The Shadow Person/Envy's Beacon/SCP-017

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On Site-α...

An MTF Team, known only as Village Idiots, went down to Earth with a small group of the MTF present, in order to retrieve a coupe of SCPs. But when they got back, while they are happy that they were able to get the remaining SCPs to Site-α, there were even less members of the MTF. Before, there were about as much as 20 mtf soldiers in total. But when the Village Idiots returned from their mission, 9 of the members of Village Idiots returned. And this is the discussion that they are having with Dr.Hears, who had just recently arrived at Site-α now.

"So...we're you able to get all that you need? You got all of the SCPs that are still trapped back on Earth?"

A soldier of the Village Idiots nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yeah we did. We were able to even find another SCP that was not mentioned from r us to get, but decide to take back anyway. It was SCP-019, and someone had forgotten to take it with them. So we decided to take it with us back to Site-α."

"We were able to get SCP-019 without any incident. Although there was an instance of SCP-019-2 that almost escaped from the pot nearly attacked."

The soldier shivered a little bit, as he did not forget it almost attacked right at the face.

At least nobody was killed. But the solider still grimaced at the scene that had to be shown before him.

Dr.Gears nodded, before speaking out.

"There is one thing I do realize. I saw that there were 20 of you. Why are there 9 present?"

Shaking his head, the soldier of the Village Idiots spoke out.

"Unfortunately, though, we also ran into a very bad problem. It was SCP-017, and 017...has an entirely new behavior."

Dr.Gears spoke out.

"What type of new behavior is it, soldier?"

The soldier sighed, before speaking out.

"SCP-017, he is no longer standing still. It now moves on his own, and doesn't need shadows casting over it to make a reaction. And even worse, it seems to have grown sentient, as it is now knowing when it avoid us, and when to attack us. And speaking of attacking, when it kills us, it no longer targets one person at a time. No. It no longer does that. Now, it can attack multiple people at once, without any sort of difficulty, by spreading its mass to try and take us alive. Thankfully, none of the SCPs were caught by SCP-017."

Dr.Gears simply made no comment. But he did punch his nose at how this situation is getting more worse again. First, they had to deal with the stress of stopping SCP-682, the Hard-to-Destroy Reptile, now they are going to have trouble with SCP-017, the Shadow Child. How worse can this get? Well, hopefully for the SCP Foundation as a whole, not to worse. And, now that the solider mentioned the behavior change and becoming much more stronger, two of the SCPs, 053 and 999, are also experiencing the same thing, since 053's time limit is nice cut in half to 5 minutes, and the euphoria effect is now simply showing by only being near 999. Dr.Gears than shook his head, before he turns to the MTF Soldiers, before speaking to the leader.

"Did you notice anything unusual while SCP-017 was after you all?"

The leader nodded, as he spoke out.

"We did, actually. For some unknown reason, when SCP-017 got near light. It began to slow down for an unknown reason. When it began to feel it, it instantly retracted. It is like it manage to gain sentience, and knows not to get near the light, or it would be something that could possibly hurt it, even though it might not get hurt by the light."

Dr.Gears than out his fingers in his chin, before he spoke out.

"Get some of the MTF Soldiers to Earth this instant, and get some of the most powerful flashlights that we can use. Where is SCP-017?"

The leader of the Village Idiots look at the Doctor, and prepares to speak to him, calmly on where the SCP is.

Back on Earth...



Spawn, Kaede, and Kanpeki are fighting off against the Demons of the Scarlet King, as they are doing anything that they can to make sure that they do not go to make an attempt to attack Site-Ω. They are doing anything that they can, but it seems that the more that they fight back, the more the Demons want to come on out to play. Needless to say, it is very difficult, and they are doing anything in their power to try and stop them.

"Those goddamn assholes are so fucking persistent to take us down to the fucking graves."

Spawn spoke out to Kanpeki, as he spoke out.

"How many can we take them to their graves, Spawn? I want to know how many in your at of thinking."

Spawn puts his fingers on his chin, before he spoke out.

"Maybe a thousand more for us to go to?"

Spawn smiled, as his Kagune positioned itself and points at the demons that they are fighting against.

"How about we do this in a thousand more minutes?"

Spawn chuckled a very sinister laughter, before making his chains, and he spoke out to Kanpeki.

"I like the way you think, Kanpeki."

Kaede sighed at how immature they both are right now, as she spoke out to them.

"Can't you both take this seriously for once?"

Kanpeki used his Kagune to pierce, slice, chop down, and gut some of the Demons, while Spawn simply summoned Hellfire to burn the Demons alive. Kanpeki ducked down and made a shield with his Kanpeki, with Spawn simply used his cape to snap the neck of the Demons he's attacking. Spawn teleported behind the demon, as he fires at them with his demon-made guns.

Kanpeki puts down his shield, and grabbed on multiple Demons on the same time, before slamming them together, creating a large, bloody mess. He than turned twists the Kagune to that it can act like a drill, and made a hole into a demon's chest. The entire fight that they are in had became nothing more than a bloodbath, as organs began to fly out in the air, blood began to rain to the ground, entrails began to spill all over the floor of the ground, eyeballs beganing to pop out of the eyes sockets of demons.

Kaede used her vectors to grab onto the demons, before slamming the, into the ground. She used her vectors at the second frequency, and began to repeating her punching to the Demons at a rapid, causing their entire bodies to explode. Needing some more force, Kaede than increased the frequency, and began to use the vectors to cut everything in sight. She is cutting so fast, that everything around the group has started to rain blood. This is an example of beings, that are the embodiment of carnage, and are immensely violent and ruthless beings, that will never stop turning back for their violent ways.

As they kept battling, and kept on trying to hold the demons at bay, suddenly, Halo came out of nowhere, and fired her Yellow Blast of energy at the Demons, disintegrating them from the heat.

Spawn and Kanpeki closed their eyes, as they had to protect their eyes from the blinding flash of light that her energy blasts had made. When they can open their eyes again, they heard Halo spoke out.

"Are you 3 okay?"

Kaede, Kanpeki, and Spawn look up to see Halo coming down to meet them. Halo nodded, and Kaede spoke out.

"All of us are okay, thanks to you, Halo."

Kanpeki nodded, as he also spoke out

"Never better, Halo. Thank you, though a heads up would have been a little more better than suddenly attacking out of completely nowhere. I thought that my eyes are never going to see again.

Spawn snickered a bit, though this wasn't my noticeable, due to how quiet it is. Halo smiled a bit, at seeing that these 2 are unharmed, and not a single part of their bodies have been damaged or amputated from the demons.

But as Kanpeki spoke out, suddenly, they hear a low groan. They turned and see that more demons are starting to appear, and they got ready to fight. Halo's hands began to glow with bright light, Kanpeki get his Kagune ready to pierce more of the bastards, and Spawn's hands began to leak Necroplasm, as he is ready to make those Demons his bitches for him to play with.

But to their utter surprise, the Demons are roaring and shrieking in fear, as a shadowy tendril appeared out of nowhere. All 3 of them hid out of sight, as the Demons are absorbed by the shadow, and when the shadow dispersed, the demons are now able to show up again. It is like someone is able to consume their bodies. All 3 of them look with really wide eyes, as they see that the demons are gone without a trace.

"This is bad, isn't it?"

Halo spoke out to the 2, with Spawn simply speaking out to her.

"Bad? BAD? That is a mild thing to say. No, it is more than bad. It is seriously fucked up."

Kampeki said nothing, as he simply looked at the black tendril, which seems to be turning around constantly, as if it is looking for something, or someone to take a hold of. Kaede made her first move, by manipulating her vectors, and attach them to the wall. She is reeled at the high part of the wall, and sticker herself there. Than, the others followed her lead. All 4 of them made no sudden noises or movements, as they look down to see what will happen next. The shadowy tendril than began to climb on the wall, and began to go to a bunch of directions, by splitting the tendrils into smaller tendrils, which is acting similar to that of branches. And unfortunately, one of the branches is going to their direction. Not taking the chances, the group went a little to the side, to avoid getting touched by the branches. Kanpeki puts away his Kagune, but the shadows is still spreading to try and find them. Halo and Spawn are beginning to swat, as the shadow tendril is about to touch Kanpeki, as he is almost gong to be touched by the black tendril. What is he going to do now?

But as if God has answered to a prayer that he had been listening to, a bunch of laughs went off in the room, causing the tendrils to retract. The small tendril that al its touched Kanpeki at the back of his neck reeled away, as it and the other smaller tendrils it had split into began to fuse back into the large one. Everyone looked down to see what has caused the light to suddenly shine out of nowhere. They looked down, and saw some of the MTF Members of the Foundation appeared. They are known as the Gamewardens, and they are carrying very powerful flashlights in their hands. They light up the room, but for some reason, they don't touch the group, who is present in the room, until Kanpeki realized something. Turning to Spawn, he later spoke out to him.

"You made the position that we are in invisible, didn't you?"

Spawn chuckled underneath the mask, and Kanpeki smiled a bit to see that he does at least have some sense of humor present inside if that mind of his, even if it is a little bit dark. They than payed attention to the soldiers, who are talking to each other.

"SCP-017 is definitively around here."

The other member of the MTF nodded, as he spoke out.

"I actually saw one of the tendrils crawling onto the wall, as if it is trying to attack something."

The leader nodded, as he spoke out.

"Than that must mean that we are about to go near it. Everyone, get the flashlights ready, and move out, now."

Everyone nodded, as they gripped their flashlights tightly in their hands, and moved to where SCP-017 is at now. The cape that covered the group slowly appears in red, as the group is nice visible, sticking to the wall. The group looked at each other, as they began to think of what the guy had said of the creature they call SCP-017, before jumping down to the ground, and looking around. The silence is finally broken, when Halo speaks out.

"So...what we have been dealing with is an SCP?"

Spawn nodded, as Kanpeki than spoke out.

"Should we go out there to help them than. After all, this SCP could be very dangerous for them to do on their own."

Both Halo and Spawn looked at each other, before nodding. They nodded their heads at Kanpeki, as the 4 of them than go to where the MTF had disappeared to. But as they got close to them, they heard a scream of an adult male. They went to the place where they heard the scream, and they saw it. They see SCP-017. And needless to say, the SCP doesn't look very friendly. is now acting far more different now. It is now no longer standing. It is now moving on its own accord. And unlike last time, it now no longer needs to act when someone casts a shadow on it. All it has to take, is to get into its line of sight, and it will be all over. If there are multiple. It will simply spread its shadow even more.

Kaede, Kanpeki, Spawn, and Halo watched in horror, as they see many humans get pulled into the shadow, and they are not seen to come back out again. SCP-017, however, noticed them, and begun to spread the ground, in an attempt to try and catch them. But Spawn and Halo raised more, as the Shadows are now slowly creeping their way up to try and take them. Halo used her energy blasts to try and destroy the mass that is trying to attack them. But all she succeeded in doing is push back the shadowy mass away. Kaede tried to use her vectors and throw large amounts of rock and concrete at the Shadow Child. But SCP-017 used his very essence and absorbed the rock in order to save itself.

"How tough is this thing?"

Kaede spoke out, as she than noticed where the nearest tendril is about to go to.

"WATCH OUT!!!!!"

But it was too late. The shadows are now touching Kanpeki and Spawn, as they are both now about to be effected.

"OH CRAP!!!!"


Spawn tried to use his hellfire in order to force the shadows off of him, but it wasn't working. Kanpeki tried to stick himself to the ceiling and try to reel them in, but the ceiling is also covered. This is it, their doomed!!!

"Leave them alone!!"

Halo shouts at the black mass, which is now using his extensive tendrils to try and creep up to their entire bodies to do God-Knows-What to them. But the mass doesn't know the basic understanding of hearing, and continues to try and absorb them into itself even more. Finally reaching her limit, she than shouts out to the Shadow Child.


Halo's body glows a bright blue aura, as a light as bright as a star shines out from her body.

This causes SCP-017 to make its moment of shrieking, as it quickly went to the corner. Spawn and Kanpeki are able to get out of the shadow without getting absorbed into the black mass, and thankfully, none of their body parts have been lost. The entity is still being backed away in the corner, and it seems to be shaking, almost in the form of a fetal position, seeming to be scared of getting any closer to Halo's shine of her enormous bright light.

It seems that even though SCP-017 now has the power to think in someways, it also demonstrates what to fear the most. More specifically, an immensely powerful bright light. Because of this, it is backing itself to the only place where it can not be harmed. The only place where the place is dark. Unfortunately, however, that is exactly what the Foundation was hoping for.

Back in Site-Ω...

A group of scientists are at the computer terminal, with their weaponized teleportation device ready. The scientists spoke out to Bright.

"Dr.Gears. We have a clear shot to take 017. Permission to use the Teleportation Weapon?"

Gears looks at the scientists, before speaking out.

"Permission is granted to you all."

The scientists smiled, as he spoke out.

"Let's do that. You hear us, SCP-017. We have a special place with your name on it. Hopefully you will like your new home to be in."

Then, the scientists at the controls slammed his palm onto the button, as a loud buzzing sound was heard, which indicates one thing: the Teleportation Weapon, is ready for action.

Back on Earth...

SCP-017 was now scrunching up against the corner wall even more, as it seems to be afraid of the light very much, and does not want to get anywhere near it. But as it goes back even more, suddenly, it began it glow, and while it doesn't actually hurt SCP-017, it began to look around in seemingly so much distress.

Kaede, Halo, Kanpeki, and Spawn watch as SCP-017 is consumed by the light, before it disappears from the area that it was in, finally giving the 3 of them a rest against the struggle against SCP-017, who was irritating, and had almost taken away 2 of Halo's new friends.

"Woah. That was a very close one. Thanks for that, Halo."

Kanpeki spoke out, as Spawn spoke out as well.

"Yeah, thanks, Halo. Thought that the both of us would be goners for sure, and we would all be screwed by the fucking Shadow Child."

Halo sighed, but later smiled. She than opened a portal to Site-Ω, before she speaks out to the 2.

"Come on. I think we should take a break from this ordeal. It must have been a very stressful day for the rest of us. Besides, we still have time to help save the world, is that right you both?"

Kaede stood up and walked into the Boomtube, while also speaking out

"I could never agree more, Halo"

Both the One-Eyed Ghoul and the Hellspawn agreed with Halo, while also nodding their heads, and they stood up to go through the Boomtube, and the portal closed behind them, as they went back to Site-Ω, and go to their rooms to rest.

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