Chapter 25- Party Part 1

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Vanessa's POV: 


The week past quickly with the only drama of Archer and Michelle's relationship, other than that it been quiet and Jake will start doing his course by himself. 

Quinn still did her daily flirts with him, but my main concern is how Ava hangs out with Archer almost everyday.

Tonight Jake will be playing his first game, then we'll check out a fraternity  house party that wants Jake for the longest while.

"I can't wait to see Isabel tomorrow, we plan on going shopping before the party", Stacy states, she'll be staying at Jackson's house with Cater and Riley will be staying at a hotel with Caleb as well as Alex who wants to go.

"I'll be by my father's house with my siblings", I add.

"Cool, maybe I'll pack my bag when I come from class", she says.

My dress is already home as well as Stacy's, she's dressing at my house as well as Riley. Riley was the one who ordered our dresses Tuesday and my mom made sure that it was delivered to her front step.

I put my hair in a pony tail, then got my bag for class, "I'll see you later, I got class and I promise Archer I'll eat breakfast with him", I express and put on my jacket.

I leave the dorm and went to the food court, but I see Ava already sitting by a table with Archer talking a lot.

He sees me and smiles, I smile back and get my breakfast then make my way over to him.

"Morning", I say and sit next to him.

Ava stops talking and frown at me.

"Don't you have class?"

"No", I reply.

"Anyway Arch I'll see you later", she says and gets up, then leaves.

"How are things going with Michelle?"

"Fine, she said she's going home tonight since her parents wants to have dinner with her and her older siblings", he replies.

"Logan said that he's bringing Aaliyah, they went on a date last night", I inform him.

"Cool they are so meant to be", he says.

"Just like Isabel and Josh",  I add.


I see Jake as I walk out my class building talking on his phone, "mom you know I can't do that right", he says and hangs up.

"You okay?" I ask and he turns around, his eyes hold some emotion of guilt.

"Yeah just stress about tomorrow and the game tonight", he gives me a tight smile and hugs me,"I don't want to lose you", he whispers.

"Its not like I'm going anyway soon, you can't get rid of me that easily", I say and then he kiss my cheek.

"Let's go meet our friends before they come searching for us", he suggests and pulls me with him.

We got our lunch and head to our spot on the field, where half of our friends are already.

"I missed you Van", Alex says as I sit next to him.

"Dude you saw me before I went to class", I say.

"So you're so much more fun than those guys", he whispers pointing his thumb behind him. I see Jackson, Aden and Carter coming laughing at some joke Carter just said.

 I smirk and turn my attention to Jake who is frowning while he text, "who you're texting?" I lean over to him.

"No one", he declares and push his phone in his pocket quickly and I frown.

"Dude tomorrow we're going to have so much fun", Jackson announces.

"Where there's free food, there's always me with an empty stomach", Carter chuckles and I laugh.

"I need to talk to you", Jake whispers to me,"but when we are finishing eating."

I didn't see Archer at all while I eat, Aden says he saw him going to the library after morning classes.

Jake and I went walk around the campus park together, "so what did you need to talk about with me?" I ask as we sit on the bench.

"My mom wants me to come home tonight because in the morning we have a photo shoot and I can't leave you, you didn't even book a flight and you are suppose to come with me", he says.

"I can book one last minute go to your photo shoot, its important", I state,

"But I wanted to go to that party, I don't want you to go there by yourself", he rubs my arm.

"I'll just stay in my room or hang out with Archer, I'm sure he wants some sleep before he has to catch his flight tomorrow", I say and I see Jake eyes flash with anger.

"Fine, but I want to book your flight for you or I can get the private jet to come get you and the others", he suggests.

"That's a good idea, I want to be home by 10 in the morning", I nod.

"Great I'll text mom and tell her, now I have to go to the gym to burn off these calories", he says and I kiss him.

I got out my phone

Me: Hey Anchor, after the game want to hang out?

Anchor: Sure, what you want to do?

Me: Watch a movie, our flight might leave here around 6: 30 am

Anchor: Dang, so early? But okay

Me: Cool tell the others that, I'll tell Riley and Stacy

Anchor: No problem


"Wow Jake got some speed", Riley says to me as we watch the game, Yale has 10 point, while the other has 8.

Aden is sitting on the bench watching on with Lucas, they are subs.

"I'm going to get another hot dog", Riley says and gets up.

"Bring a soda for me", Stacy says handing five bucks.

"Want anything Van?" Riley asks.

"Um, popcorn and a hot dog", I reply.

"Stacy come with me I can't carry all the food by myself", she says and pulls Stacy off her seat.

They leave and I focus on the game, Jackson is good at tackling.

The cheerleaders are cheering and doing flips when Jake did another touchdown.

"Wow he's so amazing!" A girl screams behind me.

"Yeah and those blue eyes, not to mention rich", another girl swoons.

"Yeah to bad he's taken", another one pouts.

"That doesn't stop him from finding another girl to hook up with", the first one says.

"Or to satisfy his needs, I'm sure she still hasn't give it to him", the second one says. 

I clutch my fist and try to calm down, not to get up and punch those gossipers.

Riley and Stacy returns, I garb the popcorn and begin to eat.

"According to rumors he is still a virgin since he didn't sleep with anyone in high school", the third one continues.

"Whoa this is the first time a hot guy is still a virgin", the second one chimes.

"Are they?" Stacy frowns and I nod.

"Hey bitches shut your crap, he'll never be interested in any of you guys", Stacy turns around and snaps at them.

"How can you be so sure?" one of them ask.

"Because I know him and if you didn't know this is his lovely girlfriend right now", she points at me and they gasp.

"Yep that's right she heard every word you said", Stacy smirks and sits down.

I glance up and see the three sluts leaving and walk down the stand to the exit.

"Serve them right", Riley says and eats her hot dog.


"No this one looks better", I say to Archer as I toss him the green with  plait shirt to put in his bag.

We are in his room, Jake left an hour ago.

We won the game by one point thanks to Archer who did a brilliant touchdown.

"Thanks", he says and puts it in the bag.

"When are you going to talk to her?" I ask referring to Michelle.

"Tomorrow we'll go for a lunch date and talk, no phones no technology just a beach lunch date", he smiles, looks like he planned that in his head.

"You'll be using a cab?" I ask.

"What? No, Jackson said I can borrow his car", he replies and fold his pants.

I wonder how tomorrow will be like? Especially tomorrow night at Jake's grandparent's house.

It is a little bigger than Jake's own so the money is showing, people see those kind of houses or mansions in magazines only.

"I hope Carter doesn't go wild at the buffet table tomorrow", Archer says.

"He wouldn't do anything stupid once Stacy is around him", I assure him.

"Done, now let's watch that movie", he declares and zips his bag.

We lay down on his bed on our stomachs in front of his laptop, "what movie?" He looks at me.

"Umm.. Fate and The Furious?"

"Good choice", he smiles.


The Next Day

"Wake up Vanessa we have one hour to be by the airport", Archer shakes me awake, I open my eyes and see the room still in darkness and a blanket over me. He puts on the light and I groan.

"We'll eat breakfast at the airport, your bag is already here and everything", he says.

"Who brought it?" I ask.

"I went for it, luckily Stacy and Carter weren't doing anything", he says and I laugh.

I get off the bed and stretch, "I'll be out in fifteen minutes", I say and lock the bathroom door.

"Take your time, I already bathe", he says.

I bathe and dress in the bathroom, I put on a leggings with crop top and jacket and a converse, then brush my hair

"You look nice", Archer says with a smile,"the rest of them are waiting, let's go", he adds and get his bag.

"You look horrible", I say to Carter, his eyes have bags under them and his hair is messy.

"Sorry I am having a huge hangover", he yawns clearly on Saturdays he likes to sleep in.

"I told you not to drink so much", Stacy scolds him, she's in a mini skirt with ankle boots and tank top with her hair in a high one.

"Hey guys wait for us", Alex says with Jackson and Aden behind him.

He's in a sweatpants and T shirt.

"I'm so going to sleep when I reach the hotel, I'm sleepy", he says and did a fist bump with Carter.

"Our ride is here, let's go", I say as three black cars pull up one after the next.

"Sweet, free ride", Carter says and throws his bag and Stacy's in the first car trunk.

"We'll take the last one", I say to Archer, Aden and Alex.

"Sure, I call shotgun", Alex says and runs to open it, I chuckle and shake my head.

I sit down between Aden and Archer, "I'm so nervous to see her again", Archer whispers to me.

"Don't be you'll be fine", I say.

Me: Hi Di now leaving campus, I know you're sill sleeping so I'll see you later

I close my eyes and rest my head on Aden's shoulder.

"Aww she likes me more", he coos.

"Shut up", Archer grumbles.


"No one wakes me up until we land", Alex warns as he relax into his seat and fall asleep.

Carter and Stacy are cuddle up and are looking to go sleep as well.

Jackson is in the other part of the plan with Aden, Caleb and Riley watching a movie from the flat screen TV.

I am sitting by the window with my laptop on the table in front of me, Archer is opposite me laying down with his eyes close.

The sun is now rising as we fly and it is a beautiful sight.

I sigh, then my phone show an unread message,

Michelle: Tell Archer that I can't make it to the lunch date, I have to go visit Mike with my parents before we come to the party later

Me: What about after you visit him?

Michelle: My mom is carrying my sister and I for a manicure all evening she already made an appointment

 Me: So there's no way you can't get out of this?

Michelle: I would of try if it was that easy

Me: I'll try to tell him, but why can't you do it yourself?

Michelle: Because he isn't replying to my message

Me: Tell him when we land he is sleeping right now

Michelle: Oh, well I'll try next two hours again

I sigh and watch  Archer sound asleep some of his chocolate brown hair falling over his left eye. I grin and take a quick picture.

Then I got a message from Dianne.

Di: Hi girl just woke up, Kevin and I would be driving, together with Logan, Aaliyah, Tyrell, Chase, Isabel, Josh and Alexandra.

Me: Cool, but separate vehicles right?

Di: Yep, see you later bestie 

Me: Yeah later

"Want anything?" The air hostess smiles.

"Sure I want a glass of milk with waffles, whip cream and extra syrup", I reply and she nods.

I log into my laptop, then I see I am getting free internet.

"Alex free internet!" I shout and he wakes up immediately.

"Really?" He rushes to get out his Ipod from his bag.

"Dude free internet, I will definitely like to own a private jet and travel to a country were it taking you over 13 hours so I can get internet and catch up on some matches I misses on ESPN", he says tapping his Ipod.

I laugh and shake my head, then the air hostess comes back with my order and hand Alex a cup of hot coffee.

"This is the life", he says and puts up his feet on the table and relax into the chair.

2 hours later

"This is your pilot speaking we have landed, please get your things and be ready to leave in five minutes", the speaker says.

Everyone is wide awake and couldn't wait to leave, Jake text me just now he says that they are doing the photo shoot and couldn't come to meet me.

My mom is coming with Paul for me, Kevin and they are already half way here and might reach next two hours or so.

"Dude I can't wait to see you house", Carter says to Jackson.

" I can't wait to see Dianne sister's father hotel, I'm happy we got a discount", Riley adds.

"I just want Isabel to reach fast so we can go shopping and also check out her house", Stacy sighs.

"Everyone can't wait for something", Archer whispers.

We exit the plane and walk into the waiting area of the airport, there I see mom and Paul waiting.

"Mom", I say and run to hug her.

"Oh darling I miss you", she says,"Archer my you have grown", she says and give him a hug.

"Hey Mrs. Thomas glad to see you too", he chuckles then shakes Paul's hand.

"Mrs. Thomas"!" Jackson shrieks and hug her.

"Jack looks like Yale drilled you", mom jokes.

"Definitely", he grins.

"Well let's go, I still have to go see dad", I say and pick up my bag.

"We'll see you later", Riley says as I walk out the airport.

Archer is texting on his phone and how fast his hands are moving, I'll say he's not happy.

"How was classes this week?" Paul asks he drives.



"Good good and how's Michelle?" Mom asks.

"She's home actually she came last night", I answer quickly.

"Really? Well I thought she would have come to the airport and kiss the daylight out of Archer", she frowns.

"Yeah me too", Archer mumbles.

"And Jake is busy with his family photo shoot", I add.

"I hope he comes and see you after that", mom says firmly.

"He better", I mumble.


"I miss this place", I say and I spin in my room and fall on my bed.

"Still the same", Archer says leaning again the door frame.

"You should catch up on some sleep, I got some family to visit", I suggest.

"Yeah, I will later vehicle", he yawns and turn to go to the guest room.

I unpack my bag and head to the bathroom to take a quick bath.

"Mom can I borrow the car?" I ask, I have my license and my mom still doesn't trust me with her car.

"Sure, but be careful maybe Pau-"

"No mom, I am not 16 anymore I can take care of myself", I cut her off.

"Fine, but be back by 1:00 I invite Jake over for lunch", she says and I got the keys.

Here goes nothing.

"Vanessa!" Natalie shrieks as the front door opens by Arlene.

"Natty", I chuckle and she hugs me then I lift her up.

"I missed you don't leave me again", she points at me then hug me by my neck.

"Now now Natalie I told you to relax", her mom warns as I put her down.

"I'll go get Nate", she skips off inside.

"Come in Kyle is still at work, but he's swinging by soon", Mrs. Arlene says.  

"Thank you", I say and walk in.

"Big sis", Nathan says from on top the stairs, he's in a boxers with a cape.

"Oh Nate", his mother hangs her head and shakes it.

"I am superman", he says proudly with his fist on his waist and poses.

"I love your Halloween costume, all you need is a mask", I say.

" See I told you so Natty", he show his twin sister tongue.

"But you look better without it", she pouts.

I went in the kitchen and sit by the counter.

"Do you mind watching them? My boss needs something very important that I forgot to give her", Mrs.Arlene explains getting her keys.

"Of course not, those two are angels", I coo.

"Nathan give me back my doll!" Natalie screams after her brother.

"Good luck there are snacks in the fridge and when Kevin come tell him that his suit is in his closet", she adds and leaves.

I went up the stairs and to Kevin's room, it is neat. I open the closet and see a very expensive tuxedo with a green tie, maybe Dianne's dress is green?

"I want a snack please", Natty says from the door,

"How about some ice cream?" I suggest and she nods eagerly.

I leave  note on the counter saying that Nathan and Natalie are out with me for ice cream.

"You're the best sister in the world, Kevin never used to carry us out only dad", Nathan says pushing his head between the two front seat.

"I try", I shrug, then put on some music.


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