High school?

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Mei Lian walked closer to Kousu and said, " i am so happy for you xing xing"

The little words she said added to Kousu's happiness. Even though his mother hadn't congratulated him he was just okay with his sister's attention. He had not come in contact with his mother for years and since she didn't care for him, it didn't bother Kousu that much.

–Damn bitch..

Mei lian soon noticed the change in atmosphere and brought out a stick candy as she played with it.

" It's candy fruit! your favorite" Mei Lian, played with the dumplings as Kousu tried to grab it.

"Hey give it"

Eventually Mei Lian gave Kousu the candy " Here "

Seeing the candy Kousu began chewing on it and he smiled.

Soon after the door came swinging open with a loud crash, Kousu's candy had almost fallen from immediate shock. The person who had entered was a maid, her hair was roughly packed and her face was filled with sweat. She seemed terrified and she also tried to catch her breath.

She coughed a little but finally spoke up. " Mis..No Madam Huang is here!"


Kousu felt a huge lump down his throat, he hadn't experienced this kind of fear in such a long time. Seeing his mom after four years was enough to cause a coma for him, his mother was scary; her body was built like a man's, she was full of confidence and extremely beautiful. Her gray hair matched her blue gem eyes and her rigid smile was attractive and at the same time scary.

Downstairs his mom sat comfortably, sipping a cup of black tea with her legs crossed and her smile still formed. She snickered at every chance she got. Unwilling to meet Kousu.

"Mom" Kousu whispered

Kousu's mom didn't bother to look at him. For her he was an eyesore, a pain to the eyes and a disappointment to the Huang family.

" You won the award. It took you long enough.."

Kousu held himself from strangling the aggressive woman to death–Who exactly did she think she was? After disappearing for four years she suddenly reappears and all she does is act like he just got a medal in preschool.

Kousu forced a smile" mother i got the award will you finally do your part of the job"

The woman snickered, she felt annoyed by his request." tch!.. you should be happy with the life you have but all you want to do is go to nasty high school.. all those students will give you disease.. You are Huang Xing, the son of the richest woman in china. And all you wish is to go to a place filled with rats"

"Mom!" kousu interjected.

His Mom called out to one of the workers," Whatever. Dang wei"

Dang Wei rushed over. "yes mam"

" Sign kousu for the school he wants. He will resume next week. And if he gets in trouble let him deal with it by himself. I don't want the smell of rats in my territory"

"Yes mam!" The servant immediately rushed to make phone calls. Leaving the awkward silence between mother and son.

–Ugh... this is so awkward.

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