SCP-6002 "The Nanites (SECOND UPDATE)

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Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: due to the nature of the SCP, containment for it is impossible. Any Instances of SCP-6002-B are to have SCP-6002-A to cure them right away. Incurable instances are to be contained for study. Should any of the Nanites become active in an aggressive way, all mobile task forces are to attack with any counter measures that they could use. Should personnel ever go into an SCP-6002 infested area, they should wear Level-G hazmat suits to keep SCP-6002 from entering the body.

SCP-6002-A instances are to be kept at site 17 in a 6 X 6 X 6 room with a separate bed and books. Diagnosis on any changed should be advised, if they start acting strange. Should any SCP-6002 infection happen, SCP-6002-A-1 is to be brought to infected for curing immediately.

Due to the nature of SCP-6002-A-3, containment is impossible. Satellite cameras are to spot SCP-5002-A-3 for it doing anything suspicious. Should it be spotted doing something suspicious, counter protocols are to be enacted immediately.

Description: SCP-6002 are microscopic machines that were created by the scientists during the Nanite Project. At the time of the explosion five years ago, the nanites entered the atmosphere and spread across the globe. Nanites now exist within every living being (minus the Foundation, Providence, and Japan) and are bonded to their molecular structure.

Normally, SCP-6002 is completely harmless and were meant to help benefit the human race; however, when activated, they mutate or modify the biology of their hosts, giving them grotesque physical features and/or special abilities, due to the explosion releasing unknown energy, corrupting the program. They are called EVOs (Exponentially Variegated Organisms), in which these instances are classified as SCP-6002-B

SCP-6002-B are organisms with SCP-6002 activated, turning them into monstrous, bizarre creature with many special abilities manifesting as well. Mutations can vary drastically; in some cases, creatures mainly grow greatly in size, while many others shift into something radically different. Humans almost always retain some human-like qualities, though a good number of humanoid EVOs appear mindless and bent on destroying anything they can. This is because of the nanites modifying their physiologies rather than mutating them which they commonly do. Rare individuals can become an EVO and retain their mind and sanity or gain intelligence, even rarer do they have the ability to control them to their own use, resulting in SCP-6002-A

SCP-6002-A-1, SCP-6002-A-2, SCP-6002-A-3, SCP-6002-A-4, SCP-6002-A-5, and SCP-6002-A-6 are instances that can control the Nanites within their bodies.

(SCP-6002-A-1 with Smack Hands activated)

SCP-6002-A-1, formerly called Rex Salazar is a half-Mexican and half-Argentinian at the age of 16, and the first instance created. He is most normally seen with lightly spiked, slicked back dark hair. He is also taller than most people his age. SCP-6002-A-1 also wears a pair of orange googles on top of his head, with a matching red-orange patterned jacket. His T-shirt is blue on the top-half and white on the bottom-half, with two orange rectangles on the left pectoral. He wears black pants with blue geometrical patterns which glow whitish blue whenever the subject uses their powers. It also wears blue gloves with orange cuffs and blue-black shoes. SCP-6002-A-1 possesses similar powers to SCP-6000, but has both its original and the Omega-1 variation of its machines. Unlike SCP-6000, his strength isn't increased as much as he is in his normal form, and his speed isn't as fast. However, he is able to recover slightly quicker. Also, he is more greater in hand to hand combat.

A list of the original Variations included:

Smack Hands

The Smack Hands hands are massive orange gauntlets that subject can transform either arm into (preferably both) to take down larger SCP-5002-B instances. The smack hands give him incredible strength, allowing him to break through obstacles or lift heavy objects. When forming them, he has control over the overall size, length, and flexibility; being able to extend them to reach certain distances. Without the use of his punk busters, subject can use his smack hands to significantly push himself into the air and ultimately use them to absorb impact when landing. They are also moderately capable of shielding against lasers and debris, however, they are weak against acid. Out of all the machines at the subject's disposal, the Smack Hands seem to be the only ones that are nerve-sensitive. In addition to the smack hand's original assets, a drill mode allows the smack hands to function as high-powered drills and add additional power behind his strikes. Subject can use this to easily drill and travel through underground pathways. Since his smack hands are already sinkable, he has used his drills to quickly propel and drag him underwater when wanting to reach a destination at a certain speed.

Boogie Packs

The Boogie Packs is a jet pack with a pair of wide orange turbine wings. Subject is capable of using it to fly at high speeds; it also gives him a high level of agility. SCP-5002-A-1 used the Boogie Packs to travel over 100 miles in only a few minutes. The Boogie Pack's maximum speed is unconfirmed.

He can launch the twin turbines at an enemy SCP-5002-B instance like a bola. He can also shoot two large grappling hooks on the top of both turbines. The Boogie Packs can also successfully propel Rex underwater. Subject has also use the turbine wings to create compressed air. Unfortunately, there is a limit as to how much weight his boogie pack can transport at once.

Slam Cannon

The Slam Cannon is a large orange projectile cannon that SCP-5002-A-1 can transform either arm into. Similar to a rocket launcher, it is positioned to rest on his shoulder. However, it does not produce its own ammo; instead, a maw on the back end of the slam cannon can extend into the ground and reload solid material for ammunition, which allows it to fire 3 shots at a time. It then proceeds to fire the balled material at its target with great force.

Rex Ride

The Rex Ride is an orange hover motorbike that the Subject can form out of its lower legs. The vehicle can drive over any terrain and can go over 200 mph. Despite lacking wheels, the Rex Ride is capable of driving up vertical loops and curves. It has a retractable battering ram instead of an engine block and it can be used like a shield to break through trees and incredibly thick walls. For protection, a black helmet is formed over the subject's head.

Punk Busters

The Punk Busters are a pair of massive orange super boots with retractable spikes on the soles. They allow the Subject to jump hundreds of feet into the air or jump across ten square blocks. It can also use the Punk Busters to repel powerful SCP-5002-B instances or kick through thick metal. In its own words, it feels as if "you were roundhouse kicked by a freight train". Like a hydraulic cylinder, the Punk Busters can have its foot extended to kick enemies away. The Punk Busters are so strong, a stomp is enough to dismantle its surrounding or cause rising fissures accurate enough to repel its target.

Big Fat Sword

The Big Fat Sword (also known as the B.F.S.) is a massive orange sword that SCP-5002-A-1 can transform either arm into. It is one of the subject's most lethal machines. Although it is used offensively to easily cleave through objects, it is can be used to deflect attacks. Once stabbed into the pavement, the big fat sword can provide mobility for Rex and others who hold on to it. SCP-5002-A-1 will often use it as a last resort. The subject can pull on a lever at the side, making it into a Battle Saw to cleave through anything in his path.

List of the Omega-1 Builds include:

Blast Caster

The Blast Caster, which is a machine that consists of a navy-colored, backpack dynamo and a long, black tentacle-like whip that extends from its right arm. It was the first build created with the Omega-1 Nanite. While the Blast Caster does act as a whip, SCP-5002-A-1 appears to have control over the appendage like a muscle; wrapping around enemies or managing to grab small objects. When freely flying through the air, Rex can make the whip cut and turn corners at will. Unclear whether this is only possible underwater, Rex has demonstrated taking hold of objects from afar and reeling himself in. It can also channel electrical shocks powerful enough to stun an enemy. The whip can thin out and break if put under enough stress.


The Funchucks are the second build created with the Omega-1 Nanite. They are a pair of giant, metallic nunchaku that are attached to both of the subject's arms. He can spin them at windmilling speeds and then launch either arm at his target. Defensively, they can divert heat seeking rockets if spun fast enough. He can also use them to generate a destructive energy pulse by slamming them together after spinning them, allowing him to shoot a light blue arc of energy at his enemies.

Considering its design, the Funchucks can be used as a giant lantern in the dark.

Bad axes

The bad axes are the third pair of machines created with the Omega-1 Nanite. They are a pair of large blue axes with energized blades that SCP-5002-A-1 builds with his hands. The axes are so powerful that they are capable of easily slicing through a Providence fighter jet with one slice. Despite their massive size, the subject can still manages to fluidly fight in close combat with his enemies.

Block Party

The Block Party is a pair of navy-colored metallic gauntlets that generate blue energy shields made of highly energized atoms. The block party can either generate two individual, circular shaped shields on each gauntlet, or it can form a dome to surround SCP-5002-A-1 on the ground or in mid-air.

The energy shields are capable of withstanding an extensive amount of damage before shattering like glass. The shields can block, not only energy-type attacks, but ward off solid projectiles and physical attacks as well. If positioned well enough, the shields are capable of deflecting attacks back at the enemy.

Sky Slyder

The Sky Slyder is a blue glowing machine that SCP-5002-A-1 builds with its lower legs. It is similar to a regular surfing board, except it can fly at high speeds in midair. The subject initially had trouble creating the Sky Slyder, but it successfully built it later on. It is the fastest build ever used.

It is unknown if there is a limit to how much he can make, or if there is no limit at all.

Subject possesses the ability to cure the SCP-6002-B instanced with a touch thanks to the power of the Omega1-Nanite, which made scp-6002-A-1 very instrumental in stopping a SCP-6002-B rampage.

SCP-6002-A-2, formerly named Circe, is a female that has pale white skin, dark brown eyes, and shoulder-length black hair that is partially turned deep red down the bottom. Her attire consists of a short dark red overall dress with a beige waist belt over a light gray tutrtleneck and stockings. She dons long beige-colored arm bands from her wrists to her upper arms and black knee-high boots.

Subject had the ability to manipulate nanite in its mouth, making it into a large fanged, grotesque fleshy tube that can emit a hypersonic blast of concussive force strong enough to shatter objects as tough as metal. It appears that the subject's sonic powers also have other capabilities, as she claimed that she once accidentally destroyed a bus driver's pants with her powers by finding the "exact frequency of polyester". As its namesake implies, subject also can lure other EVOs towards her with a hypnotically seductive siren-like call. Regarding this particular ability, it describes herself as "a big EVO magnet". The closer EVOs are, the more overwhelming her hypnotic call becomes. SCP-6002-A-2 is also fairly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, which is seen when she delivered several well-maneuvered jabs and kicks towards SCP-6002-A-1 during one of their training sessions, as well as possessing some degree of superhuman strength and speed.

SCP-6002-A-3, known only as 'Breach', is a female with, in SCP-5000-1's words, corpse-pale skin and black hair with pale green eyes. It is wearing a white shirt and red skirt, with white stockings and black shoes, making it similar to a high school uniform. SCP-6002-A-3's most notciable feature is that she has 4 arms. 2 of her original arms had become oversized, while 2 normal sized arms grew under the oversized arms.

SCP-6002-A-3, using its larger arms, can tear open reality and space, creating crimson wormholes. Its portals also seem to have a plane, as those who go through them can stand within the portal without having to step out on either of the linked locations; a technique subject has used in combat. SCP-6002-A-3 can also use its portals in offense. Being able to stand in between a portal, she can give the impressions of rising from and sinking into the ground, floating in midair, appearing from nowhere and attacking from more than one place. They also help it in attacking from a distance or hidden location. It can pull or push opponents into its portals, launch the portals at the enemy to teleport them elsewhere, or simply open several of them at once and strike through them with melee attacks from any angle. It can also hold the portal open with its two large hands and bring it down from above the victim.

When its hands are bound, she can use her mind to open the portals. These portals, though, are smaller, closer to its body, and lead to a random location out of reflex or retaliation. When caught off guard, it can be touched and hurt. SCP-6002-A-3 also has a pocket dimension where it stores the "toys" or "shiny things" (various vehicles, mannequins, SCP-6002-B Instances) that appeal to it. When they are "broken", "out of place" or "no good", she opens a portal and throws them away in the real world. The pocket dimension is the entire city of Greenville, Ohio, which disappeared off the map several years ago when SCP-6002-A-3 took it. The city is its entire "dollhouse" in it she plays with her toys and keeps everything neat and tidy.

Any disruption in its organization causes her great mental stress. It may suffer a mental meltdown and implode into one of its portals if she gets rattled enough. It is theorized that its portals can be blocked by a phase scrambler.

SCP-6002-A-3's extra set of arms, as well as its original enlarged arms, serve her well in combat situations. Its oversized original arms also seem to provide it greater strength. This is observed when it holds SCP-6002-A-1 up by its leg using only one enlarged arm in another dimension. It also seems to be able to hold onto surfaces, like the ceiling, courtesy of her extra arms and it's enlarged original arms. Interestingly, SCP-6002-A-3 seems to have a fondness to SCP-6002-A-1.

SCP-6002-A-4, named 'Tuck', is a humanoid creature formed from bandages and fabric. Being made of bandages, Tuck had showcased numerous skills. It has the ability to unravel, allowing itself to travel through small cracks and spaces without being detected. It could elongate its limbs and reshape itself at will, making it very nimble, as shown when it flawlessly evaded Six's sword strikes. The true appearance of what was underneath his bandages was never revealed, although Tuck seemed to be hollow on the inside since he could flatten itself, making it difficult to be crushed. It also seems to possess notable acrobatic skills, as it performed numerous backhand springs to dodge bullets. SCP-6002-A-4 also demonstrated having enhanced strength, being able to lift heavy masses and dent stone objects with powerful punches.

SCP-6002-A-5, formerly 'Walter, Now 'Skwydd' is a humanoid instance resembling a squid. SCP-6002-A-5 has multiple abilities that contributed to his appearance. A lot of SCP-6002-A-5's power lied within its arms, being able to utilize them in numerous ways. Its arms could work as tendrils, and could extend and even cut through solid objects. The roughness of its arms could also act as armor, being able to deflect bullets. It's bdisplayed being able to easily tackle and ram through a crowd of agents.

An ability that correlated to its squid-like physiology was its own ability to spew out black clouds of ink. It usually used its ink as smokescreens in order to escape its enemies. It could manipulate its ink to the point where it could take a three-dimensional, gaseous form in midair. When SCP-6002-A-5's nanite power was boosted with a nanite enhancer, he was able to liquefy and solidify his ink and use it defensively by allowing it to form into tentacles and restrain others. When Agent Kenwyn from Providence shook SCP-6002-A-5's hand, she appeared to have gotten drops of ink on her hand; this implied that SCP-6002-A-5 could secrete ink through his skin. It could also freely control his tentacle-hair at will.

SCP-6002-A-6 named 'Cricket' is a humanoid SCP-6002-A instance that bares a resembles an actual Cricket of both skin and leg appearance. Fitting the name itself,  SCP-6002-A-6 was a SCP-6002-A instance that had developed insect-like abilities such as superhuman agility and massive leg strength. Its mutation was most noticeable in the legs, which were bent due to them being structured slightly like an actual cricket's. With these legs, it has the ability to jump impressively high and at blinding speeds. SCP-6002-A-6 could either land gently on a surface or violently on its opponents, pinning them to the ground. Subject's used its legs to repel one of an SCP-6002-B instance, during when it had a containment breach at Site-1000, also known as 'Bug Jar', kick a large segment of a pillar, and run on walls and ceilings.

SCP-6002 was discovered when the laboratory of the Nanite Project had exploded through sabotage, releasing and corrupting the Nanites all over many places on the Earth, with the exception of the Foundation, Providence, and Japan. 2 of instances, SCP-6002-A-1 and SCP-6002-A-2 are found after fighting alongside SCP-6000, SCP-6001-3-1 and SCP-6001-3-2, and SCP-6003, a group that would later become Mobile Task Force Beta-1, Codename: New Borns. SCP-6002-A-3 was discovered by SCP-6000-1 and SCP-6002-A-1 when the 2 instances were taken to its pocket dimension, where it held Greenville as its location. SCP-6002-A-3 later lets go of the 2 instances after SCP-6000-1 made a deal with it.
SCP-6002-A-4, 5, and 6 were discovered in Hong Kong, when they helped SCP-6002-A-1 and 2 restrain 096, and were revealed to be SCP-6002-A-1's old friends of a gang. Subject's willingly turns themselves in.

A record of the conversation goes on how this happened, and where he learned to heal SCP-6002-B.


Guest Interviewer Rebecca Holiday

Interviewee: SCP-6002-A-1

Rebecca Holiday: Hello, Rex. How are you feeling?

SCP-6002-A-1: Pretty great, actually. A little exhausted, but great!

Rebecca Holiday: Good. Now Rex, the foundation wants to answer some questions about how you learned the ability to heal. They will believe in what you say, even if you think they might believe it is insane. Will you do it for them.

SCP-6002-A-1: (Thinks about if for a minute before making up his mind) Sure.

Rebecca Holiday: Great. Now, do you want to start at the beginning?

SCP-6002-A-1: Yeah, figure you might understand better.

Rebecca Holiday: Okay. Go with it.

SCP-5002-A-1: well, my family wanted to go to the lab with my brother, but since they can't find someone to take care of me, I had to come along. My brother objected at the idea, claiming that one of us will accidentally do something bad that will mess up the laboratory. My father was able to convince him that I will behave. I had no idea what to do other than to come along.

Rebecca Holiday: Okay, continue

SCP-6002-A-1: The place I was in, it was huge. Something I moved thought I'd see. There were so many scientists working that I don't know how many to count. It went okay in there at first. There weren't any problems at all, or anything else of the matter. But than, an incident came that changed the entirety of my life forever.

Rebecca Holiday: What happened?

SCP-6002-A-1:(Sighs) a scientist was inside a hydraulic room. He is trying to sabotage so that it would have destroyed the facility. I tried to stop him, but unfortunately, he succeeded. Fortunately for me, he didn't survive the explosion. But me, I was slowly dying. My parent saved me by injecting me with the original Nanites, one that does it's original programming. I was than put into a chamber so I could survive. But the chamber cracked and broke. I would have died...but than...time stopped. At first I was freaked out, but then a voice told me to stay calm, before I was transported. The dimension I was in was made of gears, pistons, hydraulics, and any machinery that existed in the world. In the center of the room was a strange mechanical being. It wasn't an E.V.O, it was something else.

Rebecca Holiday: What did it look like?"

SCP-6002-A-1: It has robotic legs with gears at the back of them. The toes have screws in the place of toenails, and has 4 fingers on the right arm that holds a staff that has a gear on top, with a metallic version of the Earth at the center, while the left arm has 3 fingers. The collar has gears on it, with the gear filled with Greek symbols on the right side, Roman numerals at the left, and 2 unknown symbols at the front. The face has a lens at the right eye, as well as a left eyes having a clock-like object, except it had no numbers. Just the arrows.

Rebecca Holiday: What is the name of that being?

SCP-6002-A-1: it calls himself [DATA EXPUNGED]. He explained that the Nanites were in fact created from pieces of him, used as cores. The explosion had somehow corrupted the original programming and made it the way it is. However, he told me that I can cure those with a single touch. He even was the one that gave me the Omega-1 Nanite, in the form of a glowing blue orb with antennas on every side of it. However, he didn't have enough time to explain anymore as he is powers are getting drained. So I took the Nanites that was made from him. The experience was actually calming, it was like my body is healing, becoming stronger by the second. He than says I have been reborn as his child, and that I was ready to take up his legacy.

Rebecca Holiday: I see. Alright, thank you, Rex. I hope to see you in a mission.

SCP-5002-A-1: See ya!

<End Log>

Dr. Bright: This is insane. First, the god of flesh, now the god of machines. Why did he chose Rex?

Dr. Clef: I don't know, but whatever it is, both Alex and Rex seem to play a big role in their hand.

Scientist: It seems they have a destiny ahead of them. It is now up to them to decide the date of the world we live in.

Dr. Gears: Let's hope so.

Okay. I got very angry at people for not attempting to try this sort of thing out, alongside the Scarab, which I had already did. If they could do both the prototype and the Symbiote, why can't they just do these sort of SCP readings.

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