Proving Him Wrong - 3.

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I woke up this morning to my phone going off. I roll over and grab the phone from the bedside table. I look at the name on the screen 'Damien' flashes across it.

What does he want now?

I hit the ignore button. I turn the phone off and walk into the lounge room. The twins are sitting in the lounge room with their toys.

Mom is in the kitchen cooking breakfast. She looks at me and smiles. "Good morning, sweetheart. I have the day off today. So, I thought I'd take the twins to the park with Clara."

I smile. "You like her don't you?"

She nods. "Yeah, I see why you dropped the twins at her place when you wanted to spend time with Jody."

My mouth drops.

Mom laughs. "Clara told me everything. She also said the twins remind her of her Grandchildren."

She never told me she had Grandchildren.

Mom places a plate of bacon and eggs on the table.

The twins walk over to the table and they put food on their plates. They look at me. "Do you have to go to work today?"

I nod. "Yes, I do. How about on my payday I take you two to the shops and we have a look at how much a doll house is going to cost?"

Hayden jumps off her seat and runs to me. She wraps her small arms around. "Yes,"

Darcy nods.

First pay cheque is going to the twins.

Mom looks at us. "If your father gets this job he'll be able to buy you the dollhouse himself."

I hope he gets the job.

I look over at Mom. "What time is Dad's interview?"

Mom looks at the clock. "Ten, I think."

I finish off my breakfast and put the dishes in the sink. I walk to my room and get ready for work. I pick up my handbag off the floor and I kiss Mom and the twins before I exit the house. I pulled around the corner of my house and I scream.

Someone covers my mouth. "Shhh, I'm not going to hurt you." A familiar voice whispers.

I turn my head and look into the blue eyes of my Ex.

Damn, I was hoping he would have been gone by now.

Damien lets me go. "Can we talk?"

I cross my arms. "I have nothing to say to you Damien. Can't you just leave for University now?"

"I'm leaving today, Paige."

I smile. "Great, now I don't have to see your ugly face around town until you return for the holidays. I have to go." I walk away from him.

I hope this is the last time I see him.

Nick looks at me as I round the corner. He has a huge smile on his face when he sees me. His face falls.

That's when I know that he saw Damien as he walks away.

Nick climbs into the car and I open the door and climb inside.

I put my seatbelt on and turn to Nick. "He just showed up. I told him to stop trying to see me. I'm not going to give him another chance. He ruined that when he said all those hurtful things to me after Graduation."

Nick pulls the car away from the house. His hands tighten on the steering wheel and they turn white. His jaw is clenched. "I don't want to talk about your Ex."

The rest of the ride to work is silent.

Nick pulls the car over and he waits for me to get out. He doesn't say anything to me as I climb out of the car.

I slam the door and he drives away. I enter Antonia's coffee shop and set everything up for the new day.

Renee exits the office and she smiles. "Hey, Paige. Are you alright?"

I nod. "I'm fine. Um, do you think you can give me a lift to the trailer park after work?"

Renee looks outside. "My boyfriend is picking me up after work and he lives in the opposite direction."

How am I going to get home after work?

I finish off setting up things before the customers enter the coffee shop. I flip the closed sign over and I stand behind the register. I smile as the customers enter the shop. I take their drink orders and put it into the computer. Once all the customers are served I walk around the coffee shop and clean the tables.

Antonia enters the coffee shop and she smiles. "How's everything going, Paige?"

"It's going good."

She walks to the office and closes the door.

I finish off cleaning the dining area when Damien and his friends enter the shop. I stand behind the counter. "Welcome to Antonia's coffee place. Can I take your order?"

Annabeth giggles. "Do you say that to all your customers?" Then she talks like a robot.

I roll my eyes. "It's called being polite. Something that your friends and you lack. Hopefully, someone will teach you a lesson on Campus. Unless there's a class on learning how to..."

Renee looks at me. She shakes her head.

Annabeth crosses her arms. "Teach me what?" Her eyebrows raise.

I narrow my eyes at her. "To spread your legs."

She slaps me across the face. "If we were on the street I would kick you're..." Damien drags her out of the coffee shop.

Before the door shuts I whisper. "When you're in town next I'll teach you a lesson."

Jared looks at me. "I'm sorry about that, Paige. She's been upset since her rejection letter to community college was declined. It looks like you're stuck with her in town."

No, I don't want to be stuck in the same town as someone that hates me. I was looking forward to everyone that I knew were leaving this town.

I let out a breath. "What can I get you to drink?"

Jared gives me his coffee order and I make it for him. He takes his coffee and finds a table in the far corner.

I see Annabeth climb into the car with her friends and they wave to Damien.

Damien enters the coffee shop.

I make Damien his coffee and place it on the counter and tell him the price.

Damien places twenty dollars on the table. He looks at me. "Keep the change." He walks over to Jared table.

Why would he leave me a huge tip?

I look at the clock. "Can I take my break now, Renee?"

Renee looks at the office door. "I'll check with Grandma." She knocks on the office. She enters the room and closes the door.

While she's in the office three women enter the coffee shop. I take their orders and make them the coffee.

They are out the door three minutes later.

Renee exits the office. "You have half an hour. Don't get into any fights while you're on your break or I'll have to fire you."

I put my jumper on and pull my phone out of the bag.

As I exit the diner I turn on my phone. I hear some text message alerts go off as I continue my walk through town. I move in the direction of Donna's bar 'n' Grill. I stop in front of Mom's workplace. I unlock my phone and look at the messages.

There's a bunch from Damien. I delete those.

One from Nick. I open the message.

Nick: I'll pick you up after your shift. I'm sorry about this morning. I was jealous seeing you with him.

I frown.

When did his feelings change for me?

I delete the message and stop on the one from Mom. I close my eyes as I click on the message with Mom on it. I open my eyes and read her message.

Mom: He got the job. We're moving. Your father and I will be out of town by the end of the week.

I smile.

That's great. The twins are going to go to a better school than me.

Donna exits the shop. She looks at me. "You should come inside, Paige."

I shake my head. "Donna, I can't afford to eat here. You know that."

She pulls me inside. "It's on the house. I know how your parents are struggling and I'd do anything to help them out."

I look at her. "Did Mom call you?"

She nods. "She told me your father got a new job and they are moving at the end of the week. She still has two more shifts with me. She apologized for leaving me with short notice."

"Donna, what time do you close at night?"

"This place closes at ten each Sunday to Wednesday. Thursday is eleven. Friday and Saturday this place is open twenty-four hours. Why are you asking?"

I look at the ground. "I'm not leaving with my parents. I was wondering if I could take some of Mom's shifts. I also have another job Monday to Friday and the shifts finish at five. But, I won't be able to get here until after 5.30."

Donna looks at me. "You're hired. I'll use for the busy days. So, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights you will be working here. I'm giving you Sundays off since I know you'll be working all the week."

I hug her. "Thank you."

She looks at the kitchen. "I'll get them to hurry your order. What would you like to eat?"

"A hamburger instead of fries can I get a salad?"

Donna walks to the kitchen and she give them my order. She returns a couple minutes later with the hamburger and salad.

I eat the burger and salad.

After I've finished lunch I walk over to Donna. "Thanks, Donna."

Donna walks out from behind the bar. She has a piece of paper in her hand. "Fill this out and return it for your first shift tomorrow night. You start at six until we close. I will have someone show you how to shut the shop. I'm thinking about letting you become a manager like your mother was. She has a great work ethic and I can tell you have the same trait as her."

I take the form from her and exit the bar 'n' grill.

At Antonia's I put the form in my bag with my iPhone 6s. I walk over to the register and I take orders from the customers that just walked through the door.

I look around the dining area and I see Jared and Damien still here.

I thought those two would have left by now.

I give the customers there coffee orders.

When the counter is clear Damien and Jared walk over to me. Jared looks at me. "I just wanted to say 'goodbye' to you, Paige. I'm sorry we didn't hang around together much. When I come home for holidays I hope you'd like to hang out with me."

I shake my head. "I'll be working. So, I won't have much time to hang out anyone. Have a safe trip to whatever school you both are going to."

Damien opens his mouth to say something.

I hold my hand up in the air. "Damien, just go."

Damien and Jared exit the coffee shop. They climb into a ford wheel drive that is packed with all their stuff for their dorm room.

I watch the car pull onto the road.

At 5.30pm, Nick pulls his car to the curb of Antonia's coffee shop. I have a cup of coffee in my hand for him.

I open the door and give him the coffee. "I made this for you. It might be a bit cold."

Nick takes a drink from the cup. He looks at me. "It's perfect."

I climb into the car and shut the door. I turn to him. "I have two things to tell you."

He puts the cup in the holder. "What is it?"

"One Damien left and all he wanted to say was 'goodbye.' The second is Dad got the job and my family are moving. Do you still want to be my roommate?"

Nick looks at me. "I would love to move in with you over the weekend." He pulls the car onto the road and he drives us home.

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