Proving Myself - 2.

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After pushing the twins for a bit I walk over to seat and sit down. Lifting my head to the sky I enjoy the heat from the sun. I see a ball flying through the air and I catch it before it causes any harm to me.

A guy with ruffled brown hairs runs over to me. His shirt is draped over his shoulder and sweat is falling down his face. "Hello, Sweetheart." he says, in a British accent. "Can I have the ball back?"

I throw it at him and he flinches as it hits him in the stomach. "Keep your ball away from me." Standing up I head over to the park where Darcy and Hayden are going down the slide. I turn my attention to the group on the field and see Daryl with them.

"Paige, can we get some ice cream now?" Hayden asks.

"Sure," Grabbing the twins hands I start to walk towards the car park. On the way there a football is thrown at us and I catch it mid-air. Pulling my pocket knife out my pocket I cut the ball and throw it on the ground.

They're not going to have fun now.

Daryl runs over to me. "You're a crazy, bitch."

Pulling the girls close to me I cover their ears and say. "It's better than being an asshole. What have I done to you?"

A smile spreads across his face. "Nothing, but I'm finishing what happened to you in High School. No-one's going to stick up for you."

A guy jogs over to us and I see that it's Damien. He looks at me. "Hey, Paige. I didn't know you would be here."

"Damien," the twins yell and throw themselves into his arm.

"I'm visiting my parents." Putting at Daryl I say. "Apparently, his father is my Dad's boss and they're living in the Granny Flat."

Damien looks between Daryl and I. "What's going on between you two?"

"Nothing," Daryl says.

Damien doesn't believe him and he looks at me for confirmation.

"I can deal with this myself, Damien. We're not together anymore and what happens with me shouldn't be any of your concern." Looking at the twins I say. "Let's get ice-cream."

"No," they yell. Wrapping their arms around Damien they say. "Damien."

Damien looks down at them and a smile spreads across his face. He kneels at their height. "I miss you girls so much, but you should listen to your sister and get the ice-cream. How about tonight I come over and we can play then?"

I don't want you near the house.

"Okay," the twins say at the same time.

Damien starts talking to them and they tell him about pre-school.

Daryl's mouth is open as he looks at the sight in front of him. He turns his attention to me. "The guys on campus lied to me?"

I cross my arms and look at him. "He still cares about me, Daryl. If you want to get on his good side you really should stop listening to gossip. It makes you look like an asshole." I grab the girls hand and pull them away from the guys.

The girls climb into the car and I buckle them up. Grabbing their favourite toys I place it in their hands. I climb into the drivers and start the car. Reversing the car I hear something hit the bonnet and see the football the guys were playing with on it.

If they damaged my car I'll kill them.

Putting the car in park I climb out to see the damage they did to it. There's a small dent on it.

Where the hell did they get a second ball from?

I pierce the second ball with my pocket knife and look at them. "Haven't you learnt from the first time? I'm not to be messed with. You know one of the greatest football player's on your team taught me a few things. I guarantee with everything he taught me I'd be able to kick your ass."

A horn honks and someone yells out the window. "Are you going to move your shit box? My kids want to play."

I flip the driver off before climbing into my car and pulling it out of the parking lot. I head in the direction of the ice-cream shop.

When we get to the ice-cream shop the girls look at all the flavours through the window. Darcy looks at me and says. "Can I try everything?"


"Me, too." Hayden asks.

Looking at the girl behind the counter I say. "Can I get two small cups of everything and a small bubble gum one for myself?"

The girl pulls three cups off the pile and starts scooping the ice-cream for us.

My phone starts to vibrate and I see Mom's name flash across the screen. I answer the call.

Me: Hey, Mom.

Mom: Are you on your way home?

Me: Yes, why?

Mom: Daryl's friends are at the house and they told me that you knifed two of their balls and then said you can beat there ass in playing football. They want you to prove that you're not all talk.

I laugh.

Of course they did. I was wondering how long it would take them to call bullshit on what I would say.

Me: Tell them I'll be home in half an hour and then I'll wipe the smiles off their faces.

Mom: No one should ever estimate my girl. She knows how to show the world she's undefeatable. I'm looking forward to seeing you play with them.

Me: I have to go.

I hang up the phone and pay for the ice cream. Leading the girls to a table we sit down and eat. Halfway through eating the ice cream I see that some has landed on the table and the girls hands. Standing up I walk over to the counter and grab a couple napkins.

Before we leave the ice cream shop I clean the girl's faces and hands. The girls hold my hand as we walk to the car. 

My phone vibrates and I see a message from Mom.

Mom: The boys are getting impatient.

I type a response back to her.

Me: Just leaving the ice cream shop now. Will be home in fifteen minutes.

I buckle the girl up and climb into the driver's seat. Putting my phone on vibrate I throw it into the glove box. I start the car and head in the direction of the house.

Every so often I look into the rear view mirror and see the girls playing with their toys. I see their eyes begin to close. Leaving the music at a low volume. I concentrate on the road as I go round a steep corner.

I pull the car into the driveway and head towards the Granny Flat. I see a group of guys hanging around the house throwing a football around. A small football field is set up in the backyard.

Stepping out of the car I open the back door and help the Darcy out. I look up and see Damien helping Hayden out and he smiles at me. "I'm glad you're back. The boys are pissed that you ruined two of our balls todays."

I shrug. "Well they shouldn't be aiming it at me or my car. Too bad it didn't register in their minds that I don't take shit from them."

A smile spreads across his face. "You used to let people treat you badly, but being in the real world has made you different, Paige. I'm liking the woman you're becoming."

I place my hand on his arm. "It's such a shame that she's not going fall for your shit again, Damien. Nice try of buttering me up, but I'm not going to fall for you that easily again." Dropping my hand I move over to the group and look at them. "Well, boys. I'm here. Are you going to choose captains and teams?"

Daryl steps forward. "I'll be a captain and so will Damien." He watches as Damien steps towards him.

Once Damien is standing with Daryl he looks into the group. "I'll take Paige."

Daryl laughs. "Thanks for making this game easy on us. I doubt the girl has any real skill when it comes to being on a football team."

I walk over to Damien and he winks at me. Hitting Daryl with my shoulder I say. "How about we make this interesting."

"How so?" Daryl asks.

"The loser has to streak down the street and back." Holding my phone up I say. "I can't wait to see you lose."

He shakes my hand. "Deal, princess."

Damien whispers. "Dad told me he e-mailed you a couple of days ago and you never responded."

"I'll have a look at it tonight, Damien. Thanks for telling me." I watch as Daryl and Damien choose the rest of their teams. I look at each guy and try to remember who's on my team. That way I can throw the ball to them when time comes.

Damien and the teams put their hands on the ground. He looks at me, letting me know that he's going throw me the ball. "Hut, hut." He throws me the ball and I catch it. I run down the field.

I see a huge guy coming my way and I side step him before throwing the ball back to another team member.

It doesn't take long until my team gets a touch-down. A few guys from my team high-five me and tell me how much they want me to teach them how to do the side step.

When I was playing with Damien and his friends I had to figure my own way to play with them, without getting hurt and it worked most of the time. It helped that I used to be on the track team and my speed increased because of that.

I'm not paying attention as the game continues and when I look up the ball is heading towards my face. I catch it before it can do any damage to me and run down the field. I see Daryl heading in my direction and spin in the opposite direction to where he's coming.

He falls onto the ground and grass ends up in his mouth.

Well that takes on the new meaning of eating grass.

I throw the ball to another guy and he runs down the field. He passed the ball to another player and touch down for my team.

Walking over to Daryl I help him up. "Are you going to give up on this game or are you ready to continue losing to my team?"

Daryl shakes his head. "I'm not giving up that easily, princess."

The English guy from earlier places his arms around my shoulder. "Hey, Darling. Our coach would love to meet the woman that has shown Daryl that just because you're a female it doesn't mean you can't learn to play ball. Also, you have some moves that we would love to learn. That way we can improve our game next year."

Looking at him I say. "From what I've heard you don't need to improve on anything. You all won the competition without help from anyone."

"With your training we can be better and hopefully lose zero games."

Damien doesn't look too happy seeing me talk to one of his teammates. "Let her go Lawson. I'm not going to repeat myself again."

He drops his arm from my shoulder. "Lover boy is jealous. I haven't seen him act this way with anyone. You're lucky to have him look out for you. Please tell me you're going to UCLA?"

"I'm not telling anyone which school I'm going to." My eyes land on Damien's as I finish with. "I don't want it to reach the wrong person to know."

Lawson walks away from me and joins his team.

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