You Have No Idea How Alone You Are, Garfield/Gorefield/SCP-3166

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Patrick's eyes were raised, as he spoke out.

"Jim Davis?! You mean the Garfield creator Jim Davis?! Why isn't he on the Site?! Did you people miss him or something?! What have you punks done to miss that guy, anyway?!"

Patrick began to spoke out fast, as he cannot comprehend what he had just heard. Garfield was one of his most favorite things to read every since he was a kid. He always liked the Garfield franchise, and the thing that they do, and has always wanted to see Jim Davis in person, but never had the chance. He thought that they had rescued Jim Davis and the people he is related to from Earth, and brought them to the last Site. So why are they still back on Earth for some reason?! As he began to speak rapid-fire, the Foundation personnel than spoke out in a very calm tone.

"Woah, Patrick, calm down. We were unable to get Jim Davis, because he wasn't out in the open. He is still inside of his place, with all of his still-living family members. Okay?"

But this made Jim even more mad, as he spoke out.


This made Patrick Mulligan even more mad, as the SCP Foundation could have easily dispatched a type of Mobile Task Force to try and save Jim Davis and his family. So why aren't they doing that. The doctor sighed, as he spoke out.

"Umm...unfortunately...we have sent all of them down to Earth, and brought them to all of the other continents to clean the Earth of this infestation. But we didn't send any MTF to send Jim Davis."

Patrick than shouted back.


The Doctor signed, as he facepalmed.

"They are also busy with the others. And even if we did bring the MTF down to bring Jim to the Site, it would make SCP-3166, Gorefield, think that we are simply trying to hurt the Garfield, and it would attack them and force feed all of the MTF Soldiers present at Jim Davis' area, Lasagna, and we don't want to make a risk like that. That is why I'm sending you to do the job, Patrick. So we can get the job done most faster. Now start moving."

Patrick snarled at the fact that the Foundation had straight up screwed up and wasted every single one of their soldiers, and at the words of the Doctor, shouted out at his loudest.


The Doctor was knocked back into a wall by the very loud volume of Patrick's very, very angry voice. Patrick than deactivated the Earpiece, as Toxin spoke out to Patrick, surprised.

"Woah, Pat. I never thought that I would see you this mad before in my life of being bonded with you. Are you alright, Patrick?"

Patrick than facepalmed, as he spoke out to Toxin, sighing.

"Does it look or feel like that I am, Toxin? You can obviously feel what I am like now."

Toxin gurgled a bit, but than spoke out.

"You did seem a bit upset when you are forced to rescue this so-called Jim Davis. Is something wrong with that guy, Patrick?"

Patrick shook his head, as he spoke out.

"No, it is not that. It is just that I never thought that in a million years that I would be forced to save him. Especially in a situation such as this. And in fact, I'm not mad at him, just at the foundation for straight-up wasting their soldiers in the continent, when it could be on the people. And besides, Toxin, I am a big fan of Jim."

But than, Toxin spoke out.

"Well...wouldn't this be a good time to meet him?"

Patrick than spoke out.

"If we were in a normal day, yes, it would be a good time to meet him, Toxin. But guess what, we're not in a normal day. We are in a demonic day. So no, it isn't a good time, Toxin."

Toxin, inside of Patrick's mind, pouts a little bit, but does not go anymore further. As Patrick began to hold his head and calm himself down, Scorn than puts hand on Toxin, as Patricia than spoke out to her brother.

"Patrick, I know how much you hat the fact that they didn't save Jim Davis, whom you had looked up to...but we still need to find him, regardless. always wanted to meet him in person, don't you?"

Patrick turns around to look at his sister, before face planing, and spoke out.

"Goddamn it, just kill me as fast as you can, okay?"

He than turns around to look at his sister, and spoke out.

"Fine, I'll take your words for it and leave. I just hope that it is in-fact with it to try and save him."

Patricia nodded, as Scorn spoke out.

"<Text>Good. Than it is settled. Let's get out of here and find your favorite author now, Patrick."

Patrick nodded, before he runs upwards onto a wall of a nearby building, before he jumped into the air, and formed his wings, before he glided down to search the are fired Jim to see where he is at now, with Scorn on top of him, and using her arm cannon as a powerful thruster. Naturally, this sort of thing doesn't get on Toxin's nerves, as he likes to have his sister with him, but her would prefer to try and make a part of wings that will at least allow him to actually fly. He didn't even gain it during the time when Knull had come to destroy Earth. It was so, so annoying.

As Toxin is flying around the entire city with Scorn, he spot more and more demons coming to attack them. Realizing that they are simply here to distract them, Toxin and Scorn need to drive them away first . They than began to turn to the right, as the winged demons began to follow the 2 Symbiotes. Scorn than used her arm Cannon to fire blasts of energy at the demons, burning them to a crisp, which would than kill them in just about an instant.

Patrick snarled a bit, as he looked behind himself at what is happening.

"This is nuts!! Is there even a way for us to even hide from the demonic entities?!"

Toxin spoke out, as he looks at the demons that are coming to his directions. Scorn than continued to blast the demons as much as she can, and spoke out.

"<Text>There is a way, but we need to stop flying, and hide behind something, while also camouflaging in our surroundings!"

Toxin turns to Scorn and nodded, as he than charged direction, and flies to a building. The demons began to follow them. But as Toxin than turns around, as soon as the demons turned around, Toxin was gone. But the Demons through that he is simply ahead, and simply flies as fast as they can.

When all of the demons are gone...both Toxin and Scorn suddenly than became visible, as they stick to the wall of a building that the demons have past. They than looked around, as they hid to see if there are any demons coming. After a minute or so, no demons had been spotted, and Toxin believed that the coast had been completely clear.

"Okay. Let's get out in the open, and get ourselves a look at the surrounding area that we are in."

Toxin spoke out. They than climbed the wall of the building for a little bit. After a minute or so, they reached the top, and looked to see the surrounding area, and saw how large the sport they are in is, as well as see that the entire place is now in complete, utter ruins, with only very few places that are still remained intact. As Toxin looks around, he than spoke out.

"Okay, so where would Jim Davis be? If he is in Indiana, there where would he be at?"

As he spoke out, suddenly, his earpiece began ringing. Toxin than quickly pressed onto the Earpiece, and spoke into it.

"What is it? Do you have some useful info for us?"

Than, the doctor's voice spoke out.

"Yep, we do. We were able to find out where Jim Davis' and his family are located in. They are at their house. And based on what is going on..."

Than, a hologram showed of Jim Davis and his family, inside of a room of some sort, and they seem to be in some type of crouching position.

"It appears that the demonic entities are at their place, and are now trying to hide from them. Here, I'm giving you the coordinates to where they are at right now. And you are going to have to fly in order to get there as fast as you can."

Toxin nodded, with Patrick being a little pissed off by the fact that the demons have already arrived at the house of Jim Davis himself.

"Than we have no time to waste. Let's hurry up and go to where Jim Davis is located at. Scorn!"

Scorn nodded and spoke out.

"<Text>We're on it."

Toxin than formed his wings, and jumped into the air, and Scorn goes on Toxin's back, while also activating her Cannon arm, and began to fly as fast as they can to where Jim Davis is at. And they prayed to God that they do not arrived too late to save Jim Davis and his family.


After a couple of minutes, they see a building up ahead of where they are position at, about 50 feet from their current position.

It was a petty big house an an entire family to live in, as it seems to have a couple more floors than normal houses.

Toxin than mumbles out of himself.

"This must be where Jim Davis is. Well...we should go inside, and see if they are okay. Scorn. Get ready to parachute us, and make it very slow."

Scorn nodded, as she wrapped her arms onto her brother's neck from behind, before she used her biomass to form a parachute, exposing more of Scorn's body to the demonic environment of the invaded Earth. Thankfully, Scorn is able to provide a limited form of protection against the demons that might come in the way, but they need to hurry down, and fast.

As they went down, Toxin and Scorn became invisible, as they looked through the window of a house. They checked one of the rooms...but he wasn't there. They than went to the next room...or at least...they prepared to do so, until they heard a noise coming from the middle floor. They went down, and saw them. Jim Davis, and his family.

And he is using one of his Garfield statues to himself the door in place, and made it in that position, just in case a demon tries to look under to see their feet, still on the ground. The family is holding onto each other for dear life, comforting each other and keeping themselves as calm as possible.

Patrick than took control, as he made himself visible, and knocked on the window. The family turned, and the Patrick waves at them. The family raised their eyebrows that it wasn't attacking them, and must have realized that he is friendly. One of Jim Davis' children than walks up, and opens the door, where Toxin suddenly...flops inside the house.

"Oof! Couldn't you have just warned me that you were gonna do something like this?"

The daughter, named Ashley, spoke out sorry, as Toxin spoke back to her.

"It's okay. Besides, I was sent to get you guys to safety."

Jim Davis than went forward.

"Who sent you?"

Toxin turned around, and spoke out.

"The SCP Foundation."

Jim Davis' eyes widened a little bit.

"They're still alive? Where are they?"

Toxin than spoke out.

"Tell you later. And don't worry. They manage to find a way to get us to where they are at now."

James and Cristopher then looked at each other, as they are unsure if they should trust the strange guy before him.

"And also, someone I knew is a fan of you, Mr.Davis, especially with Garfield."

Davis chuckled a bit, and spoke out.

" least there is someone that seems to like this old mug."

Toxin smirked a bit, but than spoke out.

"Well...if we're gonna get you guys to the place the Foundation, we need to get you to be seen. And unfortunately...we need to be outside for them to see where you are."

The family's eyes widened, as Christopher spoke out.

"What?! You mean we can't be seen unless we're outside?!"

Toxin then facepalmed, as he spoke out.

"Okay, it is not that they can't. They can see you, but we need to be outside for this to work...otherwise, they're gonna mess up your house even more than those things."

Christopher facepalmed, as he spoke out.

"You just had to ask, didn't you?"

Toxin shrugged, as Scorn comes out.

"<Text>We should probably getting moving. And unfortunately, we need to go downstairs. And we can't go outside, because there are those things that can fly."

Toxin than turned to the other family members, and spoke out.

"Do not worry. We shall cover for you, make a path for you to safely go through."

The family looked at each other, as Ashley spoke out.

"I really hope that it's with it."

Toxin nodded, as he spoke out.

"This is gonna get a bit messy."

He than pushed the Garfield out of the way, before opening the door, and both him and Scorn went through the door, as they looked for the demons that might come out. The family than began to come out from behind, and Toxin in turns around. His danger senses aren't triggering now. But he knows that it will activate.

Toxin and Scorn than went downstairs, as the family walked slow and steady, as they snuck behind them. But as they went forward, suddenly, Toxin jumped onto the air, and onto the ceiling, where the sound of flesh being clawed at is heard. Than, a demon dropped down to the ground, with spider legs, but in the place of the spider's head and abdomen, it was the face that resembles a cross between a human, bull, and shark. Needless to say, it doesn't look pretty in the slightest. But Toxin threw it out of the way, and ushered the family to continue on.

As they went downstairs, they saw that there is a large pack of demons present, and once they were spotted, they began to stomp towards the Symbiotes, with the Davis Family behind the twin Symbiotes.

Toxin and Scorn wasted no time, as they went forward, and began to attack the demons, who are easy to face off against the twins. Toxin jumped and claws at the face, while piercing it in the eyes, and Scorn simply blasted their heads to smithereens, as the neck is cauterized. Toxin than jumped into the air, and stuck to the ceiling, where a demon with many spikes is shown. He than fired a web ball, which hits the demon like it was a cannonball.

Toxin hanged from the ceiling, as the demons were about to get close. But Toxin than grabbed onto the head of the larger one, as he slammed the large behemoth onto the very sturdy ceiling. The demon fell down on top off his shorter buddy.

Toxin jumped into the air, as he fired webbing at the demon, and swung them to a open window behind him, where he flung it out of the window. Thankfully, the walls around the window didn't get hit, but it was very close. Toxin than claws at one of the, as Scorn than began to fire energy bullets at the demons, which are than instantly killed, as soon as they are shot in the head, with them falling down, dead, and limp to the ground.

Toxin and Scorn than readied themselves for another fight, as the demons prepared to attack the Davis family, with Jim being behind his children, who, even though they have no weapons, are still ready to defend him, regardless. But as Toxin and Scorn prepare to fight against them...


Suddenly...a voice spoke out, and it didn't sound human. Both Toxin and Scorn froze in their stances, and the demons did as well, before Toxin looked in front of the Davis Family...and saw SCP-3166

Needless to say, SCP-3166 isn't to happy with the fact that there are people that are putting Jim Davis, and his company in danger, and wants to kill the demons for trying to kill the people that made him.

He than used his sharp arm, and stabbed one of the demons in the head, before he turns to another demon next to him, and force fed that poisonous lasagna, which it ripped out of its torso, as other lasagna began to spill out of the tear.

The demon choked on the lasagna, before it died of the poison inside its body. Jim Davis, not wasting, lead his family out of the building, where a bunch of the demonic entities have been incinerated to ashes by Scorn, with the ashes themselves still outside...and the wind came and blow them away. Toxin than jumped down, alongside with Scorn, as he spoke out to the foundation.

"Alright, guys. I got Jim and his family, just get us out of this place!!!"

Than, a blue glow surrounded them all, as they are transported to the ship...into the Davis Family's new home, as SCP-3166 got all of Davis' stuff, and followed.

Later, back on Site-Ω...

The family were transported to their rooms, as they get to see that they are on the last Site-Ω. And naturally, the family were surprised that they are on a giant space station, which is incredible, considering that the normal space stations don't usually allowed normal gravity. Toxin than spoke out that this is temporary, and they'll come back until the entire situation is over. But for now, they need to stay inside of Site-Ω. And the home they were living in, is identical to the interior of the home they had that is back down on Earth. So the family decide to get comfortable while it lasts.

As his family began to go to their rooms, a voice spoke out to Jim Davis, who is standing still.


Jim turns around, and saw SCP-3166, and although he can't move his face to make an expression, Davis knows that SCP-3166 sounds a little bit sad.

"Why are you not making the story that I live in as good as before? You always manage to make a creative way to make it so good, and entertain people that liked the story you made, and even made them like me. Why? What even happened to you?"

Jim Davis shook his head, as he spoke out.

"Is it not obvious, Garfield? My creativity is not as great as it once used to be."

SCP-3166, was still confused.

"What do you mean, it isn't as great as before?"

Jim than smiled sadly, as he spoke out.

"Garfield...a human's brain is only as perfect, as long as it is very young. Back when I first made you, it was when I was 33, and my was still...very fresh, and very healthy in July 1978. In fact, as that age, I was what allowed me to think creatively, in order to give you a making of the story I made. But...when I got mind is also beginning to age, and isn't working as well as before. I could no longer think as creative. It was as if my mind is starting to slow down. will only slow down more as I age...and when I reach my limit...I'll be gone, Garfield. I will no longer exist."

Garfield was shocked, despite not showing it on his face.

"You'll no longer...exist again?"

Jim looks up with a sad smile again.

"Unfortunately so. And...the thing is, that I what is humans are like. We can only live for so long, less or more than 100 years...before we finally fade away, where we can no longer live. It is why I am not doing as good as I have done before. It is because that...I'm slowly beginning to reach my limit. I'm sorry that...I could never be prefect for you."

SCP-3166 looks down, as a meaty tear leaks out of his eye. It is clear, that SCP-3166 is beginning to cry of what he had been told now.

"It isn't fair, that you had to be in this situation."

Jim shakes his head, as he spoke out.

"You're right. It isn't. But it is how is humans live. I still have a couple of decade, maybe even a few more. But when I reach my limit...I'm planning on having someone help me with my work, and continue what I had made before. And most importantly...continue the story that you have, Garfield. This is the best that I can do for you. I just hope would accept the people that are going to continue the work that I had made, and hoping you would accept the ideas that they'll make."

SCP-3166 looked down, and spoke out.


Jim Davis looked down, as he spoke out.

"I know. I know that I cannot be with you forever. I can only be with you for as long as I can, Garfield. So...if you're about to see me one last there something that you would like to do with me, while I am about to reach the end of my own story?"

SCP-3166, Gorefield, looks down at the ground, as he began to think of what he wanted to do with Jim Davis when he reaches the end of his life...before he looks up, and spoke up.

"Can...can you please, act like Jon, before you disappear from me forever?"

Jim Davis looked suprised at that, before he smiled and spoke out to Gorefield.

"Well...for you, my creation....


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