There Was a Crooked Man/SCP-783

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It took a little while to find a proper containment cell in Site-α for 682, but they are were able to find a room where they can place SCP-682 and his body parts safely and separately without any form of trouble. They had to make an extremely durable and very, very dense metal that not even SCP-682 and crack and break easily, should it even reassemble itself, and out each of the body parts into 15 separate rooms that are very, very far away from each other.

After that, the Guards from Site-α went back to Site-Ω, in order to get some SCPs that can re-energize them back to full strength, and no longer make them very tired. But at the same time when this is happening, as New Goddess of Creation was talking to one of the most famous doctors of the Foundation.

Atiani is shown to be speaking to Dr.Gears, as Takion said that she can return back to New Genesis for now.

"Are you sure that you want me to, Dr.Gears? After all, I can be of good use on Earth."

Dr.Gears shook his head, and spoke out.

"I'm sure that we can take care of it ourselves, Atiani, and besides. Taking down SCP-682 and separating his body parts into cages is enough for us. He was always the most persistent and troubling of all the anomalies that we've contained. And besides, of New Genesis gets attacked by the Scarlet King and his forces, you may be needed back in your home. After all, they are more important than Earth."

Atiani looks down, sad, but knows that Dr.Gears has a point on what he's saying. Atiani sighed, before speaking out.

"Okay. But...if you need any help from me...let me know."

She than took out a Motherbox, before giving it to Dr.Gears, who takes it in his hand. Looking at it, he nods his head at her, as she opens a Boomtube, and goes back to her Home World.

Dr.Gears looks at the direction of where she summoned the Boomtube and disappeared to, as he looked at the Motherbox that she had given her in his hand. After staring at the Motherbox with an unreadable expression for a dozen minutes, Dr.Gears goes to the communication room, and contacts James.

"James Heller. Are you there? Where are you located now?"

Back on Earth...

James jumped in the air, before pressing the Earpiece, and spoke back to Dr.Gears, sounding very agitated.

"I'm here, Doc!!! And i'm in Oxfordshire, England!! Dr.Clef sent me there to take care of a large population of Demons that are in the ducking area!! What else do you think that I'm doing?!"

Dr.Gears was silent, before he spoke out.

"That is not a good place to fight the Demons in."

James Heller was a bit surprised, but spoke back to the Doctor that bares no expression whatsoever.

"What do you fucking mean, that this is a fucking bad place to fight them??!!!"

Dr.Gears sighed, before speaking out.

"This is a dangerous location where an SCP resides known, a Keter Level, in fact, known simply as SCP-783."

James Heller's eyes widened, as he heard what the Doctor said to him, and spoke out.

"SCP-783, what does he do, you damn Fucker??!!!"

Dr.Gears than spoke back to him.

"He targets people, and when he gets the target, he will use some anomalous power to mangle and distort the bodies of victims, making their limbs and neck crooked. The area that you are in, it's his favorite spot to target normal human civilians."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

James' anger was a bit too much, as he cannot believe his very horrible luck.


Back on the Last Site...

Dr.Gears doesn't cringe or close his eyes, as he gets to hear James Heller swearing and going in a intense tirade of the location that he is in, as Dr.Clef spoke out.

"Heh, kinda wanted that reaction from him."

But James Heller, somehow, heard this, and though a rather unnatural technique that they have not recorded, James Heller, in a rage, roars out through the comm on Dr.Clef's end.


Clef flinches, as he heard the loud rage that James is demonstrating, and after a little bit of shivering,  spoke out in his Australian accent.

"Ummmm...Gotta go."

He ran out of here, and does not return back from the communications room. Dr.Gears sighed, as he punched his nose, before speaking out.

"James, listen. I'm going to try and target the teleportation device to your position, but you need to stay completely still. You copy?"

Back on Earth...Oxfordshire, England

James Heller pressed the earpiece, as he shouts out.

"It would be possible, if I am not fighting against those fuckers from Hell!!! And besides, I'm almost done clearing it all up. Just a few more, and that is it.

Dr.Gears than spoke out.

"I'll wait. But make it fast, before the Crooked Man comes out and gets you. We have no idea if your body can even adapt to his powers."

James Heller simply spoke out.


He cuts one of the Demons in half, before jumping into the air, and kicking the demon through the body, killing it instantly, as he used his body like a accelerated bullet.

James Heller than landed on the ground, and turns around to face one part demon. It doesn't look that terrible, and James though that, this will make things quicker. After all, he had spent hours upon hours trying to clean up England. So, rushing towards it, he pulls his fist behind him, and prepares to punch, when something completely unexpected happened to the demon. The demonic entity began to expand at an extremely fast pace, with cracks beginning to appear all over the body. It didn't take long for James to realize that the Demon is going to do now.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Before James could finish speaking about what the Demon was going to do to him, the Demon had detonated violently, causing a large scarlet explosion that could be seen from miles away. James was sent flying to multiple towns, before looking down, but with a blurry vision. The last thing he sees, are multiple extremely long toes, before he slipped into a state of unconsciousness. As the feeling is skin scrapes across his own flesh, even his clean shaven head.


James groaned, as he feels himself on ground. He held his head, and as he tried to stand up, he put his right arm on the ground, to try and steady himself. But what he felt wasn't the ground. It felt strange. It feels similar to a thin stick, except it is very, very fleshy. He looks down, to see what it is that he had grabbed on now. And what he grabbed on was not a good thing. It as a long, and very grotesque hand that possesses very bony, blood-red fingers.

James' eyes widened at what he is seeing, and instantly, he jumped away, and looks down at the extremely long arm. James, out of curiosity, goes to the path of where the arm came from, and looks to see where it is coming from. It was a mass grave, filled with human corpses, that seen to be from the past victims of SCP-783.

"Fuck. I never knew that this would be so bad for even me to look at. I think I am gonna have fucking bad nightmares about this thing for many weeks."

He spoke, rubbing his head.

After that, he than turns around, to see where he is at right now.

It almost resembles the forest that he is in, was not that littered with the bodies of people who had their arms and legs and neck become crooked and very twisted in such a way.

One of the victims was shown to be a D-Class. There is a designation on the back of the D-Class. This one calls himself D-2172. And needless to say, it does not look pretty, not a single fucking bit pretty. And the weird thing is, the sky is not red. It is a normal sky, like it is the only place to not be affected by what is going on outside. But even so, even James realizes that this is still a very dangerous thing to be inside of right now. But first, he needs to look around this place for a bit.

He began to walk, as the grassy part of the dimension he is in doesn't look like it is covered in that much bodies, with only very few to be seen. But as he got out in the open, he looks and saw that, there are 2 areas that he can be on. There is the town, or rather, the replica of the town that is targeted by the Crooked Man, or there is a shack that is just next to a cliff.

After a little bit of thinking, James decided to go to the shack first, since it is a bit easier to deal with than to go to the town where there is some trouble that is likely to come to him quicker. So, taking the chance, he turns to the Shack, and speed-walks there, with little noise as possible, as to him, this will prevent the Crooked Man from noticing him from far away.

James Heller opened the door, which surprisingly not locked, looked inside of the shack.

There is a single bed that is on the shack, and a symbol of a humanoid entity, presumably, it is of the Crooked Man, and this must be the place that it sleeps in for when it is starting to get tired, and sleeps at night, if it does, ever sleep.

James Heller does not know why...but he feels very, very compelled to touch the drawing that is on the wall. His body, it feels like it is about to move on their own, and with each step, the feeling is hypnosis takes over his mind and body very quickly. He crouched down, and prepares to press his hand against the strange image that is on the wall. But before he could...

"...wait...WHAT THE FUCK AND I EVEN DOING??!!!!"

James realized that he is not acting like himself right now, and immodestly stops before he can do something even more crazy. So, regaining his baring, he grabs onto the arm that is about to touch the picture, and after a little bit immediately stops what he's doing, and steps back, before running out of the house, realizing that he has made a bit too loud of a noise that he is positioned right now. So as quickly as he could, he immodestly goes to the copy of the town in order to see what is going on right there.

He reaches a trail to the town, and begins to walk towards it in a very quiet way. He can feel a presence walking past him and into the shack, presumably, the SCP that is just arriving back to the shack to see if it is has been invaded in any way. James immodestly goes faster and faster than before, but not to the point of running, as this will make more problems. Instead, he kept on walking, but only a bit faster than before. Thankfully, it does not go to the point of running, as this would be a very terrible disaster to be in.

After he finally reaches the town, he gets a good look at it, but he was not ready for what is inside of it. The town looks surprisingly normal, and the buildings that are inside of it are in stable condition, as there is no signs of cracks, broken windows, and any sort of damage that is in the copy of the town that he is in. But what did not catch James' attention were not the stable condition of the town. Oh no, that is the last of his concern. What was the most of his concern, was what it is on the road of the town that he is inside of now. On the path that is in the town, there are a bunch of bodies that are littered all over the place, like someone has messed up on Earth Day, and decide to make it Junk Day. The bodies are countless and so littered that not even the first, which has littered bodies, could even against them off of that amount of bodies that he's seeing before his very eyes now.

James began to walk around the town, as he gets to see how the bodies look like, and each of them varies. One of the bodies has a pair of legs reaching 3 meters in length. Another has a head that, James could jokingly say, but would be to cruel for even him to say, that reaches that the height of a giraffe. Another has his arms reach 2'1 meters, and the fingers of the victim are so, so long, that James thought that they could be mistake for the tentacles of a skinny octopus.

James didn't see anything very unusual at first, as nothing had seem to happen. But when he turned around, he saw something that is very peculiar.

"What the actual fuck?"

Jame spoke quietly to himself, as he saw something that he did not see before. The bodies, they have rearranged positions, and a bit more worrisome in a way, the bodies are actually starting to move in his direction, and a bit closer than before.

James, not wanting to take the chance, immediately runs away from the town, before things could get out of hand.

James ran and ran, until he arrived at the safe spot...and to his is back in the area again, where he is between both the shack and the town.

"This place is fucking crazy."

James spoke to himself, as he than decided to go back to the place which lead him to this dimension, but as he does...he sensed something besides him. Turning around, this is when he realized, he is not going to be in a very great position now. Because someone is walking to his location, and if it is what James believes him to be, he is going to have his hands beyond his way to full capacity. When the entity showed himself, James was easily repulsed at what the entity looks like.

James Heller looked very disgusted at the grotesque figure that he is seeing before him. Although it is mostly covered in shadows, the neck is a bit crooked to the point where, it looks like the neck's about to break, as well as all of the joints on all of the limbs have become King and twisted and very crooked. James could tell who this might be.

"This must be the Crooked Man the blank faced doctor was taking about."

James Heller spoke to himself, as he took a stance, and got ready to fight. But the Crooked Man, has an idea of his own. Raising his arms, movement was shown behind him, and coming up from behind SCP-783, were the past victims of the Crooked Man, completely under his control, and looking like they are about to make James Heller one of them. But James Heller has a better idea. He activated his Pack Leader ability, and summoned, not the Brawlers, but the Juggernauts, as they came through the portal, and to where James is at right now.

He snapped his finger, and spoke out.

"Sick those bitches."

Roaring for battle, the Juggernauts roared for battle, as they began to smash and tear apart the soldiers of 783. The Crooked Man, however, attempted to fight back, and despite the fact that, it doesn't look that strong, it is able to contain with the Juggernauts that is fighting against him. James, not taking the chance to let him catch up, and runs back to the woods where the  pile of corpses are at. He than went up a tree, before leaping and beginning to glide as fast as he can. He looked, and saw the mass grave, the gateway back to Earth, just directly below him right now.

James Heller, with very little time to lose, and taking the chance very fast, formed his Hammerfists, and does a Divebomb as fast as he can, without any types of branches getting in the way of his line of sight towards the Mass Grave of 783's victims, before he finally goes down into the mass of Corpses that leads back to Earth, as quickly as possible. Thankfully, he is wearing armor all over his body this time, and closed his eyes while this happened. After a little bit, he finally feels the gravity beginning to change, and he is finally rocketing back up. But he does not get out of the area yet. He turns back around, and prepares to do something about the mass of corpse inside the pit.

Getting out of the hole, James Heller formed his Tendrils, and sealed the hole shut, and closed it very tightly. But it did more than that. The bodies were absorbed into the biomass, and made a blockage that prevents the Crooked Man from entering the Earth again. The Crooked Man howled in a rage, as he tried to claw his way back to the other side, but the Biomass regenerated, finally trapping the Crooked Man in the other side for the rest of his life.

James Heller looked down, and saw the Crooked Man attempting to get out. But it was entirely fruitless, as he still was trapped beneath the walls of Biomass of Blacklight.

He looks down back at the pit one last time, before remembering that he has a radio inside of his biomass. He shapeshifts into a Soldier, and spoke out to Dr.Gears.

"Dr.Gears, I'm back. I need you to teleport me back As Soon As Possible."

Dr.Gear spoke out.

"I've got you in my sight, although do you kind changing back? People aren't going to recognize that it is you, and instead, a solider is in the place of the area that he is in for an very, very unknown reason."

James huffed a bit, before shapeshifitng back to his normal form, and he glows into a flash of light, before he finally disappears back into the Last Site, getting out of that Godforsaken place completely. And the Crooked Man, is not allowed on Earth anymore

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