Time Schooner/SCP-276

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I was able to see my home...and saw that reality is shifting immensely. My world, my town, is returning itself back to normal. The cracks on the ground and sky where the opening once used to be is beginning to seal itself, after the tree is finally gone. Buildings are being fixed, cars are repairing itself, and people are suddenly returning to life. Everyone and everything is back to normal, because the people around me are now walking around the place as if nothing happened...with the exception of the power still on the ground, which people began noticing. But other than that, they have no recollection of what has happened, except for me.

But that didn't matter...I ran back to my house, which took me almost a full hour, and making me extremely tired from the running, and opened the door (which I didn't have time to lock.) and went to my room. As I looked, my phone shook a bit, as a text was said in the Message App, written by the Overvoid Lurk.

'You know wha to do now...right?'

I nodded, and texted out:

'I do...I'm now ready. After that, though...I'll take a break, since this was very tiring to my mind.'

The Overvoid than texted one last time.

'Good. Besides...I need to take care of the Moniter-Mind.'

Than, the text stopped, with a sudden lock next to the Overvoid Lurk title. Guess that means that he is out of the picture. And speaking of which...it is time to make the story, and besides...having Wanda Maximoff and Firestorm in the story...it should make things very interesting soon.

"Alright than. Time to get to work on the story."

I put my hand on the + Add a Part button on the Wattpad, and spoke out.

"Now where to start..."

It has been a day since the event involving the Anti-Author and the SCP-5500-Ω instance. They are now back at the base of the Serpent's Hand, and now have a couple new friends: Wanda Maximoff, who is given the title of 'Scarlet Witch' and Firestorm, who are actually 2 people fused together, Jason Rusch and Martin Stein.

Now the Serpent's Hand has grown in their power, and are prepared to take on the SCP Foundation, just in case they ever come to the Serpent's Hand to attack.

Jason is shown to be the same age as Jaime, although he is a bit more foulmouthed and brash than Jaime. Stein is a skilled physics scientist, which helped the Serpent's Hand a lot, even at the beginning of their time at the Serpent's Hand.

Alex, Toxin, James, and Scorn are inside of the cold storage room, trying to make a cure for the 610 infection.

Jaime and Jason are speaking to each other about...something, with Cyborg being included in the conversation.

Halo has some earphones on, listening to whatever music's on that is appropriate for her to listen, while Kaede is petting SCP-1459-1, snuggling it close, with Wanda joining in with petting the SCP dog instance.

However, Wanda than noticed some stuff on the floor, and used her telekinesis to raise it up from the floor and examine the items present.

But as for Rex and Circe...they are not in the base. In fact, their outside, and are heading to a different place that they're possibly needed at. And unfortunately, it is a very important mission they need to do, despite the fact that they're exhausted from yesterday. But they still go, regardless.

With Rex and Circe...up in air...

Rex and Circe are flying towards an SCP that isn't well known by the foundation. It was called SCP-276. What it can do is go backward and forward in time. But for some reason, despite no one was using it, it was being activated on its own. And even more strangely...there was green pulse erupting out of it, which was rather unusual. Rex and Circe don't know what is happening, which is why they volunteered to go and check out what is happening.

But as they began to fly, looked down, and saw an MTF dispatched by the SCP Foundation. However, they look rather weak, mostly due to the fact that after the SCP Foundation had gotten themselves involved in Hansarp, they had became immensely lesser in numbers, which made them unable to contain SCPs as properly as before. So until they find some People they can hire to work for the SCP Foundation, they would have to keep on working to maintain as much normalcy as they can, but it'll be even tougher.

"Jeez, why did the SCP foundation decide to send their MTF right now? Don't they realize how weak they are, ever since with the situation invoking SCP-4855, as well as those effected by Hansarp?"

Rex spoke out, with Circe herself looking just as confused.

"Maybe they are just a bit to desperate, and wants to get us as fast as possible, so they can finally rest and grow back to its original numbers, Rex."

Rex than shrugged, as he spoke out.

"Maybe so, Circe. Just hopefully that they don't cause us problems today. We're already stressed from fighting against those ghostly things from yesterday."

Circe looks at him, and was about to say something that is important to him, when all of a sudden...


Rex and Circe look up, and saw that the clouds are beginning to darken.

"What the...is that, lighting?"

Rex spoke out. Circe looked up at him, and spoke out.

"I don't know. Use your goggles to zoom in, and see what is up."

Rex nodded, as he puts on his goggles, and presses a button on the goggles. At first, it was a bit to cloudy for the two E.V.Os to see clearly. But when Rex was able to look past the clouds...he responded.

"Uh oh."

Circe looks up at him, and spoke out.

"What is it, Rex? What's wrong right now?"

Rex looks at her, and before he can ask, lowered himself down, being only at the same level as the building's stop floors. He looked, and saw what he had seen through the clouds themselves.

What Rex had spot was a dangerous SCP that he's heard of, called SCP-938. SCP-938 has suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and infected the electronic equipment of the SCP Foundation, electrocuting them. Rex has no idea how SCP-938 is even there, but he does know that has no time to even take a gawk at it. He needs to go to the SCP while the Foundation is distracted at the SCP.

But as he kept flying, suddenly...he got struck by the SCP's lightning, along with Circe.


Rex shouted out, as Circe hissed in pain, forcing them to go to the ground. But this gave the SCP Foundation the opening they need to go to the SCPs that they had trouble capturing.

The SCP foundation soldiers surrounded them, as their general spoke out.

"There's no use running. We have gotten you both-YAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!"

When he touched Rex, suddenly, they got shocked by Rex, which than spread to the others. Due to the Nanites inside of Rex's body, this made them use SCP-938's electricity as a shield for them to use again the MTF from the SCP Foundation itself.

Using this chance, both Rex and Circe, despite being in constant pain, immediately ran out of the area, and go to the site of where SCP-276 is residing in.

But trying to get there is a real pain, because even though they are now untouchable due to the electricity, Rex is also unable to use his builds, due to the electricity interfering with them.

But regardless, they didn't let that get in the way, and they kept on moving away from the MTF on foot. However, the only unaffected MTF member pulls out a rocket launcher, and fired it at the E.V.Os. Circe than tackled Rex out of the way, with the Rocket Launcher missing the 2 E.V.Os themselves.


Most unfortunate, it was an EMP rocket, and it only amplified the power of SCP-938, and hit the person that used the rocket launcher. But it was able to remove the electricity from the systems of the E.V.Os, for a rather strange reason.

When Rex and Circe realized that it is gone, he than grabs her by the hand, and spoke out.

"Come on. The sooner we investigate what is going on with SCP-276, the sooner we can go back without detection. Hang on tight!!"

He than wrapped Circe's arms around him, activated his Boogie Packs, and flies up as fast as he can, before turning to the direction of the SCP. He looks down, and sees that the MTF members are still getting electrocuted, due to possessing high-tech electrical weaponry. But Rex than turned forward again, and kept on moving to where he needs to be. He just hopes that he can make it there on time, before something bad happens.


Rex and Circe have arrived at their destination. And in the distance, they saw that there is a shockwave of Green energy coming from the site that the SCP is contained. So Rex immediately turned around, and went to the direction of where the energy is still pulsing.

When they landed, they than turned to the direction of the green pulse, and Circe spoke out.

"I think we should maintain our distance. We have no idea what the green pulse will do to us if we ever got near it."

Rex turned around and spoke out.

"You've just read my mind, Circe."

Circe smirked, and spoke out.

"Well...than what are we waiting for? Let's move right now."

Rex nodded, and the both of them ran. It took a pretty long time for them to get to the source of the pulse. But after a while, they were able to reach the end.

They have finally arrived to where SCP-276 is at. And it is exactly what it has been described. But for some reason, green electricity is sparking off of the SCP itself.

Suddenly, another pulse had erupted from the SCP itself, and the green electricity began to launched out, and almost hit Rex. Circe pulled him back, and a few of Rex's hair fell off of his head by the force of Circe's pull. Green lightning hits the hair, and it began to age, until it's white. Rex saw it, and spoke.

"Oh...that is not good."

Whatever it's power source is, it is causing the ship to malfunction for some reason. But when Rex and Circe got closer, they noticed the people that work at the SCP's site. Strangely, it looks as though they decayed of old age, despite the fact that they should be as young as 20-30. Something is very wrong. And they are going to find out what is wrong, by going inside the ship.

Rex and Circe went on top of the ship, with Rex protecting both himself and Circe with his Block Party shield. The electricity bounced off of the shield, and hit a building, which turned to dust, like it began to age at a very fast pace. Circe opened the door, and they both went in.

As he went inside of the ship, he went to the part of the wheel should he at, but instead, there are 3 buttons on the SCP dashboard, labeled as "Forward", "Back", and "Back Again". Rex was thinking of pressing the buttons to see what it will do, but as he looked, he saw that there is a square that has screws on it. Rex thinks that the control mechanisms are inside of that thing. So he got out a toolbox, grabbed onto a screwdriver, and began to twist the screws out of the covering. After he got all of them, he got the covering off of the mechanisms, and looked to see that it was filled with wires. But it is what was under the wires that really got his attention. It was something that is a glowing the a bright emerald green color.

Inside of the control mechanism of SCP-276 is a green stone of some sort. Rex suspects that this must be what gave the ship its powers in the first place.

Circe puts her hand on Rex, and attempted to speak to him, mostly for needing to be careful, but Rex, acting on impusle, plunged his hand towards the stone fast, and yanked it out, quick.

But what happened next was completely unexpected. A green flash of light than suddenly flashed, causing both Rex and Circe to cover both their eyes. The green pulse is so powerful and bright, it covered everything, even beyond the entirety of the very planet itself.

When Rex opens his eyes, Circe blinks, and spoke out.

"Rex...what have you done?"

Rex shrugged, before both Circe and Rex go outside to check and see what happened. What they saw shocked them.

The Everything around them, it had stopped. Every single thing around them, birds in mid-air, planes, the water is as still as even a statue, nothing was moving, except for both Rex and Circe together.

"Rex!!! Why couldn't you have just wait before you decided to take out whatever this thing in your hand is?!!"

Circe shouted out, as she became frustrated. Rex turned around, and spoke out, while raising his hand, having his palm face the city.

"I didn't think it was going to end up in something like..."

As he held his hand out, something unexpected had than happened. So suddenly...a green glyph appeared, along with 2 green bands with symbols on them on his right arm.

Rex and Circe were shocked at what they are seeing. They have never seen anything like that before. Rex turned his hand, and the rune turned with it. Than, time began to go backwards slowly, and Rex stopped. He than turned the other way, and the rune turned the same way, and time began to live forward, slowly and steady. After turning it a bit more, it resumed back to it's original speed.

As Rex looked, suddenly, his phone began to ring, and Rex took it out with his left hand, which is still holding the Green Stone . It was from Alex. He pressed the green call button, and held it to his ear.

"Alex? You there?"

Alex than spoke out to Rex.

"Yeah, it's me. What in the world happened? Time had been messed up even more when you arrived at where SCP-276 is at!"

Rex than spoke out.

"Well, I went there, and I was able to get past the guards, thanks to SCP-938, and when I checked the mechanisms that's inside of SCP-276, I found out a Green Stone inside of it that must have been the reason it had that power. So I pulled it out, because of how it's effecting the area."

Alex than spoke out.

"Green Stone...Rex! Do you have any idea what you had just pulled?!"

Alex's tone has changed. It sound a bit panicked. Rex than spoke out.

"No. What-"

Alex interrupts him, and spoke out.

"Rex! That thing you have is a Time Stone. This thing is very dangerous without something containing it!! You need to get it back to base, and fast!!! Because if you don't, than you'll be causing some immensely dangerous catastrophes that is going to affect the entire Time stream on Earth. Get back now!!!!"

Rex, realizing that Alex isn't joking, than spoke out.

"Okay, I'm on my way!!"

Rex than made the Sky Slyder, and Circe stood on the board.

"Can you get there on time?"

Circe spoke out. Rex nodded, as he spoke out.

"The Sky Slyder is the fastest of my Builds. It will get us to the base before you know!"

He began to fly back to the base fast, while he still holds the Time Stone. The Dial is slightly twisting with his hand, but he was able to keep it under control, and held it in a position where Time had stopped. That way, the humans that don't know of the supernatural won't know what is really happening, such as finding some guy on a floating surfboard with a green rune at the front of the right hand. Rex pays no attention to the people that are frozen down there, and continue to fly as fast as he possibly can. He just hopes he can get there on time without any catastrophes.

But as they kept going, Rex realized that they aren't going to make it in time. So he did a logical decision.

"BREACH!! Do you mind making me a portal to the Serpent's Hand. It's very important, please!"

Suddenly, a red portal opened, and Rex went through, and went to the other side, where Alex and the others are waiting for them. Rex, as he went forward, saw that time is distorting, as a T.Rex and their past versions began to appear, though translucently, as well as a robot from an unknown time period. And then, one of the Serpent Hand members was suddenly glowing green, and reduced to a 10 year old child, with even Alex looking a bit unnerved by what's happening around the area they're in. Quickly, Rex puts the stone in the container...and the effects had finally ceased. He turns around, and saw Breach.

"Thanks Breach. I owe you one for helping me."

Breach smiled, as she kissed Rex at the cheek, with Circe looking with an annoyed expression on her face. But she didn't do anything else. Alex than goes to the Time Stone that is still inside of the container, and began to think of something.

'Since letting it out in open air without being inside of something is dangerous, than we need to make a tool that can help out with this problem. And that gives me an idea. I just hope that it can help us with this thing.'


Well...it was a very close call on their part, but they were able to get back to the Serpent's Hand's base, and not a second to soon, either, because Time was in the process of already being messed up, and they were able to contain it in an item where they can safely use the Time Stone's power.

It does look very ancient, despite the fact that it is very new. But regardless, it was able to preform like it is a charm.

Rex has been able to practice the Time Stone with the necklace that is used to contain the Time Stone, and it works very well, due to the necklace making the Time Stone more stable.

But Alex has told him to be careful, and make sure that he does not break it, because it could lead to a disaster that Alex would prefer to avoid at all types of costs.

As Alex sighs, a hand was felt on his shoulder, and Alex looked to see Wanda with a worried expression present on her beautiful face.

"Alex. This is very dangerous. Are you sure that this is the right thing to do when involving this stone?"

Alex sighed, as he turned around and spoke out.

"Well...it is better to use inside this necklace than in a machine. You heard of what it did inside of SCP-276. If we put it in a machine, it would cause more problem than help us out. Besides, the mechanisms on this necklace should be able to stabilize the Time Stone's power very effectively."

Wanda nodded, and smiled at the fact that he is very confident about using it, while also making sure that it helps the group out. But as that happened, a crashing sound was heard, and both Wanda and Alex checked to see wha read happening...only to see both Circe and Breach fighting for Rex...again, as they used his arms like ropes of tug-o-war. Luckily, Rex is using his Smack Hand arms. So he won't have to worry about getting his real arms ripped off on the process of this ridiculous game. But both Alex and Wanda sighed, as Alex facepalmed, and Wanda putting her hands in her hips, shaking her head, annoyed, as she looked at sight that beholds them both.

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