Sweaty J.

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The loud ding of the school bell awakened kousu from his daydreaming. The school was massive well compared to what he imagined, his mother had always told him schools looked like old huts and wreaked of garbage and dump, But maybe the school his mother went to was like that because this school was the total opposite.

Kousu was unsure of where to go, he only stood in the gate and watched the students walk by him, he could tell that they were talking about him. Maybe because he was wearing a mask, well it was simply odd to wear a mask at times like this, but he needed to keep his identity a secret at all costs, if not it was back to actor back breaking days for him..

"are you lost" a female voice asked.

Kousu turned over to look at the person talking, it was a girl like her voice remarked. She was four foot tall, orange hair and orange eyes and a little dot on her cheek--what is that?

kousu stammered" em..yeah. I am new. My name is kousu "

Kousu mostly spoke english because his mom only allowed him to speak the language but he secretly learned chinese from his cousin so it was not much of a problem for him.

The girls face blushed and she bowed down " my name is jing hua "

She had shocked kousu so much, he didn't expect such greeting from people, he was used to formal greetings like handshakes and scary eye contacts.

" em you can stand up now"

The girl smiled " you seem very nice "

--hahaha, nice! nice my foot. You haven't met me yet..

Kousu smiled" thank you "

The girl directed Kousu to the principal's office and waved goodbye before taking her live..

-- is this the pricipal he needs a complete makeover.

The old sweaty man sat on his seat, his face was aggressive and his aura was nothing but bad vibes.

The man continued" Huang xing. Right."

Kousu responded " yes"

The man looked at him quite astonished but turned back to the piece of paper he was holding.

" You have homeschooled all your life. So give me a reason why we should bring you to our school"

kousu responded swiftly " Hmm.. because you need a complete makeover "

The man was surprised by the answer, he tried his best to hide his anger but that answer was extremely annoying.

Kousu continued" Oi!..Sir are you married"

" Why do you ask "

kousu continued " I think my old lady might need a concubine. She is a wreck "

The principle stood up aggressively" Mrs zhi!. take this student to his class"

Mrs zhi responded quickly. She had never seen the principal this annoyed before. She directed the boy to the door.

" See you chief!" kousu smiled before leaving.

The principal threw the paper on the ground and shouted" What a little demon!"

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