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The school wasn't as boring as usual. It was soon going to be the holidays and exams had finished. Because of this people were asked to join clubs and Renxing, Jing Hua and Kousu were unsure of a club to go to. They all had different ideas and none of them agreed on the same things.

Renxing stood up and coughed, getting ready to say his speech. " I am here to say that we need to join the manga club!"

Jing Hua and Kousu had been trying to talk Renxing out of the club but he didn't listen. The manga club was good but it wasn't the best. Instead it was filled with nerds and creeps and Kousu was unwilling to have to deal with that. " Why don't we try cooking club!"

Jing Hua and Renxing turned to each other and wondered why they didn't think of that. Since they both loved eating, joining the cooking club would mean more eating and that would make things a win win. Kousu continued. " Cooking club would be our main club but we would obviously have side clubs. My side club is swimming club"

Jing Hua was surprised, " You can swim?"

Swimming was part of the many things Kousu could do. Kousu could sing, Ice skate, act, do ballet, play the violin and play the piano. He has learnt all this because he wanted to make his mom proud but he soon realized in a painful way that no matter how many skills he learned his mother would never accept him. " Yeah! I can swim"

Renxing got closer to Kousu. " Will you teach me how to swim?"

Jing Hua warned. " If I were you, Kousu , I wouldn't teach Renxing how to swim. He is a lost cause. The last time i tried teaching him how to swim he almost drowned me and him"

Renxing protested," No! I did not!"

Kousu laughed. It was quite obvious Renxing didn't know how to swim. He just didn't have the aura.

Jing Hua continued," Well I am only doing Cooking!"

Renxing, " Well i am doing Cooking and Manga"

Jing Hua and Kousu tried to talk Renxing out of it once more but he still refused.

The bell rang and everyone went to their clubs. Since the cooking club wasn't open. Jing Hua followed Kousu to the swimming club so she could watch him swim.

Jing Hua stayed at the audience seat which was not too far from the swimming pool. She wasn't the only one there. There were a few girls who had come to see the boys swim and also some boys. Jing Hua took a seat next to a girl with orange hair. Jing Hua didn't want to sit next to the girl, she was very popular and sometimes she was also very rude. But people still followed her because she was extremely pretty. Her name was Kai Qian.

Kai Qian noticed Jing Hua and decided to talk to her. " Hello."

Jing Hua didn't bother to look at Kai Qian. " Hello!"

Kai Qian smiled, even though she knew Jing Hua didn't want to speak to her she couldn't help but want to make friends. " Who are you here to watch?"

Jing Hua answered. " A friend of mine. His name is Kousu"

Kai Qian," Kousu! That name sounds familiar."

Jing Hua, " He is friends with Sai. so I guess you must know his name."

Kai Qian's face suddenly flushed and Jing Hua wondered if she had done something wrong. " Are you okay?"

Kai Qian nodded. " Sai is my boyfriend. I came here to see him swim."

Just as the both of them were talking, the boys came out of the changingrooms. Everyone's attention was on them and Jing Hua looked around until she saw Kousu. When she finally found him she waved at him and shouted. " Kousu!"

Kousu turned over to Jing Hua and waved but when he saw Kai Qian was there he turned around. He didn't want Kai Qian to see him, she would definitely recognize him from first glance.

Sai smiled at Kousu, " Ready to lose"

Kousu snickered. " Tch! In your dreams!"

The referee asked all the swimmers to move to their places on the lanes. They wore their goggles and prepared to dive in. Sai took a look at Kousu and smirked at him. " May the best one win!"

Kousu smiled" And that's me!"

" Go!"

The swimmers dived into the water and swam like dolphins stretching their hands and doing their poses. They glided through the water easily but Kousu and Sai dived through the water like they were fishes. They swam like the water was their habitat, beautifully stroking and moving against the silver clear blue water. The other swimmers were behind them and Kousu and Sai were already Far ahead. The audience clapped and clapped some chanted Kousu while others chanted Sai but the boys were too focused on swimming to notice their fans chanting their names. They both reached the finish line at the same time and when they had reached it they raised their heads up to catch their breath. Kousu turned over to Sai and saw Sai was laughing.

Sai chuckled," Damn! You are fast, are you sure you were meant to be human!"

Kousu smirked, " You did well too. This is the first time someone has ever caught up with me"

The rest of the swimmers swam to the finished line and they climbed the ladder out of the swimming pool. Kousu and Sai climbed out at the same time and since they both won. The referee decided to make them race again on another occasion.

Kousu was willing to go again; he hadn't swam in a long time and this was just a little bit of what he could do.

 Sai and Kousu walked over to the changing rooms. The rest of the boys were already dressed and they left hurriedly to get to the cafeteria leaving Sai and Kousu.

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