Battle of the Authors

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SCP-5500-Ω-41204 looked in utter disbelief at what the entity before him said. The entity looked nothing like him. He even spoke out.

" aren't me!! You're never me!! I would never go as far as to destroy worlds of other people!!"

The entity than chuckled, as he spoke out.

"Well...not the literal sense. But more like as a part of my own being. You see, I am the embodiment of every negative trait that an author has. So a part of your negative trait as an author is present inside of me also."

SCP-5500-Ω-41204 than sneered, as he spoke out.

"So what does that make you, my brother, and more importantly, who are you even?"

The entity than smirked, as he spoke out.

"Who am I? Hehehehe...I am what you can call, the Death of the Authors. But if you all can call me by what I really am: The Anti-Author."

I continue to look at the so-called Anti-Author that is in front of me. I have no idea what he is planning...but there is one thing that I do know. Whatever it is that he is planning inside of his head, it is definitely not a good sign.

I than stepped forward, as I spoke out.

"Why are you doing this?! Why are you killing the Authors?! They've got nothing to do with this!!"

The Anti-Author than cackled like a madman!! This is seriously creeping me out.

"Ohhhhhh...why should I tell you? You have no control over me."

I continued to look at him, and I snarled a bit at that punk's face, until I pointed my eyes downward...and I saw a book.

I have no idea what this book is...but all I know is that it must be important. I than lunged at the book, and the Anti-Author must have noticed it, because he than launches some tendrils that are made of shadow at it. But in the nick of time, I grabbed onto the book, and got it away from the Anti-Author's reach, preventing him from having...whatever this is.

"That book..."

I looked up...and he seems to know what the book itself is. It than spoke out.

"The Book of the Authors."

The Anti-Author than snarled, as it spoke out.

"With it...I can erase all the authors from existence. It is time that I have it!!"

It than charged at SCP-5500-Ω-41204, and attempted to kill him in order to have it. seem to have forgotten that Alex, James, and Halo are present, because they swooped in at the nick of time, and attacked the Anti-Author, preventing the entity from killing SCP-5500-Ω-41204.

"What ever you're planning, Anti-Author, we aren't letting you do what you're going to plan for us all!!"

Alex spoke out, irritated. Halo nodded, as she spoke out as well.

"We'll protect our friends that you are about to hurt."

James than spoke out one last thing.

"And most importantly off all...we're gonna kick your ass to hell!!"

He than punched the entity, sending it flying back. Better get to a safe distance, or I'm gonna be killed on the battle that's happening.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Alex made his first move in the right once more. He clench his fist, which held the Power Stone, and punched the Anti-Author with all his empowered might.

The Anti-Author glowed purple, as it is truck by the Power Stone. When it hit something, it produced an explosion that caused more damage.

The Anti-Author got back up, and when that happened, James attempted to use the Soul Stone to duck his soul out. But the Anti-Author simply moved out of the way, and punched James hard to send him flying back.

But Halo than took the turn, and warped reality in the ground, making a giant hand that made a fist, and it is ready to smash down in top of the Anti-Author itself. She brought her fist down, and the fist attempted to hurt the Anti-Author's body. Unfortunately...all it did was severely annoy him, and raised himself off of the ground again. Halo than made a shield, and the Anti-Author attempted to strike her. But Halo than used the Reality Stone once more, turning the large rocks into large Rhinos.

They charged at the Anti-Author, and he was ran over by the rhino stampede. This was actually able to damage the Anti-Author immensely. Unfortunately for Halo, however, he began to regenerate. But Alex, who saw what was about to happen, reacted the quickest, and punched the entity with the Power Stone-infused Punch. But the entity suddenly sunk down, and was out of sight. As Alex tried to found out where he is, suddenly, his shadow moved, and went out of the ground. Thankfully, Alex reacted. Not thankfully, his fist was caught, and he was thrown to the others. Alex stood up, as he, James, and Halo are ready to take on the Anti-Author, in order to stop whatever his mission is.

SCP-5500-Ω-41204 hid behind one of the buildings, trying to make sure that none of the rocky debris hit him in the head fatally, because the rocks are now as fast as bullets, which makes things worse, as they are legitimately golfball size.

As much as he hates to admit it, SCP-5500-Ω-41204 was very terrified. He has no idea what to do in this situation, and even though he has influence in his story, in the real world, he's human. So how can you stand up against a being that had powers, while he doesn't?

As SCP-5500-Ω-41204 held the mysterious book in his hands, a voice spoke out to him.

"You cannot always sit there and be afraid."

5500-Ω-41204 than looked up, as he heard a voice. Where did that voice even come from? SCP-5500-Ω-41204 turned around, and saw a person walking up to him. It was a man of impossible beauty, with platinum hair and brown eyes, and his face looked absolutely perfect. It made even the most handsome guys on earth look like little trolls. But for an unknown reason, the being before him has blue pupils, and for an unknown reason, he feels so, comfortable, despite the battle that is happening. The figure than continue to speak out.

"You cannot always be frightened by what is going on around you. Even with fear, you can be a powerful ally to the people that you have guided."

SCP-5500-Ω-41204 than looked confused as to how this guy knows his name.

"Who...who are you?"

SCP-5500-Ω-41204 spoke out. The man stopped waking, and spoke out.

"You already know...Adam. But if you can't already tell what I am underneath this..."

His eyes than began to shine, as bright light began to show all around him. It is much brighter than the sun, and yet, it is harmless to look at. He than summoned flames of various colors on his hand, and his whole body's glowing.

He finally spoke the answer to the 5500 instance.

"I Am What You All Refer To As The Creator Of The Many Infinite Number Of Universes That I Completely Inhabit. I Am What You Humans Of This Refer To Me As The Controller Of The Elder Gods, And All The Living Creatures That Exist In My Domain, My Realm. I Am What I Have Been Called, As The Almighty, And The Universe You Made, Is Also One I Rule."

The way he spoke, it was ominous. It was in a distant, yet light echo. In a soft, yet loud tone. The way he spoke was as though it is an entity filled with so much mystery and memories inside of the so-called 'Almighty.' SCP-5500-Ω-41204 doesn't know why, but he feels like it is a person that he should bow and pray to, like he's God, despite the fact he isn't.

He than stopped glowing, and looks at 5500-Ω-41204.

"And we am here to aid you to put a stop this this madness."

5500-Ω-41204 looked confused, as he spoke out.


Than, a familiar voice spoke out.

"We, Adam."

5500-Ω-41204 than turned around, and saw a familiar being appearing before his own very eyes.


SCP-5500-Ω-41204 spoke out. SCP-3812 nodded, and spoke out.

"Both me and the Almighty have something to talk about, especially when it involves the book in your very hands. But let us discuss things in a more...private, place."

SCP-3812 than snapped his fingers, and all of a sudden, the environment began to warp like crazy. Reality was like a thread to the SCP Gods. The thread is being sown like clothing, tightening and woven into to make a new clothing. SCP-5500-Ω-41204 closed his eyes, as the sight is stating to make his dizzy to the point that he feels he wants to puke his own brains out. But after he finds himself on something that is soft...he looks up, and saw that they are in a different area. It resembles the Edmonds Beach, except that it is filled with Mist, the sand is replaced with grass. In the sky, it is night. There are 15 moons in the sky, and despite the fact that it resembles the night, there are 10 suns in the sky, and the stars around the moons and stars are blue. The lake itself is white.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It is as though it is filled with infinite sunlight. Right in front of Ω-41204 there is a large tree. The Tree has blue ocean leaves, and the branches are gold. The trunk of the tree is green, like it is made of emerald. And underneath the tree, it is where 3812 and Almighty are residing in. SCP-5500-Ω-41204 walks up to them, and Almighty is the first to speak.

"I understand why you hesitate, Adam. You are a Author that believes that he is unable to do anything to help out, because you believe that there is not strength, or power, it even a genius inside of your mind to help you fight back. You believe yourself to be a weak person that writes the story, the universe that you made to only entertain the people that you are friends with from the start."

Than, 3812 continued for The Almighty, as he spoke out.

"But you, Adam, have a power of your own. It is a power that you never had realized that you have, ever since you became an author of your own universe that you had created."

I was very confused at what he said.

"Power...what kind of power? I never have any powers before in my life. I'm just a normal human, guys!"

I was now very frustrated. Why are they assuming that I have a power? What am I?! Superman?! Hulk?! I don't have any powers in my life! I'm not some Alien, Magician, or a experimented human! I'm just a normal guy! That's all I am!

" the this reality, no, you don't have power. Your are as normal as any normal human. But in the reality you had made, you do possess power that you must not have known. Because of your status as an author, you have the power to warp and change the reality of the story, even altering history to correct 'errors' that you made."

The Almighty spoke out, calmly, as SCP-3812 came forward, and put his hand onto the cover of the book.

"And this book will be the answer to the situation you are inside of right now."

I looked up at the 2, confusion overtook me, as I spoke out loud.

"This book? How can this book be my way out?!"

As if the think I'm an idiot, SCP-3812 than spoke this out.

"This book is the same as your Wattpad. You right something into the Wattpad website, it becomes a reality. When you make chapters, you make an entire timeline of events, and you can slightly alter than by going back to the previous time, and fixing an error than you made whilst writing."

The Almighty than continued for Sam Howell.

"And similarly, this book can do the same thing, but with a unique power of it's own. The Book of the Authors can also be allowed to bring the characters you desire into your book, without even needing to go back through the timelines to 'correct' it, as well as the fact that it can allow you a limited form of influence to the reality that you live in, as your home. That is why you shall be joining them in to the battle and fighting for the people that you had guided. And that is shall be joining them in the fight to stop the Anti-Author, as he is a threat to our existences."

I spat out, and looked at the Almighty! Me?! Fighting against an entity that has powers opposing us authors?! How do you expect me to fight that?! With bare punches?!

"Me??! You expect me to go out and fight?! What do you both want me to do at the fight?! Punch him?!! I'll get ripped to shreds before I even know it!! And even if I did use the book, I would be slaughtered before I could write anything on this book. I can't do it...I can barely do anything."

First Person Point of View...

As SCP-5500-Ω-41204 spoke this out, a voice spoke out to him.

"I used to think the same thing, SCP-5500-Ω-41204."

SCP-5500-Ω-41204 looks up, and was surprised at the voice that he heard. He turned around, and saw that there is someone walking towards him with a briefcase in his hand. When the figure got close enough, SCP-5500-Ω-41204 could now see clearly of who it is that has appeared suddenly.

SCP-5500-Ω-41204 was confused at first, until he saw a briefcase that has a number present on it's side: 055. It didn't take long for SCP-5500-Ω-41204 to realize what it is.

"No way...that's SCP-5000.'re Pietro Wilson...right?"

The person before him nodded, before continuing.

"I used to think the same thing. When I first used the suit, SCP-5000, I was scared and to weak to do anything when the Foundation of my time began to turn against humanity and try to destroy every last human present, as they agree with 682 of them being 'disgusting'. I felt like I was too powerless to stop them, and I watched with my own eyes, helplessly, as the humans that we had sworn to protect get ripped apart by the very place I worked in. But when I reached the end of my journey, I was able to save the world, even though it took my life. It doesn't matter what strength you have, it is what you're using that can make the difference. And the book that you is the difference, and they key to saving the people that you love. The world...that's your home. Do not let the Anti-Author reach his goal. Or else, your will end up just like mine."

SCP-5500-Ω-41204 looked at him with wide eyes, before he finally makes a determined expression and nodded slowly. He than looks down at the book that is present in his arms, and spoke out.

"What do I do with this book, you guys?"

3812 than goes to him, and spoke out.

"We'll show you. Just listen very carefully."

As he spoke, The Almighty than comes forward, as they prepare to help Adam out.

Meanwhile, back on 41204 Earth..

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Alex and the others are having serious trouble trying to hurt the Anti-Author. No matter how much damage they do to it, it will always regenerate from severe wounds. And it was greatly getting on their very nerves, badly.

Than, the entity stabbed all 3 of them at the same time, piercing them in the heart.


Halo cried out in agony, as she got stabbed in the heart. Needless to say, James got pissed off, ripped the tendrils off of him, and cuts Halo's attacking tendril, before catching her. However, James' blade also extended to Alex, who was able to break free from the weakened cut made by the blade of James Heller.

The Anti-Author looked at the group, as it spoke out,

"How pathetic and futile. You possess the power of immensely power gods, and you cannot stop me."

He than aimed his hand, and dark energy began to form in the palm of his hand. He than spoke out in a sadistic tone.

"How disappointing. Guess I will have to put you all out of-"

Than, before the Anti-Author could destroy all three of the Newborn members, suddenly, a Red Beam of light came out of nowhere, and struck the Anti-Author very hard, launching him off his feet.

Than, a female voice spoke out.

"Huh. Guess we aren't so late for the party after all."

Than, another voice spoke out.

"You bet, lady."

The Anti-Author than looked, and saw some new people that have decided to join the fight against the entity.

Through the Powers of the Book of the Authors, he was able to bring in some new people into the story he made, and get them to help out in the dire situation. And the people he decided to bring was Wanda Maximoff and Firestorm.

The Anti-Author was very mad at what he's seeing, and attempted to summon his tendrils at one of them. But Firestorm, who is the target, transformed into flames, and phases through the tendrils without any worry present with him. 

He than struck him with a flame-infused punch, and was able to trap him inside of cooled magma. He froze as if on ice, which gave Wanda enough time to telekinetically raise him up in the air, before slamming him into the ground. She than used her telekinesis to raise some cars, before slamming them between the Entity. Alex and the others were shocked. They have no idea where they came from.

The Anti-Author than stood up, and spoke out.

"This is impossible! How did you both even appear?"

Than, a shining blast of light appeared from behind Wanda and Firestorm, revealing it to be SCP-5500-Ω-41204, and has the book opened in his hand. There is a look of determination on his face, as he spoke out.

"Let's just say that I had made a bunch of adjustments with my story."

In the book, he wrote the history of how Wanda and Firestorm came to be. But they can't be seen by the entity, as somehow, it was being censored by these strange white pixels that had appeared out of nowhere.

"And besides..."

Wanda spoke out, as a yellow glow appeared in her hand.

"You are always weak to these things."

Wanda than opened her hand, and revealed a yellow stone.

It was the Mind Stone, and SCP-5500-Ω-4120 was able to summon the Infinity Stone along with Wanda. While Wanda already has its powers, due to being exposed to its energy, she uses it still to slightly increase her power, making her abilities much more damaging than before. However, she won't be the only person to use it, because she senses that someone else will be coming up, also having psychic powers herself.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

She concentrated a blast of energy, and fired it at the Anti-Author, who ran defended against it. But as that happened, Firestorm appeared behind the Anti-Author, and summoned a beam of flames, burning the entity severely.

"Prepared to get burned!!"

But that was not the only thing he can do. He summoned fire from this hands, before sending him to a volcanic area.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He summoned 2 fireballs at the Anti-Author, before sinking under the ground, later rocketing under his feet, and slammed 2 superheated atoms in between the Anti-Author, who is in the air.

This caused an immensely powerful explosion, that burns the entity more badly than ever before, and even he doesn't know the full extent of the damage that's caused to him.

"Heh. I'm such an incredible badass."

But as that all happened, Kaede than came out of the hole to try and aid the group in the right, if there is difficulty trying to deal with it.

Kaede was surprised at seeing the new people present, but than, the Anti-Author turned around, and spoke out.

"Actually...I'll kill you first!"

He than lunged at Kaede, who than defends using her Vectors. But the entity was able to break the shield, sending her flying over the crack, and at the other side.

Wanda than levitates herself to Kaede's position, and used her telekinesis to launch the entity away. She helped Kaede up, but before she could ask if she's alright, the Anti-Author roared out, and shouted.


It than flied towards Kaede and Wanda. But Wanda has an idea. She grabbed Kaede's hand, puts the Mind Stone, and she spoke out to Kaede.

"Use the Mind Stone."

Kaede, without waiting, used her Vectors...

with an unexpected result. The Vectors had become visible with a yellow outline, but are now vastly more powerful than it was ever before. In fact, not even the full might of her power could match this when using the Mind Stone to channel it's energy into her powers. When she struck the Anti-Author, it actually caused him to feel pure, undeniable pain.

As the entity attempted to recover, Alex and James attacked. Alex than slammed his fist to the ground, which made a powerful Earthquake. Firestorm used his power to melt some of the rock beneath the crust, and magma suddenly shot itself apart it. Halo than used the power of the Reality Stone to make Magma monsters.

The Magma Monsters than attacked the Anti-Author, and attempt to kill the entity by burning him/eating him alive. But the Anti-Author used his power erase them from existence. While he can erase most things. He cannot erase the Infinity Stones, since they are a bit too powerful. If he had the Book of the Authors, than it will give him the power he needs to destroy them. But that would mean he would need to do something.

He turned to SCP-5500-Ω-41204, and launched himself at him. But SCP-5500-Ω-41204 quickly thought of something, and with the power of the book, was able to make the ground under him float pretty high.

But the Anti-Author isn't a person that gives up easily, and flies upwards to try and attack SCP-5500-Ω-41204. But he used the book again to cast a barrier, which worked for a god while, but the entity used its tendrils, pierced the shield, and began to make an opening. SCP-5500-Ω-41204 then jumped down to the ground, and levitated for a bit, before settling back down. The Anti-Author returns to the ground, and attempts to strike him. But Wanda used her telekinesis to raise him up in the air, and send SCP-5500-Ω-41204 next to herself and Kaede. Kaede than rose her power to her third frequency, and attacked at blinding speed. It cut the entity without any form of effort, and even manage to cut half of its head off. Unfortunately, it than made its own tendrils, and stopped the Vectors in their tracks after wrapping it around the vectors. However, James took the initiative, and began his attack again.

Because he is carrying the Soul Stone, and the Infinity Stones have been able to damage the Anti-Author, than it should give him some real damage to it, since it might have a soul of it's own.

As he ran to the entity, he clenched his fist around the stone, which caused his fist to glow an orange color, before he released his punch, and stabbed it in the stomach, causing anguish to it.

But it didn't more than cause anguish, he was actually able to hit the soul, which caused a massive fist-size hole to be formed.


The Anti-Author roared in immense agony and rage, as it summoned a tendril, grabbed onto James, and threw him away. Than, he touched the ground, and summoned black-Smokey entities, with a combination of carbon powder as apart of their bodies. He than commanded them to go after the others, while he handles the SCP-5500-Ω instance. He turns to SCP-5500-Ω-41204, and snarled out.

"You've been a thorn at my side for far to long. Now, I will show you the true definition of pain, and it will be the last thing you'll see."

He than summoned black glass shards out of nowhere, and aimed them at SCP-5500-Ω-41204. But SCP-5500-Ω-41204 than formed a white force field that stopped them out of midair, and with the book, formed it into a vortex, similar to a black hole, and launched it at the Anti-Author. But the Anti-Author destroys the Black Hole, and summoned Black Tendrils to attack SCP-5500-Ω-41204. However, the SCP-5500-Ω than used the book to form white misty ropes, which latched onto the entity's tendrils, stopping them in place.

But he didn't notice that the entity was behind him, and was ready to attack, when suddenly-


Alex came out of complete nowhere, and punched the Anti-Author, before he can even touch SCP-5500-Ω-41204. 5500-Ω-41204 than turned, and made some chains and shackles to put it on the Anti-Author. Thing is though, he isn't going to allow him to chain him.

The Anti-Author than changed into a somewhat more terrifying form, with 12 eyes on his face, and a large eye on the torso, that is in a vertical position. The eyes began to glow, before they fired together, and all 13 of them collided and launched themselves into a massive black beam of energy, and fired it right at SCP-5500-Ω-41204. Alex than used the Power Stone, and was able to make it collide with the energy blast. But he is struggling against its strength, because even with the knowledge he gained from the Power Stone, he doesn't know everything about it. Because of that, he is unable to use it's power to the fullest. But 5500-Ω-41204 had an idea. He wrote something in the book, and all of a sudden, a rain of magma than appeared down on top of the Anti-Author, causing severe pain to the entity.

The entity, however, turned his body to water, which cooled the magma, and made his body turned into obsidian, and blasts once more. But 5500-Ω-41204 made a Diamond pickaxe appear, and gave it to Alex, who coats it with the Power Stone's aura, and threw it at the Anti-Author. This made the body crack to the point that it is beginning to break. This action forces the Anti-Author to escape from his own body, and the body has fallen to pieces. But as that happens, James Heller than blast a beat of energy from the Soul Stone to obliterate his soul. But before he could complete the process, one of the Anti-Author's slaves appeared and attacked James, forcing him to combat against them once again.

Needless to say, this made him a bit madder, as he used the concrete from the ground to form a new body. It twists and acts wavy, like it is something akin to even water.

The concrete than began to form. First legs, than a arms, and than, a head, before he goes into the newly made body. When that happened, it resembles like that last one they've seen him as, now has wings. She began to fly, but at the same time, Wanda, Firestorm, and Halo took flight as well, and chased after the Anti-Author, combating against the entity once again.

Wanda's eyes began to glow red, as she is ready to take on the Anti-Author. Firestorm and Halo's eyes also glow, as they are going to erase the Anti-Author to save their world.

The Anti-Author than fired multiple energy blasts from their eyes, in which Halo made a red shield to defend. She than returned the favor by using the Reality Stone, and transform the black energy blasts into simply black paint. When that happened, she used it on the black paint, turning the paint into a terrifying swarm of black bats. Unfortunately, the bats were quickly destroyed by the Anti-Author, but they were able to scratch him a little bit.

Firestorm than held his head, as if there is someone speaking into his mind. He nodded, before he finally face it.

Firestorm than takes charge, as he literally...well, 'charge' up his flames, turning them blue.

When his flames are blue, this means that he is stronger than before with the use of the fire itself. He than turns himself into a flame for a longer period of time, and can deal more damage than before.

He than summoned a bolt of fire, which was so hot that it is even hotter than the sun itself. But that was not all it did. It made him a cracked rocky prison, in which Wanda telekinetically controls, throwing it down to the ground, which injuries the Anti-Author.

But as the Anti-Author begins to stand back up, Alex, James, Halo, and Kaede than surround the Anti-Author, and fired energy from the Infinity Stones, and hits the entity with them, full blast.

The entity tried to escape, but unfortunately, a sphere suddenly formed around the entity, and began to crush the entity. The entity than used its full power to try and push back the sphere. But the second he pushed it slightly...his body than began to be consumed by energy. But before he is completely destroyed...


He shouted one last roar of rage, before a shriek was heard, and he began to glow, before finally...


The explosion was so powerful, it caused a 30 feet crater to form, and a blinding light to appear. When the light dissipated, the entity was gone, and no remains of it are left.

The SCP-5500 instance than ran forward, and looked at where the crater is. He than spoke out.

"Is it...over? It that thing dead?"

Pietro Wilson than put a hand on his shoulder, and spoke out through the SCP-5000 armor.

"'s over."

As he looks down, Wanda, Halo, and Firestorm went down, and everyone looked at them.

"By the way, who are you 2?"

Alex spoke out.

"I'm Wanda Maximoff."

"I'm Firestorm."

Alex was surprised, and looked at Kaede to see the Mind Stone present.

"Kaede, where did you get that stone?"

Before Kaede could answer, Pietro stepped and spoke out loud.

"She got it, because SCP-5500-Ω-41204 summoned it."

He turned around, and saw SCP-5500-Ω-41204, and was unable to see his face, because he made a mask. But Alex seems to know what SCP-5500 is, because he spoke out.

"SCP-5500-Ω? You mean the authors? What does that make him?"

Pietro Wilson than went forward, and spoke out.

"That would make him the author of your world. He created your Earth, guided you, and gave you new powers. He had been the reason you exist, and always will be the reason, he will lead you to your success."

Alex, however, spoke out.

"Or failure."

Pietro chuckled, as he spoke.

"Well...there's also that too."

Before he could speak any further, a shaking sound was heard, and 5500-Ω noticed something.

"The's closing."

Pietro remains calm, and spoke out.

"The Almighty and 3812 are fixing the narratives. I suggest you go back...before it closes."

With no time wasted, everyone nodded, and went down, and this time, they brought their friends. But before everyone could go, Wanda turned and spoke out.

"5500-Ω...thank you for giving me this life."

Firestorm smirked, and spoke out.

"Stay a badass."

Than, they went down...before reality turned back to normal...with the tree finally disappeared from existence.

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