of digital connected bridges. It has a number of electronic pathways and buildings that all connect to every computer, every cellphone, and every camera. This place is the Cyberverse. There are many structures that resemble buildings, many of them upside-down and right-side up, and some of the objects are floating with some code.The center of it all resembles a 3D octagonal sphere, with a large number of cables attach to the side.

Suddenly, a cluster of pixels began to form in one of the bridges, gathering together to create something. The pixels began to form a shape. The shape is somewhat humanoid.

(art is made by Urahkin. I really hope the creator doesn't mind me using it. I need it to fit the story, since I don't have a deviant-art account)

In the gathering of the pixels, Alex has began to form in this special new existence, after his transition here. His claws has become cyberized. The arm is blue energy. The sharp part is the claws had turned to red energy, with no thumb anymore, and there is a glowing red marking on the base. The same is said for the other claw, the left.

"Woah, this is...somewhat new."

A ringing was heard on the phone, and he answered.


"Alex! Thank god you're alright in one piece. What happened, anyway? You had gotten sucked right into your laptop!"

Karen Parker's voice spoke out.

"I don't know where I am, actually. It looks like some type of cyberized world."

"No kidding. I can see you as an icon on all of the laboratory computers."

Rex Salazar was not kidding. He is literally seen as a Icon on many of the screens in the laboratory. A hooded man with a glowing blue eye, a red right claw, and pixels on every part of the body.

"Where are you, SCP-5000?"

Alex Mercer Point of View

I looked at the location that I am currently in.

" looks like I am some sort of bridge."

"I think I can help you navigate through this entire thing. Yeah...I can help you. I got the entire screen of this place on a digital type of map here. You should be able to find your way around here."

"Where do I start, Rex?"

"Go to the very right."

Alex began to run right, where he jumped on the blocks of the red bridge. As he jumped, he saw that his orange mist has now turned to orange pixels. As he continued on, he caught as sight to behold.

He was very, very in awe of the sight of this place. It was so fascinating to look at. I could watch this thing for as long as he wanted. Sadly, Alex knew that he can't always keep on watching this really spectacular sight forever. He has to move out, and find out where the control center is even located.

"Okay, Rex. Where do I go next?"

"Now go left."

Alex than turned to the left of the cyberized dimension. As he went left, he than heard Robertson shouting out.

"Alex! Watch out. There are some of the viruses coming!"

Alex turns around to see some of the virus's coming, coming from the direction, right. They resemble a spider with its body, and a skull for the face of it. The skull has red eyes, and very, very sharp teeth. He than activated his blade. Or this time, the blades.

His arms had become 3 glowing red twisted cables, with each having a energy blade. This is way more better than in the real world. But he knows that he can't stay here for long. He had to get rid of the virus and save the entire foundation from collapsing. He cuts through many of the viral creature with ease. He jumped and spun around, cutting a lot of them.

One of them tried to get him from behind Alex. Alex than ducks from under the virus monster, and than reactivated using his claws. Surprisingly, his claws claws can now stretch, but only 10 feet, by only sweeping his hand. He was able to cut many of the enemies effortlessly. It is as though they are made of fragile glass. Just to finish it up, he summons a groundspike barrage. The groundspike went up as red spikes made of energy. After finishing off many of the enemies, Robertson called me.

"Alex, I manage to find a control center in here

"Sweet, where is this center."

"It is not easy. The center is heavily guarded by the viruses attacking out systems. They are more stronger and tougher than the ones that you had faced before, Alex."

"Okay, I understand about that. Now where is the direction of this supposed control center?"

Rex than began to research, before finding the directions of how to get to the control center, which isn't easy.

"How you are going to get there isn't going to be as simple as you had done to the others. When you go left, you will see a large number of gaps there, and will most likely have to glide. When you go right, there will be a large number of blockades right there. You will have to smash through it. Finally, when you keep going forward, you will find the control center, but you will have to use some sort of tool in order to hack and increase the secure of this place. If you have an ability that can allow you to do such a thing, than you will need it there."

"Okay, I now know what I need to in here."

Now to the P.O.V

I ended the call, and I turned left, and as he spoke out, some of the bridges have gaps there. I ran, jumped, and began to glide in the air. The mist of when I glide is also orange pixels. This is rather, very strange. I went on to another part of the wall, and ran up, before gliding once again in the air. After 3 minutes, I had finished gliding. I than turned right and saw a number of shielding there. In front of the many shielding is the Control Center.

It was very strange to put shielding right there. I guess in a way, I look like a actual computer virus. I than summoned my Hammerfist in this thing. The hammerfists arms look similar to the blade, but has blue cables instead of red. There are also blue spikes. I than used my hammerfists to smash into the shields. It was a very tough task to pull right off, but I was able to pull myself through this thing.

I was able to destroy the shield, which took one hell of a long time to even do in there. I never thought that it would be so difficult here. After taking a little break, I went to my feet, and ran into the center.

Inside was very, very strange. It has cables, computers, and even codes flying around here. I have no idea that this thing even actually existed. After a few minutes of waking around the entire thing, I was able to find out the center of it. It was a large computer, and has the word [DANGER], colored completely in blood-red.

While I looked at it, I felt a strange feeling. I know I feel like I am being watched, but I feel like that there is someone else in there with me, like someone watching my every move, and it is not even the scientists looking at me. It was something else. Something...god-like. I have no other way to try and describe it. It is so, so strange.

When I took an even closer look at the screen, I notice that there is some 2 tiny holes that are used to insert plugs. I than decide to try to use my Whipfist first.

Third Person Point of View...

The Whipfist look like 2 plugs, with 2 white stripes in the same place as Alex's sleeves of his jacket. The pointy ends of it are glowing with white energy. He than shot the Whipfist in there, so that he might improve the defense systems and add any Anti-Viruses. As he began to fix everything, a alarm came in, signaling many of the viruses are coming to the center. Alex gets his left claw, and began to hack away. One of the viruses tried to blast him, but he used his shield, which is orange and has a strange symbol at the center, as well as some bits of it floating around the sides.

He than summoned a muscle mass. It didn't change much, minus the bottom part of the arm glowing some orange. He used the musclesmass to punch those that got to close to Alex. Alex than summoned tendrils. The tendrils are 3 fingered with glowing red claws on it. The arms and hands are simply twisted cables to form them similarly to the ones that are used in the real world, which is strange. As the virus monsters are ripped apart by the cables, one of them tried to bury him from behind, right at the right shoulder blade. Alex than activates his armor. The armor has a couple of circles in the faceplate. There are energy spikes and the shoulders and the legs. Both of them are blue and each glowing with heat.

After he finished uploading the program, he saw many droids summoned and scare off the viral monsters. Many of the viruses began to be eliminated and had been wiped off the map. After the mission is finally complete, Alex used the control center in more time here. He used the control center to summon a portal back. After a minute of coding, a portal is than created. Alex immediately stepped in to the portal, but not before getting his arm out of the plug inserts.

Outside, Alex's screen on the laptop began flickering, before returning to life, and Alex began to come back to the real world. Alex has started from head to toe, which he reappeared. He has finally returned and spoke out this to everyone.

"Everyone...I really hope that this is the last time I would come to whatever this place exactly is here. I am not coming back. I hope I don't return."

Doctor Robertson nodded in understanding.

"Okay, Alex. So we will send some of our troops in this thing, so we can investigate this new SCP. For now, you can take a rest off for today."

Everyone nodded their heads together, and asked returned to his room, while also needing anew laptop, since the one that he used had turned anomalous. This is a long day. But Alex began to wonder...what was the feeling from being watched, minus the scientists? Where did that feeling appear? What else resides in this strange, digital plane of existence. Honestly, he does not know the secret yet. What he does no, it is not good to go in without anyone else staying here alone. The answers may come soon.

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