Proving myself - 1

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Pulling my car in front of the Granny Flat I see my family standing on the stairs waiting for me. I park the car and step out. Before I can get my bags out of the trunk my sister's arms are wrapped around my legs. "Paige," they yell.

I ruffle their hair and say. "Hey, Hayden, Darcy." Leaning down to their height I pull them into my arms. "I missed you." I kiss both of their cheeks before standing up and greeting my parents. "Mom, Dad."

They hug me. "We missed you, Paige." Mom says. She kisses my cheek. "I'm going to show you around tomorrow. This place is so gorgeous. I can't believe we wasted all our time in Los Angeles where we couldn't get the jobs that we deserved."

Looking at her I say. "Don't feel bad for the way I grew up. Dad and you did your best." Turning my attention to the twins and smiling. "They're the ones you need to worry about. I'll be at UCLA soon, following in Dad and your footsteps."

A smile spreads across her face. "I'm so happy for you, but don't follow too much in our footsteps and get pregnant before you graduate."

"I won't, Mom."

Darcy and Hayden walk over to me and grab my hands. They start leading me into the Granny flat. Before we make it into the house Mom says. "Girls, why don't you show Paige your new room."

The twins start babbling with each other until we reach their bedroom door. Hayden opens the door and waits for me to enter first.

The room is painted pink and in the corner, close to the window are two single beds. Barbies are on their quilt cover. Pink fluffy pillows are lying on the floor next to the book shelf. A couple books are scattered on the floor. Hayden and Darcy both have pillow with their names on it.

"Paige," she picks up a book and holds it out to me.

Looking at the book I see it's the one Aunt Denise brought me when I was born. Opening the book I read what she wrote me. "Dearest Paige. I won't be here when you grow up and I wanted you to have something that would last forever. With lots of love Aunt Denise."

"Who's Denise, Paige?"

Looking at the door I see Mom and Dad standing there. "Aunt Denise was Mom's little sister. She passed away when I six. I was very close to her."

Mom looks at the book. "When I was your age Denise and I begged our father to read us that book every night before we went to bed. It was my favourite story and Paige's."

I sit on the floor next to Hayden and open the book. "Why don't you join us, Mom? I'm sure the twin's would love to have you read to them as well or try to memorise the story from your childhood."

Dad looks at us. "I'm going to make lunch while you girls stay here and catch up." He closes the door.

Mom takes the book from me and she opens it. "It's been awhile since I've read to all my girls and I don't want you to take that chance away from me Paige."

"Okay, Mom."

She start reading the book and I lie my head on the pillow and listen to her voice as she reads to us. I feel Hayden's chest on my stomach and I run my hands through her hair.

It's good to be back with my family.

Waking up from my nap I see the twins lying next to me and Mom is nowhere to be seen. I move Hayden's head and place it on the pillow. Climbing to my feet I walk to the door. I close it softly behind me and make my way down the hall.

My parents are in the living with cups in their hands. I hear Mom say. "It's good to have Paige home. Sometimes, I wish she grew up with having a stable home life with us."

Dad kisses the top of her head. "We didn't have experience in the fields we studied and had to settle for whatever job we could get to raise her. There's nothing wrong with Paige. I know she's going to do well for herself. One of the Professor's from UCLA called me and said that there was an app going around campus wiping students phones out."

How did this professor find out? I've been careful when it comes to using it.

Mom laughs. "That sounds like something Paige would do. Did they say when this happened?"

Dad looks towards the hall where I'm standing. "It was about a month and half after Paige visited the campus. I think she returned there to try out her app. I think the students are doing things that Paige doesn't approve of."

A smile spreads across her face. "She may have had her nose in the books in high school, but I always knew she was a bright kid. She gave up six months of going to college to figure out what she wants to study instead of applying for something that she doesn't have an interest in. Damien was an idiot for breaking up with her."

I step out from behind the wall and look at my parents. "Yes, he was. We all know that by now. Is lunch ready, Dad?"

"Yes," he stands up from the couch and leads me to the kitchen. "I made your favourite mixed sandwiches. Are the twins awake yet?"

I shake my head. "They were still asleep when I left." Mom enters the kitchen and I say. "You made me fall asleep during that story."

She laughs. "Well you were more tired than you thought. What time did you leave home?"

Looking at the clock behind me. "Six, this morning. I was too excited to see you, that sleep was the least important thing." I grab the sandwich off the plate and start eating it.

There's a knock on the front door and Dad looks at me. "That's my boss. I can't keep him waiting at the front door." He walks out of the room and opens the door. I hear the voices of Dad and his Boss.

Mom looks at me. "They're a lovely couple. They have a son around your age. I think he might be coming home for a couple weeks."

I hope they don't hook me up with the son.

Sitting on the chair I grab another sandwich. "Please, don't make me do anything with the son? I have a boyfriend and don't need to have problems with Dad's Bosses son."

"You don't have to worry about that, Paige. You're not my type." A guy's voice says, before entering through the kitchen door.

Looking at him I start to recognise him from when I visited the campus the first time. He was with a group of guys that was watching the videos.

I think his name was Daryl.

"Daryl?" I ask.

He laughs. "I'm glad you remember my name, baby. When you come to UCLA I can show you a good time?"

"Daryl," A female says. "Don't finish that sentence." She looks at me and holds her hand out to me. "Hello, I'm Naomi Johnson."

I place my hand in hers. "Paige McGuire. It's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for what you've done for my parents."

The door opens and Dad's boss enters the room with Dad. They're laughing about something and when they see all of us they stop. "What did I miss?" Mr Johnson says.

"Paige, was thanking us for helping her parents with a house." Naomi looks at my parents. "You raised your daughter right. Sometimes, I wish my son was a little like her."

Daryl glares at me. "Where's the fun in being like someone else? You can't expect me to like someone I met briefly at a party."

Naomi looks at her son. "You've got a couple of weeks to get to know her before you both head to school. I'm sure you too will see quit a lot of each other on campus."

He looks at her. "It's a big campus, mother. I don't see half of the frat guys in class or on campus, because most of our classes are different. Also, I have a friend that will be staying with us for New Year's. He and I will be going to party that Benson is throwing."

"You should take..."

I cut her off. "I'm sorry. I won't be attending any parties. My boyfriend is coming to visit and we have our own plans."

"Doing what?" Daryl asks. "You don't know anyone here."

"I don't need to know people to watch the fireworks at the lake. I saw all the signs for that coming here."

"Whatever," He moves towards the door, "I met the free loaders. Can I meet my friends now?"

Walking over to him I slap him across the face. "Never say that about my parents."

"Paige," Mom and Dad yell, before pulling me away from him. Mom looks at his parents and apologise for my behaviour.

Naomi smiles at me. "I've wanted to do that for years, but you know how everyone frowns upon hitting your kids now. I'm happy that Paige did that. He need to respect other people and not just the rich."

He points at me, "All Paige McGuire will be is poor. You know her ex broke up with her because he knew she wouldn't amount to anything."

How does he know what happened to me on graduation day?

A smirk appears on his face. "A couple friends of mine went to high school with you and they told me all about you."

"Excuse me." I walk past him and hit him with my shoulder on the way out of the room. I hear Mrs Johnson apologise for her son's behaviour.

If I were my parents I wouldn't forgive him for it.

Walking out of the house I head towards my car. Before I climb into it I hear the twins call my name. "Paige," they run over to me. "Where are you going?"

"Out," looking at the house I say. "Do you want to come with me?"

"Yes," the twins yell.

I walk over to my parent's car and pull the booster seats out of the car and put it in mine. I buckle the twins up before climbing into the driver's seat. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I call Mom.

Mom answers after a couple of rings.

Mom: Paige, where are you?

Me: I'm taking the twins to the park and then to get some ice-cream.

Mom: Okay, sweetheart. Naomi and Kent invited us to their place for dinner and I accepted the offer.

Me: Did you decline it for me?

Mom: No, because you're going to be with your family and we're going to have a civil dinner. Daryl and you need to... she stops talking as she doesn't know what else to say to me.

Me: What time is this dinner?

Mom: Seven.

Me: Bye, Mom. I love you.

I hang up the phone and pull the car out of the driveway. When I get to the top of the driveway I see Daryl race up the driveway and he screeches his tyres as he stops behind me.

What an ass.

I pull onto the road and head in the direction of the park. When we get to the park I help the twins out and then walk with them to the swings.

A couple of ladies give me dirty looks as they watch me with the twins. "What's your problem?" I ask. "Is it against the law for me to take my sister's to the park without you thinking the worst?" I see the twins on the swings and head towards them. I stop behind Hayden first and push her and then I do the same to Darcy.

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