The Dragonslayer/SCP-5514

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The battle against the demons is still raging with death, destruction, and bloodlust. The demons are very persist and will not stop. But thankfully, both the G.O.C and the SCP Foundation are just as stubborn, as they are people that will do anything to protect the human race, and won't stop fight until the end. They had than released another one of their anomalies, and this one is a type of well trained soldier, born from an alternate reality Earth.

SCP-2273, due to being a trained soldier with a bug suit, was sent down to fight against the demons. As he has been trained to kill enemies, he is best suited to fight them. He than looks resides on an earpiece to wait for a command to start fighting.

"Major Alexie Belitrov, you are clear to fight against the entities. Use all necessary force, now."

A foundation agent spoke out to SCP-2273, who than nodded, before speaking in a Russian Accent.

"Will do."

He than got ready some weapons, and with some helicopters behind him, rushed over and began to open fire on the demons charged at where they're positioned.

The Soldier than tore out a heart of the demon, before kicking another one. He than head-butted a demon that went to his back left, which he was able to see with his enhanced vision.

The G.O.C, now with the UHEC(Ultra-Heavy Engagement Chassis)suits, than landed down on the ground, as they began to fight against the larger demons that are attacking. One of them used a gigantic mini gun, which caused one of the demons so much damaged that it had killed them. The other simply went to use hand to hand combat against another one, who had a shield fused to the left arm. He did an uppercut, before he did a kick in midair, and did a hammerfist on the large demon's head.

Back with SCP-2273, he is still fighting against the demons. But unbeknownst to Alexie, a demon almost went behind and tried to bite his head off, but Blue Beetle shows up and stopped it from happening.

"Guess I'm not the only one with a bug suit, huh?"

Alexi looks up at Jaime, before speaking out to him.

"You have one as well?"

Jaime landed on the ground, as he spoke out.

"Yep, except that it is attach to my spine., instead of simply all over me."

Than, a group of demons appeared around the 2 bug men, as Jaime readies his Cannon arm, and Major Alexie Belitrov gets ready to fight.

"Hopefully your bug suit can hold off against this things."

The Major spoke out, as Jaime spoke back.

"Please, it can handle more than your own Bug Suit, SCP-2273."

SCP-2273 chuckled, as he accepts the challenge, and both bug-suited began to fight off against the demon horde.

Back with Halo, she is fighting against the demons with everything that she has. She launched yellow blasts of energy at the demons, many of them were killed by it. But one of the demons clawed her at the face, slicing her eyes, and caused her immense pain, to the point where she had to fly to get away fast. Thankfully, her purple aura kicked in, and she healed, but than, she looked down, and saw a few of the humanist demons had spread their wings, and try to rip her apart, once they had brought her into their grasp.

Halo than summoned a portal, and the human-sized demons than ran into it, without any means of stopping themselves.

At the other side, they were in a dark room of some sort, where there are no humans present in the room that they are in right now. The demons growled, as he stepped on something. They looked down, and they saw a pair of legs. In fact...with their vision enhanced in the night, he saw that it was full of human bodies...but...they were shown to be not normal. They look as if the pages of a book had molded with the bodies, and they each had a picture of a man with a red and white striped shirt. The demons looked at each they realize that what they are seeing before them is not good. As they turned around, they saw that something is coming out of a wall before them, and out came the same man, but with paler skin and has no idea, with black liquid coming down from eyes and mouth.

When Halo made a portal, she had accidentally sent them to Location I, where the instances of SCP-4885-1 are on the ground, dead as they're usual, and needless to say, the demons are now going to be dealing an encounter with Waldo.

SCP-4885 stares at the demons with his eye sockets, as the demons got ready to kill Waldo. However, they do not possess the same powers that SCP-4885 possesses. Now SCP-4885, after so long, finally gets to kill some people.

One of the demons than tried to grab him, but SCP-4885 had suddenly vanished without a single trace. The demon looks around, before holding onto his esophagus, and all of a sudden, SCP-4885 than began to come out of the Demon's mouth.

The demons stepped back, as they watched in horror of what is happening to their ally, who is in the process of being killed by a corrupted character that's meant to entertain the kids.


SCP-2317 was than sent flying back, due to SCP-2845 ramming into the Devourer of Worlds at high speeds. The water spread as he was sent flying fast over the ocean. He skipped like rocks, before finally, he landed, hard, some something very big.

As SCP-2317-K began to stand up from the 'ground', suddenly, the ground began to shake. He than looked, and what he saw made realized something. What he is standing right on top of.

What SCP-2317 now realized...was that it had fell right on top of SCP-169, The Leviathan. Usually, It sleeps. But when SCP-2317 fell right on top of it, it became very cranky, as it woke up on the wrong side of the bed it is sleeping on.

The instant SCP-169 woke up from it's slumber, the had began to finally emit a roar. The Roar was so loud that everyone on Earth could hear it. It was also heard from the 2 Sites in space. Needless to say, it wasn't happy. It shook SCP-2317 off of its body, as it woke up. Before turning around, and prepares to bash it, and at least try to consume it, due to being larger than the World Devourer.

But the World Devourer, despite being smaller than the Leviathan, was much more stronger, as it raised his arms, and push back against the Leviathan, who is approaching fast towards where he is now positioned.

But as he is stuck fighting against SCP-169, the Gate Guardian and the Deer appeared before SCP-2317 again.

The Gate Guardian...Uriel, than raised his sword into the air, and launched to 2317, where its blade burned against the Devourer of Worlds' skin. It burned blisteringly hot, but the World Devourer isn't a human. It is as durable, if not more so than 682 before meeting the Gate Guardian. While 682 took damage, and got harmed badly, 2317 isn't as harmed as 682. But than SCP-2845 came in, and slammed itself into SCP-2317, sending it flying back. The Gate Guardian than flies up to SCP-2317, and despite its large size, flies beyond light speed, and went towards the World Devourer in an absolute instant, perhaps even going beyond an instant. The Devourer of Worlds than attempted to grab SCP-001, but the Gate Guardian simply dodged SCP-2317, and went behind to ram into it. This made SCP-2317 stumble forward, as Ice Pillars than formed around The Devourer's legs, citrusy of SCP-2845. As SCP-2317-K tries to break free from the restrains that are holding onto it, SCP-169 than rushed towards SCP-2317, and with little time to react to the situation, was rammed hard when it briefly jumped out of the water, and thrown back as hard to the point where, 2317 landed in another continent that was about a thousand miles away from where the 3 SCPs are at. But SCP-2317 stood up, before jumping back, and gets ready to refight against them.

In Site-Ω...

The Foundation doctors and Cyborg are looking at what is happening to the World Devourer right now, and needless to say, they were not very happy with what is going on.

"This is bad. If this keeps up, with all 4 of the SCPs keep on fighting, than the Earth will be destroyed. SCP-6080, I have something that can help us in the fight of those 4."

Cyborg than looked at the Foundation Doctor, as he spoke out.

"Do you, what is it?"

He than walked to him, alongside with a G.O.C general, as the general spoke out to Cyborg.

"Well...back before this situation, us G.O.C and the Foundation have been discussing what would happen if we were caught in a situation where we would need to use something that can take on a war that is meant to cause so much deaths. We have able to make a decision to where...we created a weapon that can help us fight against this battle and turn the tide in our favor."

The doctor than took the turn to speak out to Cyborg.

"What we made, as SCP-5514. A.K.A 'The Dragonslayer.' This was meant to act as a defense response against a MH-Class Large-Scale Aggressor Overrun scenario. It was one of our most powerful anomalies that we have made. And that the Devourer of Wolrds as battling against SCP-001, SCP-2845, and SCP-169 together simultaneously, we are going to need to to fight against 2317, and quickly put an end to the fight, before all 4 of them destroy Earth. And Cyborg, since you have the power to interface with Technology and can easily control machines more than even Jaime, you are best suited to help control the Dragonslayer efficiently. So you're going to be sent down to retrieve and control SCP-5514, now."

Cyborg spoke out with a tone of irritation present inside of his voice.

"How am I supposed to know where it is? I cannot access it, because you made a system that makes it impossible for me to get through."

The doctor put a hand on his chin, before he snapped his finger.

"I've got something."

He than fished into his pocket, and picked up a computer flash drive.

"Upload this into your memory, Cyborg."

Cyborg grabbed onto the chip, and puts it in his head. He than widens his eyes, as the data of the location to SCP-5514, is uploading into his head. It was located in Site-03, which had been damaged, due to the demons attacking. But it seems that not all of the Site has been damaged. He than looks at the doctor, and spoke out.

"Okay, I've got the location. I'm ready to go now."

He than looks down at his chest, and activated a new device that the Foundation made. It works very similarly to when he had the Space Stone, which is simply making portals.

He than turns around, and his third 'eye' activated and glowed, and the portal to Site-03 is now opened for him to go through right now.

Cyborg than looked at the doctor, as he spoke out.

"I really hope that it can help us."

The scientist nodded, as he spoke out.

"We hope so as well, Cyborg."

Cyborg then took one last look at the General and the Doctor, before breathing deeply, and goes through the portal, which than closed behind him, as he than arrived at his destination.

When he got there, the entire Site is in ruins. Many of the walls have been cracked and broken, with some part of the Site having been taken down by the force of the Demonic entities. Thankfully, all of the SCPs that are in Site-03 have been transported to Site-α, and with no sort of fatal casualties whatsoever. But Cyborg could tell that the Demons are still inside of the Site, because the cameras, or at least, the ones that had survived the entire destruction of the Site, have spotted them in some parts of the destroyed Site.

"I have to do this quick, or those fuckers are going to find out that I am here."

Cyborg than began to look around the entire place, but sees that there is not a Dragonslayer present. He has no idea where it is.

"He said that it was inside of the Site. But I don't see it anywhere. Where could..."

Cyborg than thought about something for a second...before he snapped his fingers, and thought of an idea of where it is. But he needs to find a place to plug himself into. He looks around, and sees a dead computer, which gave Cyborg an idea. He goes to the computer, unplugs it, and used his Thumb like a...thumb drive, to insert into the network, and spoke out.

"Okay...Let's see..."

Cyborg than began to locate where SCP-5514 is at, and saw isn't actually inside of the Site, nor is it underground. The SCP is next to the Site, in an area that is cloaked. Knowing this, he than took his thumb out, and spoke out.

"Wow, I thought that it was gonna be underground. But they got me there, as being underground would he somewhat a little bit too obvious."

As he spoke out, a shriek was heard from Rhine him, and Cyborg, on instinct, raised his White Noise Cannon, and blasted a demon that was about to enter through the door. He than went through the door, flied up into the air, and goes to where the location of the SCP is at now.

He than used his mechanical eye to try and see where the area is, and the eye, was able to triangulate the position of the area, and give Cyborg an outline of the area's structure.

"There it is."

He than speeds up his flight, and after reaching it, he controls the building, which opens the window, and Cyborg goes through the window, which closes behind him.

"Okay, I'm where the SCP should be at now. Where do I go now?"

Cyborg spoke out. He than began to look around, he saw a giant head...but it wasn't just a giant head. It was the head of 5514, and it was very huge, so much that even Cyborg himself was very speechless. The red eyes of the gigantic robot staring at Cyborg.

The entire facility he is in is very huge. So many floors, so many bridges and metal around the place. Lights are all over the place, and shows the SCP at all of the angles. The red paint, and glowing circle that surrounds the core containing a portion of SCP-037, which is glowing inside it.

Cyborg was in awe of what he is seeing, but than he snapped out of it, and spoke out to the G.O.C captain and the SCP Doctor by connecting through their phones.

"Okay. I found the suit. Now what do I do?"

The G.O.C general than spoke out to Victor.

"Get inside and make it work. You're a master at using machines!! So do something and make it fast!"

Cyborg snorts, before he flies up to the machine, and goes down into the entrance to the pilot seat. When he went in, he saw how complex the machine is inside of. There are so many controls that only the most experience pilot would use. Many of the controls have buttons and levers and fingerprint scanners on some of the weapons. But Cyborg, doesn't need to press them. He than calms himself down as he held his hands to his face, before he than made some cables, and insert them to the small outlets that are next to the buttons. Even the feet cables began to connect, as he than takes control of every single part of the Dragonslayer's body.

" we go."

He than began to activate the suit, as the gravity field around the suit began to distort and warp. The suit than began to raise itself into the air, before settling back down, softly. He than spoke out to the G.O.C captain.

"Okay, I activated it. It is ready to start fighting against the World Devourer."

The captain than spoke out to Cyborg.

"Good. Doctor, he's ready to go into fighting."

The Doctor nodded, as he began to upload a map into the Dragonslayer's H.U.D.

"I am giving you a location to where the 4 SCPs are located in right now. And Cyborg, good luck, and be careful out there, okay?"

The entire facility's ceiling than began to slowly open, as the blood-red sky revealed itself to Cyborg. The machine than began to crouch, as the machine began to raise into the air, due to the gravity manipulation of SCP-5514. He than looks up, and spoke out.

"Alright. Prepare for launch."

The gravity around the Dragonslayer than began to decrease even more, before Cyborg spoke one word.


He than rose into the air at an immensely fast speed, and began to fly upwards, while also destroying the area in the process. Metal began to scatter and collapse into each other, as the lights within the building spark. The Dragonslayer remains undamaged, however, and with its immense speed in flight, began to fly to where the 4 SCPs are at now, battling against the Devourer of Worlds.

Cyborg than looks at the horizon. But as he does, a wave of demons than appeared out of nowhere and began to attack the Dragonslayer. Many of the Demons have appeared by the orders of the Scarlet King to try and destroy the Dragonslayer in order to prevent it from stopping 2317-K. But Cyborg has a trick up his sleeve to help him out against the demons that are attacking him.

Cyborg than controlled the mechanisms and activated the Beowulf-Sigurd Rail on the back, and began to fire at the demons, increasing their gravity, and make them heavier. They caused them all to fall down to the ground, which caused them to make a crater. As he turned around, more demons appeared, and Cyborg began to punch, kick, and even does a clap to kill the demons appearing. But there were so many, that Cyborg was forced to use another one of the weapons, the Rounded Recoilling Plasma. He took it off of his head, and the sharp sides of the 'hat' than began to glow out plasma, which is sharp, but hot. He than threw it, which than began to spin around SCP-5514 in different angles, and slices all of the demons in half, before it returns back to 5514's head, as he slid his fingers on the hat's side. He than looks and saw that there was another demon, and it was trying to attack the finger.


Cyborg than activated the Holdout Plasma Wristblade, which made a sharp blade made of plasma, that came out of the right wrist of SCP-5514, utterly destroying the demon, and incinerated it upon the demon being hit by the blade.

Cyborg than looks at the blade, as he spoke out.

"Gotta admit. This big pile of junk has some pretty cool toys I could use. Wonder how powerful it is."

As he spoke out, he turns around and noticed something.

"And speaking of being powerful..."

He looks down, and noticed, fighting on the large body of water, are the 4 SCPs, with the Devourer being so big, that it's noticeable, and is biting the arm of the Devourer of Worlds, who than punched the Leviathan, forcing it to let go. The strike of SCP-2317-K was shown to hurt very badly, as it than stepped back. The Gate Guardian than raised his sword, as he attempted to slam the sword down on top of SCP-2317-K, but catches it with his bare hands. However, this was what the Gate Guardian was hoping for.


It spoke out to SCP-2845 telepathically, who than rams itself into 2317-K, making it lose balance, and giving the Gate Guardian enough time to free his Sword, and kicks the World Devourer back, sending it tumbling down. Although not for long, as it than stood up, and began to walk towards both Uriel and the Deer.

Cyborg than goes down, as he punched the entity at the back of its head, sending it falling forwards, and made a splash so gigantic, it basically became a tidal wave.

Cyborg than picked up the Dreaded Devourer, who was so heavy that it was even straining the arms of the suit, before he threw the Devourer of Worlds far from the edge of the United States. He than floats towards the Devourer of Worlds, as he took out the Cold Iron Sword, as he stares intensely at the rising figure of the Devourer of Worlds. He than takes a deep breath to keep his mind calm, as he than rushed towards the Devourer of Worlds, as he raised his Cold Iron Sword above his head, and tried to strike the Devourer, hoping to damage it.

But the Devourer simply punched the sword with his fist, parrying it back, and making Cyborg go back as well. This caught Cyborg by surprise, as he recovered from the sudden attack from the Devourer.

But Cyborg simply steadied himself, and looks at the Devourer. The beast's single eye looks directly at Cyborg, like it is staring into his very soul. This creeps Cyborg out immensely. But he recomposes himself, and prepares to charge again. And when he got close enough, he than sliced the blade in the leg, and this time, was able to scratch the Devourer's armored leg. But unfortunately, Cyborg didn't bother to realize how tall the Devourer is, as he was very focused on the fight. When he looked, he realized now just how tall the Devourer is, and needless to say, he now realized that he hates the Doctor and the General for forcing him to go into this fight.

The Dragonslayer, who is only over hundreds of feet tall, cannot compare to the Devourer of Worlds, which is over 600,000 ft tall which is so high, that it makes even the Earth's tallest building look very tame in comparison. In fact, not even Mars' tallest Mountain, Olympus Mons, which is more than twice the size of Mount Everest, could even compete to the Devourer, as the Devourer of Worlds is more than 3 times the size of Olympus Mons. And it is likely able to smash through Mountains by simply walking into some mountains. In fact, Cyborg even thinks that not even Mount Everest could even match the height of the Devourer of Worlds. SCP-5514, is only slightly smaller than the Devourer's hands, while the Gate Guardian and the Deer, who had grown to full height, are only bigger than the hands themselves.

However, whatever the case may be, while the Devourer of Worlds can heal from even the Gate Guardian's sword strikes, from the strikes of the Cold Iron Sword, it wasn't healing. And this is something that the Gate Guardian knows, as when it got into position, it aimed his sword, and prepared to thrusted it at where the cut was made. But he needs to get close enough to strike at it first.

The Devourer than looked at Cyborg, and attempted to grab him. But Cyborg then used the Dragonslayer to jump and run on the right arm of the Devourer, as the feet slightly sparked on the hard armored plate of the Devourer's right arm. The Devourer than tired to smack on his arm, which is as though Cyborg was nothing but an annoying fly. Cyborg was able to fly away fast, and when he turned around, he than jumped onto one of the Devourer's horns, which are difficult, due to how close the horns themselves are to each other. The Devourer, however, than forced it's head down, and Cyborg went off, as he flies in the air, while the Devourer entity looks at Cyborg, it's eye larger than the Dragonslayer in size. Cyborg than attempted fly away as fast as he can, so he can be out of the Devourer's reach, but the Devourer was fast, in spite of the size it is utilizing, and was able to grab onto SCP-5514 with just a single hand, and brought it close to its fast, as Cyborg attempted to break free from the grip of the World Devourer.

But the Devourer's strength was beyond even the strength of the Dragonslayer, as the small metal being was as big as a toy in its hands, with Cyborg doing anything that he can to free himself from the Devourer's grasp. But the Devourer, having enough of the Dragonslayer, to than began to crush the SCP and Cyborg. Not even the defenses could help against the strength of this ancient deity, as it simply crushed all the defenses that it has.

Cyborg is doing everything to break free, but it was no use, Cyborg looked at the Devourer, as his life than flashed before his eyes. All the memories of his friends, all the memories of the good that he has done to them, all the memories...of his parents...of his mother, who he missed deeply, when she had died.

As Cyborg slowly closed his eyes...and was ready to accept the fate that is about to await him...suddenly...a bright light was shown behind him, as it even caught the Dreaded Devourer's attention. Cyborg turns around, and saw what was going on.

When Cyborg was caught by the Devourer of Worlds, who was busy getting ready to kill Cyborg, unbeknownst to the both of them, Cyborg got SCP-2317-K into a position where the Devourer is now close enough to the Gate Guardian. Now it is in a range where it can strike at the wound that Cyborg made with his Cold Iron Sword.

The Gate Guardian than flapped his wings, and suddenly...before the Devourer realized what was about to happen, the Gate Guardian than flies fasts towards the World Devourer's leg, which has the open wound exposed to its sight. It flies so fast, it is as though it was happening in an instant, except for the Devourer, who than began to raise its foot to prevent what SCP-001 was about to do. But it was too late. SCP-001 than positioned his sword, and than stabbed the wound, which increased in its length immensely and its width, slightly. Blood seeps out of the now opened wound, and this action made the Devourer howl in pure utter agony.

The roar of the Devourer of Worlds was so loud, it actually was able to cause the entire Earth to shake, and generate Earthquakes from all around the world. It even hurts Cyborg's ears, despite the defenses  of the machine he's in. But Cyborg shook his head, and looks back at the Devourer again. The Devourer than went on its knees, and looks weakened, as it looks down at the ground, almost looking sad. But Cyborg was enthusiastic, as he spoke out to himself.

"This is it. It is on it's knees now. I should be able to stab it in the head, by flying up towards SCP-2317-K. "

Cyborg than gripped the sword tightly, and as Cyborg was preparing to fight against the Devourer again, suddenly...a shake in the water happened, which was so great that it forced him to fall on his knee. Cyborg than raised the head of SCP-5514, and looks around to see what's going on that made everything shake.

"What in the...what's happening?"

As Cyborg spoke out, suddenly, a gigantic tentacle, about 2-8 miles long, and half a mile wide, than came out of the cold water. But it was my just one. 8 others than began to appear from the depths of the ocean. And if that wasn't  terrifying enough, suddenly, the body rose out of the water, and revealed a torso with hands and spikes that are all over covering it, and a head that's similar to a crocodile, but possesses a total of 5 eyes, line rather horizontally.

It's a Old God, an Old God that lives underneath the deep ocean.

Cyborg looked in utter disbelief at what he is seeing, whilst shouted.

"Oh, come on!!!"

Needless to say, it was not what he was prepared to fight against also, due to it being very new to him.

"What that Tokage-tako? I thought we killed it!!"

One of the SCP Doctors spoke out, catching Cyborg's attention.

"Wait a moment. You have faced this gigantic behemoth before?"

The doctor than spoke out to confirm the entity appearing.

"We do. We have faced this thing before in the past. But I thought we had killed it. How is it still alive?!"

The crocodile-octopus hybrid than tried to grab onto Cyborg and SCP-5514, but he dodged it and stepped back. Than, the doctor spoke out.

Hang on, the cavalry is arriving."

True to the doctor's words, suddenly a group of large mechanical entities are present, as they began to rise out of the depths of the ocean everyone's. The group are SCP-2406.

They have a bunch of weapons at their disposal, and are ready to fight alongside Cyborg, who is using the Dragonslayer. The wooden warriors the wooden warriors stepped in front of SCP-5514, as if they are nothing more than weak soldiers standing to protect the commander.

As that happens, another gigantic mechanical entity than came out of the ocean, and is getting ready to fight alongside the others. It is called SCP-3813.

The ocean that it is standing on began to go into what seems to be somewhat of an instant boil. The water bubbled and steamed, as the gigantic machine began to walk towards Tokage-tako.

As that happened, though, nobody dared to notice that a portal opened up behind the Devourer, and that a swarm of demons than swirled around the Devourer to help fight against the entities that fought against it...before a voice spoke out. One that is too familiar.

Y̷̜̱͈͚̍͆͝O̴̼͔͛̈́̈́̾Ǘ̸͈̪͉̭͖̄̉ ̴̡̬̻͈̐̀͐͂̈́H̴͓͍̩̾͒̅Å̵̧̢͔̹̱̍͋̕V̵̛͉͂E̸͚͔̮̾͛ ̶̧̘͂̃͆B̶̼̰̄Ẽ̴͚͉́̀͊̄Ë̸̪̜͜͠N̵̢͌̿̍̇ ̶̘̤̣̹͒̊̌͂Ị̷͍̄͛N̸̼̍̈́̅̀̐J̶̝͑̒̏̏ͅÙ̵̩̳Ŕ̵͈̫̫̣͔̿́̒̓Ȉ̶̩̉͆Ȩ̷̢̙̀̊ͅD̶̡̝͔̋̈́.̵̘̪͎̦̌ ̶̡͔̩̝̐̇̏̂̓Ḣ̴̳̺͙̼Ö̷̺͍̠̩̖̔̽͊W̸̪͙̭̳̒̈́ ̷̗͔̯̑S̷̞͔͔̬̎̀́͂Ä̴̗̟̼́̏̿̋̚D̵̬͇͝.̶̮̥̐͘ ̴̢̖͛͑͝Ą̶̼̀͌̅̑͜N̸̢̛̛̦̉̚͘Ḍ̵̢̬͇͚̉̆̍̈ ̷̼̺̍̇T̶͕̗̫͇̥̈́̆̀́͠Ḧ̴͖̹́Ē̷̞̰ ̵͖̟̫̉͛S̸̛̼̮̫̈́̍̉͝W̵̢̟̞͎͇͊̎̐Ó̶͈̖̪͂̇͊R̴̼͓̣̟̒̽̓͐͝Ḑ̷̘͙̫̑ͅ ̸̠̘̩̳̀͆͜Ḟ̷̟͈͕͊R̸̼̙̖̹͍̅̅O̷͍̩̮͖͝ͅM̶̺͑́ ̸̩͍̞͗͋̿́T̸̲̼̖̈̄H̸̛̹͈͝A̷̙̗̲͊T̸͚͔̓͠ ̵̲̟̟̐́̃͘M̸̞̪̦̰̓͊͜E̶̠̭͓̮̚T̸̖̲̑͌̀Á̷̖͕̩̫͒̐͛L̴͙̼̄̍́͋̇ ̸͖̮̫̮̩̽W̴͉͚̫͗̋A̶͖̱̼̣͒̎̒R̸̻̲̞̻̂̈́R̷̛̛̼̼̙̃̈́̆͜Î̷̪̫͚̐̊͊O̴̖͓̺͝ͅR̷͔̖̫̤͖̋̂͌̈́ ̵̠͆̌̋͆Ĥ̸̫̺̣̓́̈Ă̶̡̹̤̞̔̍S̶̨̛̲͋̂͛͝ ̷͓̪̓Ḯ̸̖̝̯̙̓͗͐̕N̴̯̳̘͌͌̽̀͘J̶̧͕̞͔̳̈́̀͝U̶̧͛̋̃̽͠I̶̟͔̍͊̌̕͝R̵̺̞̺̽̊͗Ẽ̴̡̢̥͉̈D̵͈͉͖̓ ̶̻̜͚̈̔͠Y̵̞̦̽̽O̷̝͈͛́̾Ǘ̵̬̠̕ ̴̦̝̒͆̏͝͠S̷͚̤̰͒͆̓͛̌ͅO̷̦̘̳̘͋́͋͜͝ ̴̝͙̙̹̿̓̃͌T̵̫̹̀́̍̕Ḩ̴͈͖̻̔͂̈̀͘À̶͎́͆̋T̴͇́̓̋͑̾ ̷̲͗̈́I̷̦͈̿̆̍͝T̵̠̗͓̱̓̌̐ ̴̡̝̊̍͛̕Ȗ̷̬͍̬͕̔̐͆͝S̴̗̯̐͠ ̷̮̹̬̯͈̈́Ṳ̸̔Ǹ̸͕̩̩͎̫̇Â̵̢̫̤͎͖B̷͚̓̔L̴͔̜̇Ę̴͈̫͉͛͋̎̔́͜ ̷͈̩̰̯́͂́́̕T̵͙͎͖̦͐̉͘͜O̸̗̅̾̍ ̸̲̂͜H̵̪̫͈̬̿̎̿Ȅ̷̞̬̐̕Ą̶̛̖͖̬̤̇̚L̷̛̺̠̤ ̸̹͔̦̪̭̑O̶̗̊N̸̙̺̄̾͌͂͜ ̸͍̤̱̈̆̎̃͠I̷͙̾̿T̶̪͓̯̤̉͆Ş̸̺̮̰͕̈́̊͐ ̸̙͈̈́͘ͅO̶̯̥̙̙͓̕W̴̫̼͔̒͗͆N̶̩̖̠̓̈́̐̕͝.̴̖̃͛"̸̙̌̚ͅ

Than, 2 black gnarly hands, both of them larger than even the Devourer, appeared out of the portal. Both grab onto the Devourer of World's like it is a pet frog, as the voice continued to speak out.

"̷̺̘̞͑̊̊̒͝B̷̺̹̣̺͗͑̒̈́U̵͈̐̒̚̚T̴͕̻͔̎̎̀̓͜ ̸̲̗͙̂͆D̸̼̗͔̱̽͊̂ͅÕ̷̝̀̅̄͝ ̷̨̙̥̃̂̊͝N̵̫̠̰̄̈͛͐̕Ó̷̖͛̔͆T̵͈̞́̇͋̆͘ ̵͈́̿̂͋̕Ẅ̵͔́Ô̸̜̊R̸̟͙͎̤͒͌Ȓ̷̠͙̝͕̋̈́̾́͜Y̶̦̭̱̱̫̑͘.̵̼͐͗̊.̵̟̭͕̀̔̇̎͜.̴̮̙̊̔͂̃"̴̪̹́

The Devourer is than pulled into the portal, as the Voice spoke out these last words.

"̸͇̆͑̔͝F̶̛̛̭̟̼̈́O̶̰̫̤̦͒̀̂R̸̬̯̈́ ̶̩͍̬͕̌̏̔̓̎I̵̼̰͓̦̮̎͌̉̊ ̴̼͎͎̺͛S̶̟͋H̵͎̝̉̈͊A̶̗͎͇͍̼͊̈́͆̃̔L̶̯͍̹̇̄̔̽͘Ḽ̷̂̊̕͘ ̶̛̝̜͍̳́B̸̖͋̾̒Ě̸̛̘̦̖͇̑̉̎ ̶̱̜̒̔͂T̷̹͔̝͈̉̈́H̵̥͚̫͐̎E̵̡̺͙̿́͋̍̚ ̴̗̖͉̺͛Ö̵̫͕̀̑Ń̸̼͔Ȅ̶̤͉̈̿.̴̛̯͕̥ͅ.̸̼̉̌̓̉͐.̶̪͇̹̱͆͑̀ͅ

T̷̙͗̐͠O̴̗̠̓͝ ̷̡̥̫̂̃ͅF̴̢̡̜͂͐͘I̸̤̊͌̅̐X̶̥͎̌̅̂̈́ ̶̠̣̃̍͂͗̇͜Ȳ̴̰̜̝̭͊͘Ȯ̸̤̼U̷͙̹̻̙͍̿̀̽͝.̴̯̫̅̑̈́"̸̣͙͛

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro