SCP-6000 "The Blacklight Virus (UPDATED)

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Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Instances Of SCP-6000-2 is to be contained within the Red Zone of New York Zero. Any instances that try to get out of their containment are to be terminated straight away. Should any personnel display symptoms of SCP-6000, termination is to be used straight away. Samples of SCP-6000 are to be kept in a vile hidden from anyone except the O-5 council. Any electric based weapon are to be used in any specimens that try to escape in order to subdue the subjects. Should in outbreak ever occur, Mobile Task Force Delta-19: Blackwatch, are to take action and contain the threats immediately. SCP-6000-3, and SCP-6000-4 are to be kept in Area-14 with walls made out of Reinforced Titanium, and are to be fed on a daily basis. The containment cells are to be cleaned on a monthly basis, and personnel are to be wearing level-G hazmat suits to keep out infections of SCP-6000 from entering the body. SCP-6000-1 is to be contained at Site-17 by 5x5x5 meter room, walls made of titanium, with a laptop and a bed. D-class personnels are the only ones allowed to enter.

Instances of SCP-6000-6 are to be allowed with in the Mobile Task Force, Codename: Blackwatch.

Description: SCP-6000 is an evolutionary chimeric mutation-causing infectious agent that can reproduce only inside the living cells of other biological organisms. After infection, the virus "plugs in" and activates the 'junk' DNA in its victim, resulting in several biological changes that create (and recreate) sentience within the infected creature's cellular makeup. It acts by affecting the protein encoding regions of the promoter introns in each cell. As a retrovirus, it contains both RNA and the reverse transcriptase enzyme, allowing it to insert its own genetic codes into the host's cells. It enters, re-purposes and changes the cell, replicating previously dormant non-coding segments of the organism's DNA.

More often than not, these changes are too drastic and 99.99% of all infected organisms die from massive organ failure and cell saturation. However, few variants have yielded other beneficial results, endowing the infected organisms with incredible superhuman genetic prowess that greatly increase their natural abilities to levels far exceeding human capability, which would later than lead to the creation of the instance known as SCP-6000-1

(SCP-6000-1, during the time it was first discovered)

SCP-6000-1 is the first carrier of SCP-6000. It resembles a Caucasian male, standing over 6 feet tall. Originally known as Alexander J. Mercer, Subject has been shown to have very pale skin, probably a result of being infected by the SCP-6000 infection, since his skin appeared tanner in his picture with his former family. His eyes are light blue and constantly have a sickly gray tinting around them.

While rarely seen without his hood, he has curly brown hair that he supposedly kept slicked back, although it's not known exactly what his hair looked like post-reanimation since he never dropped his hood.

Testing has shown that the "clothes" worn by the subject aren't actually clothes, but biomass, mimicking the outfit the subject wore to New York on the night of his rebirth, and is fused to his physical figure. On his upper body, he wears three layers of clothes: a button-up white shirt with a protruding collar kept partially buttoned, a plain gray hoodie, and a black leather jacket with a red interior, two horizontal white lines on each sleeve, and a red tribal design on the back. On his lower body, he wears plain blue jeans and black shoes. It should be noted that the subject's clothing is physically a part of his anatomy and therefore he is unable to take them off without shapeshifting, as well as being able to grow with him. Interesting though, that only the biomass mimics the clothing, which is organic matter, but the subject will also consume the non-organic matter (for example metal and plastics) and he can use electronic equipment such as a walkie-talkie while disguised.

SCP-6000-1 has shown enhanced physical prowess, capable for killing humans with a single punch, running up walls and run to speeds capable of surpassing vehicles, as well as being durable enough to survive a rocket with no injuries. Subject has been shown to manipulate his biomass to shapeshift his appearance to those that he has consumed, or shapeshift his arms to make weapons out of it, which is limited to 6 weapons. The first is claws, which he mainly used for fast precision strike, as well as crate spike out of ground, through simply digging one in. The second is hammerfists, which act as anti-tank weapons, the third is musclemass, which arguments his strength, the fourth is Whipfist, which it uses for range, the fifth is a blade, which is used to deal with more crowded enemies, and the last are tendrils, which he uses to extend and create organic string-like fluid to rip individuals apart, mainly from the limbs.

Subject has developed defensive powers, such as a shield at the left arm and armor. Subject also has the ability to see heat and who is infected by tapping into the hive mind. Subject has been shown to regenerate after being 'fed' though further evolution gives it better regenerative ability without needing to consume organisms. When consumption is used, subject can shapeshift into its victims, making their appearance, identities, and memories, which boosted its intelligence. So, technically, it doesn't have a specific gender.

Subject can also release biomass to 'glide' through the air, or manipulate it to climb on walls. Subject can also dash in mid-air to propel himself and glide even further.

Lastly, it has been shown to adapt to any element after continued exposure to it. An example of it is when subject after being inhibited and slowed down by more than 10Gs of gravitational force, it then walked away from it as if the force never even existed.

Subject has also created SCP-6000-2, SCP-6000-3, SCP-6000-4, and SCP-6000-5

SCP-6000-2 are infected humans that have been mutated by the SCP. Most were either developed in Hives that were located throughout the city, or bred in infected water towers, which were also prevalent throughout the Red Zone. During the outbreak, some forms of the infected were the result of SCP-6000-1's will and developed in underground lairs. The subjects are only found in the infected lair and ground level of the R.Z.

SCP-6000-3, also known as the Hunters, are large infected creatures created by SCP-6000-1. Hunters are stronger, faster, and more agile than other infected. Just a few hunters can take down military armor and large groups of soldiers. Able to climb walls, throw objects, leap great heights, and both give and take a great deal of damage, they make a dangerous foe for Blackwatch.

SCP-6000-4, also known as the Juggernauts, are the "Tanks" of the infected army created during the outbreak within the Red Zone. Most of them are found in infected lairs underground in NYZ and are occasionally accompanied by Brawlers. SCP-6000-4 are powerful creatures, built with durable, obese bodies, thick and stubby legs, large fists, and jaws broken into three separate parts. They are capable of dealing tremendous damage to enemies and the environment around them while blocking projectiles directed towards them, create spikes from ground similar to SCP-6000-1, thus truly earning the name "Juggernaut". These variants are called "Alpha Juggernauts". These Juggernauts are darker, have large growths on their backs and excrete a type of "gas" that infects humans should they ever inhale them. Alpha Juggernauts have more durability and do more damage than their regular counterparts.

SCP-6000-5, also known as the Hydras, are a variant of the Hunters which were created during the outbreak of the Red Zone. The subject's main way off attacking consists of grabbing loose debris, including cars and air conditioning units, and then tossing them at their enemies. This ability makes Hydras lethal to aircraft, as one or two hits can down a helicopter. However, Hydras pose quite less of a threat to armored vehicles, as their debris ability is ineffective against tanks. When surrounded at close range, a Hydra will whirl their arm-like appendage 360 degrees around their immediate vicinity, knocking enemies back. Finally, they are armed with tongues adorned with teeth, which they will use in combination with the "prongs" on the sides of their mouth to inflict a vicious bite. Subject can also use their tongues to latch onto enemies and drag him within striking distance.

SCP-6000-6 is an instance where soldiers have been genetically enhanced by SCP-6000-1 with a three week old DX-1120 strain of the SCP-6000 virus, first created when 682 has breached containment, having one of the injured man become the first SCP-5000-6 instance by SCP-6000-1. SCP-6000-6 instances are capable of leaping great distances and running up along buildings, extremely strong and capable of fighting head-on with even the strongest Infected, and are incredibly tough and resilient through the use of bulletproof platings molding on their muscle tissue, giving them enough power to stand against SCP-6000-1 in one of their sparring matches.

The virus is highly contagious and can infect organisms through a multitude of means:

Physical Contact: If a non-infected person is bitten or scratched by an Infected person or a Hunter, the virus can spread directly to the victim resulting in their infection.
Exposure: Coming into contact with an Infected Water Tower or a Hive can result in the infectious agents spreading to nearby humans.
Bodily Fluid Contact: Infectious bodily fluids and materials are capable of infection through open wounds.
Injection: As demonstrated by the D-Class Personnel, the virus can be spread through direct application via injection.

Subject was discovered in the year 2015, when a number of investigators disappeared. After a few days, infection took hold and spread all over the Red Zone. He was than willingly captured when he and SCP-5001-3-1, SCP-6001-3-2, SCP-6002-A-1, SCP-6002-A-2, and SCP-6003 are found restraining SCP-682. The anomalies would soon be part of Mobile Task Force Beta-1, Codename: New Borns.

An interview has been made by doctor Karen Parker for when and how the SCP obtained the anomalous properties he has now.

Interviewer: Dr. Karen Parker

Interviewee: SCP-5000-1


Karen Parker: Do you mind telling me your name...your real human name.

SCP-6000-1: Alright. My name is Alexander Joseph Mercer. I am a 20 year old and was born in New York in the Green Zone.

Karen Parker: Okay, good. So, When did you become aware of your abilities? 

SCP-6000-1: (Silence)

Karen Parker: SCP-6000-1, are you okay?

SCP-6000-1: It wasn't when I was aware. It's how I obtained it.

Karen Parker: O-Oh...ummmm...Okay. When did you get it?

SCP-6000-1: it was the eighteenth of August in the year 2008, when I was 10 and my sister Dana is 8. After we were done watching a movie, I had Dana sleep with my uncle Josh. After I went to bed, I was thinking of the good times I had with my uncle and sister, when I heard something.

Karen Parker: What did you hear?"

SCP-6000-1: the sound was like a combination between a foot step and something wet. I hid under the covers in fright, unsure what to do. It got worse when the door opens. I hid under the cover for a couple of minutes when the noice stopped. I wasn't sure if it is gone. When I uncovered my face...I saw it.

Karen Parker: What was it?

SCP-6000-1: this being had red flesh for its skin, 3 eyes on each side of the head, with an additional one on the palms of its hands. It wore a cloak made of red flesh and had human arms and legs sticking out. When I tried to move, it controlled my muscle and bone and constricted it to the point of paralyzing me. It then took out a sphere. The sphere looked like in orb with tendrils swinging from multiple directions.

Karen Parker: did it say anything?

SCP-6000-1: Yes It said: Be reborn,  Alex Mercer....Be reborn as the avatar of the Blacklight Virus...Be reborn as the child of [DATA EXPUNGED] and become his creation of millennia.

Karen Parker: O...Ohh.. ummm..did it appear?

SCP-6000-1: Not instantly. I only got sick for the first week. But at the end of it is when it all changed. My uncle was killed by my father. He was a horrible person, never gave a damn about us, only himself. But when i was looking at my uncle in grief, that was when my powers resurfaced. My claws were my first power that had formed. I killed my father, but my family was so disturbed that I was ashamed so I jumped away. A few years later, I stumbled into the Edmonds Beach.

Karen Parker: What are you doing here? Wasn't it blocked out?

SCP-6000-1: it was, I just jumped over it and glide. I rested on one of the rocks for days, until, I met her.

Karen Parker: Who her?

SCP-6000-1: The person looked like a hybrid between an aquatic animal and a human. She had Aqua-blue skin, with white eyes like pearls, tail for hair like a sting ray, and a dark green, small round kok on the top of her head. She wore a purple dress and her legs merged into a fish tail.

Karen Parker: What was her name?

SCP-6000-1: she calls herself Aqualeily, an Aquatinalius. She didn't have friends. So she wanted to be friends with me. And of course, I naively thought it wouldn't go wrong. So I became a friend and played all sorts of games. It felt inseparable at first, but than a month later, her parents were killed, and I was the blame, marking the end of our friendship. I took my anger by infecting the Red Zone, and years later, that's where the SCP Foundation found me.

Karen Parker: Alright, they will be it for today, Alex. I hope to talk to you again.

SCP-6000-1: Anytime.

<end log>

Minutes later:

Dr. Clef "Well, looks like we found our sea monster."

Dr. Gear "Yeah, though I do feel bad of what Alex had been through with her. Tragic."

Dr.Bright "What I don't get is what [DATA EXPUNGED] wants with him, or why he chose him to be a carrier!"

Clef "we all are. Though whatever it is, it most likely isn't good. We should be ready just in case."

Everyone: "Yeah, we agree."

Clef: "Commander, I think it is time for us to bring forth out PROJECT WHITELIGHT."

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