Death of the Authors/SCP-5500

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Alex and Rex were walking outside. The group are making preparations on how to attack the foundation, but they are having difficulty of where they need to start their plan. But in the meantime, they are going to have a little walk outside in order to calm their minds down. Reading books in the wanderer's library is to going to help them all that much.

Speaking of the Library, they went to find a book about these things that James, Alex, and Halo found, and discovered that they are called the Infinity Stones, comprised of Space, Time, Reality, Power, Mind, and Soul. There's a 7th stone, with the name of it crossed out. They are stones created by cosmic entities of unknown origin, and are created from a previous incarnation of the universe they're in now. Apparently, the Scarlet King tried to send his servant, Nemesis to retrieve them, but the same entities that made the stones trapped her in a stone that had the name scratched out, rather strangely. Guess it is just a way to make sure nobody finds the stone.

The stone that Alex has is the Power Stone, which increases his strength and durability, but isn't normally held, which destroys people. But due to Alex's adaptability, he was able to hold it without issue anymore. He even was able to conjure an blast of energy powerful enough to destroy anything.

Halo found the Reality Stone, which, as the name implies, allows people to control reality. Halo researched and began to practice it, and found out that it can control biological matter and make illusions, although there are some abilities that she doesn't know about just yet.

James held onto the most dangerous of the stones, called the Soul Stone. It has the power to control the souls of other people. With it, he can identify which soul is which, and even has a pocket dimension called Soulworld. But due to this power, he had to be put in another pocket dimension so he doesn't accidentally kill the earth, and so he can get it under control.

Now they are somewhere near Edmonds, as they are sitting down on a bench, whilst looking at the view beyond.

"Man...I can't believe that it's almost time to get back at the SCP Foundation."

Rex spoke out. Alex nodded, as he looked up at the sky. Alex has been waiting for this moment for a very, very long time. And now, he shall finally get the chance to find out who is really responsible, and when he does find out who...they will play.

Alex huffed, as he looked at the picture he has in his hand.

He still kept the picture of when he was with Karen Parker, the one human besides his Uncle Josh, that has made him happy. When he finds the person that had started it all...he will make sure that there is nothing left of them to be recognizable to anyone seeing him.

As he looked down at the picture in his hand, Rex than stood up, as he spoke out.

"You know what? I think we've been out for long enough. Let's say that we head back to the others. Shall we?"

Alex nodded, as he feels like he couldn't wait anymore. He stood up, and walked away so they found find a place for Rex Yo use his Boogie Packs, and fly away unnoticed by anyone.

As they walked...


The sudden sound caught their attention. It sounded like glass, but by a thousand time the amount. They looked and saw that the sky had suddenly shattered, like it was made of glass.

"What's happening?"

Alex spoke out. As they both look around, Rex than spot something.

"Up there!!"

Alex turned, and what he saw made his look up at the thing in shock.

Alex is near the Windsor football pitch, and he's seeing that...what is popping out of the ground, and into the crack in the sky, seems to be a strange, yet very gigantic tree. This tree is so tall that, Alex has no idea how far this will go. It's as though that the tree itself can go on forever and ever and ever. But as he continued to look up, he saw that...the what he's seeing is just simply an illusion, and it still is through the crack in the sky itself.

"What in the world? What in Yaldabaoth's name is that?"

As Alex walks up towards the Tree, Rex began to grunt. He turned around, and Rex is holding himself like he is in immense pain.

Alex than goes to him, and holds his shoulders, and spoke out.

"Rex? What is it? What's wrong?"

Than, Alex noticed a metal tendril crawling onto his finger, so he immediately backs away from Rex. Than, suddenly, something happened that made Alex see what is causing harm to his friend,

Rex than suddenly has metallic tumors coming off of him, as well as wires coming off his arms and chest. He tried to get himself under control, but it wasn't working, and he fell down again, with them both popping back.

Alex has no idea what is happening, as he looked up at the tree that is before him. Suddenly, entities in shadowy mists began to fly out of the cracks of the sky, and began to attack the tree. When this happened, this caused the sky above them to crack and shatter in some areas.

Alex, on instinct, jumped towards the creatures, and begun to attack them, curing them down to size, and landed on one of the tree branches. The tree branches surprisingly didn't crack. But Alex paid no attention to that, and begun to battle against the shadowy entities. The entities than looked at Alex, and begun to charge at him. Alex, forming his Whipfist, jumped into the air, and fired it forward at the entities, getting ready to battle against those things.

All of a sudden, Halo came out of nowhere, and unbeknownst to both Alex, who is still fighting, Toxin, Scorn, Blue Beetle, Circe, Cyborg, and James are filling behind her. Halo looks down, and spoke out.

"Don't worry, Rex. I will heal you from this."

Halo than used her purple aura on Rex, as she is able to heal him. As he is covered by the purple light coming out of Halo's hand, the metallic tumors all over Rex's body began to burst out blue glowing liquid, before it shrinks down, and disappears completely. It's as though it never existed on Rex from the start. Rex than looks up, and turns to see Alex fighting against those shadowy things. Activating his Boogie Packs, he turned to Halo and spoke out.

"Should we help him also?"

Halo nodded, as she glows orange, and flied to fight, with Rex taking the lead, while activating his Slam Cannon, taking a chunk of the concrete behind his feet, and begun to fly to the tree to protect it. The other Newborns also got ready, and began to join in on the fight against those strange entities that are attacking the massive tree outside.

Rex flies into the air, and fired his Slam Cannon at the entities. The rocks from the concrete hits the Smokey entities, making them vanish, before he lands on a branch, and begun to cleave against them entities. He than swung the Smokey beings with immense speed and power, as they easily got killed.

Toxin ran up the trunk of the massive tree, before making tendrils, and cracking them like a whip against an entity. Even the noise themselves are able to make the entity evaporate, and Toxin than jumped higher into the tree, as Scorn went up, and blasted the entities with her arm Cannon.

Jaime and Cyborg began to fly around the tree, and begun to fire at them. They used their arm cannons as an effective tool to help them in this mess, and even punched them if they ever got to close to the tree.

Circe than unleashed a sonic cry at the entities, which was powerful enough to kill the entities. The scream also has a very wide range than the others. So she screamed so loud, she killed more of the shadowy entities than the others did. 

James launches himself into the air, as he made his Whipfist, and spun around to catch the entities that are circling him. He than switched to his Blade, as he begun to spin around and caught even more of the entities. He than ran up the trunk, before landing onto a branch of the tree. As he looked, he saw that Halo is starting a battle with the entities.

She made a shield around herself, before firing Yellow energy blasts at the shadowy beings. She even used the Reality Stone to turn the entities into nothing but Black Goo. But Halo didn't notice, and saw that one of the shadowy beings caught the trunk, and bite a mouthful of it. If the group heard closely, a small sound of a human crying in pain could be heard

Halo than turned and James cleaved them away. Halo than turned, and activated her shining ability. This made so many of the shadowy beings around her disperse, that it even surpasses Circe's attack. James tried to use the Soul Stone to see what was wrong, but for some reason, there's no soul inside of them. It's like they are nothing more but puppets.

Alex and Rex than went back to back, as they clapped their hands, making a powerful shockwave that caused the entities to be destroyed. Alex than used the immense energy of the Power Stone and clapped his hands together, creating a powerful shockwave felt from thousands of miles away. But even after that, many of them kept coming to destroy the tree.

One of the entities attempted to attack Alex, but than, it was sliced in mid-air for some reason. But Alex looked, and saw that Kaede is here. She launches herself into the air, goes onto a branch, and began to cut the entities in immensely fast slicing speed.

"Where are these things coming from?"

Alex spoke out, as the group continued to fight against the shadowy beings. The group wasted no time at all, as they begun to battle against the entities once more. Alex...he just hope that he can know what on Earth's going on.

"(Cough) (Cough) Gasp!!!"

What the hell? What is...what is ME??!!!

"Gasp!! Can't...(cough)BREATH!!!"

I...I don't know what is happening. I was simply making ideas for my next chapter, when suddenly, there is this strange black gas inside of my house, despite the fact I had closed the windows and the door! And the's killing me! Preventing me from having air in my lungs!! I don't much I can take surviving in it!!


I than went onto the floor, as I felt myself fading!! I'm losing air!! I need to get my mask out!!

I went to my drawer and pulled out a plastic bag. I opened the zipper...and I grabbed the mask out, and put it over my mouth and nose.

It took a little while...but I can finally breath normally again. I just can't breath as easily in the mask as without it. I made sure that there is not even a slightest opening at my mask.

After finishing examining it, I than stood up from where I am now, and walked over to my device, which is my phone, and see what's up. I went onto my Wattpad story about the SCP crossover I made, and see what in the world's going on. What I saw completely caught me by my utter surprise.

"What in the...SCP-5500? I didn't write this one! I swore never to write that one!! How did this happen to my phone?!"

I than looked out the window, and saw that I am not the only one that is affected by what is happening. There are other people to...except they're dead. It looks as though the people suffered a heart attack when they inhaled the gas

"Great. First 3812! Now this?!"

The gas, it killed them. They breathed it in for a few minutes, which killed them in an instant. I idea what's happening. All I know is...I need to get out and find out what is wrong. Thankfully, I have my mask to prevent breathing this stuff in. So I should be fine. But whatever is out there, it can't be good. And unfortunately, my family isn't here, which means...

I shook my head, and went outside. But when I went out...everything's a nightmare. Cars have crashed, people are on the ground, dead, and...wait a that a...

"That the giant tree from the picture. But how did it...than...could it be..."

Having a guess on what it might actually be, I than ran to the direction of the tree that is at the direction of the Summer Camp I used to go to when I was younger, and it is at the track-and-field area of it. But it wasn't going to be very easy getting there, due to how far it is. But still, I kept on running as fast as I can to the tree, and hopefully, my guess is correct.

But as I kept running, I turned and saw that, the people that are somehow resistant to the gas...they are now attacked by a bunch creatures of some sort, made of smoke and powdered granite, and seem to force feed them some strange polyhedral objects. They were killing those people. But I shouldn't waste my time looking at them. I need to keep on moving fast.

But as I kept running, I notice of the entities spot me, and are now coming towards me. Not wasting any time, I ran as fast as I can from them.

But as I ran, I saw that they are catching up to me, and I have no idea what is happening. And even worse, is that I am getting tired at running.

"(Pant)(Pant)(Pant)Come on! Don't make me get tired now!!"

I ran and ran and ran until I turned around to see-


I looked and saw that the smoke-like entities are stopped by a strange spiderweb in front of them. What the hell?! Where did that web come from?!

" that...SCP-848?"

I spoke in a whisper at the giant web. How did that get here in the real world? Doesn't matter. I can't simply gawk at that. There's much more important stuff than this thing. Besides...I hate Spiders.

I kept running, and I was near the tree, and it was so huge. But I ran so much that I have become immensely exhausted. My legs are aching very badly, as I can only walk. I than walked up to the tree to-


I felt so much pain, somehow. I collapsed to the ground, and looked at myself. I than life my shirt, and saw that...I had bite marks on my torso. It looks like bug bites...but they looked like miniature animal teeth, and they feel like the bite of his much a human can bite! Where did they come from?!

I than fell down to the ground, as I held onto my wound with my left hand, and put my right hand down. But when I put down, I felt something under it. I grabbed it, and looked at what it is that's under my hand.

It resembles a powder of some sort, though I have no idea what it is. Where did this large hole even come from anyway? doesn't matter. I need to keep moving. But the pain makes it very difficult to even move anymore faster.

I than...grunt...moved to the tree, and saw is coming out of a wide crack. Where does the crack even lead to?

I looked and saw...wait a moment. Is that...really...

"Wait a moment. That tree. If it is connected to this reality than..."

I than looked down, and it was what I had theorized it to be...the tree had burrow down from my reality, to the reality under me...aka, the story that I had made. I see them, Alex, Rex, they are down there. I...I couldn't believe it. I am actually seeing them in person...really.

As I looked...I had...I had no idea what to do in this situation. I feel like...I have no idea why this is happening. All I know is not very...very good.

As I looked down, I felt my phone vibrate and made a humming sound. I looked, and saw the name of the person that texted me: 'The Overvoid Lurk.'

' finally noticed huh, SCP-5500-Ω-41204?'

I raised my eyebrows. That's what I am called? Must be a pretty long name. I than text back at the guy that had suddenly texted me.

"What do you mean?"

The text instantly came from him again, and this time, he spoke out.

'That you get to see the characters in the story, the ones that you had guided for so long.'


What? How did he from the SCP universe also? If he is...than...

'Why are you suddenly speaking to me?'

I texted to the Overvoid Lurk guy, who than spoke back.

'You are going to need my help, because I know what is going on with the situation that you are inside of right now.'

I was a bit unsure, but than, I spoke out.

'is it about the SCP-5500 event that involved the destruction of 9,245 universes, due to the authors? I read that in the 5500 page.'

Than, a new text appeared, and spoke out.

'That...and the person who is behind those attacks.'


What the...I than typed a text to him, desperate to know more.

'You know who's behind it?'

Than, another text appeared that frustrated me.

'Not really, because he is covering himself up in black. All I can tell you is...he is going to be arriving for your Earth.'

"For my...Earth?"

I whisper to myself. I than text him as fast as I can, and spoke out.

'When is he coming?'


I flinched at the loud sound that had came completely out of utter nowhere. I looked into the sky and saw someone coming down. It looked like lightning, but it is Black with fire at the end of it, had the fact that, the missile part of the projectile has a sphere resembling what seems to be a quasar.


It hit the ground, creating a large crater in the ground. Dust and debris went against my glasses, and I have to cover my face to protect them against whatever it is that's appeared.

Than, I looked at my phone, and The Overvoid Lurk texted me.

'Hurry, get Alex to notice you, or else you will lose your life.'

Nodding, I went to the hole to see the battle still continuing, and spoke out.



Alex noticed and heard the voice from above, and looked up, to see a human male with Black hair, Brown eyes, with a black hood over his head. Facial hair is also present on the person that is leaning above the crack.

"What in the...Who are you?!"

Alex spoke out to the person above him, as the others continued to fight.

"SCP-5500-Ω-41204!! Listen, Alex. Your world's not the only place in danger. Mine is as well!"

Alex's eyes had widened at what Adam said. It's happening all over the place? He than look up, and spoke out.

"How is it happening at where you are?!"

Adam lowered himself down, and spoke out.

"I don't know!! All I can tell you is, it is happening all over the place, even my Earth!! And the reality above me is too. I need you help saving it, Alex!! These monsters simply do nothing but to distract you!!"

Alex looked around, and than looked up. He than pieced it together, and realize what is happening. These monsters are here to distract them. They seem to come from above, right through the crack in the sky. But Adam doesn't seem to realize that himself. After a little bit of thinking, he spoke out upwards.

"I'm coming up!!! Just wait and hold on!!"

He than ran up the trunk, as everyone began to notice what Alex is doing. But unbeknownst to Alex and SCP-5500-Ω-41204...someone than went behind SCP-5500-Ω-41204.

I look down, as I saw Alex going up the tree trunk as fast as he can. I still can't believe that I am asking for help of one of the characters I used in the story that I had made. But it is very cool, I had the admit. I just hope he gets up to help me in time.


I jumped, and turned to see who spoke to me. It was a man covered in a black cloak...and I...I can't see the face. It's been covered by a strange black mask.


He...he's grabbed me by the neck! Is he the one that's gonna kill me?!


The dude had just slammed me to the ground, and it hurts like I just slammed into a wall, hard!! Just how strong is this guy?!

Gah!! There's no time to question!! The dude's gonna go on to kill me! I need to break myself free, it at least by Alex some time to help!! I than tried to sweep his legs!!



I shouted out. His legs are covered in tough metal! Guess he must have been prepared to do it to a normal human like me.

He than pulled out something from his pocket and...oh no! He's gonna kill me the same way that the shadowy things had done to other people!! No, I can't let that be the case!!

He brought to my face, but I held his arm with my left hand, and try my best to prevent it from entering my mouth! Damn it!! Stupid weak arms!! Though it's also kinda my fault for not working out!!

Ghhh...he's overpowering me, and I'm not sure how long I can hold him off. Come on...just a little more time...


That's Alex!!

Alex made it...Alex finally made it to the top...and he saw that they guy who called getting attacked by the strange man in black. Well, he isn't going to allow him to get away with it.

Alex than rushed to the man, and before he realized what was about to happen, Alex grabbed the back of his coat collar, and threw him off Adamabyss.

He grabbed onto SCP-5500-Ω-41204's hand, and SCP-5500-Ω-41204 stood up from the ground he fell upon. He looked a bit shaken up, but he's still fine.

"You okay?"

Alex spoke out, and SCP-5500-Ω-41204 nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Alex than turned to the attacker, and charged at the invading entity. He raised his right hand, which held onto the power stone, and activated its ability. Purple cracks began to appear on his hand, and slammed down on the ground, hard. But the entity moved out of the way, and attacked Alex, launching a black energy blast. The blast was so powerful, that it even damaged Alex's shield.

Alex, using the Power Stone, than used an energy blast of his own to counter the enemy's attack.

This was actually able to overpower the entity, and even force it back. But for some reason, it didn't kill the entity, even when he used it at minimum power. The entity than launches a blast of black electricity at Alex, but he used the Power Stone to absorb the energy, and send the attack firing back at the entity, which harmed the attacker severely.

He jumped into the air, and punched the entity with enough force to cause even the ground to detonate violently. Even SCP-5500-Ω-41204 was thrown by the blast itself, as he got knocked off of his own feet when he tried to balance his footing, still on ground. But just as it happened, 2 more people than came out of the ground itself.

James and Halo, who have gotten up quicker, went out of the hole, and went to see Alex having some difficulty trying to fight against the entity that attacked SCP-5500-Ω-41204. Halo, holding onto the Reality Stone with her bare hand, than used it to warp reality. Normally, it wouldn't work in the universe it is not in, but due to their universe being born from this one, it can still be used effectively.

When she looked at some broken cars, she transformed them into a murder of crows, and they flicked towards the attacker. This pecked and slashed at the attacker before making a shockwave that destroys them.

Halo than infused her blast of yellow energy with the Reality Stone's power, causing the ground to open like a mouth, as tendrils of magma came out of the ground and ensnared the mysterious entity.

But the entity wasn't going to give up on the right just yet. He made a shockwave of energy and destroys the tendrils, before turning the powders of carbon on the ground to make copies of himself.

The copies than reacted and made tendrils from their hands to wrap them around Alex, James, and Halo. But Alex and James looked at each other, and nodded. They clenched onto the Soul and Power stones, and their combined power not only destroyed the copies, the soul stone briefly took out the soul of the real one for a second, before it comes back inside the attacker's body.

Taking the initiative, Halo than used the power of the Reality Stone to make a rock tendril that wrapped itself around the attacker, before slamming him down into the ground.

Alex than jumped into the air, before using his diving attack, and combined it with the Power Stone, it gigantic purple explosion erupted from the area, large enough that it was felt throughout the entire continent, the entire USA. Cracks even spread across the USA, almost splitting the entire USA. It was as power as even the strongest nuke around.

As Alex jumped off the ground of where he smashed the entity, SCP-5500-Ω-41204 walks up to him, and spoke out.

"Did you...did you put him down?"

Than, a groan erupted from where the area of the attacker was at. As he stood up, and the mask fell off of his face, which shattered into many pieces.

He than turns around, and shows his face. The face was pitch black, like a void, and it has many, 8 of them on his face, like it is a cross between spider and human.

As he looks at them with red eyes, it suddenly changed to brown eyes...namely...the eyes SCP-5500-Ω-41204 possesses on his face.

SCP-5500-Ω-41204 could only look in shock, as the entity spoke to him.

"How are you doing...


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