Chapter One

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"Chaos, anarchy, destruction, death..."

Terror filled Wisteria.

She was dreaming.

It was night. The kingdom around her was burning to the ground all around her. Men, women, and children ran and screamed as they began to die.

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

She sat up. The doors to the balcony were open, the curtains twisting in the wind in the moon light. There was a swirling whisper.

She climbed out of her bed. In bear feet, she took care in each step she took to reach the outside.

She was to embarrassed and ashamed of herself, she did not know if the moon thought she was worthy to gaze upon it.

She curled her fingers around the railing, and looked up at the moon. Not a star is sight. They too, were not worthy.

But, deep down inside, she could feel the moon, smiling.

Down on her.

Tears welled, then rolled down her cheeks.

She could only ask one thing.

"Take me away... A secret place... A sweet escape... Take me away... Take me away..." Were the only words she could whisper.




Time passed, and the days of the king came to an end.

The kingdom was in morning. Not only to the fact of losing him.

Wisteria was to be queen.

They wouldn't allow it. Not in their kingdom.

The villagers all alike, came to the castle gate one night, with pitch forks and torches in hand.

But, instead of the guards and knights that were sworn to protect royalty, they opened the gates, welcoming the screams and mighty roars of the mob.


Wisteria huddled in the corner of her bed room, as the door rattled and shook.

They were coming.

Terror filled her, and she began to weep.

But then, a blinding light flashed in her eye.

She looked up.

The moon was calling for her.

The moon would say "Come to me! I shall protect you!"

It glowed whiter then snow, and fire, more then the commits that fly over every kingdom.

She scurried, and tied the sheets together from her silk bed.

She threw the rope over the window. It would have seemed to anyone that she was falling if they couldn't see her hands squeezing the silk.

Was she not holding tight enough?

Or was it, that, the moon was pulling her away from death.

Only when she was inches away from the ground did it stop her fully so she may not crash, and die.

She could hear the doors fly open from her room.

She bolted to the direction of the moon, nearly blinding her.

She herd the yelling of the men behind her as they tried to also climb down from the bed sheets.

The moon wouldn't let them, though.

And after all this, when the Purple Princess was far out of sight, all the men and women muttered to themselves.

"She'll never come back."

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