Scp-6007 "Tokyo Ghoul"

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Item # 6007

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Any instanced Of SCP-6007 are to be brought to containment. Should any of the instances of SCP-6007 be spotted, mobile task forces Alpha-9 and Beta-1 are to be brought in together for containment. SCP-6007 instanced are to be kept in seperated rooms, and are to be fed dead human clones from SCP-038, in order for them to not consume one another.

SCP-6007 instanced are to be kept in a 5 X 5 X 5 meter room, each seperated from one another. Its Kagune are also allowed to make more weapons, in order to combat them.

Description: SCP-6007 are a carnivorous and cannibalistic humanoid species that are only able to feed on the flesh of humans and other ghouls. They are as close to humans as possible: they normally display the same attributes; the same physical appearance and intelligence as a human with the main exception being their inner biology, mentality, and diet.

SCP-6007 instanced have a high physical capability and are four to seven times stronger than the average human: they are able to send the average human flying if struck with enough force, and can penetrate a human's body with their bare hands. They are also capable of jumping to heights not achievable by a regular human. Their bodies are extremely resistant to injury. For example, if a SCP-6007 instance were to be stabbed with a knife, the blade would break instead, suffering a small scratch that heals almost instantly. However, higher kinetic forces, such as a fall from a great height, can and will harm them.

SCP-6007 instances senses are much keener than those of humans. They can smell people or meat from afar and tell humans and instance apart by their scent. They also have a heightened sense of hearing that even allows some SCP-6007 instances to discern individual footsteps far away.

The origin of these aspects of SCP-6007 instances biology and the origin of the SCP-6007 instances are generally unknown. At large, nothing is currently known of the origin of the SCP-6007 Instances, except that a type of cell play a large role, which are called RC Cells. The RC Cells are certain cells that exist only in the SCP-6007 instances. The origin of the name comes from how each individual cell looks like a curled up fetus. They exist in both humans and SCP-6007 instances. They flow like blood but can become as solid as teeth, and could be called "liquid muscles". Typically, a SCP-6007 instance stocks Rc cells by eating people.

RC cells play a huge part in their biology. Ghouls have an RC factor ten times higher than that of a human. If the average healthy human were to have about 200-500 RC level, then the SCP-6007 instances has about 1000-8000 RC level. They possess an organ known as the Kakuhou. The Kakuhou is a sack-like organ that is only present in ghouls. The purpose of the Kakuhou is to store Rc cells. Within the body, the Rc cells are concentrated and stored in a Kakuhou. The nutrition contained in the Rc cells are absorbed by the ghoul. These cells are transported to the kakuhou in the blood and stored inside.

The Rc cells can be released from the kakuhou piercing the skin either consciously or due to excitement. A ghoul can have more than one kakuhou. In some cases, it seems that the stronger a ghoul becomes, their body develops more kakuhou, examples being with instances 2,3,and each having 6–8 and 5, Kanpeki, having an unspecified amount.

The Kakuhou can vet located on either the shoulder blades, below the shoulder blades, the back of the waist, or located near the tailbone.

When activating their abilities, the manifest their eyes, the Kakugan. The Kakugan denotes a ghoul's eye where the iris turns red, and the sclera black with red veins across the eye and into the skin around the eye. The ghoul can enter this state by their own will, but can also enter in extreme emotions. Generally, a ghoul possesses two kakugan and they always activate together. If a subject possesses only one kakugan, they are a one-eyed ghoul, or SCP-6007-2. A new type of ghoul/human hybrid is created called SCP-6007-3.

SCP-6007-3 instances possess only one kakugan like a one-eyed ghoul, but their sclera is grey. SCP-6007-3 instances only digest human food and they do not crave human flesh like the SCP-6007-2 instances, and normal SCP-6007 instances do. Even so, devouring human flesh still triggers responses from their Rc cells, increasing the overall abilities of a SCP-6007-3.  are shown to possess increased physical traits similar to those of ghouls, such as enhanced strength and agility, though this appears to vary greatly from individual to individual. A heightened sense (i.e, smell, hearing, sight) is typical, and healing abilities on par with those of a ghoul are possible side effects of the surgery. Dr. [REDACTED] claims that the more half-ghouls and Quinx get hurt, the more their bodies are filled with Rc cells and thus their basic abilities will increase.

Cells, they can release the RC cells to form the Kagune. The Kagune is the predatory organ of the SCP-6007 instances and functions as their weapon and claws. It is usually as red as blood (the colors are varied in the anime to distinguish the kagune of each individual), flexible like the flow of water, but firm and sturdy. When released, a SCP-6007 instance's physique is strengthened, they are more resilient, and their mobility heightens. A kagune is composed of Rc cells, which flow just like blood, can become as solid as teeth and can be described as "liquid muscles." The Rc cells are released from a kakuhou piercing the skin, and the released Rc cells form the kagune. The kagune are voluntary muscles as SCP-6007 instanced can control them whenever they want and repeatedly harden and soften them at will. Kagune size depend on the Rc cells' quality and quantity while the shape depends on the creativity and intellect of the user.

Although a instance's healing ability is high, the healing of wounds tends to be delayed if the wounds are inflicted by a Kagune. It is also evident that in order to counter a Kagune in battle, one must also have a Kagune, if not, at least something in relation to a kagune. Research conducted by the SCP scientists. resulted in identifying three stages of kagune formation. At their current knowledge, the stages are the same for every ghoul capable of manifesting kagune.

Formative Stage

At the point base of the kagune where the Rc cells erupt from the kakuhou, the erupted Rc cells will form bonds with each other. They will organize themselves in the structure best fit for their Rc type in a repeated web. This repeated action of the cells will occur instantaneously and lead to the next stage.

Fixative Stage

The bonded Rc cells will retain the resulted form for a fixed length of time. The basic shape of the kagune is seen at this stage. During this time, the defensive and offensive capabilities and weaknesses will take on their respective properties to the SCP-5008 instance's Rc type. The manifested Kagune's appearance is usually hereditary, taking on the shape and characteristics of their genetic predecessors, additionally, Kagune size also depends on the Rc cells' quality and quantity while the shape depends on the creativity and intellect of the user. In relation to this stage is the user's manual control of the kagune's movement and actions, which can include crystallization and increase in length, dexterity, sharpness, and concentration.

Disintegrative Stage

After time has elapsed, the bonds between the cells begin to break apart. At this point, the kagune loses its solidity and deteriorates.

The kagune's appearance and the place of emergence on the body depend on the Rc type of the ghoul. There are four different Rc types: ukaku, koukaku, rinkaku, and bikaku. As a guideline, each type can characteristically subdue another type, although it may be different for two specific opponents. Each Rc type has a set of strengths and weaknesses, each one unique to its type.


An Ukamu Kagune is spread out like feathers and is released from the shoulder area, it specializes in high speed attacks, most of the users seeming to have highly enhanced speed. The Kagune is lightweight and can be used to deliver high-speed attacks against an adversary, the primary method of attack is crystallizing their Kagune to deliver a high speed torrent of spike-like projectiles, however whilst crystallized they are much stiffer and cannot be used for short range combat; at least one ukaku-type can generate powerful lightning-like bolts, a possible rare ability. While the Kagune is suited both for short-distance and long-distance attacks, short-range is considered their weakness. They may use their Kagune as a shield and several are capable of shaping them into sharp blades reminiscent of a koukaku to aid in close quarters. Many Ukaku-types are able to increase the flexibility of their Kagune for short-range combat, though this makes it ill-suited for their distinctive long-range attacks.

Altogether Ukaku-type ghouls have a high chance of ending a battle quickly as releasing Rc cells depletes stamina. Thus, Ukaku-type users lack endurance and are at a disadvantage if the battle drags on for a long time. Ukaku-type users can use their speed and mobility to shoot down Bikaku-type users from afar. However, a Koukaku-type user can suppress an ukaku-type user by successfully guarding against the Ukaku-type user's attacks, leaving them vulnerable to counterattacks and exhausting the Ukaku-type user in the long run.


A Koukaku Kagune is released below the shoulder blade. Due to its high density of Rc cells, it is heavy and extremely robust, giving it the greatest sturdiness and making them very well suited for defense. Normally, they are generally shaped into armors or shields, but on the offense, they can be shaped like melee weapons such as drills, hammers, blades, and swords.

Due to its high weight, a Koukaku's speed is inferior to all other Rc types and the Kagune is difficult to wield.

A Koukaku can fend off an ukaku onslaught using its guarding capabilities. However, a Rinkaku Kagune can deliver severe strikes against the slow Koukaku, breaking their kagune and breaching their defenses.


A Rinkaku Kagune has an appearance similar to scaled tentacles and is released at the back around the waist. A Rinkaku wielder has powerful regenerative abilities and some could even survive the most critical of damage. Its peculiar appearance and structure yield a superior striking power and they excel in brute strength. Some Rinkaku users are able to manipulate the shape of their Kagune, such as changing its usual tentacle form into swords or claws.

This type's regenerative power is a result of the Rc cells easily binding together. Their Rc cells are similar to liquid. However, this means that the binding force among the Rc cells are weak, therefore making the kagune very soft and easy to break. But because their Rc cells bind so easily, some rinkaku can bind their multiple tentacle-like Kagune together to make a larger, stronger Kagune. So far the number of tentacles that Rinkaku users can create are from one to eight tentacles.

A Rinkaku Kagune can deliver severe strikes against the slow Koukaku, penetrating the kagune and breaching the Koukaku's defenses. However, a Rinkaku has serious problems fighting against the balanced Bikaku Kagune: A Bikaku has comprehensively high power, allowing them to fight against the brute-force rinkaku, and the Rinkaku kagune softness makes it comparatively easy for the Bikaku to cut the kagune off. This disarms a Rinkaku no matter how much strength it may possess, leaving the Rinkaku at a disadvantage on the defensive. It has been shown that in some cases, a Bikaku attack can disable a Rinkaku's regeneration.


A Bikaku kagune typically has a tail-like appearance and is released around the tail-bone/coccyx. It is good for medium-distance attacks and has decent offense, defense, and speed. Thus, they have no notable strengths or weaknesses like the kagune based on other Rc types, meaning the kagune itself is treated as a surprise "trump card." The number of tails a bikaku user can create is usally one, but some can create more.

A Bikaku has better speed and durability against the brute-force, breakable rinkaku, allowing them to cut off the Rinkaku's kagune. However, a Bikaku will be overwhelmed by the faster Ukaku-user and will lose against the Ukaku's long-range attacks.

The balanced characteristics makes the kagune a preferred quinque type for inexperienced soldiers.

In some cases, a ghoul's kagune can possess several unique abilities. While the kagune's basic structure itself is quite simple, the occurrences concurrent with these phenomena are unexplained, however they have been accredited to highly concentrated amounts of Rc cells.


The kagune while in use may be surrounded by a lightning-like aura, capable of generating electricity that can be utilized in an offensive and destructive manner. This is not a learned characteristic, but is hereditary, originating from the kakuhou. Note this ability may be passed onto a quinque, shown by SCP-6007-1-1. This ability has only been shown in Ukaku-type instances.


Thus far, this has only been demonstrated by SCP-6007-1-2, however, the mutated Rc cells were able to generate heat, as well as flames reaching 4000 degrees Celsius.


This ability is only seen by SCP-6007-1-3, however, this causes the Rc Cells to generate cold temperatures, as well as the ground reaching -4000 degrees Celsius.

Rc-Cell Blast

The Kagune/Quinque will release a high amount of condensed Rc-Cells and shoots them of in the form of a destructive wave or beam. The only Ghoul shown to use this ability was the SCP-6007-2-1. in the form of a destructive wave.


This ability to alter the users appearance has only been shown by SCP-6007-2-2 and SCP-6007-2-3, indicating how unique it is.

It can be used to revert the physical appearance of the user back to how they looked in their younger years, as Roma used it to keep herself looking young. The ability can also mimic the appearance of others well enough to fool even those familiar with the individual being mimicked. This includes creating detailed facial features and body structures to be realistic enough to function much like a real body, as shown by SCP-6007-2-3.

Furthermore does the ability allow the user to alter the shape of the body as desired, as shown by SCP-6007-1-2, called 'Roma',who morphed her hand into a clawed version of increased size. The extend of how far the body can be altered by this method is unknown.

When SCP-6007 instances repeatedly cannibalize other 6007 instances, they rarely develop an abnormal Kagune apart from the common predatory Kagune. This kagune typically takes an armor-like shape, and Instances with such a Kagune are called Kakujas.

Sometimes, the transformation is incomplete, and such individuals are called half-kakujas.

It is said that through cannibalism, a instance absorbs Rc cells, and this increases the concentration of Rc cells within a instance's body. If the concentration becomes high enough, it may trigger a mutation and lead to the formation of a new Kagune.

A Kakuja can further evolve by continuing to cannibalize their kind. An example would be from SCP-6007-1-4, who repeatingly cannibalized his own kin, and the Kagune resembles the tails of a Millipede. The transformation seems to be affected by psychological factors as SCP-6007-1-4's Kakuhou Kagune, resembling the Millipede that once went inside his ear, before is transformation.

Apart from the predatory kagune instances commonly possess, a kakuja has a special kagune that clads a instance's body and functions like an armor. The Kagune amplifies the Kakuja's strength or diversifies their abilities, which makes fighting one of them especially hard.

However, using a Kakuja Kagune is nearly impossible because most users tend to lose their minds while fighting with it. It is unknown why some instances are able to remain sane and others are not. One reason may be that all unstable/insane instances using kakuja are half/incomplete as full Kakujas are not observed to have any problems maintaining control. It appears that a Kakuja Kagune can form a mask over the user's face if need be.

SCP-6007 is discovered when reports of eaten humans kept appearing, and one of the witness saw an instance of SCP-6007, and gave the witness an Amnesiac. The instanced were than captured, and brought to SCP Containment to Site-19.

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