Scp-6001: "The Symbiotes" (UPDATE)

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Object Class: Euclid-Keter/Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-6001 that have yet to be bonded are to be put in glass containment cells to prevent them from bonding with a human and to be looked at for observation. Should any instance of SCP-6001 be bonded with a human and act in a aggressive manner, Mobile Task Forces near the instance must prepare to bring in flamethrowers, sound guns alongside ear mufflers to protect their hearing from their own weapons, and inhibitor drugs for the instances. Should an instance act in a passive behavior, they are to be brought to a soldier for training. Should any of these instances show signs of craziness, foods filled with phenethylamine are to be given to them immediately. 

SCP-6001-3-1 and SCP-6001-3-2 are to be kept at site-17, in a 5 X 5 X 5 room, with a bunk bed and table. A training room is also to be advised.

SCP-6000-F is kept in a pool-shaped container and is inaccessible, unless the situation requires the instance's use.

Description: SCP-6001 are a species of inorganic, amorphous, symbiotic extraterrestrial creatures. Originally from the planet that they call 'Klyntar', which was said to be their home.

Instances of SCP-6001 feed on their host's adrenaline and negative emotions, usually released into the bloodstream during the fight-or-flight response. They have also been shown to depend on their hosts for a steady supply of phenethylamine, a chemical found as a neurotransmitter in the human brain. While this has been known to lead some symbiotes to consume the brains of others, the chemical can also be ready found in processed chocolate or other food that is filled with the chemical, Phenethylamine. Other symbiotes - like the clone of the Venom symbiote - deliberately drain their hosts' vital fluids and/or physically consume them from the inside-out. While the symbiotes are connected to a host, they raise their host's dopamine levels, as well as form 'eyes' and a 'mouth with 'fangs and 'tongue'. They can apparently be killed, or at least be forced into some sort of death-like state, by an overdose of dopamine-inhibitor. Symbiotes aren't able to bond with hosts who have high levels of vitamin C in their blood streams. There are several levels of biological symbiosis, or "bonding" that can be achieved between a symbiote and its host, each with different biological consequences.

When touch by an organism, an SCP-6001 instance can interface with their genomes and physiology to imprint their unique powers and abilities into itself, granting subsequent hosts access to those powers. SCP-6001 instances can also bond to inorganic material, letting them interface with and augment machinery.

Instances of SCP-6001 have some ability to sense the thoughts and emotions of sentient creatures, though to what extent remains unclear. Symbiotes have a genetic memory, allowing them to exploit their parents' knowledge through ancestral recall. On Earth, this allows the first instance, SCP-6001-1-1, to copy spider DNA and pass it on to it's descendants, with abilities such as wall-crawling, webbing generation, and a ESP sense, allowing it to know when to react to the danger coming to them.

SCP-6001 instanced are genderless, usually reproduce asexually (though some symbiotes are hatched from eggs), and generally produce only one offspring in a lifetime. In the case of SCP-6001-1-1, seeds were forcibly extracted to produce more offspring. There is no family structure, and in fact it seems to be common among corrupted symbiotes for parent and offspring to hate each other. However this observation is taken mostly from the relationship between SCP-6001-1-1 and its children. SCP-6001-1-1 hates SCP-6001-2-1 because of its murderous nature (not to mention that when they were cell mates they had an antagonistic relationship). When its other "children" were born, it thought that they would end up like SCP-6001-2-1, so it placed his hatred of SCP-6001-2-1 on its own 'children'. When SCP-6001-2-7 was born, it was passive to it, due to its harmless nature. While they have a latent ability to sense the proximity of their progeny, they usually have no interest in them. The one exception comes once every 1,000 generations, when a symbiote is born with a high risk of psychotic breakdown, and must be guided by older symbiotes, or else destroyed. Such examples are SCP-6001-3-1 and SCP-6001-3-2, who were tamed by their hosts, Patrick and Patricia.

Their unique properties make the symbiotes immune to most conventional weapons. They are dense enough to absorb the force of powerful blows and stop bullets before they reach the host being after being released from their hosts, going by about 2 times the speed of sound. They are able to process breathable gases for the host when it would otherwise be unable (underwater, for example). They seem to confer a weak healing factor on strongly-bonded hosts, but that bond can also send host and SCP-6001 instances alike into shock if they are forcibly separated.

SCP-6001 has been known to possess the ability to shape-shift its mass into a variety of ways that it desires. Most SCP-6001 instances have the power to form solid appendages from their bodies, and have been shown to form spikes, talons, and blades. SCP-5001-2-1 was known to throw axes from time to time, but the weapons quickly crumbled when separated from the symbiote. In one instance, the SCP-5001-1-1 instance had been able to form an extra set of limbs. This shows that any SCP-5001 instances can gain the ability to form more solid appendages if exposed to the Earth environment for a long enough period of time.

SCP-6001-1-1 and it's descendants have been shown to be adept at controlling their coloration. This allows them to take on the appearance of normal clothing, to provide highly effective and complex camouflage, and to even disguise their hosts' physical features. Instances of SCP-6001 have the ability to process breathable gases when the host normally cannot breathe (for example, in water or space). Most SCP-6001 instances have been shown to camouflage their bodies into becoming invisible, being only sensed by thermal vision. SCP-6001 has been shown to have some ability to combine their constituent matter. A great example is when SCP-6001-2-2 to SCP-6001-2-6 merges to create a an instance called Hybrid, which had bonded with Agent Scott Washington.

There is evidence to suggest that the relative power - or at least physical strength when bonded to a host of comparable build and musculature - increases with each generation, given that SCP-6001-3-1 is stronger than it's parent SCP-6001-2-1. Instances who have permanently bonded with their symbiotes obtains longevity, possibly obtaining immortality.

SCP-6001 was brought to the attention of the foundation when a couple of them had been thrown into the foundation, where it was discovered that more were at the place called the Life Foundation. The Mobile Task Forces were able to raid the place and got these instances out. SCP-6001-3-1 and SCP-6001-3-2 were found fighting SCP-682, along side SCP-6000, SCP-6002-A-1, SCP-6002-A-2, and scp-6003, a group that would later become Mobile Task Force Beta-1, Codename: New Borns.

List of instances and of their unique properties


(Venom instance with previous host)

(Venom instance with current host)

SCP-6001-1-1 'Venom' is the first instance to appear on Earth. Instance resembles a black suit with a white spider symbol and white eye. Has shown enhanced physical prowess when bonded with Eddie Brock and can make weapons on its Limbs when bonded with agent Flash Thompson, it's current new host.


(Mania instance during 682 breach)

SCP-6001-1-2 'Mania' is a clone of the SCP-6001-1-1 instance, after 'Venom' instance had it's 'tongue' cut off and engineered. Possessses similar abilities to its 'genetic template' but has developed the ability to take control of others by expectorate its biomass onto them and covering their faces, which can take on the form of masks resembling the 'Venom' instances. Can reform a symbiotic costume over their bodies. Is currently bonded with Andrea Benton, a former high schooler


(Anti-Venom instance tries to breach containment)

SCP-6001-1-3 'Anti-Venom' is created when remnants of the 'Venom' instances bonded with Eddie's white blood cells during the time Eddie Brock had Cancer. It is deadly when touching a SCP-6001 instance and can cure diseases, infections, and drugs, as well as sensing anything that attacks the human body. Does not have sentience of it's own, having the user in control only. Lacks weakness to fire and sound, but is weak to a created Super Venom. Resembles inverted version of first instance, but with human-sized red eyes and black teeth. Currently bonded with Eddie Brock, and is kept in its own separate containment chamber, far away from the other instances.


(Carnage instance when it had first appeared at the Foundation)

The very first instance made by the 'Venom' instance. Bonded to the blood of Cletus Kasedy, who is a killer of 11 murders. The 'Costume' is made out of Cletus' blood, due to merging through a cut on Cletus' skin. Has more deadlier weapons and possesses unbelievable regeneration, as long as a bit of it is around. Can rip parts of weapons from it and separate to attack at long range, which later crumbles afterwords. Can infect people with a piece of itself to torture/control them.


The 'Phage' instance and the second child of the 'Venom' instance. Can create orange 'costume' and can make blades weapons, as well as give it enhanced senses to the point that a shooter did not miss a single target, even when very far away. Bonded to Carl Mach, former member of the Life Foundation.


(Riot instance when it first entered its own containment chamber)

The 'Riot' instance and the third 'child'. Can summon gray 'costume'. Can move at human velocity so fast that the average human eye can't see. Can make blunt weapons. Is currently bonded with Trevor Cole, former member of the Life Foundation.


The 'Lasher' instance and the fourth child of the 'Venom' instance. Can make green 'costume'. Can make tendrils from back of body and use it like a whip. Possesses remote symbiosis, which can make it extend between 2 hosts. Is bonded to Ramon Hernandez and his dog, former members of the Life Foundation


The 'Agony' instance and the fifth child. Can make a purple 'costume.' Has the ability to enhance muscle mass of host. Can absorb chemicals and manipulate acid, often spitting it on to opponent. Is currently bonded to Leslie Gesberia, Former member of the Life Foundation.


(The Scream instance during an assault at the Life Foundation)

The 'Scream' instance, and the sixth child. Forms a yellow and black 'costume' with yellow hair with red at the center. Can manipulate hair to attack. Has limited mental projection/sound manipulation. Took on the form of a sonic knife to attack the other instances. Currently bonded to Donna Diego, former member of the Life Foundation


(Sleeper instance in containment chamber.)

The 'Sleeper' instance and 'Venom's' last child, was made from an unusual and difficult reproduction. Forms a black and green 'costume' with human-shaped red eyes and holes on the left and right side of the 'mouth', resembling a gas mask, although a mouth can be made when it is smiling or when it is angry. Can become invisible better than the other instances. Can see anything invisible, something that human eyes and electronic equipment cannot do alone. Can manipulate and produce liquid and aerosol chemicals with a variety of effects - including inducing various emotional states, tranquilizing targets, psychological manipulation, and could fire green and black webbing coated with toxic chemicals. Host of this instance is an unnamed member of the Chaos Insurgency, who had attacked and had attempt to take this instance when it bonded and lobotomized him, now using him like a puppet.


The 'Toxin' instance and the first child of SCP-5001-2-1. Is stronger than instances SCP-5001-1-1 and SCP-5001-2-1. Makes a orange at top and dark blue at the bottom costume, with hands already claws. Has the ability to track others, as long as it can pick up a scent. Can grow in size the angrier it gets. Possesses a toxic bite to incapacitate, possibly kill people. Can hide in the bloodstream of the host it has. Current host is former Police Officer, Patrick Mulligan.


The 'Scorn' instance and the second child of scp-5001-2-1. Similar powers to her 'brother' instance, 'Toxin', minus growing in size And lacks its own mouth. Is half technology. Can crash computers, can communicate either telepathically, by speaking verbally, or by touching it physically, with all forms of technology, including machinery, computers and other electronics. The user can hack into cyber systems, restore information and break computer codes, can create, shape and manipulate data/digital information from systems and networks to do a multitude of things at its disposal, can take any type of machinery or technology and make it work better and more efficiently, understands the operation of any mechanical device and subconsciously/effortlessly create a schematic in her mind. Able to make complex devices or weapons out of mere scrap and "garbage", it's most used ability allows it to change and/or shapeshift any sort of machinery into herself when she holds or touches an object that is mechanical or technology based. The change in mechanical structure can also give new enhancements or powers to the machines. It can program a certain function in others to change their pattern of behavior or take control of them. This includes almost all technology. Scorn can scan anything and analyze the data and information that is gathered, including not just technological and digital subjects, but also subjects that are biological, chemical, etc. User can create, shape and manipulate technology and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology." Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data. The user can control the flow of intricate machinery, and assemble or disengage their programming at will and operate most technology at distance. It's powers can rival that of SCP-079. Current host is Former Police officer and twin sister of Patrick, Patricia Mulligan.


(Raze instance during escape attempt)

The weakest out of all the SCP-5001-3 spawns from SCP-5001-2. Similar powers to parent, but stronger. Can shapeshit its biomass into weapons such as claws, fangs, tentacles, blades, and other weapons. Current host is Claire Dixon.


SCP-6001-F , also known as the 'Endo-Sym Armor, is a full liquid smart-metal instance which has the ability to harden itself instantly on the connection with the user's body. This instance is the result of using SCP-914 on a piece of the 'Toxin' instance, A piece of SCP-072-TH, a slab of SCP-148, a mechanical suit of armor, and a destructive weapon that can fire very explosive repulsor blasts. Unlike the other instances, this is based on armor, and the bonding is completely psionic. The psionic bonding with the suit allows its user to control it remotely, and call for it with no needs of electronics.

Subjects bonded to the suit have stated that the suit can "feel" them the same way they can "feel" the suit, and referred to it as "alive". This connection extends to the point of it forming fully into a humanoid form that has similarities to that of a symbiote suit even when not bonded to someone, to punch through barriers in an attempt to get to its owner at his psionic command, but it does not have intelligence of its own, only a psionic link.

The suit can be sent out, whether by psionic or vocal command, to attach to a user aside from a subject that wears the instance so as to either protect them or restrict their movement to only what the wearer desires, but not capable of using the suit themselves due to his psionic connection.

This instance has repulsors, which are a white-blue in color, but when a subject wearing SCP-5001-F is preparing to attack something or someone, they switch color to red for an air of menace. Due to its intrinsic connection to the armor biologically, its own eyes sometimes light up red or blue in addition to the lights on the armor itself. These repulsors are so powerful that they can even bypass the ability of SCPs such as SCP-2996. There is an incorporated taser in the arms that can be used for sustained electrical impulses on command instead of short bursts.

The armor can also absorb electromagnetic energy once it finds the correct frequency of said energy. The armor can also absorb electromagnetic energy once it finds the correct frequency of said energy. However, though living beings of electromagnetic energy such as SCP-4338. can be absorbed, they can break free of the armor, causing the armor to temporarily dissolve in a select portion before reassembling. The armor is also capable of withstanding the lightning called forth by a storm with minimal, if any damage.

There is a thruster behind the elbows of the instance's arms, allowing for increased power when punching or otherwise striking someone, including allowing for needles to pass through tough skin.

This instance's thrusters initially did not function when deprived of an oxygen-based environment, as they relied upon a combustion engine, but this was later rectified. This armor can be used to subjugate possessing entities, such as an eight-year-prior incarnation of Doctor Bright during one of the tests.

When the main faceplate is removed, a graphene layer replaces it, to allow for bulletproofing of the face while providing an unobstructed view of said area of the head.

(SCP-6001-F, using all of its biomass, becoming powerful)

The armor can also have all of its forming compound added to increase its size, granting the suit a more bigger than the 'Toxin' instance's 'Venom'-like physique.

The armor can release tendrils of its material to enter automated armors in order to determine the source of their core-artificial intelligence. The same tendrils can be spread out even further, making a punch capable of causing an armor to explode from the inside out from the internal force.

Unlike most of the instances, it is shielded against sound-based attacks.

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