Sleeping beauty.

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Jie Jie's house was smaller than Kousu expected; it only had a kitchen and a bedroom with a little bathroom. After the fight Kousu had with his mom he just walked out without saying anything. Leaving his mom to keep scolding and shouting. He was happy to be out of there but he didn't think about where he would stay and luckily Jie Jie had the perfect place for them.

Jie Jie walked over to Kousu with a wet towel in his hand, he sat next to Kousu and began pressing the wound. Kousu tried his best to hold the pain in but it was quite unbearable. Jie Jie scolded. " You shouldn't be rude to your mom."

Kousu was annoyed by this. The person who deserved scolding was his mom. All she ever did was to make his life a living nightmare. " Like I care, the bitch is really annoying. See what she did to her own son's face!"

Jie jie sighed, talking to Kousu wasn't going to get him anywhere and he was sure of it. " You are really strong, you know!"

Kousu was surprised to hear such compliments. He thought Jie Jie was scolding him but maybe he was wrong. " Of course I am strong. If Soul Catcher was weak do you think i would be on the news!"

Jie jie smiled, he was happy to see Kousu was back to normal. Suddenly there was a ding and Jie Jie stood up to see who was at the door. When he opened the door he was surprised to see Sai. Sai waved at Jie Jie before he let himself in. He walked over to Jie Jie's room and when he saw Kousu he rushed over to him holding his cheeks. " What happened to you, why is your face so red? "

Kousu shifted Sai's arms away. " Stop overreacting. I just got injured. And who told you I was here!"

Sai sighed, he didn't expect Kousu to give him a straight answer anyway. " Mei Lian!"

Puzzled, Kousu asked again." Mei Lian?"

Sai," You know the day when we were at the cafe, Mei Lian gave me her number. She already knew you were spying on her"

Kousu smiled, he was satisfied to know that his sister didn't hate him and still loved him and cared for him even after the scene that played out. " I am tired. I will get some sleep now. Just go help Jie Jie out will you" Kousu lay his head on the bed and soon he dozed off. The day was tiring for him.

Once Sai saw Kousu was sleeping, he stood up and went over to meet Jie Jie in the kitchen." I am going to get some stuff for Kousu to eat. Make sure to stay with him. If there are any problems just use Kousu's phone to call me. His password is his thumb print. "

Jie Jie nodded. Sai walked out of the room and Jie Jie was left alone with Kousu. He picked up his clothes and folded them before he headed over to his room. He dropped his clothes in his drawer and glanced at Kousu. Who for once looked like a peaceful angel. Jie Jie stared at Kousu for a while. But then he got closer to Kousu and sat on the ground. He picked a strand of Kousu's long hair and played with it. He rolled it on his fingers and admired its silky silver–like color. When he was done playing with Kousu's hair he sat a little upward so that he could admire Kousu's beautiful face. Jie Jie's mind was going through all manners of dirty thoughts. He slowly reached over to Kousu's mask and removed it. When he saw Kousu's face he was astonished. Kousu was Jiang Xing. Jiang Xing was an idol, actor and singer. He had won many awards for his acting, singing and his looks. He was ranked the most handsome man in china. But who would think an idol everyone falls for would turn out to be right under their noses and not only that he was also a criminal feared by many. Even with the shock Jie Jie was experiencing, he still wanted to know how Kousu's lips would feel on his, would it taste like strawberry or mint. Jie Jie got closer to Kousu and parted his lips before he closed the distance between them. Jie Jie had completely lost it. He was doing this with a sleeping teenager. His lips were glued to Kousu's and he found it hard to let go, Kousu's lips were soft and strawberry flavored, they were sweet and juicy.

The door swung open and Sai was flabbergasted. Jie Jie let go of Kousu and turned over to Sai. whose face was completely shocked. He turned over to Kousu who was still sleeping on the bed and his eyes suddenly grew fierce like a tigers. He grabbed Jie Jie by the collar and Knocked him down to the ground glaring at him disgustedly. " You got some nerve huh! Who gave you permission to taste my Kousu's lips"

Jie Jie was shocked by this. He didn't know Sai would come so early and he never expected Sai to react so viciously to it. Was this how Sai looked when he was jealous?

Sai glared at Jie Jie even worse now, he waited for Jie Jie to give an explanation but Jie Jie only shivered but he finally spoke up." I am sorry. I just couldn't stop myself from kissing him. He looked so cute as he was sleeping and I couldn't help but want to know what his lips tasted like. I didn't know you and him were a thing."

Sai sighed. He was also confused by his actions. Why was he so mad to see some other guy kissing Kousu? There was no way he was jealous." It's fine! I get you like him but it isn't good to take advantage of someone because they are asleep. Me and him are not a thing... i will be heading out now"

Sai didn't wait for Jie Jie to explain himself; he only walked out of the room and went over to the door. Then he took his leave.

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