Such Black Light/SCP-4485

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2 hours ago...

Ever since both Alex and Halo had suddenly vanished, the Newborns have been trying anything that they can to find the both of them. They went through the Wanderer's Library and went through different ways. They even went to different dimensions, and yet, nothing seems to be working in helping the group find their location. While they are panicking from their disappearance at the portal testing incident, they aren't going to give up, and instead keep trying to find him as fast as they can. But while they are busy with their stuff, members of the Serpent's hand began to work on their own problems.

The members of the Serpent's Hand are going through the Foondation's Database to find some useful information to find about the prototype cure they made for the SCP-610 infection. But the Foundation are beginning to act strange, and began to make phrases of nonsense. They even say some words that aren't even madd, and words that have no meaning.

"I wander what is going on with the Foundation?"

A member, named John Morse, said. The other one, named Elizabeth Dufree, spoke back to him.

"Maybe the stress of trying to capture Alex and his Friends are getting to them."

John shrugged, as he sneered out.

"Maybe, or they could also be simply losing their...huh? What in the world?"

John spoke out, as he began to see something.

"What in the world is this?"

John spoke out. He doesn't know what it is...but he knows that it is not a good sign, ever. Even Elizabeth began to realize that there is something very wrong with what they're seeing.

"Why do I have a feeling that this is only the beginning of whatever this sort of thing it is?"

One of the Serpent's Hand members than walked into the room, and watched as John and Elizabeth began to look through the other photos that are being uploaded just recently. And many of the words they are quoted in the pictures don't even make sense to the Serpent's Hand members. It is as though the SCP Foundation have officially lost their minds completely.

But there was one name, however, that completely got their attention. And that name is at the last page of the file.

"Hansarp? Whatever Hansarp is, it doesn't sound good at all."

One of the Serpent's Hand Members spoke out to everyone. Victor than goes in front of it, and looks at the screen. He doesn't know why...but he feels a bit unease about this thing. He doesn't have the words to say what it's like. All that he knows, however, is that the name itself means that there is trouble.

"I don't know. This is so new to the Serpent's Hand. But whatever it is, it isn't a good sign."

But as John spoke out...suddenly, there is a cry of rage coming from outside, and it made the members of the Serpent's Hand jump. But it did more than made them jump. The sound was so loud that it even got the attention of the Newborns, who are still trying to find Alex and Halo.

"What was that noise?"

Kaede spoke out. Cyborg shrugged, as he spoke out.

"I don't know. Jaime, can you check it out?"

Jaime nodded, and spoke out.

"I will."

Jaime went outside to see what in the world was happening, and saw that there is a bunch of people, except that they aren't completely humans as such. Their bodies seemed to be made of formed hardened crystalline structures composed primarily of calcium over much of their bodies. Even though they aren't human, they have uniforms that have been shredded with their insignia still present. It was comprised of Are We Cook Yet? members, the Church of the Broken God, and some of the Foundation members. And speaking of Are We Cool Yet?, a small group of the members are being chased by whatever those things are, and shouted out to Jaime.

"Let us in!! We need your help, now!!!"

Jaime, panicked and nodding, opened the door for them to go in, closed the door, and actives the shields, protecting them from the horde of those strange creatures they're seeing.

The members of Are We Cool Yet? went to the members of the Serpent's Hand, and they Serpent's me members are surprised. They never had an affiliation with Are We Cool Yet?. And yet, here they are, as they have finally appeared inside of their base.

" are the anomalous painter group that I've heard I correct?"

The members of Are We Cool Yet? nodded their heads, as they spoke out to them.

"Yes!! We are! We need your help!"

Cyborg than went to them, and spoke out.

"What's wrong?"

The members of Are We Cool Yet? look at everyone, with James and the other Newborns are present with them, and spoke out.

"A new group, called Hansarp, are infecting people with their influence, and are doing so through a book they made."

John than spoke out.

"So you know about Hansarp?"

Than, the other member of Are We Cool Yet? than spoke out to them.

"Not entirely. But we do know their goal. They want to destroy all logic and reason from the human mind, and plan to spread it everywhere on Earth. They were able to take control of most of our group, Most members of The Church of the Broken God, all of Fifthism, all of SAPPHIRE and their agents, half of the foundation, and recently, we saw that it even took control of the 05 council itself."

This shocked the others, and Toxin spoke out.

"You're kidding! They were able to make the Foundation powerless by themselves?!"

The third member, who is female, nodded her head, and spoke out.

"Yes. And they even were able to take control of Neo-Sarkicism, alongside the G.O.C themselves And it was all within under a week."

Scorn than stepped forward, and spoke out.

"<Text>That must be a very dangerous thing. I don't think even us alone can take on against this so-called Hansarp, if that's what it is called by you people."

Than, one of the Serpent's Hand members than typed in his computer, and spoke out.

"They did more than take controls of most groups of interests. They were even able to take half of Europe under their control."

Cyborg looks at him, and spoke out.

"You can't be serious!!"

The member looked at him, and spoke out.

"I am."

Cyborg, not wasting anytime, opened a Boomtube, and rushed into it, so he can get to Europe and tackle against the situation. The next member of Are We Cool Yet, who is a teenage girl with blond hair and with various color paint of her hair, spoke out to the Serpent's Hand.

"We are going to need your help, because with the Foundation powerless, and most of the Groups of Interests under their control, you are the only hope we have left."

A member of the Serpent's Hand looked down, and after a bit of thinking, looks up and speaks.

"We'll do anything we can to help. But we are going to need to find parts of the Groups of Interests that can help us, and also, I need to go to Marshal, Carter, and Dark to see if they can help us."

He than pulled out a credit card that shows the insignia on the card itself

Another one of the Serpent's Hand members than turns around to his buddy, and spoke out.

"Do you think they'll help? They rarely make fair deals!"

The one that suggested the idea, than spoke out.

"Than let's hope we're lucky. Get some of the Serpent's Hand members to find the groups of interests that are unaffected by this thing."

The member left, while John spoke out.

"Is there anything else that we should know?"

Than, the last member of Are We Cool Yet? spoke out to John.

"Yes. The foundation attempted to make a containment plan...but we have no idea how this works. And besides, me and the others have been trying to make a painting that would act as a pocket dimensional prison to trap as many of the Hansarp infected people as we can...but we have no idea how much we can fit."

John than turns to the others, and spoke out.

" one of us should go to the containment site of the Hansarp members, while the rest of us try to find any members of any groups of interest that is unaffected by this thing."

Than, James spoke out.

"I'll go to that shorty containment site."

He than walked forward, and John spoke out.

"Okay. Do what you can, and explode it if you have to do so, James."

James smirked, as he spoke out.

"Wrecking's my specialty, asshole."

He than went out, open up the door at the ceiling, and jumped out of the base at breakneck speed.

Kaede, who was present in the room the entire time, than turned to Jaime, and spoke out.

"Jaime, is there a possibility that you can access Alex's phone, even if he's in a different dimension?"

Jaime turned to her, and spoke out.

"I haven't tried that before. Guess it would be a good time to test if I can call him even when he's somewhere else very far away."

His eyes than glows, as he looked up, and began to try and find Alex's phone. Kaede intersected both her hands, and pray that Jaime is able to get in contact with Alex, who's still missing.


James began to walk around the place, as he began to observe his surroundings. According to the Serpent's Hand, it is said to be located in the abandoned Site-35. But the problem isn't inside of the Site. He has looked in every room that is in the site...which took a full hour, and there's a still nothing for him to see. And needless to say, it is making James very frustrated that he can't find it, leading him to punch a computer, exploding it to a bunch of junk and scrap metal on the ground itself.

"Aaaggh. This is Shit. Why did I even agree to even do this in the first fucking place?"

James than turns around and began to walk out of the site.

Before James knew what was about to happen, suddenly, an extremely large hole was present, and he suddenly fell down.

As he began to fall, he than used his tendrils, and formed a parachute out of it. He began to float down, and he was able to land softly. He than untangled the tendrils, as they fell down to the ground, and are reabsorbed to James. James than looked around to see where he is inside of right now.

It is a really long entrance in this place, and the sign has the term 'DEEPWELL-9' present in this place. The ceiling looked as thought it has been caved in recently, because there are chunks of the parts of the ceiling on the floor itself. James has no idea why...but he feels something a bit uneasy to see.

But as James began to walk forward, he than felt something underneath his foot. He raised his foot, and saw a book.

The book is a moderately worn and slightly faded, and has an author's name on it. The author's name is called Jean Arp. There is an SCP designation given to it: SCP-4485.

Curious about it, he crouched down, and opened the book. As soon as he look at what it is, he is hit with a heartache of some sort, as something attempted to go into his mind. He even collapsed to the ground, and put his hands on the ground. As he held his head, he began to here voices inside of his own head, and they all spoke on stuff that don't make sense to at all. He than hit his head on the ground to help him ignore the voices, but it was too much. He could feel the voices becoming more clearer by the minute, as some unknown force tries to claw its way into his mind.

"Ghhh...this is making me go crazy!!! Why can't these voices on my hand simply shut up??!!!"

James shouted, as he pound the ground, later palming the ground with his right hand, which than made a crater that is about a couple of feet wide.

But as he slammed his hand on the floor very hard...he saw that there is glowing underneath his hand, and the headache suddenly stop. He even felt that thing in his hands that is causing the glowing underneath it. He than clenched his he raised whatever the glowing this is into the air. He than looks down at it, as he opened his hand.

It was a glowing stone of some sort, and James has no idea why...but he felt some strange energy coming from the stone. When he looked at felt like it wanted to show him something. He just doesn't know what it is it wants to show. He than felt a strange form of impulse, as he than unintentionally clenched his fist onto the stone, and suddenly, a blinding flash of light.

When the light died down, James began to look around. He was inside of a dimension of some sort, and has no idea which one. It is filled with shallow water underneath that people are able to walk upon while under a dim orange sky.

He than turned around, and saw that there a figure waiting for him, and that person is underneath the archway that is present. He than walked to the figure, and began to see the figure clearer than before, but still doesn't know who it is that is waiting for him. But as he walked closer and closer, the figure standing under the archway began to slowly turn, and when he saw the face, he could not believe who it was before him.

"It...can't be...


James spoke out, recognizing the figure he's walking to.

It was Colette, the wife of James Heller, and she still looked the way she was before she was killed by the infection had killed her and Amaya. She looks at James, and spoke out.


She than has a sad smile on her face, as she spoke out once more.

"It is so good to see you again."

James, unable to contain himself, hugged Colette, and Colette hugged her husband back. James remembered this warmth when she hugged Colette. And it was one that always lightened his spirits when he felt very down. And now, he felt like the weight off his shoulders have finally been lifted up.

"Colette, is it really you?"

James spoke out to her, as she spoke out back.

"Yes, Jimmy. It's me...although I would have prefer to do it while still alive."

Colette spoke out to James. James than looked at her, and spoke out.

"Colette...I'm so sorry...for not being able to protect you from what happened. I let you and baby girl down. I was too late to save the both of you. It was because of me that you both...both died. I feel like...I failed you...both you and Maya."

He spoke out, as tears began to slightly leak out of his eyes. But Colette than touched his face, and spoke out.

"James...I don't blame you for what has happened. You were only going to the army just to protect us. You never knew that there was something sneaking behind you and attacked us. You never could had known about it. Besides...with what you have done, protecting a child that isn't your own...I'm very proud of the man you had become, Jimmy."

James, unable to hear this, spoke out.

"Proud of me...even after all I have done?"

Colette than spoke out.

"All the things you did it because of grief, that you felt like you had failed us, because you were unable to protect us. You have protected Halo, however, and even gave her a name, and try to keep herself from becoming something terrible. That's why I'm proud of you.

Colette than paused for some reason, before she spoke out something that shocked him.

"it is truly too late to save my life me...Jimmy...but not for Amaya."

James eyes widened, as he spoke out to Colette.

"What do you mean? Amaya...she..."

But Colette than touched his hand and spoke out.

"She didn't die...Jimmy. She was able to escape from whatever it was that happened to us. I have been trying to guide her to the right direction that I can think of, but someone that I don't know of got to Amaya, and took her, and that person wasn't human."

James was shocked. Amaya was alive, but was simply taken by someone that is unknown. Colette than spoke out.

"But you can't do it alone. You have friends with you...remember? You need their help to get Amaya back, and they need your help to deal with their personal problems. You can do this, Jimmy...I have faith in you."

As James looked, she saw that Colette's hand began to flake off in orange dust.

"Colette, what is that?"

Colette looked, and spoke out.

"It seems, our time to talk at an end."

James than instantly realized what she meant, and spoke out to her.

"What?! No, no!! Not yet!! Don't go away!!"

But Colette simply spoke out.

"I'm sorry."

James than spoke out.

"Don't leave me! Please, Colette!! Please not this again!!!"

But Colette than spoke out to her.

"Don't worry. It'll be okay, Jimmy. I may be gone, but you get to at least help Amaya. It may be too late to save me, Jimmy...but Amaya still has a chance."

James was going to speak, but Colette kisses James in the lips. James get to feel it for the first time in a while, and although this is inside of, whatever this is, he is still able to feel it. After a minute, she than steps back, and spoke out.

"Go back outside, Jimmy. Amaya...she needs you more. Save her, Jimmy. Bring her home."

After that, James finds himself back outside. He looks around, and saw that he has now returned to the underground entrance to the containment area. He than looked at his hand, and saw the stone in his hands again. It was glowing. James, not knowing what to do with it, than decided to put the stone inside of his pocket, and continued onward to where the containment site is at.

It was a very long trip to the site, due to the fact that they made so long and large underground. He kept on walking and walking and walking, until he sees a door. He than opened the door with his bare hands, forcefully bringing himself into the containment cell.

The cell was very huge. You can fit about 10,000 people inside of this place. There are very complex mechanisms inside of this place, and James had one thought in his mind.

"That's why I fucking hate computers so much."

James looked down, and saw that it was that's happening.

This must be the core, because it seems to be floating, and the inner mechanism is spinning. There is a group of infected people inside of the area. This must be the containment site that the Foundation has mentioned before. The people down in there look human, but they seem apathetic, and despite no normal humans to ask around, they are asking strange, nonsensical questions or make comments that do not make sense at all. James can hear the questions, even when they are whispering, but he didn't pay any sort of attention to the questions, and simply looks down at the containment site, speaking.

"That is their containment plan? If it is, than they are making it very laughable and very shitty containment cell. How can you contain something that can eliminate logic literally?"

He spoke out, as he looked down at the 'cell.' But as he does, he heard a growl of some kind from behind him. He turns around, only to see the 4485-A infected rushing towards him. James, not looking interested, simply stood at the edge, before he jumped into the air, and the horde of 4485-A instances fell down to the core.

But he noticed that the core is starting to glow, and it made him realize what is about to happen.


He than made his Hammerfist, and began to punch his fists in the ceiling, which began to make a crater. Acting like he's a powerful jackhammer, he then began to deepen the crater, and after a minute, he was able to get out of the site, and not a second to soon...because the core exploded with so much force, it even pushed itself out of the ground, and James is thrown by the blast.


James was able to return from the site, and were able to call Alex to describe what was going on. After they finished explaining the situation, Alex than thought of a plan that might work.

"I might have a way for us to put a stop to those Hansarp people."

Alex spoke out. Rex raised an eyebrow, as He spoke back.

"What is it?"

Alex took a deep breath, and spoke out.

"The idea is that we will send these people to places that they can't come back from. They can reduce logic, but guess what, the SCPs don't follow that also. The SCP that me and Halo are in, 3890, we can trap them inside this place. 3930, we can bring them to get themselves to be erased. We can also bring them to SCP-3001 if we can. Halo, once we get out of SCP-3890, try to make a portal to 3001."

Halo than spoke out.

"I'll try what I can, Alex. But first, I need to position the portal outside of the base."

Alex than spoke out to her.

"Do what you can. But make the process fast."

Halo than spoke out.


He than spoke out to Rex, as he has something for them.

"Rex, I have SCP-1499 in a box. It should be in the desk next to you."

Rex turns, and does see a box. He goes to it, and opens up to see SCP-1499 in its glory.

As the file say about SCP-1499, it is a Soviet GP-5 gas mask.

Rex than made a weirded out expression on his face, as he spoke out to Alex.

"How many did you steal?"

Alex than spoke out.

"I only stole that one a couple days before going to the SCP I'm in. Circe, you are going to put the mask on when Rex touches one of those that are affected by 4855. But he can only take 2 at a time when using his bare hands, which is why he needs to use his Block Party to bring in more than usual."

Circe nodded, and spoke out.

"Okay. But what about 3930?"

Alex than spoke back.

"Cyborg will take care of it. Jaime, you go with Victor."


Cyborg made a portal to outside, and Cyborg, Rex, Circe, and Jaime all appeared. Cyborg shuts it off, before activating a new one, and spoke out.

"Hey, you big ugly fuckers!! You looking for us?!"

Many of the Hansarp members, who are still trying to get in, than turned their attention to Cyborg, and 1/3 of them chased after Cyborg through the portal. Another 1/3 still try to break in, and the last 1/3 now focus their attention to the E.V.Os.

Rex than turned his attention to Circe, as he spoke out.

Hey, Circe! Do you have SCP-1499 ready?"

Circe nodded, and pulled out 1499.

You have your Block Party ready?"

Rex activated Block Party, and the moment that they charged at Rex, The Omega E.V.O activated the shield, and Circe puts the mask over Rex's head, sending them both to an alternate dimension instantly.

Rex was able to be transported to the alternate dimension, and was able to bring the Hansarp members with him in his Block Party field. As he deactivated the field, he takes off the mask to send himself back. The Hansarp members than turned around to see their new playmates.

The group of SCP-1499-1 looked at them, before going to them, and attacking the group to Hansarp. The members could only cry out in terror, as they are about to be killed by the residents of the dimension.

Back on Earth once more...

Cyborg has used his portal to bring both himself and the members of Hansarp to Russia. They are in a different part of Russia, which is one where 3930 resides inside of.

Jaime and Cyborg began to fly away fast, as the group of Hansarp began to follow them. Both Jaime and Cyborg were able to trick them into thinking they are only going on a straight line, but in actuality, they are leading them straight to the Pattern Screamer.

Both cybernetic-organisms began to calculate when to split, and when they have reached SCP-3930, they immediate turned away to avoid accidentally entering the void. They look and saw the group of Hansarp going into the void. And the movement they entered, they disappeared from Earth forever, ceasing existence.

But not all of them are dumb. Some of them actually were able to find out their plan, despite the fact they didn't even hear about what their plan's about, nor did they here of what the SCP itself is. Because of that, 2 of those that have been affected by SCP-4485 snuck up from behind, and attacked them without any form of warning.

Cyborg and Jaime tried to get them off of their bodies, but their grip was very tight, combined with the fact that their bodies are covered with calcium makes it difficult to get them off. Cyborg and Jaime, not wanting to accidentally go into the void, even not accidentally looked at it directly, take flight, and hopes that their speed at full power would force the infected off of them.

But what they should have realized by now is this, due to their principles of breaking down logic and reason, this also became a literal sense, as when they became to fast, instead of letting go, they still held on as if they are flying at normal speeds, and even if they fall down at such a height that would normally kill humans, they'd still be alive. But both Cyborg and Jaime have one last idea up their sleeve that helps: blasting each other.

Cyborg formed his arm cannon, and Jaime formed his. They looked at each other, and Cyborg spoke out.

"You ready to get blasted, big guy?"

Cyborg spoke to Jaime, who than retorts back.

"You get that I am ready, scrap heap."

They both smirked and aimed both their arm cannons at each other, and all of a sudden, at full power, they blasted each other. While it didn't hurt them, it did hurt the infected. They are sent flying down, and unbeknownst to them, they actually were able to send them down to SCP-3930.

When they looked down, the instant they were about to look, they realize that this is where SCP-3930 is at. So they immediately looked away.

"Well...I think we were able to get all of them, right?"

Jaime said, as he turned to Cyborg. Victor looked up instead of down, as he spoke out.

"Let's hope we did do so."

Both Cyborg and Jaime turned back, as Cyborg opened a portal, and they went back to the Serpent's Hand base.

Back at the Serpent's Hand...

As the members of Hansarp try to break themselves in, an indigo portal came out from behind them, as Halo, Alex, and Elizabeth came out. Alex and Elizabeth hide from the sight of Hansarp, as Halo to blast one of them at the same time while holding a portal.

This for the attention of Hansarp, who turned around, and began to run to her. Halo simply jumped into the portal, and half of them went in. But the other half guessed somehow that she is trying to do something bad to them, so they simply went back to trying to bust in to the base.

Halo than came back after a minute, and saw that the other half is trying to get into the base. Halo than put her fingers on her chin, before she than thought of an idea. If she can't lure them into the portal, than he can send them into the portal by force. She than summoned the portal, and make it act like a black hole, sucking anyone into it.

Halo than summoned a portal to the Red Reality, as the infected are forced into the portal, the force of the portal lifted them off their feet. And when all of the Hansarp soldiers are inside, she went into the portal to see what it looks like from the other side.

The dimension look pitch black, save for the Hansarp members floating inside of the dimension they are in now. But as Halo looked around, she saw something before her, and it is far away.

Halo noticed a glowing red light from beyond her position. Whatever it was, it is making her draw herself to this thing.

Halo than began to fly forward to get close to the Red Light. After that, she was able to reach out, grabbed the Red Light, and bring it with her. The light felt very hard, and when she opens her hand, saw what it was.

It was a Red Stone, and it was glowing very brightly. Halo has no idea why...but she knows that she needs to bring the stone. It must be very important.

She went out of the portal, and met up with the others, who are getting their end of there jobs done. But James saw the Red Stone in her hand, and whispered out.

"Where did you get that, Halo?"

Halo looks at him, and spoke out.

"From SCP-3001. Why?"

James than fished into his own pocket, and pulled out the stone that he found. Even Halo was shocked at what she is seeing now.

"What the...are these stones connected or something?"

James looked down at both of the stone, and spoke out.

"Well, their appearance look the same. It is just that they are both a different color. But even with the different color, they are connected in a way. I just don't know how they are connected. Bet it must be special."

As Halo looked, Alex than came to them, and spoke out.

"I just got news from AWCY. They were able to get rid of those that we missed. They won't be a problem for us again."

He turned on the screen to show that many of the members of Are We Cool Yet? are luring the Hansarp members with paintings of themselves, looking like they are trapped, until the painting turned out to be a portal, and the members of Are We Cool Yet? who are with the Chaos Insurgency, closed the portal on them by destroying the painting when all of them crossed over to the other side.

He than pressed another button, and showed that some of the members of the Church of the Broken God and Sarkicism worked together, attacking the Hansarp-infected people, knocking them out for the Church of the Broken God to analyze them in order to find a way to destroy it. But since it looks like it permanently changed them, it won't be possible bringing them back.

He than looked down, and saw the stones in their hands.

"Where did you get those?"

Alex than spoke out, and strangely, he doesn't sound surprise. James and Halo looked at each other, and James spoke out.

"Why do you want to know?"

Alex looked at him, and spoke out.

"Because when I was in SCP-3890, I found something similar."

He fished his hand in his pocket, and took it out. He opened his hand, and showed to James what meant by seeing something similar.

Halo and James looked in shock. There's another one as well, and Alex has a purple one. He than looked up, and spoke out.

"It's very strange. When I held onto it, I felt like my body was about to break down, feeling it was about to be ripped apart by holding onto this thing. And yet, at the same time, I felt stronger when I touched this stone. I was lucky that my adaptability kicked in. Otherwise, I'd have been dead in 5 minutes."

Alex could not forget that feeling.

Flashback...Half a day ago...back in 3890...

Alex and Halo had to take a break from walking. Obviously, they weren't sure where to go, so they stopped for a bit. As Alex was taking a break, he looked and saw something glowing purple in the distance. He walked over to it, which took about 10 minutes to get there.

But when he reached the source...Alex was confused.

"What in the world's that?"

It was a glowing purple stone. He has no idea why...but he felt like he should touch this thing. But as he got close...he felt strange energy coming from this thing, as well as high amounts of radiation. He doesn't know why...but he knows that this little thing is dangerous, because...if you work in the SCP tend to see very dangerous things, big and small.

He drew his hand closer and ignored the feeling of hesitation. As soon he's close enough, he closed his hand around the stone, fast.


The second he touched it, he felt pain immeasurable, even to his body.


Alex's body felt like it's on fire. He felt like he is submerged in magma, but by 1000 times the amount of heat, and it is hurting him inside. He looked and see purple cracks forming all over his body, and some of the skin even began to flake off of him.

His irises began to turn purple, as he tried to keep himself from falling apart. Even through all the pain he went through, it was nothing compared to this. He just hope that he can find a way to end this immensely terrible pain soon.

Present time...

Alex looked down, and could not forget the pain he head let back than. It was the most horrible experience of pain ever. It was a pin that was completely...utterly immeasurable.

James and Halo were surprised at that, but than Alex spoke out.

"What happened when you both touched it?"

Silence, before James spoke out.

"When I touched it, I went into another dimension...and it brought the soul of Colette back to me temporarily."

Alex raised his eyebrows. He heard of his wife, but he didn't think that there was anything that could allow people to communicate with the dead. Only some SCPs can do that.

"And for me...I felt reality was beginning to turn around me."

Alex than looked at the stones, before speaking out.

"These stones obviously have a role to play in all of this. And whatever it is...

It can't be good at all."

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