Mei Lian 2.

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Mei Lian was taken to the hospital ward and Kousu sat down outside with his head bent down and his eyes dull and white. He bit on his finger and slowly blood dripped down from it.

Soon after the rest of his family came in and then they rushed over to where Kousu was.

Seeing the terrified look in Kousu's eyes, Mei Xuan could finally believe his sister was in real shit. He walked over to Kousu and grabbed his collar slowly raising his head up.

He yelled. " What the fuck happened to Mei Lian!"

Huang Ning, Uncle Mei Chen, Aunt Mei Ming, Uncle Huang Dongci and Kousu's Mom all watched with teary eyes. 

Kousu was unable to speak,as much as he wanted to cry, the tears were unwilling to fall. Maybe because he had cried too much.

Mei Xuan yelled, " What happened to Mei Lian!"

This time Kousu spoke in a timid tone. " She...The...Horn gang. They tried to kill her..The Horn Gang tried to kill her. "

Hearing this Mei Xuan let go of Kousu, " Why the fuck did they have to come for my sister?"


" Why the fuck didn't they shoot you instead!" When Mei Xuan realized what he said he let go of Kousu.

Kousu forced a smile and said, " I wish i could fucking die too."

Just at that moment the door to the reception swung open and Chu Xiongda came in panting, his hair was rough and for once he didn't wear glasses. Once he saw Kousu he rushed over to Kousu and knocked Kousu down with a punch, he continued doing that but Kousu didn't fight back and only tried to maintain his balance.

Kousu's Mom was shouting in fear. " Stop that! Chu Xiongda stop it!"

But even with her shouts Chu Xiongda didn't stop until Kousu was on the ground, he climbed on top of Kousu and kept on punching him. But Chu Xiongda's punches didn't hurt Kousu as much as seeing his sister get shot.

Tears crowded Chu Xiongda's eyes and he yelled at Kousu. " Assuming you weren't so weak, Mei Lian wouldn't have died."

When Kousu heard that his pupils went small, he didn't know Mei Lian was dead. The doctor promised that Mei Lian was going to be okay.

Everyone around stood in shock, the women cried and the men only tried to support.

" She..Mei Lian died!"

Hearing this, Chu Xiongda punched Kousu even harder. " She is dead all because of you! "

" No...The baby, what about it?"

Chu Xiongda was even more annoyed by the question and immediately punched Kousu as he shouted. " I don't give a shit about that baby. Anytime I look at it all I see is Mei Lian! I refuse to take that child and I don't give a shit about this damn family."

Chu Xiongda never truly liked Mei Lian. In reality he was asked by Kai Chu to impregante Mei Lian. And since he had impregnated her. He had no business with the baby or Mei Lian's family. And now that Kousu was weak and helpless he was going to have no trouble with leaving the baby to become fatherless.

Kousu wasn't even interested in fighting Chu Xiongda, he didn't care if Chu Xiongda took responsibility for the child or not. He was already in grief, his body shivered just from hearing Mei Lian was dead.

Kousu pushed Chu Xiongda off him and ran off to the ward his sister was in.

When he got there the doctors had already covered Mei Lian with a white bed sheet, Kousu removed the bed sheet from Mei Lian's face and shouted. " Mei Lian! Wake up! You can't leave me...sniff...please..Don't go..Please..You promised me you were going to stay..sniff..You..You promised me. Mei Lian!"

At first the Doctors wanted to drag Kousu out or call security but by seeing the tears in Kousu's eyes, they changed their minds and left the two of them in peace.

Kousu lay down next to Mei Lian as tears crowded his eyes.

His Cousin was dead and all he could do was watch, he couldn't protect her, he couldn't save her and now she was finally gone. The only happiness left in his life was gone.

It's your fault.

You were weak.

Karma has come upon you.

You should have let them use you.

You should have let them manipulate you.

You shouldn't have fought back.

You say you are strong but look at you know.

It's all because of your emotions.

You can't even control them.

How pathetic, now your cousin is dead.

You can't even fight.

All you can do is cry like the coward you are.

The voices crowded into Kousu's mind as tears fell from his eyes, everything these voices had said was true, none of them lied.

Kousu whispered to himself, " I am weak, I am bad luck, I am a curse, I am the enemy. "

The door swung open and Huang Xin came in, he walked over to Kousu and squatted next to him. When Huang Xin saw the devastated look in Kousu's eyes, he smiled. All his plans were working perfectly, Kousu was finally crying. This was the first time he had seen Kousu cry and he couldn't help but chuckle.

Ignoring his chuckle, Kousu held onto Mei Lian's arm. When Huang Xin saw this he glared at Kousu disgustedly before saying. " Tch! Your loving Mei Lian is dead. How does it feel to be at the losing end? Now you are weak, will you finally come back to me and be mine? "

Kousu spat on Huang Xin and chuckled. " So you were the one. You killed your own cousin."

Huang Xin cleaned off the spit and said. " Of course I did. You seemed to like her a lot and I was jealous so I just took her out. Now will you finally accept that you are mine. "

Hearing this Kousu's rage increased but as much as he wanted to fight, he was weak and couldn't even land a punch and so he continued speaking with a creepy smile on. " I prefer my dick to be cut off than to ever be yours. Now fuck off!"

Kousu pointed a gun at Huang Xin and when Huang Xin saw this he smiled but soon he left.

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