The Star, The Hateful

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In Present Day...

A strange object is on a collision course with Mars. This object is covered in some sort of strange mass, and is somehow traveling towards Mars almost at light speed. On the side of the vessel, there is a strange symbol at the side. The symbol is the SCP Foundation. As that is happening, A Silver, Black, and Blue Blur has began to rush through the vacuum of Space to stop this object's collision.

These 3 individuals have raced up in space, due to some vehicle that the foundation had made. A Commander is now wearing SCP-5001-F will all of its biomass in a large-hulking form. Blue Beetle and Spawn are moving with him to stop the Vessel that has been affected by whatever organic mass has controlled and taken over the Machine. The Machine has some anomalous weaponry to aid in attacking the SCPs that are about to fight it.

"I can't believe that we have to clean up the mess that the Foundation created. Should have just listen to Alex now should they have?"

The commander in the Endo-Sym armor spoke out loud.

"I swear, I will kill them for trapping me here!!"

Spawn had spoken out loud. Before they could say anything else, Blue Beetle than shouted out loud.

"I see it!!!!"

When the soldier using SCP-5001-F used the scanner, he sees the ship, which confirmed Blue Beetle's response, and commanded to the SCPs present.

"Alright! Time to blast this thing into oblivion right now!"

Both The Solider and Spawn than raised both of their right arm, Blue Beetle raises his arm cannon, and fires.

All 3 of the energy blasts than collided with the object, and the object began to slow down from this. But the object used the anomalous weaponry of the foundation to counter it, locking them in a blasting battle. They have no idea how long they can hold this sort of thing up. As they try to stop it, the Sun than began to glow in a menacing light. Than, some flares began to spark out a bit, and after about a minute, it than fired at what is happening next to Mars.

Time Jump Back...2 Weeks...

The situation has become Chaotic. A strange event is happening. Alex and the others were having a normal day, when alarms were beginning to act up for some unknown reason. Everyone looked, and saw than an unknown weapon of mass destruction had detonated, killing a large number of people, and some form of demonic possession had occurred on everyone that is present near the blast. Alex and the others are doing the next they can do to put a stop to it.

Alex is holding onto a human who's possession has been seen with red eyes present on his face. The team had been able to eliminate the entities, but are now dealing with humans that have been possessed by whatever is now controlling them.

"Damn!!! These guys are like cockroaches that crawl on everyone!!"

He spoke, as he kicked the possessed man down, hard. Koriand'r is facing against one of the last 4 of those strange Demonic Entities appearing.

She leapt up in the air, and had fired a Starbolt at the entity, who had been turned to ashes. She than used her staff and had pierced the entity. Blue Beetle and Spawn had done the same to theirs.

Everyone was able to get the last one's contained, without getting anymore casualties present in here.

Rex than felt that there is something rather...strange. He than looked up, and spoke to everyone.

" you feel that something...bizzare might come to happen here?"

Everyone than began to look up at the sky...and they were caught with a vision. Everyone was now in space, and they are near the sun. They looked at the sun, and they saw strange symbols beginning to appear.

But they weren't alone. When they turn, they saw SCP-179 present along with them.

The team were at the front of the Earth now. The SCPFoundation is watching to. SCP-179 than looked at both the Newborns and the Foundation, before doing a gesture, while also speaking out.


She than flown into the sun, and out of sight. The vision ended, and the Newborns have been brought back to the foundation, rather unexpectedly. Than, alarms came off, and Alex and the others began to move to help out.

The Sun's frequencies began to become more erratic, and a group of anomalous organizations was using the chaotic situation to further their own secret goals. Because of how chaotic the situation is, the SCP Foundation was now forced to team up with one of their enemies to end this situation. The SCP Foundation has to band together with the G.O.C in order to accomplish this.

But sometime in December, the Foundation hears a Transmission, as a voice began to speak out. It is from SCP-3417.

"All Ortothans must listen now, as stars have been lost, the first invasion has taken our first universe, and now it is happening again to the second universe, which is the one that we all have completely live on. All Ortothans must band together to defend the universe, as the gods need our help. United we are strong."

Alex began to realize that something is happening outside of the Solar System. Something terrible must be happening to the universe, but he doesn't know what. He began to pace back and forth, trying to think.

A week later...SCP Foundation...

The situation is starting to get out of hand. The G.O.C and the SCP Foundation are trying desperately to hide information about what is happening. But the governments of Latvia, Estonia, and Georgia have uncovered and was able to Decode all the many Expunged Documents, to discover the Anomalous events.

SCP-2821, an anomaly on the moon, began to expand by 1.7 kilometers I diameter, before vanishing to somewhere else. When this happened, a nearby foundation factory, along with the people in here have vanished. It is believed that 2821 has opened a wormhole for them to go to a different part of the universe, and 2821 is believed to have been fled to somewhere.

Koriand'r was holding onto Jaime, as she spoke out, afraid.

"Jaime? What's happening right now?!"

She is so terrified for the first time since the invasion on Tamaran had came. Jaime spoke out to her.

"I don't know this time."

Alex and the others are doing all that they can to try and contain this sort of thing. But it is so random and happening so fast, they have no idea where it will begin.

Timeskip to the final day, a minute before situation appeared...

Alex and Rex, feeling something bad is happening, than believe that Tamaran might be in trouble. So they used the little power that they have to bring them to their solar system. And they were quite right about bringing them.

Tamaran and it's citizens were very frightened at something happening. When Starfire asked about it, her father claimed that some mysterious creatures have been attacking many of the planets in their own solar system, and was about to come for them next as their victim. Luckily no one was attacked by those so-called entities. But this is really worrying Alex, as he has no idea what is bout to happen next. And more importantly, what if the same thing will happen to their System?

The Foundation and the G.O.C are working on a probe, in order to search past the clouds, and see what is at the other side.

As he began to pace around back and forth, he, Rex, and Spawn than had a vision. A vision of a foundation probe getting through the cloud, letting some strange creature in, and than an anomalous weaponry, and than destroying the entire System. Than...a strange voice of Godly origin spoke out to his mind.


Alex, suddenly obeying the command, tried to warn the foundation of what might happen, saying that it will lead to a disastrous result. But the foundation didn't listen, believing it was just a fake news. Alex tried to destroy and stop the vessel from launching. Alex than tried to stop them, but he was held back by some of the members that are wearing powerful exosuits powerful brought to match him in terms of his strength. The same thing is for Rex, who was held down by some very large and strong Robots. Spawn was held down by some holy crosses and weapons.




Later, the drone had been fired into the sky, and is rushing towards the cloud at rather very high speeds. The drone went flying for a couple of minutes, before reaching the cloud around the Solar System

But as the drone began to go near it, as though it had the same wish as Alex's demands, 1548 had tried to use the Solar Flare to go and destroy it. However, the Solar Flare missed, and the Drone went through. Communication has been lost for a while, due to the excessive amount of Radiation being present inside of the clouds it made, before it came back online just in time. When it came out through the other side, what they are seeing is very shocking.

What shocked them was the various alien entities present here. Many of them are impossibly large. One of them is a eel-like creature, with five arms, and a teeth of impossible structures. The other one is larger, as it is oscillating and contorting, leaving behind a trail of rock. The Drone was able to get a picture, before being damaged by something around here. The Cloudy hole opened more wider than ever before, allowing the eel to pass through, but the other one was destroyed by a solar flare. The Cloud closed up, but it was too late, as the eel came in, and destoryed Pluto. Alex than looked at the researchers and shouted out to them in a very violent rage.

"Now look at what you have done!! You let a hostile entity right into where we live!! I told you that this would happen, and what did you do?! You treated it like it is some joke!!!!"

Everyone looked down very guilty, realizing what they had done. Everyone doesn't know what to do in this terrible situation, until the commander raised up from his seat, and spoke out.

"I might have something that could stop this thing."

He than rushed out of the room. Minutes later, a massive machine with anomalous weaponry was than launched into the air at very high speed, and reached the entity in just mere moments. The weapon began to fire at the entity. As that is happening, however, it was soon caught in a cloud of black darkness with the eel creature, before both vanished from existence.

2 hours later, it was seen again, and is now rocketing towards Mars at near the speed of light and covered in the eel's substance. Everyone began to watch in horror, as the infected machine began its way toward Mars.

Now back to the present...

Spawn, Blue Beetle, and the solider in the Endo-Sym are still struggling. This machine is putting up a very first fight here. They have no idea how much longer they can keep on fully firing their weapons.

"How are we supposed to destroy the thing we made?!"

The Commander has spoken out. He is a unsure it they can even destroy it.

"I wish they never put in anomalous weaponry to the machine! If it was normal, it would've been much easier!!"

Blue beetle had spoke aloud. It was so difficult, as the anomalous weaponry is making the Machine more resistant here.

But as they kept trying to stop it, they looked and were very surprised at what they are seeing behind them now. City-sized pieces of Mars, about 6 of them present, began to fly and go to earth on their own, and are being carried by some strange humanoid entities here, and are carrying the cities. But they only got a tiny glimpse, and they have no idea how they look. But this distraction was the only thing that the entity-infecting machine had hoped for. It than used its anomalous weaponry to send Spawn and the other 2 flying back to earth, and had now crashed into the planet's surface. Even with the power that those 3 posses, they are still no match for the sheer raw power of the machine that was now infected.

Alex and the others looked at the screen, but than shouted out.

"I told you we should have had the drone be destroyed, you Sonofa-"

Before he could finish speaking, something very terrible began happening. Than, a transmission has came from SCP-3417.

"Attention all Ortothans, Rakumou-Leusan is dead. The gods have lost. The Milky Way is lost, the Universe is unprotected."

Everyone was shocked at this, but than it changed to how it was originally acting.

"The Universe is not lost, and the Orothans are not lost as well."

The transmission is now acting strange. One moment, it is telling people to give up, and the next thing, it is back to being hopeful. Than, one of the SCP Staff has spoke out why it is acting really strange.

"SCP-3417 is taken over by SCP-2821!!! They are trying to make the Ortothans give up!!! SCP-3417 is now considered Neutralized!!! I repeat, SCP-3417 is now considered as Neutralized!!!"

The people than reclassified SCP-3417 as neutralized, and began to do whatever they can to cut off its transmission permanently, and they need the Ortothans at their side still. 2 hours later of silence, from where the crater is, black organic masses began appearing, and began to spread on Mars. Alex and the others could only watch in horror, as Mars is being slowly consumed by whatever it is that is halfway absorbing Mars. Than...what happened next made it seem at how dire things are with the situation. The SCP-1548 pulled out the biggest Solar Flare event ever in the Foundation's history, and blasted Mars, which was half absorbed by the mass. When the light died down...half of Mars is gone, and the planet began breaking. In just a few months, it will become a a type of Astor belt here. But that didn't matter. What matter is...they lost Mars.

Alex, now terrified, than spoke out a command to everyone that is at the screens.

" me the current status of the universe here!!"

Everyone than began to type of few keys, and this is what they had gotten from the probe, before the transmission from it has ceased.

Alex and the others were shocked at what they're seeing. The entire universe...there is now only 2 galaxies present. What the universe?

"...Oh, X'Hal..."

"Oh my Dear God, no..."

Koriand'r looked in absolute horror at what she is seeing right now. It was all that remained...of the so-called infinite universe. She than embraced Jaime, who did not hesitate to hug her back. Koriand'r was now shocked and disbelieved at what she's seeing. Thankfully, Tamaran is safe, as Alex and Rex were able to transport them with their power and bring them to the other side of the Earth's Orbiting Position. But even Alex felt that this entire situation is hopeless.

Spawn looked down very enraged, and teleported to somewhere else where no one can sees him in this angry state. Rex punched a wall And Circe, along with his other E.V.O friends began hugging him. Toxin and Scorn began to hug each other for comfort. Kanpeki held onto his comrades for what he had seen, in order to have comfort. But Alex, he punched the wall, Screaming!


He shouted. He can't believe it. They had failed...for the first ever time in their entire life. They may have only saved one species that had been alien here, but they cannot save the universe that had been destroyed by some deadly unknown force. For the first time in his entire life...Alex has no idea what to do. In fact, he has no idea why this thing happened! For the first time in life...

...Alex is very hopeless.


Everyone was now called into a meeting with both the Foundation and the G.O.C. Everyone than looked around now, as both party leader stood.

"Is everyone present in here?"

Everyone spoke out the word, 'yes', to the Foundation Leader. The leader of the G.O.C than spoke out to everyone.

"Good. Than we shall begin."

Everyone began to sit down. The SCP foundation leader, along with the 05 council members, took a deep breath, before speaking out to everyone present.

"Everyone...we have called this meeting, for the most important event in our grandest history. After all that had happened...we will begin to vote on 2 very important things."

As the foundation wa a halfway through speaking, the leader of the G.O.C took over

"We will begin to vote on whether we should contribute remaining in secret, and try to help people as much as we can, and try to keep it all secret with the anomalies that's here, while also reclassifying SCP-1448 from Keter to Thamiuel...or...we should finally drop the Veil Protocol, and reveal to the entire world of the truth of the situation, and have everyone finally see what is in the light, just as the Serpent's Hand wanted us to do in here?"

As everyone began their discussion, Alex wanted no part here. Alex walked out of the room, and through Breach's portal, went to Alagadda for comfort of one person living here.

Now at Tower of Alagadda...

Alex is now sitting on the rail of the tower in where he met the white lady of Alagadda. Speaking of the White Lady, she is present, and is sitting next to him.

She had been aware of what is happening, as she looked through Alex's vision, due to baring the child that she still has, but Alex is unsure what to do right now. Seeing Alex like that is really hurting her as well. Normally, he doesn't truly care, but this is the first tome he is so hurt. She than held onto Alex's hand, and squeezed it comfortingly.

Alex looked at her, as she spoke out to him.

"Alex, Do not think that it is all your fault. You had done all that you can to try and put a stop to it. And also, everyone has made the same attempt at saving you had also made here. But the important thing is that you learn from it. By learning, you can make sure no one makes has the same situation you have. And also...if become powerful, maybe...maybe you cane gain a power to bring the entirety of the universe back./Alex, no pienses que todo es culpa tuya. Has hecho todo lo posible para tratar de detenerlo. Y también, todos han hecho el mismo intento de salvar que tú también hiciste aquí. Pero lo importante es que aprendes de ello. Al aprender, puede asegurarse de que nadie haga que tenga la misma situación que usted. Y también ... si te vuelves poderoso, tal vez ... tal vez puedas ganar un poder para recuperar la totalidad del universo."

Alex looked and thought about what she had said, and looked down. But as he looked down, still unhappy of the terrible situation, the White Lady came in and kissed him in the cheek, which is odd, as her face is a mask. She than suddenly put his hand onto her stomach that contained the child that is still growing within her, as she spoke.

"Besides, you have not lost the child we will both be having in 2 months./Además, no ha perdido al niño que ambos tendremos en 2 meses. "

Alex looked down, and smiled. All of his feeling of self-fault...all drifted away. Well...he can still feel it...but the important thing is, is that he had save some people that he knows and something that a friend of his cared for. Cherishing those that he still cared, and those that had lived for him right here, in the is all that mattered to see his loved-ones still here.

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