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As Kousu was crying the door to the ward creaked open. But Kousu didn't bother to look at who had come in. The person walked over to Kousu and raised his chin up.

When Kousu saw who it was his tears increased but it wasn't tears of pain rather it was tears of joy. " Sai!" Kousu hugged Sai.

The tears in his eyes increased, he was happy to see Sai and Sai was also happy to see him. Sai slowly let Kousu down and cleaned Kousu's tears and he cautioned. " Stop crying. You aren't pretty with tears. "

Even with Sai's comforting it didn't stop Kousu from crying and soon Sai was back to comforting Kousu.

Sai found out about the incident and decided to check on Kousu. Although Kousu didn't want to see him around any longer, Sai could already see that Kousu wasn't doing well without him.

But Sai also knew this was the last time he was going to see Kousu or his gang or his brother. The Mo Wang gang was disbanded and Sai ran away from home, he was unsure of where he was going but he knew he was soon going to be a fugitive.

Kousu cried." Sai!..I am sorry...I know you don't like me the same way I like you. But i shouldn't have shouted at you..i"

" It's okay...I like you..I love you and I need you."

With this Sai gently placed his lips on Kousu's. Kousu flinched at this, he didn't expect Sai to accept his love. Kousu had always liked Sai from the very beginning but because he didn't want to spoil their relationship Kousu was unwilling to tell. But at the end he eventually told Sai on the day when they had a fight.

Sai held onto Kousu as he gently smooched Kousu but then he pulled back and asked. " Can i lick. "

Kousu was surprised to see Sai ask such a question and he also didn't want to answer the question so he just nodded.

When Sai saw this he smiled and placed his lips on Kousu's again, he licked the inner parts of Kousu's mouth and explored every part. Kousu's lips had that sweet strawberry flavor Sai loved so much. It was sweet, soft and red.


Sai realized he was too rough and let go of Kousu. " Was i too rough"

Kousu only turned his head.

" You can just speak up. Instead of acting all innocent."

Sai went to the back of Kousu's ear and gently licked down his ear. And to his surprise Kousu's ear was really sensitive. Seeing Kousu was flinching and blushing from it, Sai pecked Kousu's ear and continued licking it.

" Sai. Why that part?"

" Pretty simple cause you are sensitive there. "

For the first time in forever Kousu laughed. Kousu hadn't laughed for so long. With everything that was going on, his cousin was dead, he had just killed the head of S.A.G. and he still needed to kill Kai Chu and put an end to the horn gang. But all Kousu needed to be happy was Sai.

Sai lay Kousu on his chest and hugged Kousu, " Kousu..I have something i want to tell you."

Kousu was unwilling to let go of Sai, it had been such a long time since Kousu smelt Sai's minty clothes and smelling it again was enjoyable and made him feel at peace.

Sai continued. " Don't forget me Kousu. Wherever you go, always remember that you belong to me and no one else. Even if we become enemies, I want you to always love me and wait for me.."

Hearing this Kousu raised his head up and asked. "Where are you going?"

Sai smiled, " The Mo Wang gang has disbanded. And I am going to discover something new that I could do. "

" Wait but why? "

" The Mo Wang gang has ranked number one. My Gang has finally reached the level of Li Huawei's gang. There is nothing more that I could ask for. "

" But what do you want to do now and when will i see you again..i.."

Sai gently pecked Kousu, " When you are out of jail. We will meet again."

Hearing this Kousu cried even more. All this time Sai had known about his plans. Kousu's plan to go back to jail to meet his old friends and create the black mamba.

" How did you know?"

" Dan Hua gave me a clue and I fixed the puzzle. I don't know why you want to go to jail but if that's what you want then there is no stopping you."

Sai hadn't fully fixed the puzzle yet but Kousu was happy to see Sai was trying.

" Then I will wait for you and if you take too long then I will find you."

Sai smiled. " You better."

With this Sai left the ward and Kousu was back to his depressed old self. He covered his sister up with the white bed sheet and made a promise. " Mei Lian. I promise to make the people who killed you suffer the same fate. And I promise to not die yet until everyone in this family is happy again."

Mei Lian's wishes were for the happiness of her family, that was all she wanted and since she was unable to make her wish come true Kousu was willing to make her dreams come true.

Kousu walked out of the ward and went over to the NICU to see Mei Lian's birthday. Although the baby was a premature baby, the baby's looks resembled Mei Lian's.

One of the doctors came out and went over to Kousu. " It's a boy. Since you are the father then you should name him. "

Although Kousu wasn't the father of the child. He had already taken responsibility for him, he didn't want the child to have anything to do with his useless father and Kousu was willing to do anything for the child.

Kousu answered, " His Name is Huang Shixin "

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