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Alex and Rex are shocked. Right before them is in fact an actual Martian now. But they had thought things like this is not real. Than again, they have been know to do stuff that was not real, and had seen stuff that defied the laws of reality and physics. So this is kind of not so different right now. Rex than spoke through the telepathic connection she still had.

'Are you serious? You're actually a Martian? I thought that...'

M'gann made an amused smirked.

Obviously, he thought that they were just an imaginative thing, and kind of expected them to look somewhat like this. How people usually believe it.

Rex than facepalmed himself, embarrassed at what he was thinking. M'gann and Alex must have seen what was in his mind, because both Alex and M'gann had laughed sheepishly, seeing how hilarious Rex is here.

'Guys, that's not even funny!!'

But Alex and M'gann couldn't help it, seeing it hilarious. After a little bit, everyone calmed down, and Alex spoke.

"So...ummm...M'gann, how did you get to Earth, if you don't mind asking us."

M'gann's smile dropped a bit, before speaking an unhappy tone.

"Something...something bad happens back on Mars...I have no real idea what was happening back home."

Alex than spoke to her.

"And so was some stuff on Earth. But it mainly involved the Sun."

M'gann looked a bit surprised.

" had actually saw what was happening to the sun?"

Alex and Rex nodded.

"Me not just us...some of our friend, and 2 organization, one of which that we are living inside of also had gotten themselves involved. They were even trying to stop what was suddenly happening...except one of the acts ended up doing the opposite."

M'gann looked a bit surprised. But Rex than spoke out.

"Of course, this isn't surprising in our case, at least. But it was what the extent of the damage that was caused that horrified us, which we'd rather not say."

M'gann nodded her head, understandingly. Than, Alex spoke this out.

"Anyways, are any of your kind also live in Earth?"

M'gann spoke in a confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Rex than raised his head, speaking.

"One of our friend had said of seeing some city-sized pieces of Mars being picked up by some people, and were sent to Earth."

M'gann was a bit shocked, but before she could continue, Alex noticed something, and spoke.

"Someone's coming. M'gann, hide fast."

M'gann listened, but had done something that was rather completely unexpected. She had made a 'hood,' put on the 'hood,' and have suddenly became invisible.

Alex and Rex looked and mentally talked to each other.

'Not in the way that I was expecting, but whatever.'

Rex had mentally said to Alex, who had shrugged, confused with this thing as well. Whilst invisible, M'gann was smiling at how they seem indifferent, obviously seeing way stranger stuff. Obviously, they don't really care. As she looks, she sees a bunch of scientists, which are from the SCP Foundation.

She than comes in to get a closer look, and also began to hear them talking.

"So, you did do us a favor and get us SCP-457 back here, but you still have not found the Green creature with the second mouth and with one of the arms being a mutated tentacle?"

He spoke, as he have the photo to Rex. When M'gann looked, she was shocked at who it is that was one the photo Rex is seeing.

Rex than shook his head.

"We are still working, though. Just hope that we have a way to find her, because even Alex lost her with his sonar hunting ability."

"But we are still progressing. Just hope that it's not too late to stop it."

The foundation nodded, before returning back to the vehicle, which was than driving away fast. Rex and Alex sighed, before M'gann suddenly spoke, jumping them.

"You actually met her?"

Rex and Alex turned and saw that she was rather worried.

"Met who?"

She than spoke.

"That person in the photo, D'Kay."

Rex than realized that.

"Ohhh...yeah, I have met that one. She tried to kill me, and was so close to damaging my brain. Thank God a friend of my stepped in, saving me."

M'gann than spoke out, scared.

"This is not good here. Nobody is safe with her around on this planet."

Alex and Rex looked a reach other, worried at where this is going.

"Do you even know who she is, M'gann?"

M'gann nodded her head, frightened.

"I do know her. D'kay D'Razz was a criminal on Mars. She was arrested for conducting experiments on members of her kind whose minds were not open to the communal martian telepathic mind. Due to the long exposure of isolation, she wasn't mentally any better. In fact, she's more insane than she was ever before."

Alex and Rex are now worried at where this goes.

"That's not good. She might plan on killing some humans. We have to find her, and fast, before it gets out of even our hands."

Rex than spoke out to Alex.

"Right. The question is how we can find her? If my hunting ability can't find her, than something has to help me find her."

As if on cue, a explosion was sent from half a mile away from the area that M'gann and the others are at. Alex and Rex looked at each other.

"Would this thing count here?"

Alex simply glared a bit, before M'gann began to fly. Rex than activated his Packs.

Alex than turns to the direction of the explosion and runs as fast as possible. Rex and M'gann began following.

When they finally made it, they found D'Kay attacking a human, and killed him, messily. Rex than deactivated his Boogie Packs, activated the Slam Cannon, took a chunk of concrete, and fire at the Martian.

The Martian wen through it, however, and recognized Rex, and was angered at him again.


She than charged and swung her tentacle arm, but the arm was cut by something. She tuned, and saw Alex with the Whipfist arm on.

She growled, and spoke out.

"So there is another one that is similar to you. Perhaps I should KILL YOUR FRIEND BEFORE YOU VERY EYES!!!"

Before she can try to attack, M'gann had made her first move, and attack her, using telekinesis to send her flying into a building, hard.

She than attacked even further by using her eye beams. D'Kay, however, recovered using her shapes biting abilities to regenerate. She looked up and snarled.

"I should have known another Martian has survived. But you know what...IT'S MUCH MORE FUN THAN THOSE 2 WEAKLINGS!!!"

She than charged at M'gann, who than does the same. M'gann extended her arms and sucker punched D'Kay in the face. But she went through the ground, went back up, and recovered from that attack.

She than threw a car at her with the tentacle, but M'gann stopped it in mid-air, and dropped it.

M'gann made new arms, and came forward to punch rapidly. The punches are so sudden, that D'Kay didn't have enough time to react to this. D'Kay tried to attack her, but M'gann went through the ground, went behind D'Kay, and turned her entire body invisible.

D'Kay tried to find M'gann, as she is well aware that she had not left. She than was able to see her coming, and shot eye beams at M'gann, surprisingly. She than wrapped her tentacles around the Martian's left arm, in order to pull her in. But M'gann isn't allowing something like this to happen.

M'gann is using her own eye beams to cut the tentacles on her left arm, which has taken on the form of what seems to be a mouth of sorts. She was also able to evade the eye beams that D'Kay tried to shoot her with, which hit the ground. M'gann than used telekinesis to life up a large car, and hits D'Kay with it, which caused an explosion that greatly damaged D'Kay very largely.

While M'gann is distracting D'Kay, Alex than made his first move. He activated his Claws and shouted at M'gann, warningly.

"M'gann!! Get out of the way, and fast!!!"

Heeding the warning, as soon as Alex plunged his claw into the ground, M'gann than made herself intangible and got away rather quickly, as the ground began to crack and later breaks, as black spikes cane out.

But D'Kay dodges the spikes, and went straight for Alex. However, in Alex's view point, time has slowed down, and he was able to jump and react very fast, as to him, it's a pace that made him see her as though she's at the speed of a human bike.

Alex changed his arm into a blade, and tried to cut her in half. While that failed, he was able to cut her legs, which was very, very painful. But D'Kay was able to regenerated as it hasn't separated. She turned to fire at him.

Alex puts up his shield, and deflected the beams aimed at him, and back to D'Kay who had launched it. The beams had hit her, and she was sent back. Rex than checked on M'gann.

"Woah, M'gann! Are you okay?!"

M'gann looked and nodded, honestly. She than turns to see Alex having trouble with D'Kay. Rex than jumped in, brings out the Smack Hands, and used them in drill mode.

D'Kay was sent back and had taken rather painful damage. She than recovered, however, and began to charge at both Alex and Rex to kill them both. But Alex and Rex had one thing to do. Rex activates the Bad Axes, and the both did spin attacks on the Martian.

This was extremely painful to her, as they almost bisect her of her entire body. But the psychotic Martian is not done with them yet. D'Kay than came back up, and charged at them again, in which Alex charged as well with his claws activated. D'Kay than swung the arm at Alex, who then dodged the attack, and amputated it. But the tentacle arm returns, and so it's Rex's turn.

He charges at the entity and now using his Funchucks, he slammed them both together and unleashed a shockwave. The shockwave was powerful enough to send her back rather far.

But D'Kay recovered, and attacked them with much more fury. But as that is happening, Alex decided to pull off one unexpected move. He knocked down a an oil tanker, which leaked out gas. The next thing he did is what made his alarm them. He took out his pocket, and pulled out a box of matches. He turns to them and shout out loud.


Taking the warning, both Rex and M'gann fly away quickly. Alex turned, and as D'Kay charged at the Blacklight being, Alex light the match up, and as she prepares to attack, Alex jumps up into the air, lights the entire box up, and drops it right into the gas itself.

D'Kay than looked and saw where it will land on, and realized what's about to happen to her next. She brings out a panicked expression, but before she could have a change to speak...


The tank exploded in her face, which supposedly had enough powerful to kill the Martian, and Alex is fine, and is chasing after his friends.

Alex had began to jump and glide, in order to catch up to them quickly. He can't bring out his wings, as the situation is not life threatening to activate. After a while, they landed someone near a foggy ocean. Alex and Rex than stopped to take a little break.

"Wow...what was very close."

Rex spoke to his friend. Alex nodded, and spoke back.

"Yeah, but we took care of this thing at least."

Than, M'gann spoke out loud.

"Guys. Do you see that?"

Alex and Rex turned to the fog that she's pointing towards.

"Umm...what're we seeing?"

Alex than decided to use Thernal Vision, and sees some strange humanoid. They look strange, but couldn't really see them. Than he saw one of them change shape by growing extra arms behind its back, as well as a head behind that one normally placed.

"Are we seeing...more Martians?"

He spoke, and M'gann nodded.

"Quick, one you blow the cloud away from the island?"

Alex and Rex turned towards each other, and they both smiled.

"How about the both of us together. Also, can you do the same thing?"

M'gann nodded. Alex brings on his Hammerfists, while Rex prepares the Funchucks for the shockwave. M'gann began to deeply breathing. After a minute, Alex spoke.


Alex did a knuckle shockwave and Rex slammed his Funchucks together, and both the shockwaves combined. M'gann than blows hard, and it was able to push tie shockwave, making the clouds disperse, revealing a city.

The city was so incredible. It looks very futuristic, and with technology that rivals the SCP Foundation. It's so incredible. The Martians from faraway are appearing try and take care of some children, that resembles bald and green humanoid, and many of them look identical. As they look, a Martian walked behind them all, and spoken, who seemingly recognized M'gann.


M'gann turned, along with Alex and Rex, who saw someone they wern't expected to see rift before their eyes.

M'gann than recognized this person, as she slowly changed to her true form. Than, she spoke out loud.

"Uncle J'onn!"

She flied and hugged him. The Martian hugged back M'gann. Alex and Rex looked and smiled at the seen, but we also sad, because it reminded them of their families, and they had no time to say goodbye to them in person, or even say that they love them. However...they did save some people after all what has happened. This the beginning of a new life today.

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