Proving Him Wrong - 4.

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Nick and I walk over to the Managers office the trailer park. He turns to me. "Who would have thought that Nick Smith would be moving in with a beautiful woman that he's not dating?"

I turn to him. "Do you really want to move in with me, Nick? Or, will I be in the way of you being the bachelor ways?"

He shakes his head. "You'll never get in the way. I'll tell all my conquests that you are my sister if it helps."

I cross my arms. "I don't want to be your fake sister. Just sleep with the girls at their homes or take them to your parent's trailer.

He laughs. "I never bring the girls home. I end up at their place most of time or we end up in the bathroom at whatever club we're at."

I shake my head. "Nick, you should find a girl that's not just into sex."

He wrap his arm around my shoulder. "I found her. But, she's pining after her ex."

I push him away. "I'm not pining after him. I don't want to date anyone while I try to figure out what I want in life. It will be unfair for the guy and I when I decide to leave for University."

Nick whispers. "You can date me until you go to University."

I roll my eyes. "Nick,"

Nick knock on the manager's office and he opens the door for us. He smiles. "Well if it isn't my new tenants. I have the paperwork on the bench."

Nick and I enter the office and there's boxes all over the floor and papers are spilling out of the boxes. A filing cabinet stands in the corner with boxes around it.

This place needs to be organized.

I turn to the manager. "You need someone to organize all these papers. The way everything is right now is a hazard. If someone walked by with a lighter all those papers will go up."

The manager sits at his desk. "Do you want to help me to organize this mess?"

I shrug. "If you pay me I'll help you out."

He laughs. "My tenants never seem to stop surprising me. Alright, I'll pay for your help to organize this office. When can you start?"

"Sunday? I have two jobs to work on Thursday and Friday. Saturday, I have a late shift. I prefer to have a lazy day on Saturday."

He smiles. "Alright, I'll see you on Sunday." He places the paperwork on the table for Nick and I.

We sign the documents for being new tenants.

The manager looks at me. "I'm sorry for being rude. You two probably don't know who I am since your parents have been the ones to deal with me. I'm Leon Thatcher."

I shake his hand. "Paige McGuire."

Leon gives Nick keys for the trailer. "Thanks, Leon."

Nick and I exit the office and make our way back to my trailer. When we get to the trailer I see my Dad pull out front of the trailer.

Dad steps out of the car and I run over to him. I hug him. "I'm happy you got the job. The twins are going to have a better life now."

Dad smiles. "Are you alright with that?"

I shrug. "It's not about me anymore. I am an adult and it's about time I learn to look after myself."

Dad pulls out a packet from the car. "I drove by UCLA and I got this from the office and I spoke to the Dean of Students. He said if you can fill this out in the next two weeks he'll fast track your acceptance for winter."

I hug him. "How did you do that?"

Dad looks at the ground.  "My company had a lot of dealings with that man and he said if anyone needs anything to come to him. I thought about it when I was coming home from my interview." He smiles. "You have six months doing those crummy jobs you chose for yourself. When you get to university. I want you to work your butt off for the course you want to study."

I turn to Nick and he smiles. "You're going to make me want to take night classes with all the talk about University."

Dad hits his back. "I think night classes would be good for you, Nick. I heard you're exceptional at your construction site."

Nick smiles. "Yeah, I am. Sometimes, I want to be in an office and design the buildings instead of building it."

He looks hot with all the muscles he has. I don't like the idea of him being stuck behind a desk.

Dad, Nick and I enter the trailer. The twins are on the floor with books and Mom is in the kitchen cooking. She looks over. "Hey, honey. I'm glad your home. I need your help with moving some things."

Dad kisses her. "We can get everything out of the house tomorrow. I hired a moving truck and it will be delivered tomorrow." He turns to me. "I want you to have my car. I have a company car to drive now."

Mom looks at him. "Did you find a place for us to rent?"

He nods. "My boss has a second house on his property and he's renting it us. My boss is a real nice guy. You're going to like him and his family. He has a son around Paige's age. But, he goes to Harvard University."

Yeah, I'm glad he's in University. That way Dad won't set me up with the guy when I visit him.

Mom looks at Nick. "Do you want to stay for dinner?"

Nick nods. "Yes, please." He steps into the kitchen. What do you need me to do Mrs. McGuire?"

Mom laughs. "You don't need to help me. You're our guest." Mom moves towards me and she whispers. "You should date him." She walks back to the kitchen and prepares dinner.

Nick and I walk to my bedroom. I sit on the bed and cross my legs. "What do you want to do until dinner?"

"Have my way with you." Nick climbs on the bed and sits next to me.

I laugh. "You're such a horn dog, Nick. Give me your phone and I can give one of you booty girls a call."

He shakes his head. "Nah, those girls are a one-time deal."

I pick up his phone and look through his contacts. I stop on Annabeth. I show him the phone. "Is she a one-time thing?"

Nick looks at the phone. "Shit! You weren't supposed to know about her. No, she's not a one-time deal. She's the girl I go to when I need to..."

I block my ears. "I don't want to know why you need her. If you invite her here keep her away from me, Nick. She's been a complete bitch since she got denied from her first pick of University."

Nick looks at the ground. "She lied about not being accepted. Her mother has cancer and she opted out to take care of her. She doesn't want her friends to know the truth about her Mom. I've been spending a lot of time with her since she found out."

I cross my arms. "Are you trying to get me to feel sorry for that girl?"

He hugs me. "No, I just want you to understand."

I rise and move toward the door. "I won't ever understand why she hates me so much. It's been that way since we were little."

Mom yells. "Dinner,"

Nick and I exit my room and we make our way to the dining table. Nick sits next to me.

Mom dishes up Nick's plate first. "Let me know when you've got enough food on your plate, Nick."

Nick looks at the plate. "Stop," he takes the plate and places it in front of him. He has a whole plate full of meat and vegetables."

I tell Mom to stop when my plate is half full of food.

Nick looks at mine and shakes his head. "Why do most girls prefer to eat salads and vegetables when they are around me?"

I look at the table. "It's because they are nervous."

He crosses his arms. "Why would they be nervous in front of me? I'm a nice guy, aren't I, Paige?"

I put my hand on his arm. "You're the best guy, Nick. I can't really talk for the all the girls. I want you to know I'm not afraid to eat in front of you. I always ask for half a plate because I don't want to waste food. If I'm still hungry I will fill my plate again." I lean close to him and whisper. "I hope you won't be like this when we move in together."

After dinner Nick helps me clean the dishes. We put all the utensils in the correct place. We walk into the lounge room and put on a DVD.

I lean against Nick.

The movie starts.

Half way through the movie Nick's phone rings and he looks at me. "I need to take this." He walks out the door.

I wrap my arms around the pillow and watch the movie.

Nick enters the trailer. He runs a hand through his hair. "That was Annabeth her mother took a turn for the worst and she's in the hospital. I need to be with her right now." He looks everywhere but me. "I'm sorry to skip out on you, Paige."

I rise. "If I was your girlfriend I would kick your ass for ditching me. As I'm not yours, I'll let you go without complaint."

He kisses my cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow when I move in." Nick exits the house and I hear his car start as he pulls away from his trailer.

Mom walks over to me. "Do you like that boy?"

I wrap my arms around her as she takes a seat on the lounge. "I don't know how I feel. My heart is broken from Damien. But, I want to be with Nick at the same time. If I start a relationship with Nick it would be classified as a rebound. I don't want to have a rebound relationship. I want to have something real. Just like it was with Damien." I look at the ground. "I'm sorry I keep talking about the man that you and Dad don't like."

Mom kisses my cheek. "Paige, I didn't like the way Damien treated you. You deserved better and the way he threw your living situation annoyed me. If he grows up and has changed then I would reconsider my feeling toward him." she rises. "I have to go to bed. Tomorrow will be a busy day with us moving."

Mom closes the door to her bedroom and I turn off the television. I move toward the door and lock it.

I walk to my bedroom and pull out my Kindle. I pull up the library and select a book I haven't had a chance to read lately.

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