Proving Him Wrong - 5.

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I wake up early the next morning to Mom and Dad moving there bedframe from there room. I pull on a jumper and exit my bedroom. I help them take the bed outside to the truck. I enter the house with Mom and we drag the mattress out of the house.

Dad helps us take the twins beds out of the room.

The twins are playing on the ground when I walk past them. They smile at me.

Mom enters the house with me and we enter the kitchen. Mom and I cook breakfast.

This is the last time I'm going to see my family in Los Angeles. I'll make time to visit them in Phoenix.

I look at the twins. "Hayden, Darcy, can you set the table?"

They run into the kitchen and they set the table.

Dad enters the house and he takes a seat at the table. "Everything else in the house is yours. My bosses place has everything else we need."

I move towards Dad. I hug him. "Thank you, Dad."

He smiles. "I'll do anything for you sweetheart."

Darcy looks at me. "I made something for you, Paige."

Hayden holds up a picture for me. "Me too." She gives me the picture.

There's six people standing together. Hayden points to the picture. "That's Dad, Mom, You, Darcy, me and Damien."

I turn towards her. "Why is Damien in this picture?"

She shrugs. "He's going to marry you someday, Paige."

Why would my little sister say that?

I move next to her. "Damien and I aren't together anymore. He never loved me."

She shakes her head. "He told me to keep this for you." she puts a bag on the table and she digs through it. She pulls out a small box. "This is for you."

Mom covers her mouth and she has tears in her eyes.

I turn to Dad and he shakes his head. "It's going to take a lot for him to prove himself to me if he ever wants to marry you."

"The only time I will be seeing him is when he comes home for the holidays. When he's in town I will be avoiding him like the plague. I don't want to hear his apologies. He shouldn't have said the stuff he did on graduation day." I look at my sister. "Put that box in the bag and keep it safe."

Hayden puts the box back in the bag. She pulls out a piece of paper. "Before he left he gave me this to give you."

I take the piece of paper from her. I recognize the writing on there. I rip the letter up into small pieces and throw it in the trash.

I told him to leave me alone and yet he went to my little sisters. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind the next time he rolls into town.

Mom and I clean the kitchen. When the kitchen is done my family get the remaining things they need for the move. Mom checks the rooms and she walks out with a box. "I can't forget the photo album."

We exit the trailer.

I hug my family.

They climb into the truck.

Nick walks over to me as they pull away.

Dad beeps the horn. He yells out the window. "Be good to my daughter."

I laugh. I wave at my family as they drive away from the trailer.

Nick pulls me into his arms. "Don't you have to help Leon with the office today?"

Shoot! I forgot about that.

I walk over to Leon's office and knock on the door.

Leon opens the doors. He smiles. "I thought you forgot about helping with the office."

I shake my head. "I had to see my parents and sisters off. I'll get right to work on the sorting the office out for you." I move past him and into the office. Flipping through the documents I put them into the filing cabinet with a heading for Leon to find.

At 3pm, I rise and walk over to Leon. "I'll finish the rest tomorrow. I need to have a rest before the night shift tonight."

Leon looks around the office. He smiles. "Thanks, Paige."

I exit the office and walk to the trailer. I open the door to the trailer and I see nick sitting on the lounge wearing his boxers. He has a can of beer in his hand and a watching football.

He turns towards me. "Hey, Paige."

I shake my head. "Just because we live together now doesn't mean you get to walk around the house in boxers. Please, put some clothes on."

Nick scratches his balls and drinks his beer, He burps and farts.

I block my nose. "Nick," I yell.

He laughs and runs to his bedroom.

I open the windows and doors. But, the smell seems to linger in the lounge room. I look through the cupboard for air freshener and spray the room.

Nick enters the lounge room and takes a seat. He puts his feet on the coffee table. He turns to me. "What did you spray the room with? It stinks."

I roll my eyes. "It's better than having to smell your fart that was lingering in the lounge room." I sit next to him and watch the football game on TV.

Nick screams at the TV. "Go you fucking beauty?" He yells, as a guy runs down the field. He rises and puts his arms up in the air. "TOUCH DOWN!" I kisses me.

I push him away. "What was that?"

He laughs. "I just won ten thousand bucks on this game. The team I was going for were doing terribly for the last twenty minutes. You walked in and the game picked up."

I smile. "That's great. You can fix up your car again."

He shakes his head. "I was thinking about fixing yours. I want you to be safe when you drive around in your father's old car."

I hug him. "Thank you, Nick."

At 6pm, I enter the Bar 'n' Grill. Donna walks over to me and she pulls me into the office. "Did your parents arrive safely?"

I nod. "Yeah, there at the new house. They sent me an SMS ten minutes ago." I pull my phone out of my pocket and I show her the picture.

She smiles. "They look happy. Don't you want to be with them?"

"I do. But, if I moved in with them I would have had to leave after Christmas for University. I thought it was a better idea to get used to being away from my parents."

She looks out the door. "Put your apron on and serve the customers. "I'll give you a break at nine. Order whatever you want on the menu. All your meals are on the house. Your shift will finish at 3am."

I put my handbag away and I exit the office. I walk onto the floor and move toward my tables.

Four guys walk into the restaurant. "Welcome to the Bar 'n' Grill. I'm Paige McGuire, your waitress this evening."

The first guy throws his arm around my shoulder.

I shrug his arm off me. "Please, don't touch me. I'll show you to a table." I show them to a table.

The rest of the group take a seat. The first guy slaps my ass as he walks by me.

I put the menus on the table in front of them. I reach for his balls and I squeeze it. I lean towards his ear and whisper. "If you touch me again. I'll make sure you won't be able to reproduce. Got it champ?"

He nods. "Got it." He winces and I remove my hand.

I smile. "What can I get you to drink?" I tap my chin, "Champ, wants a wet pussy."

The guys laugh.

The second guy pushes a fifty dollar bill towards me. "Your entertaining, Paige. I hope you can do it for the rest of the night."

I take the money off the table. "I'll try my best."

They give me there drink orders and I walk over to the bar. I give the order to the guy. "Can you get one of the girls to send the drinks to those girls? I can't serve them alcohol."

He looks at Donna and she nods. "I'll send Jenna."

I smile. "Thanks." I step away from the bar and serve my other tables. I see Jenna walk over to my table with their drinks.

The guys look at me.

I shrug. I take the food orders to the kitchen. I make my way back to the group of four.

The second guy leans forward. "Why couldn't you give us our drinks?"

"I'm not old enough to serve you those drinks."

He nods. "That woman that gave us the drinks was a flirt. I can tell she wants a piece of us."

I roll my eyes. "Good for her. I'm pretty sure Champ will satisfy her in the toilet."

Champs face turns red. He looks at the table.

I laugh. "Can I take your order now?"

The second guy asks. "What's good here?"

"The grilled steak, with mashed potatoes and assorted vegetables. The best sauce is the steak Diane."

The group orders the steak. "How do you like your steaks, guys?"

"Cooked." Champ says.

"Medium-to-well-done it is." I scribble that down and move away from the table. I place the order with the kitchen. I walk over to my other tables with the food.

Jenna walks quickly to a table and she crashes into a customer and the food falls on top of Champ.

"Fuck!" he yells, rising.

Jenna takes his arm and pulls him towards the bathroom.

I shake my head and clean up the mess she caused.

Donna walks over with a mop. "I'm going to fire that girl. She's been using the bathroom to have sex with my customers for a year and not cleaning this mess up is the last straw." She walks away.

The third guy smiles. "The only reason why we come here is for Jake to have sex with that girl."

"That's disgusting. I thought he'd have better taste." I put the food back on the tray and then mop the floor.

I walk toward the kitchen and put the mop away. I pick up the food order for the guys and place it on the table.

Champ walks over to the table and he sits. He turns towards me. "Jenna, just got fired."

I cross my arms. "Looks like you'll have to go elsewhere. Enjoy your meal guys. If you need anything just give me a yell." I walk over to a table with an elderly couple.

The woman looks at me. "Can we get a slice of apple pie and coffee?"

I walk to the counter and cut a slice of pie for her. I put some cream on the cake and ice cream at the side of the plate. I put two spoons on the plate. I make the coffees and put them on the tray. Walking over to the old couple I give them there cake and coffee.

"Thank you," they say.

I clean up a few tables and set them up for more customers. I walk over to the guys table with their cheque. "It was a pleasure serving you guys tonight. I hope you'll come back again."

The second guy nods. "I'll be back with some friends next week. I'll see you then." He exits the Bar 'n' Grill with his friends."

I clean the table and then set it for more customers.

At 3am, I clock out and exit the Bar 'n' Grill. I unlock the car and climb inside. I pull away from the Bar 'n' Grill and make my way home.

At home, I park the car and step out of it. I lock the door and move toward the door of the trailer.

I open the door and head to the kitchen. I grab a bottle of water of the fridge.

Nick walks out of his room and his hair is in a mess. He yawns. "Morning,"

I move past him. "Good morning. Now, I'm off to bed to. Goodnight, Nick." I close my bedroom door and climb into bed.

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