The Newborns vs The Ghouls

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The Newborns have been given a new mission today. They are going to Seattle, due to the appearances of humans who have parts of their bodies partially eaten. Nobody knows what was the cause of this, but they do know that there is a description of a person with red eyes. Alex does have his eyes glow red, but he does not eat. No, it was something else.

Right now, they are in the helicopter, but they are not alone. SCP-076-2 and SCP-105, along with the members of this team called:Last Hope, are also present in the helicopter to. The reason why is because that there might be more of those things than we had counted, as Alex said. The foundation believed that he has a good point, and both of the SCPs are allowed. But SCP-076-2 prefers to do a death glare are anyone of the Newborns. Almost all of them aren't interested, except for the E.V.O. Rex and Abel locked eyes, as they growled at each other in a glare battle. Obviously, the both of them hate each one another. There is going to be some serious rivalry with them, as well as possibly some fighting in the situation today.

Right now, they have landed on one of the tallest building in the middle of Seattle. Alex climbed down first while carrying SCP-105, than Toxin and Scorn with their ability to wall-crawl. Blue beetle just became invisible, and Rex just went down and used the Blast Caster as a rope, and held on to Circe. And Abel...he just jumped and crashed down. Well, that was very strange. 

The Newborns, as well as Last Hope, are both together, and are planning to find on where these creatures are.

"So, How do we find whatever this things are, Alex?"

Rex spoke out to him.

"We're going to split up, which would cover more ground. The Newborns will go North. Last Hope, you go East. They should be most likely to appear in those direction. Alright, let's split up now."

The other teams nodded yes, but not before both Abel and Rex glared once more, before the teams than separated.

As the Newborns go north, Alex is trying to use an ability that's called, Hunting.

He than tried to use it, and the pulse came back in one direction:West.

"This way."

Alex and the others ran to the direction that the hunting pulse send. After they jump on roofs, they went down to what seems to be an alleyway.

After a couple more minutes, they went to a dead end. And this one has a corpse of a human. The human is a female, with blond hair, blue eyes, and has a blue dress.

As they continued looking at it, they hard a sound of something growling from behind. They turned to see a black-haired man, with a black sclera, and red irises. The rest isn't seen, due to hiding is face.

Alex than turns and uses his Blade to intimidate this...thing.

"Who are you?!" Alex said

The humanoid being didn't answer, except for making 3 red tentacles come out his back.

"I will not ask again. Who on earth are you?"

Alex spoke out more sterner. The creature didn't respond again. The only response it gave...charging at Alex Mercer, ready to eat and consume him. Alex charges and clashes the tentacle with his large blade.

Both than deactivated their powers, and went a physical fight for a little bit.

The unknown than brought back his tentacles, and began to attack Alex again. Alex than retaliates by using his Whipfist and his Claw for lethality.

As the tentacles reach him, Alex extends his Whipfist, and used both weapons to cut and slash at the appendages. The creature is actually putting up a challenge, but Alex is not giving up easily.

Suddenly, more of it's kind than came down from above. And most are actually willing to attack not just the other Newborns, but also one of their very own kin.

5 are male and one is a female.

"Look! Those people are blocking our food. Let's chow on them instead."

The others and prepare to attack all 7 of them. The person that Alex was fighting than stopped and went next to the virus prototype.

"So, you aren't with them?"

Alex spoke to the person. He remained silent, before finally speaking out his answer, finally.

"No...I'm not with them."

The person spoke out loud.

"Than it looks like we have some common people here."

He nodded and then prepares to fight his kin, when Alex and the others joined.

"By the way...the name is Alex Mercer. What in the world is your name?"

Alex spoke out. The person than paused for a minute, before finally saying his answer.


Alex nodded his head, and all 7 of the fighter than prepare to battle the group ready to kill them.

Alex made his first move and attacked one. His blade and claw are now activated.

Similar to the person that he fought against, Kanpeki, he hacked and slashed at the appendages on the creature's back. The creature than tried to cut him to pieces with its tentacles, but Alex jumped and dodged out of the way, and used his blade towards its head, which is blocked by one of the tentacles. The creature than tried to use all 4 tentacles, but Alex activated his shield.

He blocked the tentacles, and took no damage at all. Alex than used his Hammerfists and pounded the ground, hard. This caused the creature to loose balance, and gave Alex enough time to attack it.


Kanpeki battles another of the Ghouls. It has happen a number of times, and this is the sixth time that he has to fight another. He has gotten out of Japan, and it doesn't stop. It is like they have a tracking chip on him, so that they know exactly where Kanpeki is really going. Kanpeki than made a blade out of his Kagane, and cut this one's own Kagune

He than leapt up into the air, and made a 3 fingered claw to grab him onto so he could pound him to the ground.

This failed, and the Ghoul got out of the way, making Kankepi making a crater at the Ghoul's place when he slammed the ground. The Ghoul than went behind Kankepi and slashed at his back, which severely injures him. He kept repeating striking it, until a mask grew on Kankepi's face, and a Kagune, in the form of a millipede, struck the attacking Ghoul.

The Kajuka resembles the same one from his twin, Ken. However, he is still in control of his own actions. He than swiped his clawed hand towards his Ghoul opponent. The Ghoul dodged, but the millipede tail actually hit him. This has cent him flying and crashing to a building. Kanpeki than charged at the Ghoul to prepare his death.

Symbiote side...

Toxin and Scorn are battling some twin Ghouls. One of them has dual claws, while the otther has a barrage of spreading limbs. Rock went for the one with dual claws, since he is more fitted against him. Toxin than made a dark-blue blade at the right arm. He manage to hit the Ghoul at the chest. It staggered back a bit, and Toxin went to it.

He than made his Claws larger, when he got angry. This made him Venom-Sized. He manage to grab the claws, which his are not just a big as its. Toxin than threw it, and generate powerful webbing, reeling it back, and slammed into it. Toxin than revealed his mouth. He bit hard on the Ghoul, who screamed in pain. He than threw it back, and charged at it again. But the creature has a surprise of its own. He suddenly generated electricity and hit Toxin with it, full blast. The Symbiote recoiled in pain. Great...this is much tougher than she could ever imagine.

Scorn is fighting against one with many limbs on it. It was so difficult because of how fast it is blocking her rapid-fire shots. To make it worse, it seems to generate temperatures to 4000 degrees Fahrenheit, making it have fire around its fists. However, she was able to damage it with shots that are way more powerful, and are similar to a cannon. The force of the blast sent him back and left the Ghoul smoked. She deactivated the cannon, and helps her brother.

Blue Beetle Point Of View...

Blue Beetle is using his blasters and maces, as well as his appendages on his back, in order to fight against them on even grounds. The beetle-like appendages were able to help him fight off against the red tentacles. Speaking of the red tentacles.

"Khaji Da! Scan those appendages!!"

Khaji than has the eyes of Jaime glow out, in order to scan the appendages. After a minute, while Jaime is still fighting off against that thing, Khaji Da finished and informed his report telepathically.

"Jaime Reyes. It seems that the tentacles... They flow like blood but can become as solid as teeth, and could be called "liquid muscles". These creature can stock these cells by eating people. Within the body, the Rc cells are concentrated and stored in a sack-like organ that is only present in those creatures. The nutrition contained in these cells are absorbed by the creature. These cells are transported to the organ in the blood and stored inside.  The Rc cells can be released from the organ piercing the skin either consciously or due to excitement. These released cells form the appendages that is made. Depending on the type, it can appear in the shoulder blade, the shoulder, the waist, and the tailbone. They are known only as Kagunes. The Kagunes is flexible like the flow of water, but firm and sturdy. When released, a ghoul's physique is strengthened, they are more resilient, and their mobility heightens. A kagune is composed of the cells that are made from the organ that stores the cells. This organ is called 'Kakuhou'. The Kagune are voluntary muscles as those creature can control them whenever they want and repeatedly harden and soften them at their own will. A Kagune size can depend on the amount of the cells' quality and quantity while the shape depends on the creativity and intellect of the user. The Kagune is also the source of their regenerative ability."

"So by just taking those Kagune's out, we can win! Great, I got it alright."

Jaime than blasted one of the Kagune, and blasted the body of the mysterious creature. However, the creature has another trick up it's sleeve, as it than started to cover the ground with cold frost! The temperatures has started freezing. This ability caused Jaime to have his own feet stuck. The distraction was long enough to ram right into Jaime, Who is than launched to the wall that's behind him. Jaime, however, completely recovers from the attack, an went back up to attack the creature, this time, he spread his wings out, began to hover, and shoot his arm cannons. But the creature is generating a blast on its own.

Blue beetle than prepares to take in the mysterious creature, now that he knows that it is, and its weakness. He is going to give the monster a Scarab sandwich. And possible, more of some.

The E.V.Os Point Of View...

Rex and Circe are having a difficult time fighting against whatever those things really are. They are similar to the Symbiotes and the Scarab, except that it's from their appendages. The tried to use a blade from its scaly appendages. Rex countered with his Smack Hand and then the B.F.S.

Rex could not believe that these people are just as strong as the Team Newborns. After he clashed with the B.F.S, he then used the Smack Hands in order to knock the agile creature away.

He than saw that the creature is coming back up, and is about to attack again. This time, with its own blade. So this time, Rex than reactivated the B.F.S.

The being than clashed with the B.F.S, with Rex pushing it back, and Rex was preparing to attack it, when a sonic screech attacked it. Rex turned to find Circe helping Rex attack the creature.

The creature than pressed a button without knowing what he did, and a missile came out, and try to explode right in the E.V.O couple. Reacting, Rex used Smack Hands to grab and block it.

The creature than tried to attack the E.V.Os with one more assault on the couple. But before he can touch, the sound of helicopters are heard from above the group. The helicopter landed, and suddenly, the SCP soldiers came in, and prepare to shoot those creatures. The creatures tired to attack the soldiersx but surprisingly, Abel came out and grabbed the creature by the neck, and threw that one to the wall. SCP-105 than took a picture, grabbed them in her hand, and slammed them together on the ground, which shed knocked them out.

Than, the soldiers shoot nets out of their handheld cannons. It trapped them with electricity so power, they're knocked out.

"Alright, everyone. We had gotten what we have came for. It's time to return now."

Everyone, not even Kanpeki, did not speak out another word. They all went to the helicopter and hope to get some great well deserved rest.

Back at the SCP Foundation...

Rex is taking a bath. After working in the foundation, he felt it was to long since he had cleaned. He felt and smelled stinky. He put the clothes in the wash, and he took the bath, and thankfully, he locked the door this time.

As he kept looking in the ceiling, he began to think everything in his life that had happened a lot. The time he got his powers. When he first made a group. When he first met with his girlfriend, Circe, and now, in a world of many dangerous supernatural creatures. This entire abnormal, and so out of control. Not even he knows how to explain this entire thing.

As he kept on thinking, the door than suddenly crashed to the front of the bathroom wall.


Rex jumped and wore a towel around himself, like usual. He looked and see Circe, only, she's wearing a towel.

"C-Circe! Why did you knock the entire door down?!"

Circe than smiled, as she walked up to him, seductively.

"I am just here to take a bath with my lover. Is that so wrong?"

"N-No. it's not wrong. I just thought it would be very wrong of that."

Circe smiles a bit wider.

" is what lovers do, don't they? Taking a bath with one another, together."

Rex nodded, while he's blushing, and put the door back in place. Both her and Rex sat in the tub.

"So...Rex? What have you been thinking in the bathroom?"

Circe spoke out, since she heard him doing his imagination. Rex sighed and spoke out an honest answer to Circe.

"I've been thinking...about the events that led to this point. All those years and we had become this, and now, we are in a world that are filled with any being from the supernatural. This is just a rather insane place to be in. Don't know what to say."

Circe than took Rex by the hand, as both Rex and Circe stare at one another for about a minute.

"Rex...I know how you felt when we both got involved in the supernatural world. But you know what, Rex! We won't have to do this alone. We have friends that are in the same situation as we are in. They have been through the similar stuff we have been. We always watch each other's backs, and always stick together. Do not forget about that Rex. We are never alone. We still are behind you and we will always have your back. We will protect one another no matter what."

Rex was surprised at the speech she made, but smiled. She is right. He is not going to be in this situation all by himself. He has friend with him. Circe than began to close the distance, and Rex, so entranced by her beautiful face, trees to do the same. But before they could kiss...


Cricket came out from the door, and knocked it down. She is wearing a blue towel, covering her whole body. Her top part revealed some of the carapace on her. Rex and Circe were surprised that Cricket decided to come.

"I'm the one that gets to hang out with Rex, since I am his first friend!"

"Yeah...but not the first lover he's ever had!"

Cricket and Circe got into an argument on who gets to stay with Rex here. Obviously, Rex is very uncomfortable with them arguing like that. He wanted to protest on this thing, but believes that they aren't going to listen. So Rex decided to lean on head against the wall...only...he isn't leaning on the bathroom walls. He is leaning on something else in the bathroom...or better...someone. Suddenly, 2 pairs of arms, the first larger, second normal, wrap around Rex's body, by none other than...Breach herself. And she is not wearing a towel over her body. And where did Rex rested on...I think you know.

"Well...if you're both going to keep arguing...I'll bathe with Rex, but somewhere else."

The others and saw Breach. She than pulled Rex into her pocket dimension.

"Hey! Wait for the both of us!!!"

Both Circe and Cricket look at one another, before jumping inside of the portal, before it could even close, with Cricket going inside it first. Sometimes, Rex can't get enough of the rest he deserves.

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