SCP-6055 "The Children of Mars"

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Item#: 6055

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedues: SCP-6055 is to be monitored at all times. Through the use of the Sattelite, observers at the controls must remain looking at SCP-6055 and its instances. Due to the nature of SCP-6055-2, as well as its vast number of instances and the abilities of them, containment is impossible. If any entities were to shapeshift and suddenly go to the outside world, observers must make a drawing of the appearance of the form the SCP-6055-2 instance is. If it has not attacked, MTF members are to try and convince it to go back to where it belongs, and must not threaten it. If it becomes aggressive without anyone threatening the instance, MTF members are to ready flamethrowers, and are to prepare to terminate it through any means. MTF members are also to use any form of Psychic Dampeners to prevent any instance from using its Psychic Abilities, should it possibly use it to attack any people present, and must tell them and their reason to make sure that they are not a threat, so that the instance can see them as reasonable.

Description: SCP-6055 are 6 city-sized chunks of really large rocks that had belonged to the former planet, Mars. SCP-6055 is composed of an advanced civilization, with technology far beyond the ones on the planet Earth. SCP-6055, like Earth, has some form of religious sights, and had been shown some strange language, that has been believed to be a part of a ceremonial ritual of some sort. Tests have shown that many of the buildings are made of what seems to be some sort of bio-mechanical material. The machines present on SCP-6055 are also capable of generating its own atmosphere, which allow any in the radius of the Atmosphere field or make the area breathable. All of these are made by the instances that are known as SCP-6055-2.

(An SCP-6055 Instance in the middle of Shapeshifting phase)

SCP-6055-2 are a race of humanoids. There are in fact 2 types of these sort of instances that are currently existing now: SCP-6055-G and SCP-6055-F.

SCP-6055-G instances are a race of humanoids that can stand from average to above-average human height. The feature of the SCP-6055 instances are that they are green and possess red eyes. These instances are very civilized and social entities, although the way they speak are most at times very monotone and emotionless in some ways.

SCP-6055-G have psionic control of their physical body, which is controlled down to the molecular level. This in turn, allows them to do a form of shape-shifting which can allow them to mimic other forms, elongate aspects of their body, increase or decrease their physical size, heal wounds from their bodies, grow extra limbs, make another head at the back of their own head, and even make clothing out of their bodies, while making them feel similar to everyday clothing. SCP-6055-G instanced can cause the biopolymers in their bodies to lose their ability to reflect light, making the Instances invisible to normal light and human sight. Instances of SCP-6055-G have been known to utilize a technique called Density Shifting. Through this, Instances of SCP-6055-G are enabled to move through solid objects or become incredibly dense and difficult to damage, and due to their shapeshifting abilities, they do not need to eat, drink, or anything that can sustain themselves like a regular human needs daily. However, this is very disadvantageous for them, as due to the fact that their molecules are more manipulated, it makes them more suspecting to flames, which are the weaknesses of SCP-6055-G. The advantage for this, however, is that they can be immune to Earth's diseases, even the most deadliest. However, it is completely unknown if they can resist the SCP diseases

SCP-6055-G have the ability to read the minds of others and project their thoughts to varying degrees. They can also project their mental essences into a gestalt community known as the "Great Mind". Through this, the community can enhance the telepathic strength of other Instances. This power can also enable them to reverse the effects of amnesia or psychological brainwashing. Although it can be painful to human subjects to the point of making them throw up, it is painless on later interactions with the instances. When using Telepathy, they are capable of making illusions, utilizing Astral Projection, possess other entities, and assault their minds to the point of either making targets unconscious or even brain dead in extreme cases. In most cases, Instances will go into some form of Meditative stance, which is presumably to concentrate more on their telepathic powers.

As an extension of this, Instances can also use the ability to alter a psychological profile of a target, enabling them to manipulate, and in some cases, outright control that individual. This practice is greatly discouraged however, and they are said to rarely use this technique.

The instances of SCP-6055-G also seem to possess Telekinesis. Through this, they are capable of picking up objects with their own minds, or even using it on themselves for flight, making it very useful to go to other areas. However, it is unknown just how far their telekinetic abilities go.

SCP-6055-G instances visual acuity greatly exceed human norms and allows for a wider range of information to be observed. This includes X-Ray, seeing the Infrared, Electro-Magnetic Spectrum Vision, Telescopic Vision, and the ability to see at the Microscopic Level. They can even project extremely destructive beams from their eyes, which causes very considerable damage. And if they focus hard, they can even resist time manipulation and reality warping to an extent, and also protect any allies from it. However, it must require a great amount of concentration and energy.

Due to their shapeshifting abilities, Instances of SCP-6055-G can inhale large amounts of air, allowing them to use extremely strong breaths, or to use for a loud scream, which is their way of scaring anybody threatening to them.

Due to their psychology, the instances of SCP-6055-G are able to be ageless, or at least, live much longer than the average human. One of the instances was even said to be over 1,500 years old in Earth Years, but is 30-40 in the years of Mars. Another is said to be 72, but is physically 24.

(An SCP-6055-W instance)

SCP-6055-W Instances are similar to the SCP-6055-G. These instances are white, and are more powerful than SCP-6055-G. Unlike the previous instance, these instances are very hostile and very aggressive.

These Instances also have extra abilities that the SCP-6055-G instances don't have. They are able to project a powerful "Mental blast" than can hit the target mentally or leave it unconscious. They can feel and detect the mind of others, such when someone unknown to them is coming, or when they feel and sense the pain of others. SCP-6055-W Instances are able to generate "Mental shield" in their and other people's minds to prevent mental intrusions. This can also allow humans and SCP-5055 instances to resist Cognitohazards and even Infohazards.

On very rare occasions, however, there can also be some instances that are just as passive and social as the Green Instances. However, these types of instances are not common.

SCP-6055 has appeared in Earth, after the 1548 event that has taken place 2 week prior the event ended. When one of the vessels that had been infected by one of the unknown entities from outside of the cloud, many of the SCP-6055 instances had to get out as fast as they can, and even carried many of their cities to escape it. But not all instances survived. There is still enough, however, to repopulate and reform them.

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