Well...this is new...

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It has been about 2 weeks since the 1548 event happened. The G.O.C and the SCP foundation are still debating on what to do now. They still have no idea if they should Keep the secret, and reclassify 1548 is Thaumiel, or if they should use the Veil protocol here, and reveal all of the anomalous stuff that is happening. And another problem is that some green blue is seen killing people left and right, but there could not be a clear glimpse of it, due to it disappearing instantly. Everyone else was a bit of a wreck as well. Koriand'r had to go with her parents to recover from what she had witnessed there. Spawn is trying to calm down. Alex is still in Alagadda, And Rex is outside.

Rex is now walking downtown, with his hands in his pocket, and Circe is now locking arms with her boyfriend. Rex is still unsure how to handle what he had seen, along with Circe. For all they know...it is going to take so long. And besides, it's so frightening. In fact, he is very sure it'll scar him forever. So he is outside with Circe in order to get him some form of normalcy. But as they are walking around through the town itself, a pair of wide-red eyes are in the bushes, before they had turned invisible.

Rex and Circe than held hands while they are walking, and squeezed with great comfort.

"I still can't believe this all happened right there! What were were in...was insane!"

He said to Circe, unhappily. Circe nodded, and spoke out.

"I know that this thing is more harder to accept. But is either we do that...or we become haunted."

Rex nodded, before looking back at the front of him. But as he continued to walk, he felt something...strange. He feels like him and Circe are being watched now. He turns to the woods to see it resonating here. Circe noticed his troubled expression, as she spoke to him.

"Rex? What's wrong?"

Rex looked back at her, and spoke.

"I've a weird feeling that we are being watched now. And it seems to be coming from the woods here."

He spoke, as he pointed to the forest beside them. Circe doesn't know why, but she also has a feeling of being watched as well. After both Rex and Circe look at each other, they decide to enter the woods.

As they enter, Rex had a strong feeling that whatever is watching them...it is oozing a very malevolent presence. As Rex and Circe look, a green blur went past them at very fast speeds. It's right arm has transformed

As Rex is looking around, Rex caught sight of something. He looked...but only saw more stacks of bushes here. Rex looked a bit embarrassed, as he looked around more. Circe looks around the place as well, but as she is doing that, something was about to attack her, when she used her screaming ability to clear away some bushes, and drove the entity away. Rex came back with her and spoke out to her.

"No luck on finding something?"

Circe should her head 'no', before she noticed something behind Rex.

"Rex!!! Look behind you!!!"

Rex turned, and pulled up Block Party, as a green, something hit the shield, hard.

Rex was able to block whatever that almost attacked them. Although his shield did break, and he did get cuts. When Rex recovered, he got a good look at what he is seeing right now.

The person before him has a strange misshaped head, with wide red eyes, and is green, with symbols that is seemingly cut onto its torso. The right arm appears to be distorted and very grotesque. The most notable thing...however, was that it has a second mouth that is randomly appearing on different body parts.

Rex and Circe stepped back, as this creature was obviously dangerous due to its appearance. Rex than brought out the Blast Caster to March this.

The creature tilt her head, surprised at what she's seeing. The humans she had killed didn't have special powers, and yet this one has some. This might be entertaining here.

The creature than charged at him, and swung its arm-turned-tentacles at Rex fiercely, who does the same thing. The Tentacle wrapped around each other, and both Rex and the Creature are trying to reel one another into themselves in order to attack painfully. But the creature did one unexpected thing. It had suddenly became translucent, and phased through the ground. Rex was shocked. This is something he has not seen in his life. Now Rex could see that being is now very dangerous. Rex than actives his Block Party again to prepare for a surprise attack that might come to him from nowhere.

Circe gets behind Rex, and touched his back, as she is unsure where it'll strike. This thing...what is it?

As Rex and Circe look, Rex caught notice of the entity, and activated his B.F.S.

Rex than tried to cut the green entity in half, but it had phased through, and tried to grab Rex's head. Rex than turned and tackles Circe to the ground, and the creature had missed.

Rex and Circe has stood up, and try looking for where the creature is now. But it's nowhere in sight. There is obviously something wrong.

Rex and Circe began to look around the entire surrounding. Rex used his goggles, but could not scan for where the entity might be at. Than, Circe decided to do the next best thing here.

She picked herself off the ground, grab onto a rock, and used her powers to unleash a powerful sonic scream.

The scream was powerful enough to make the entity appear, who was invisible on top of the trees, very hidden. The Scream caused it to finally look and decide to retaliate back at her, by using beams from its eyes.

The beams almost hit Circe, but Rex went between them, and used Block Party to deflect it to the ground. But this was the moment that the creature had needed.

She than lunged at Rex, went through the Block Party, and grabbed by the head. This caused her eyes to glow blood red, and Rex's eyes began to glow blue.

"Aaaaggghhh!!!! Gggghhhhhhh!!!"

Rex is feeling pain from the attack here. He actually began to realize what she is doing. She is trying to get into his mind and wipe out his meteorites in order to use him. But for some unknown reason, it's not working. This is making the creature extremely angry, as it than spoke out for the first time.


The entity is getting violently angry, as it can't enter the mind of this being. Than, all of a sudden, a blast of blue energy hits the entity very hard, and sends is back far. Everyone looked to see blue beetle coming down towards them.

"You guys need help?"

Jaime spoke to his two friends. Rex than smiled out, speaking.

"Never a greater time than before in here, Double B."

Rex and Jaime smiled a bit, before cracking was heard. They turned, and the tree pile than was sent back by a shockwave. Rex, Circe, and Jaime sucked from that. They stood up, and they saw the entity more enraged.


Both Rex and Circe stepped back a bit, but not Jaime. He stepped forward, and spoke to them.

"You all get the foundation to here as soon as possible. And they might need some flamethrowers to."

Rex and Circe nodded, before Rex activates his boogie packs, picked up Circe, and move. Jaime turned back at the strange entity, and spoke out.

"Who are you? And why did you stack my friends?"

The entity looked at him, and spoke out loud, menacingly in a female tone.

"D'Kay...D'Kay D'Razz. And here...I AM YOUR GREATEST DEATH!!!"

She than charged at him. Blue Beetle activate his wings, and charged at her too. Jaime than tried to punch, but she went through him, and hit him in the back. Jaime doubles down in pain, but the Scarab realized what he needs to do.

Anti-density armor is created.

When D'Kay tried to get through his arm, Jaime turns and grabs her by the neck, which completely shocked her. Before she could speak further, Jaime used his other arm to grab the tentacle arm, and threw her into water. He than launched himself into the air, and blasted her.

Jaime than tried to use the mace that he formed, and try to hit her, but she hardened with the texture of her body similar to a tough metallic alloy. Jaime hits her, but didn't damage. She than shifted to her normal form,  wrapped her tentacle arm around Jaime, and swung him into a gas tank.


The gas tank then exploded, and while it didn't damage Jaime, it did knock him back a lot. Jaime began to stand up, but began to notice fire everywhere. Jaime than looks up, and sees the entity coming for him. But as the entity soon came very close...something unexpected had suddenly happen. The entity got hit by fire, and the tentacle suddenly began to have fire spread all over the creature's body. The creature began painfully shrieking, and amputates the tentacle arm, such than regrew pretty fast. 

Jaime took notice on it, and realized one thing good.

"Looks like I was right to have the foundation get Flamethrowers for this one here."

The entity, however, used telepathy, and realized that he will have back-up very soon, and realized that they have weapons that can kill her. So she did a more tactical thing. Retreating from here. The Scarab than spoke out.

Jaime Reyes. That creature had read your mind. Now it had gotten away from here.

Jaime realized the mistake, and spoke out loud to him.


He than gets up, made a extinguisher arm cannon, and out out the fire to stop it from spreading. He than puts out an ear piece, and spoke back.

"Everyone, we lost the entity. It had escaped from here."


The foundation and the G.O.C had to put the meeting on hold, due to some creature that had appeared. Of course, the G.O.C is allowed to kill it if it is absolutely dangerous to live here, which they accept.

Rex and Alex is now downtown. Obviously, they need to find where the entity is. And Alex had the job. He can use his hunting ability to find the entity. But he will need Rex in his type of hunt. Besides, both Alex and Rex, they are a perfect combo when involving very dangerous entities.

Alex is now using the hunting ability, but the began to notice that he can't lock onto the entity strangely.


Rex noticed his confusion.

"Alex? What's wrong?"

Alex looked up and spoke to him.

"For some reason, I can't lock into the entity here. It's like she disappeared from the world, despite sensing hat she is still around here. Obviously, something strange is up."

Rex turned, and he to so confused at what's happening. But as they kept on moving, they heard a voice in their minds.

'Help me...'

It was a female voice, but different from the one Rex had seen. Rex and Alex looked at each other, before running to the direction of where it came from.

As they kept on running, they saw that SCP-457 is circling around a strange being.

It resembles the one that they had met, but it looked way more monstrous and it is white instead of the previous green color. But despite that, they can sense how it is feeling. It is feeling very...afraid, and had a innocent presence, which is very, very strange. Nevertheless, Rex and Alex decided to help out with her.

Alex got a bucket of water ready to take it out. Rex came in, and shield the entity with the Block Party. Alex came in and doused the Burning Man.

The SCP screeched in pain, as it began to shrink. Alex than pulled out a jar, and put it inside. There is still some fuel, so it will still survive.

'Thank you...thank you all...'

The entity spoke to them inside of their minds. It is very uncomfortable for them. But they responded back, mentally.

'Umm...your welcome...I guess.'

Rex spoke out back, mentally. The entity must have realized that he is very unease with what she looks like.

'Ohhh...hold on a minute! I'll change it for you!'

She spoke in a cheerful tone. Suddenly, her form began to change. It began to shrink, and become more human like, as clothes began to form from the entity's body.

When it was done, this is the result of the transformation that it is here.

The female has turned green, mostly, with some white for the 'shirt' I had just made, but possesses the same Red X on her 'shirt.' She has a blue 'cape,' and has blue 'shoes' which looks like a combination of boots and some Stilettos. She also now formed brown 'hair' with some green freckles present. Alex and Rex were surprise at what she had done. Alex spoke quietly.

"So she is a shapeshifter of sorts."

Luckily, the being didn't hear what Alex had said now.

"Who...are you?"

Rex spoke out to the female that she is seeing right now. She looked and spoke.

"M'gann M'orzz...I am a Martian."

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